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Posts posted by auntielle

  1. I got some small tupperware like containers that measured out to 4 oz, etc. I also got some cute ramekin type bowls & appetizer plates from Crate & Barrel. You can find them many places. Also got baby or child size utensils. It helped remind me to take small bites. And a small kitchen scale & measuring cups & spoons. Logging all food into my fitness pal has been key in my success. Also, an insulated bag so I can take food with me -- like Protein Shakes, mini babybel cheese, Kay's Natural Protein Snacks & unsweetened applesauce. Best of luck!

  2. I am 5' 5" & started the first day I went in at 258. I was self pay but did have an eval. However, I've also been in therapy & on antidepressants for years so it wasn't surprising. I had surgery Sept 7, 2011 & have lost 91 lbs. I'm 33 from goal. BMI was 43.02. Now it's 27.85 & at goal it will be 22.35.

    I have had a fabulous experience. I had a single incision & low profile port. Easy recovery & so far so good on all levels. I follow the directions most of the time & always get 70-100 g of Protein in + Vitamins daily. I had problems before with overeating & binge eating. Not really an option anymore, even with head hunger which, for me, happens maybe twice a month -- usually if I've been isolating or too much in my head.

    It's a lot of money & I do not want it to be wasted. I would do it again in a minute BUT we all have to work to get it off & keep it off. It is a lifetime commitment. Best of luck!

    P.S.: I did a lot of research & have a wonderful surgeon. I go back once a month for follow ups whether I need a fill or not. (It was included in my package). I will go every few months after one year & then as needed. A BIG part of my success has been logging everything, good & bad, into my fitness pal. And exercising (although not as much as I would like).

  3. So happy & proud of you! I, too, am enjoying summer a lot more than last year at this time. (Good thing since I live in TX & we had 3 months straight of 100+ weather last year). So, I love being able to wear shorts & tanks. I am not as hot & can keep the thermostat higher. I may even get in a bathing suit in a couple of weeks at a girlfriend's lake house. Don't know when I did that last -- maybe college (30 years ago?). Just found 3 new skirts In my closet (with tags) that now fit & are still fashionable. Every day there is something new to be grateful for!

  4. I had single incision & a low profile pot in September. I had a great recovery & no one can see that I've had anything done. It was worth the extra $$$ for me. Now that I'm about 30 lbs from goal, I can feel the port but so far it's not sticking out. If it ends up doing so, I doubt that I'll care! All the best.

  5. Good for you for jumping back in. It sounds like you have a good dr & support system. Just do your best each day & start counting all the nsv's & weight loss. It goes by much more quickly than you think. You're working hard to take care of your family. Remember to take care of you!

  6. I agree with the above posts. My first visit was at the end of August & as of today I've lost 90 lbs. using my fitness pal & having friends on there has been very helpful. I'm 51 & have been up & down forever so I know what works for me, but each of us is unique. For instance, I must have high Protein, lower fat, very few carbs & as little sugar as possible. One of my sister's (normal weight - no wls) needs lots of fruit & complex carbs. We're all different. Also, since you're exercising so much (good for you) sometimes you need to adjust your intake up or down. Finally, for me it is necessary to shake up my calorie level one or two days a month so I don't get stuck at the same level. All the best! I am a believer.

  7. I was bulimic 30 years ago & then quit purging but kept binging. Then I really gained.

    Therapy has helped (and is) helping me with my head issues. You are doing great! Just look at it as doing the best you can everyday & you'll be surprised how fast it goes. Then, enjoy the NSV's (non scale victories). All the best!

  8. I have been bulimic (30 years ago) & then just a binger & got bigger & bigger. Lost 100 lbs twice. It seemed like I was either in a good cycle or a bad one. Part of that may have been because I have also struggled with depression. Therapy has been a big help for me. I'm now down to where I was the last time I lost weight & stayed at this weight 5 years. I'm slightly concerned that this is my set point. However, I know if I up the exercise I will go lower. The hunger is diminished so I'm basically dealing with head hunger but only once or twice a month. Good luck!

  9. I don't like to see them either, even though there are very few. However, one thing that happened the last time I lost 100 lbs+ was that I got stopped for speeding & the cop didn't believe I was the same person. It was a hassle ( but in a good way.) I got a ticket anyway. So, I went & got a new photo. I may do that again. My school Id was right before my surgery. May have to get that changed, too!

  10. I have been overweight my entire life. Sometimes only 20-30 lbs. Sometimes 100+. I was bulimic in high school & college & really whacked out my metabolism. Then stopped purging & binged only & gave up. Lost 100+ twice & gained it back. Last time kept it off for 5 years. Had surgery 9/7/11 & so happy & grateful every day! Down 85 & want to lose at least 25-50 more. In my size 12 jeans now. Ready for the 10's & want to be under double digits in clothes. however, feeling more "normal" now.

    Things I have experienced in past weight loss: no longer "invisible." some friends are uncomfortable with me around their husbands (no reason to worry!). Some male friends more interested (didn't want them before -- don't now.). I have never been "perfect" and won't be nw. At 51, things are lower than they used to be & I'm cool with that. No longer feel pressure to be "perfect.". Too many great results so far to mention.

    Best of luck to everyone. It's not effort free but worth all the effort.

  11. Everyone is different so find what works for you. I would strongly recommend keeping track of everything you eat on something like my fitness pal so you can stay at your calorie & Protein, etc. goals. I eat protein throughout the day & include a couple of Premier shakes (I don't eat a lot of animal protein). Good luck!

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