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LAP-BAND Patients
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    How Do You Get Your Protein In?

    I really like the unjury Protein shakes, too. 20g of protein and only 100 calories. I have the chocolate splendor for Breakfast every morning. I also eat a lot of tuna- it's loaded in protein.
  2. Those first couple weeks (or month in my case) absolutely suck, no doubt about. I never thought I'd be so thrilled with mashed potatoes as I was after 4 weeks of liquids! But I stuck to it and did what my doctor said- and I'm so glad I did. What bothers me about the OP is the "whatever, I'm over it" attitude. No one is trying to pass judgement, but you need to realize by cheating this soon pre-op you're risking serious damage to your stomach. It sucks, we get it, but you really need to look at this phase as your healing period not a diet period. You need to give your stomach time to heal or you're going to find yourself back in the operating room for torn stitches. I also totally agree with Elcee. I don't think she was being harsh at all, she was being honest and not coddling the OP. Coddling won't help any of us- the facts and the truth will.
  3. I had my first stuck episode today. Apparently I didn't chew well enough, now 3 hours later it still feels like there's a lump in my throat. Ugh.


    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Like many others I'm seeing posting here, I've had the problem being hungry every 2 hours, too. I get filled up pretty quickly but very hungry again way before the next meal. I did have my first fill on Friday, so far it does seem to help. I'm going about 3-3 1/2 hours without being hungry, so it's an improvement. I'm hoping by next fill I'll be able to make it a full 4 hours without hunger.
  5. A couple things... I can understand not wanting to follow an Atkins like diet. However, to lose weight, you must balance your calorie intake with your exercise. Can you give us an example of your daily food menu? What do you eat in a day and about how many calories? These things all make a very big difference in the success of weight loss and maintenance. For a male, your calories should be around 1400-1500 a day. You say in your post "when you fill restriction you want to eat right". The thing is, you have start eating right before then. It's not a diet, it has to be healthy eating habits for a lifetime. The band is only a tool, we still very much have to do the work. Also, what Dulci said is spot on. Everything she said is really important to being successful with a Lap-Band. The eating slow and chewing well is especially important for mental success. If you hurry and eat, you can easily miss your body's full cue. If you over-eat with the band, you can stretch the small pouch above the band, thus allowing you to eat much more. As for your doctor, I would be upset if I wasn't getting a straight answer either. It's your body and your band, and you every right to know EXACTLY how much he's putting in and how much is already in there. I would demand a fill under fluoroscopy so you can figure out once and for all exactly how much is in your band so you can keep track of it going forward. Best wishes to you.
  6. I had my first fill yesterday. I have a 10cc band and my doc originally put 3cc in it. Thanks to the GREAT advice I read on this board, I took a small sip then a big gulp of Water to test it. The sip went down fine, but the big gulp didn't, in fact it started bubbling back up my throat and I couldn't swallow it. My doc then removed 1cc and everything went down fine. So, I now have 2cc in my 10cc band. I've been fortunate that I did have some restriction even when the band was empty. I was satisfied eating very little but I was hungry every 2 hours. However, now it's different. I've been craving pizza for weeks, so I ordered one for lunch for my kids and I. I had one piece, I ate it very slowly, chewed it 'til it was mush, and didn't eat the crust. (my kids had each finished two pieces and i was still on my single piece, that's how slow I ate) I finished eating over an hour ago. Besides feeling SO full, it almost feels like a lump in my throat at times. Burping seems to help a little. It doesn't hurt and nothing feels stuck, just this tightness that seems to result in the lump feeling. I'm not nauseous or sliming, either. Is this tight, full, little lump in the throat feeling what "real restriction" feels like? (sorry I know this is a total noobtastic question lol!)

    I Know... You've Heard This Before...

    I felt the exact same way. I even sat there on the gurney, waiting to be wheeled back to surgery thinking "what the heck am I doing?" Granted I was just banded on Jan. 6, but so far I'm SO glad I went through with this. I am still learning, but I am realizing I can still have old favorites just within reason. For instance, this past weekend my kids begged for pizza. I love pizza and had been craving it for weeks. So, I had a single piece of pizza. Thanks to the band, that was enough and I was full and satisfied. The beauty of it? I was still within my calorie and fat allowance for the day, too. It is work, and we must not diet but rather change our eating lifestyle, but I think it's more than worth it.

    It's Working!

    Congratulations!! Isn't it a wonderful feeling? It was so nice to step on my doctor's scale yesterday and be praised for my weight loss instead of lectured about how horribly overweight I am. I can tell a difference since my fill yesterday, too. I ate lunch over 3 hours ago and I'm still not hungry- and that's a big improvement considering prior to the fill I was hungry every 2 hours. We can do this!

    Low Bmi Bander

    I have a lot of respect for you. Most come on here and say "oh the band doesn't work for me!" and refuse to take any responsibility for their own actions. It's those same people who move onto the Sleeve or Gastric Bypass, continue eating to sabotage, and will then blame the next failed WLS attempt, too. Honestly, the fact you realize the mistakes you've made is half the battle. It's so hard- people who've never struggled with their weight don't realize it's only maybe 10% physical and 90% mental. The true battle isn't with our bodies, it's with our own minds. I've heard of others who have gone back to a full liquids diet for a week to get back on track. Others swear by using this "5 day pouch test" to get back on track http://5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html Best wishes to you, we're in your corner and we believe in you

    First Fill Question- Is This The Infamous "restriction"?

    I was full sooner but hungry every 2 hours until the fill yesterday. I'm really hoping this fullness I'm now experiencing lasts, but i know the reality is my stomach is likely still swollen and I'd probably need another fill next month.

    First Fill Question- Is This The Infamous "restriction"?

    When you say you have no restriction, does that mean you can still eat exactly like you did pre-surgery? Do you get full faster or anything? I'm just very curious.

    Dont Get A Lapband

    I'm so sorry you had all these problems, and I sincerely hope you are able to undo all the damage, but that has nothing to do with the band and everything to do with the doctor being negligent. There are far more people happy with their band than their unhappy people. Sadly, a great number of those unhappy with the band weren't successful because they sabotaged themselves rather than a faulty band. As for those that did all the right things and the band still didn't help? Unfortunately that happens, too. The band is a tool, not a magic bullet, and just like every other WLS out there what works for one won't necessarily work for all. This title of this thread is extremely misleading, and to be honest, it's irresponsible. This should be titled "don't go to Dr. Glasgow" because your problem has nothing whatsoever to do with the Lap-Band.

    Incision Leaks?

    Right after surgery that's pretty normal, but 3 weeks later it should be healed and closed. Brown Kameleon is right, I've had a hematoma before too and that's what it does. Mine took almost 2 months to stop weeping. (different surgery though, not the band) I'd talk to your surgeon just to be sure. Better safe than sorry, right?

    Questions About How Many Calories???

    I just saw my nutritionist today. She said 1000 calories, 60g of Protein, 127 grams of carbs, and 30 grams of fat daily. I try to eat considerably less carbs than that, though.

    Lap Band Removal (Fort Worth, Tx)

    I would go to your primary care doctor, tell them exactly what happened and is going on now, and see if he can refer you to someone. Once to you get an appointment with the surgeon, see if his office can help you find out what your insurance will and won't cover. Most doctors' offices are very good at that sort of thing. Good luck to you.

    2 Week Post Op Visit

    Isn't soft food heaven after all those liquids? *laughs* I actually had 4 weeks of liquids, it was rough. In fact I was banded on Jan 6 and am just finally starting solid food tomorrow. (had my first fill today, so back to liquids for today) Glad everything is going well

    Calories Anyone?

    I just saw my nutritionist today, she said 1000 calories a day.
  18. I just saw my nutritionist today. She said 1000 calories, 60g of Protein, 127 grams of carbs, and 30 grams of fat daily. I am personally trying to have a lot less carbs, though. This should all fit within 1-1 1/2 cups.

    And Here We Go...

    Wow that really has been a long journey. Congratulations not only on the job, but for sticking with it even though there were so many obstacles in the road. Good luck and let us know how things progress

    Post Op Mrsa

    I have heard that's going around again. In fact, I heard there's been a couple cases where I had my surgery a month ago. What's weird is, it seems like the media hasn't picked up on it this time. Everyone is keeping very quiet about it.

    A New Life.

    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story and pics. It's very encouraging. Btw, you look incredible! Honestly, if I wasn't told I'd never even guess your before and after pics are the same person. Amazing!

    Friday Free For All

    I actually think taking one day a week to not obsess is a good thing. I've decided tomorrow (I had a fill today) I'm going to ease up too. Like you, I obsess big time. I log every single thing that touches my lips. Kinda funny, when I saw my surgeon today I mentioned missing cafe mochas. He said I should allow myself a small one once in a great while because it's not about deprivation, it's about moderation. So on my way home, I enjoyed a small cafe mocha. I figured since I'm stuck on liquids today anyway (because of the fill) it's a good day to do it.

    Denied For The 2Nd Time

    I am so sorry. It's insane that they put you through so much crap and all you're trying to do is get healthier. I wonder if these companies denying a relatively minor surgery, costing maybe $10k-$20k, have bothered to considered it'll cost them TEN TIMES that amount to treat us for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. Keep at it, don't give up and keep fighting them.
  24. Getting my first fill today. Fingers crossed!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
