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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Bat Wings

    If I could go back in time, I'd start wearing arm weights and working my arms as I walk. I have really bad bat wings and I think part of it is because I lost so much weight but part of it is I totally neglected toning while losing.

    Spooky October-Challenge

    I'm right at my October goal. October 1: 193 October 31:189

    Port Problems...worried.


    what do i do??

    You do what is best for you and in the meantime, try to educate him.

    Ahh.. So mad at myself!

    I have measured my food whenever possible since I was banded 21 months ago. For me, it's the only way I can be 100% certain I'm not accidentally over eating. So, yes, if I were you I'd start measuring your food. Here's a great article that explains the band, what to expect and what is necessary. I think it'll help you a lot: http://drsimpson.net/fills/Lap-band-eating/lap-band-not-restriction/lap-band-and-restriction.html Btw, it seems I see a lot of stories like yours from others who've been to True Results. It's very disheartening, but it sounds like they just herd you through like cattle with very little direction or education. I've also heard from many how they never see the surgeon after surgery- only the PA for fills. It's quite sad because you deserve far better and more thorough treatment. (again, just my observation based on what I see here)

    Halloween Candy

    Oh I've already gotten into the Kit Kats. I knew buying it early was a mistake lol. I'm not worried about it, being honest. I'll get back on track by Friday at the latest. *shrugs*

    Low BMI

    Some might attack you, but I'll be honest. If only 10 pounds stood between me getting my Lap Band covered by insurance? I'd do the same thing. In a heartbeat.

    Need new work out songs

    I absolutely love this song. My daughter got me hooked on Fall Out Boy's new album:

    Whats the earliest you can drink alcohol?

    Check with your doctor. Your stomach has been sutured thus has deep wounds. Alcohol can not only aggravate those wounds but it's also a blood thinner. Get your doctor's approval before drinking.

    Bad breath..:((

    Are you on a low carb/high protein diet? That can (and will) cause bad breath for a lot of people.

    Low BMI

    I can't speak for your insurance, but the standard is a BMI of 35 with two co-morbidities or a BMI of 40 with no co-morbidities. With a BMI of 37.5, it's not considered a low BMI and it seems you should be approved if you do have at least co-morbidities.

    Port Problems...worried.

    Holy cow, that is scary! I am so sorry you have to go through this- especially twice! One infection happens, but two? It makes me wonder what the heck is going on. When you get your fills, it's by someone that knows what they're doing right? Clean new syringe in the package and person doing it using clean new gloves? Fresh, unused vial of saline? It's just that if it were me, I'd be questioning how I keep getting port infections and poorly sterilized fills seem like the most logical place to start. Is your immune system compromised in any way? Or meds that might compromise it?
  13. I just saw this article posted on Facebook and I'll respond here the same way I did there: If this woman gave a note like that to one of my kids (hypothetically, both my kids are skinny) I'd go back and knock the b*tch out. No joke.

    Does pain equal a slip?

    I doubt it's a slip. You're likely still too tight and just need a little more removed.

    Affordable Care Act

    Whoever made it a race issue because you called it Obamacare (what most of the mainstream media call it too, btw) is a complete moron.

    Affordable Care Act


    Latest Fill - Not Happy

    It's not happened to me, but I read about similar happening here a lot. It seems port flips are a lot more common than band slips. Thankfully, as your doctor said, port flips are a very quick and easy fix. I know there's quite a few on these forums who've had this happen. Hopefully, someone chimes in and shares their story with you.
  18. I had that happen when I did the Atkins diet many years ago. Are you doing a high protein/low carb diet? If so, that nasty smell might be from ketosis rather than from surgery.

    Affordable Care Act

    Again, no one made you open or read this thread. It's obvious from the title it was political. And btw, the forum owner doesn't have a problem with it so long as it's respectful. Don't like it, don't read it. End of story. Get over it.

    Affordable Care Act

    It's a forum. People are free to post anything they want. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Problem solved.

    Affordable Care Act

    I find it incredibly sad that people feel the need to put "not racist" when speaking out about again Obamacare or Obama. Race has NOTHING to do with it and anyone who assumes it does is a moron. It's completely ridiculous that people feel the need to say "not racist". Funny, I don't remember anyone saying "not racist" when speaking out against Bush or Clinton. Speaking out against Obama is no different. Seriously, anyone who tries to play the race card for simply not agreeing with the president is a complete idiot. <end rant>

    Affordable Care Act

    Excellent article. Here's a portion and exactly what I've been saying. This is written right into the actual bill (which, btw, I read the entire 1000+ page bill in full). "Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC News that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.” None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered."
  23. As many of you know, I was stuck for more than a month. I was monitoring my calories, getting in all my Protein and exercising, yet the scale didn't budge. I know, plateaus are normal, but they still suck. Around the time the plateau hit I also started taking birth control pills. I even gained 2 pounds, which for me was the deal breaker. I had to find a way to break the plateau and start losing again. So I started researching. Low carb, high carb, no carb, etc. I see so many variations on here! What's right? What's wrong? I already knew it was a matter of choice without a clear right or wrong answer, but I also knew individual body needs also played a very big part in it. During my research I kept coming across something called carb cycling, so I decided to look more into it. Carb cycling is essentially trying to optimize your metabolism by alternating high and low carb days. Body builders often do this to build muscle and burn fat before a contest but it's also very helpful for weight loss. Then one day I turned on Doctor Oz...and wouldn't you know it... it was an episode on carb cycling. Chris Powell, of The Biggest Loser, was on his show talking about he has all the contestants on the show carb cycle and how he does it. For me, this was the point I decided to give carb cycling a try. Chris Powell's method is specifically for weight loss so I decided to go with his (there's many out there). He has an excellent book called “Choose to Lose: The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution”. His theory: No carb diets don't work. It's not sustainable long term and eventually it significantly slows the metabolism. Worse, people who cut out carbs usually end up gaining all their weight back and then some when they do suddenly reintroduce carbs. Carbs are the energy block of the body and a long term lack of carbs will cause the thyroid to slow down significantly. 7 day diet/carb cycling: High carb day followed by low carb day, alternating daily. Start on a high carb day and always eat within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning. Always limit or omit carbs after 6pm. All this is within your own personal daily calorie allowance. High carb day/energy day: Preferably complex carbs. Protein, low fat. unlimited veggies. Low carb day/burn day: A little carb in the morning to boost metabolism Cut carbs the rest of the day. Protien, healthy fats, unlimited veggies 3 of each/low carb and high carb. 7th day is cheat day Cheat day: Boost calories to boost metabolism Boost to no more than 1000 extra calories a day Cheat at Breakfast and lunch, not dinner. 6-12pm “behave” Cheat at a table. Not in a car, or at a sofa, etc. No “hypno binging” No leftovers allowed. Mind you, this is the short version of all this. If this interests you, I'd strongly suggest buying his book for a better understanding. It's very enlightening. ...So this is what I've done for the last week. I am very happy to say, carb cycling broke my plateau, despite still being on the birth control pill too. I lost 5.4 pounds this week! I have decided I am going to continue to carb cycle. I am not a fan of the low carb days, but I am getting more used to them. Plus, I find my "carb cravings" have all but disappeared since starting this- something I didn't think possible. For me, it's working. I just thought I'd share the results of my little self experiment
  24. I just discovered pumpkin seeds are not a band friendly food for me. Ugh.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
