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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nurseamy

  1. well he does a great job so I can see why he boasts about it being his signature! You are such a great poster child for PS...he should pay you to get to use your pics for his consultation pics...i'm soooo envious. If I lived closer I would go to him, but i'm in Oregon and have several more pounds to lose before it would even be worth pain and money (but I've put 6k aside -so far -so when i'm ready I should have enough to pay for most of my ps in cash, i'm sooooo excited)

    If you are just having a TT he only charges around 6k:biggrin:

  2. Hi Amy,

    Honey - you look AMAZING . . . I had my surgery days before you and have no where NEAR the results you have. I am wondering if I lose the last 20 pounds if then I'll be smokin' hot, like Amy ??? ha ha ha . . . :tongue2:

    In all honesty - you must be and should be thrilled with your results. Here is my issue - Dr. Todd Adam is literally in my neighborhood, and yet I chose to go to the Medical Center in Houston. For some reason I didn't give the docs in this area as much credibility as the ones at Baylor, etc. I now realize that was a mistake.

    I feel certain I will be getting in touch with Dr. Adam for any revision or certainly for future work. You need to be on a billboard somewhere (being compensated of course) to advertise for this man, Dr. Todd Adam. Your results are phenomenal . . . really, they are.

    Clearly he does beautiful work, and as I have snooped around the area, I have learned that he has done work on people you never would've guessed . . .

    Amy keep us posted - it is always nice to have a 'freind' check-in after they've been gone for a while. And I would still like to meet you for a coffee if you ever have time when you come in to see Dr. Adam. I truly am, just down the street.

    Like Karey asked - because you look so 'wicked' A-W-E-S-O-M-E (I have a teenager - forgive me), we all want to know your secrets. What are you doing for exercise? What are you eating? Drinking? How tight are you keeping the band at this point? Uncomfortable or does it allow you to eat? Are you really 'dieting' or just eating a little bit of what you want? Are you losing like this? If so, how quickly?

    And I can't remember how your band factors in to all of this - did you end up having to have an adjustment or not? What is the current level of fill in your band?

    Okay - I am rambling because I am too tired to be on here, so I better get off before I type something goofy that will embarrass me tomorrow - totally possible as I have already taken my Ambien for the night . . . :scared2:

    So, good night friends - let's visit again soon . . .

    Good night,


    Wow!! You guys are sure good for a ego!!!! To answer all the questions...:smile:

    Dr Adam is WONDERFUL!!! I had an area on both my breast like extra skin..kinda like a dog tag on my breast instead of hips and they were very obviois in my swimsuit so he did not make me wait the (6 months for revisions) He fixed them with no questions asked...after nursing three kids my breast now look like those of a 16yr old! This man is amazing!!!

    My tummy speaks for itself in the picture:biggrin:I do have horrible strechmarks on my thighs that mentally hinder my results,but o-well.Like my husband said I am not 21 anymore and have 3 kids to show for those strechmarks:rolleyes:

    I have a 4cc band and have been filled to 3.4 since last July.I did not touch it during surgery.I do not diet! I just eat smaller portions of whatever I choose.I do try and make better food choices but I am still human and those damn cotton candy blizzards at Dairy Queen are killing me!!! I can't eat bread(I can have a slice of toasted bread) but I will never be able to get a quarter pounder,fries and a coke down!! I do not eat and drink at the same time and I chew very slowly.If I eat to fast I get stuck...and that is not fun.I have not lost much since Christmas.I was 142 then and they took 10lbs off during plastic surgry.I probably could lose more but I am not the best example when it comes to food choices.It is summertime and we are in the boat/beach alot so sometimes lunch is chips and budlight:lol:

    I try and get to the gym 3-4 times a week and I walk on the treadmill on an incline...trying to tone up my thighs and rear.I usually do about 3miles.I have a 5lb dumbell at home that I do armlifts with almost daily(only a set of 50)

    I hope this answered most the questions.Thanks again for all the compliments!!!!!

  3. Oh My Gosh Amy, those photos are amazing! Did you have to work out a lot or is that just from your Tummy Tuck? ?? How much scaring did you have?

    I am planing on having all the procedures you had. Did they do it all at once and what was the recovery time?


    Thank You! No ab workouts here:tt2: I had all my procedures at once.My TT scar goes all the way around to my back.I have about 4inches in the back that does not have scarring.My recovery took a good 6weeks.I think it would have been quicker but I have 3 kids that I have to chase after:wink2:I am in the gym daily now ,but I am mainly working on my backside:teeth_smile:

  4. This may sound like a stupid question, but your belly button looks really good (very real) I have been researching TT and have seen some that look 'weird'....my question is: do they use the same belly button or create a fake one?

    I don't know if some surgeon's do it differently or what, but some look better than others....I don't get it.

    They usually use the same stalk of the bellybutton and just create a new opening.My Drs "signature" is his bellybuttons:tongue2:He sews them from underneath which takes alot more time but,it prevents the scarring from around the belly button.I do have a small area on the bottom that had a scab that would not heal and it left a scar:angry:Other than that I LOVE my new belly button:thumbup:

  5. Amy you give me hope!!! I'm just starting on journey and I look at my horrible stomach and think where will it be in a year from now!!! Was your surgery covered by insurance? I have fabulous coverage with BC/BS but wondered if this is a covered item. I'm also interested in getting a breast reduction although it scares me as to where the "girls" will be in a year from now. This is a much slower process than I thought it would be. You guys are fabulous in encouraging us that there is light (or a belly button) at the end of the tunnel!!!!


    Thank you Sharon! No,my surgery was straight cash...but worth every penny:tt1:

  6. Amy are you still wearing your compression garments?

    Steph,no I am not.I only wore a binder for the 1st couple of weeks and then just when I was hurting or at night.My surgeon told me I could move to support underwear (just for the pressure on my scar) But I hated wearing them! I just leave micropore tape on my scar and that has worked great:thumbup:

    Good Luck on your surgery!!!!

  7. Amy,

    I am still in my 1st year so my fills are covered for now but the last time I was there I heard someone checking out and it was $150. Not sure if that was under fluro or not.

    I have followed your plastic surgery posts and I am so impressed with your loss and how wonderful you look. You are very inspiring. You give me hope that maybe I can look as good as you someday. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    Thanks Jill:biggrin:

  8. What about the scaring? Does it bother you? and how about the pain after surgery. . .how would you describe it? I'm still 20 lbs away from my goal. . .but it would be nice to know what I have to look forward to. Congrats on everything. . .you look amazing!

    Thank you!I would take the scar over the belly any day!!!! Post -Op was alot harder than I expected but not unrealistic.I just have 3 kids so I could not take my meds during the day and it got pretty rough.Thank goodness that stage is Gone!!! If you click on the myheal link it has pics of my scar.

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