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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Feeling Crappy....

    Granted this is just strictly my opinion, but I would insist and meeting with the surgeon before the day of your surgery. I would never let someone operate on me that I've never met. It just doesn't seem wise. If this surgeon doesn't even have time to meet his/her patients, you might want to reconsider your surgeon of choice. Just my two cents.

    Feeling Crappy....

    I know vomiting isn't good with the band, but most seem to be ok. However, right after surgery they give you meds to keep you from vomiting. You don't want to vomit while your stomach is still healing or you risk slippage or ripping the stitches internally. I didn't have to have a catheter (thank God). As suzbuni said, unjury is only sold online. I didn't have to give myself any shots. I got a few in the hospital (heprin) but not after I was diagnosed. If I were you, I would ask your surgeon all these questions before your surgery. He'll tell you what to expect.

    How Many People Have You Told?

    I'm open about it to anyone. I don't see it as anything to be ashamed or, nor do I feel the need to explain my choices. I'm proud of myself for taking this step to better my health and my life. If they don't like it, that's their problem, not mine. Plus, I see it as an educational opportunity. If someone hints at this being the "easy way", I'm quick to educate them on the truth and how much work it actually is. Mind you, I also have MS, and I handle it the same way. Very open about and use it as an educational opportunity. I guess it's just my nature

    Not Enough Fluid.

    I was banded on 1/6 and am having trouble getting enough Water, too. Part of it is I'm so dang full, I just don't want to put anything else in my stomach. I found I like Diet Raspberry Snapple Iced Tea a lot. Granted I know it's not water, but it's 0 calories and no sodium, so I figure it's better than nothing. Perhaps you could find something similar?


    Funny you posted this... I had surgery 1/6 and have had the same problem. I've found a couple i could tolerate, but none I actually liked. I ordered the Starter Kit from unjury to see if I like them and it just came today. It includes two packets each of: chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, unflavored, and chicken soup. It also comes with a shaker bottle for shakes on the go. I just finished the chocolate a couple minutes ago... and get ready... it actually tastes like chocolate milk, not like some weird chocolate substitute! It's really GOOD! Here's the link if you want to get the Start Kit to see if you like any of them. : http://www.unjury.com/store/protein/unjury-protein/unjury-starter-pack.html
  6. Exactly. It will only work if we're committed to making it work and making the necessary lifestyle changes.
  7. I'm sorry it didn't work for you. As with all WLS, none of them work for everyone. I've met many people on here that absolutely love their bands and a couple that it simply didn't work for. Likewise, I've known people to love other WLS and some who've gained back literally hundreds after a radical procedure like Gastric Bypass. I hope the Sleeve works for you. It definitely seems like the next logical step to me- I'd do the same in your shoes.

    Cigna...please Help!

    You surgeon made a big no-no repairing a hernia without telling you (at the very least, afterwards). The hospital made a big mistake not checking that everyone involved would be covered by your insurance. I would first go to the hospital and talk to them. They may cut you a deal. Also, talk to your doctor about the hernia repair. Technically you can refuse to pay it, but they can put it against your credit report. If you're also considering non-payment for the hernia repair, I'd advise against it. It'd likely cost you in the way of your surgeon refusing to see you any further for non-payment. Good luck to you. That whole situation seriously sucks.

    6 Month Wait, But I've Started!

    Wow, I really thought all Medicare was the same, but apparently it's not. I got my approval a couple days before Christmas, and didn't have surgery until Jan. 6, and I didn't run into any of that. I'm so sorry you have this issue. I have a lot of respect for you for sticking to this despite how hard they are making it. Best wishes to you

    6 Month Wait, But I've Started!

    Same here. I'm on Medicare and I only had to prove BMI and a condition making the surgery necessary. (GERDS, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) Medicare requirements are the same across the board, everywhere. I agree with bev712, perhaps someone is giving you bad information?

    Access Denied

    Unfortunately, Medicaid doesn't cover it. Thanks to all the cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, WLS was one Medicaid cut. Your insurance company DOES cover it. I found the document online: http://medpolicy.amerihealth.com/policies/mpi.nsf/e94faffabc7b0da68525695e0068df65/85256aa800623d7a852578f70066f2fc!OpenDocument You just need to appeal and give the information they specifically want.


    I quit smoking 7 months ago and I'm SO glad I did. I absolutely love being a non-smoker. I used ecigs to quit. Specifically ProSmoke: http://www.prosmokestore.com/ I essentially used them as a nicotine replacement. It's smokeless cigarettes. You inhale Water vapor instead of smoke. I started smoking them like "normal" cigarettes and slowly tapered off. Within 2 months, I wasn't using the ecigs anymore either. I tried to quit for years. I tried Patches, gum, and yes even Chantix. For me, the ecigs is what finally worked. Best wishes to you!
  13. I wouldn't let them sway you or discourage you. A couple key things to point out: RNY is permanent and irreversible. Lap-Band is 100% reversible. RNY reroutes your digestive system. Lap-Band doesn't. RNY patients commonly have malnutrition issues. Lap-Band patients typically don't. RNY patients can stretch their pouch and be out of luck. Lap-Band patients can stretch their pouch, get a fill, or even adjusted with minor surgery but we can be helped. Lap-Band is a slow, steady weight loss. It's a tool, not a magic bullet, and we must do the work and be committed to a lifestyle change. I'm sure there a few people that won't find the success with Lap-Band, but there's also people who don't find it with RNY either. If you read these forums, 85% of the people not losing weight, or gaining weight, will freely admit they made mistakes either by not eating healthy, eating too much and finding ways to eat around the band, or total lack of activity. They know why it's not working for them and they know what they must do to change it. You sound very certain this is what you want, so stick to your guns and do what you believe to best for you. Oh and as for your weight? I started at 421 pounds. My surgery was just 2 weeks ago and my current weight is 387 pounds. Between the pre-op diet and these 2 weeks after I've already lost almost 35 pounds. I outweigh you by a lot, and yet here I am, and so far I'm doing great with it.

    Post Op Weight Loss

    You were on the same diet I'm on. (I am so sick of all liquids lol). Honestly, I don't see why your surgeon said that. You have lost more than 2 pounds a week. Think of it like this- if you continue at this rate you'll lose more than 100 pounds in a year! Sounds like you're doing pretty dang good to me

    Post Op Weight Loss

    I doubt very highly you're doing anything "wrong". Can I ask what type of post op diet you've been on the last 6 weeks? Also, does the diet include strict portion control instructions? When you got the band, was is empty? If so, have you had your first fill yet?

    Broke The 300 Pound Barrier!!!


    Help With Paperwork Questions

    I am 5'4, and when I was 16 years old I was 180 pounds and wore a size 16 prom dress that year.
  18. I just had my surgery done by Dr, Bhesania on Jan. 6. The nurses in the hospital knew this was coming and told me not to schedule my follow-up at the PH hospital. They suggested I call his office directly. (they whispered when they told me, btw) A few days after I got home, I called Mercy and am having my follow-up and first fill there. You are totally correct- Port Huron Hospital hasn't done a thing, Dr.s Behsania and Boutt have. What they won't advertise is this- almost all of the Lap-Band center staff has followed over to Mercy.
  19. Down another 4.4 pounds this week. Now if I could only eat real food! *laughs*

  20. Down another 4.4 pounds this week. Now if I could only eat real food! *laughs*


    Special K Protein Shakes

    I like the EAS ones, too. I have one for breakfast every morning. I just orderd the trial pack from unjury, I've heard good things about it, so we'll see.

    Special K Protein Shakes

    I don't have an exact number, but I'd keep the percentage under 10%.

    Special K Protein Shakes

    I think your surgeon was referring to actual shakes, like McDonalds or Dairy Queen. Protein shakes are totally different. I haven't looked at the ingredients on the Special K ones, but be careful with diet and Breakfast ones because they tend to be high in carbs. I know Carnation makes a sugar-free breakfast drink that is high in protein.
  24. ^^ THIS ^^ This is the truth whether we want to admit it or not. We are ALL some level of food addicts, otherwise we wouldn't be in the position to need bariatric surgery to begin with. We'd have stopped our destructive behavior on our own as soon as we were started to stray into overweight area- let alone obese where most of us here have ended up. Just like with all addictions, there's levels of addiction. Some people on crack go to rehab, get clean, and never look back or relapse. Others spend decades in and out of rehab, constantly struggling. Still others never kick it and instead it kills them. This should sound familiar, because if you swap the words "crack" and "rehab" for "food" and "diet", it is also describing US. In answer to the original question, just like the rest of us, your friend won't be successful with the Lap-Band unless she's committed to a lifestyle change. That said, her psychologist knows her specifics best, and if he says it's not a good idea for her I'd listen to him. It's a very hard situation. My heart truly goes out to your friend.

    Start Pre-Op Diet On Thursday- Surgery 1/26

    That pre-op diet was rough because (obviously) you're not restricted yet. But, stick with it, it's worth it. bpsmith1234, there's a few things to have on hand: -chicken broth or chicken stock -any clear juice, like apple or white grape -sugar free popsicles -sugar free Jello -tea Most surgeons also allow low-fat yogurt and skim milk during the clear liquid phase, especially post-op. The reason is, they're a great source of Protein. Greek yogurt is supposed to be the best because it's highest in protein and loaded in pro-biotics.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
