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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PghMomof3

  1. I think all doctors differ on their post-fill requirements. Mine says clear liquids for the first 24 hours, then full liquids, then soft food for the following 5 days, then eat as tolerated. This past fill, my 4th, has been the best fill yet. Before, the first 2 days after a fill I'd be so hungry on just the liquids but this time I've been somewhat satisfied, FINALLY! I'm on my last day of 'soft' foods.


  2. I just wanted to let you guys know, my nutritionist from Dr. Steinberg's office came and did a lecture on how important the Omega 3 oils were and you could them from eggs, etc. and she suggested the Coromega Fish Oil which comes in the little ketchup packets....I absolutely hate a fishy taste, but I was surprised...the pudding packs (orange)...it's the only type I have tried tastes just like an orange creamsicle.....I swear it has no after taste and you would never, never know it was fish oil. I have taken it every day since I have been banded.....and believe me, if it had any hint of a fish taste, I would not take it. I get mine at GNC in a box of 90....with my 20% discount card, I end up paying $26.00.....thanks

    Lori Ann--what is the name of this product on the GNC website or are you buying only in the store? I have the capsules but they are large and I just got another fill--I don't think I'll be able to get them down at all! Thanks for your help!


  3. hair started to fall out at 5 months, started on Biotin it has helped a little - Anyone else? and what do you do about it?

    My hair looks terrible--same thing, started falling out and breaking at around 6 months. I've been taking Biotin, KidGreez veggie Vitamins, MVI, etc. My hair looks terrible --getting better, but still terrible! :tt1: Hopefully it'll be full and beautiful again...some day....:confused:


  4. I went for my 4th fill today--it was a super terrible experience. He could not get into my port--he stuck me at least 13 times and changed the needle 3 times because he said sometimes the scar tissue dulls the tip. He did not fill me--said either I have a lot of scar tissue covering it or it flipped!!! :) I have to go back on Monday to have it done under fluoro. Please please let it not be flipped--I so don't want to pay for MORE surgery! :mad::sad::cake: I've not had one issue with getting filled before--one or two pokes in and done. I literally cried driving home because it hurt so bad! And now I'm disappointed that I don't have a much needed fill. Waaaahhhhh!!!


  5. NSV

    I was walking down the hall just now to get some hot peppermint tea and I walked past this nurse I don't see very often...and she turned around and yelled skinny minny!

    How cool is that. I feel like a fat blob this morning...but someone called me skinny minny! I needed that!


    I bet you felt soooo proud! What a great feeling, huh? I bought a a pair of size 14 jeans and they fit! I was happy--they weren't tight, they didn't give me muffin top--I am just so happy to feel like I can start shopping again! It'll be a great day for me when I can cut up, cancel and throw away my LB card! :tongue:


  6. Amy - Welcome back to the blog. Please don't feel ashamed because you think your not loosing wght as fast as everyone else. Actually, you are very close to me...I have only lost 47pds...listen to that...only...I am thrilled. I am thrilled for your loss of 35 pds too! I still have to loose around 40-45 pds myself. Let's do this together! What size band do you have. How many cc's are in it?

    Sandra - 174 is wonderful. I can't believe you are only 9 pds from your original goal!!! Wow!!! If your not jumping for joy for yourself...I will do it for you...wait a minute...I am getting up from my desk...o.k. I am jumping...I just jumped a foot in the air for you and clicked my heals together for you. I could never have done that 7 months ago...every body try it!!!!!

    Sue, i'm like you - I wear a 14 too. But do you know how great it is to go to the jr dept and buy 14s! Soon we will be in the 11-12's.

    Now, what is your goal wght? Is it 118? Wow, that's tiny. You are doing so good. I have to say, I only know you from these posts..but I really like you. There is something sweet and kind about you that comes through the computer.

    Dawn, you should be proud! You are majorly kickin butt on the wght loss. Wow, 102 pds!!!!!!!

    Manatee - Congrads on 180! I can't even imagine what it will be like to be concave. I know you will reach your goal. You are so focused and determined. Good Job!

    Y'all have the most wonderful weekend!


    Thanks for the encouragement, Weazer! I have a 4 cc band and have about 2 cc in it. My second fill put me up to 2, and when I went back in November I had lost 0.6 cc and he replaced that for my third fill and put me back to 2. I have been started to really feel hungry for the past month so either I need more fill or I lost some more! :frown: I have been trying to exercise more and this past month with my household getting cold after cold hasn't help me stay motivated to exercise. I know that 36 pounds is great, really--I just wish I had more gone! My daughter's Communion is in May and I'd love to be down another 20 pounds or so! I'm just going to keep plugging away. I know I'd never be where I'm at without the band it's just I wish I was further in the weight loss journey! Thank you for welcoming me back and giving great support!!!! :hurray:


  7. Hi, everyone. I was banded in May along with you all, started posting initially but haven't for months. I guess I"m a little embarassed at how slow my weight is coming off compared to everyone else. I've been stuck at the same weight for 6 weeks now and I def. know I need a fill! I have an appointment scheduled 2/5 and I'm hoping to get back on track. I am def. hungry more often than before. I bought a bodybugg to help me stay on track and see what kind of calories I"m burning as opposed to consuming all of the time. So anyway, I wanted to say hi and I'm hoping to be posting more and learning from all you great losers! LOL!


  8. NO! My husband has never known my weight--even when I weighed 125 pounds and *thought* I needed to diet! (sigh, I'd give all the toes on my right food to weigh near there now! LOL) Anyway, he 'guesses' my weight to be about 20 pounds less than I weigh right now so I"m happy letting him believe that for now. Whenever I get near my goal I'll def. tell him how much I weighed because I think he'd be shocked to know!


  9. Not to worry, just remember what I said about food labels being VERY misleading!! We will get you back on track on Friday! Have a great day!

    Thanks, Coach! :biggrin1: My doctor's scale says I'm down 1.7 pounds--he told me exactly the same thing you did about the almonds! So...bye almonds! I'll miss you as my snack. He also told me to skip fat free Creamer because of the sugar content (?) and that it might cause my blood sugar levels to go up and the release of insulin in my body causing my body to store the sugar as fat. :cry And of course he said it might be my muscles storing some Water until they get used to exercising so much--he jokingly said my muscles might be in shock for their use! :)

    Still loving this bugg!


  10. ok, I've been using the Bugg for 2 weeks--last week was my monthly so I didn't weigh in--I got on the scale today and it looks like I'm only down 1 pound!!! ;) I exercise 6 days a week and am WELL under my calorie defecit daily--I should have lost at least 3 pounds based on that alone! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and will see what HIS scale says. Just feeling a little disappointed. I'm not giving up on this for sure-I love seeing how many calories I burn doing things so I can honestly say i love it. I've been doing the Biggest Loser DVD 6 days a week for exercise and sometimes adding in my elliptical machine if I have some extra time. ah well, I'll keep plugging away at this!!!! I have my Tamala session this Friday so we'll see what she things! :help:


  11. I got my bugg today--just had some time to myself finally--set it up and put it on!!!!! :whoo: I ordered the watch yesterday when it went on sale so now I'm waitng for that. I have a question--based on how I answered my questionaire, my food has me at 60% carbohydrates, 20% Protein and 20% fat. Does anyone know what this would equate to regarding protein intake--how many grams per day? I thought I'd be at a highter protein percentage, but that;s ok--I'm still going to eat how I eat now and adjust it if need be. What do you do if you're really under that calorie intact they have for you? Based on my weight it says that should be eating around 1750 calories a day--that seems like a lot to me. :( Can't wait to really figure this out!


  12. omgoodness--you are all so convincing! I just ordered one from 24hour fitness for $235.99 shipped! I've been doing the Biggest loser DVD exercise and now I need to know if I'm burning up enough calories! When I get it and set it up on-line I'm not supposed to click on weight loss surgery correct?


  13. I am 5'3 and weigh 211 pounds--I'm still wearing a 16 from Lane Bryant--but they are nice and comfortable and sometimes loose after wearing. I must have been stuffing my butt into to size 16 pants during the winter because even losing 16 pounds has kept me in that size. I am big busted so I'm still wearing a 2X (18) top.


  14. Thanks.

    Amy, I have heard several people on this website talk about unjury, but I have never heard of it. Where do you get it? What is the consistency? Is is thick or thin? A lot of shakes I have tried are about the consistency of milk. I don't care for that.

    Stephanie, That's a good idea. If I mix it with something else, that will cut the overall % of sugar.

    How lond did you have to wait before having Protein shakes? I guess that's the stage after Clear liquids.

    I bought the Unjury at the unjury website--I see someone posted the web address for you. You can buy samples before purchasing a large amount. When I make mine, after it's blended, I add about 4 ice cubes and crush it and it makes it thicker like a milk shake! My diet was Clear Liquids for 2 weeks but I did add the Protein Shakes in during week 2 because I was dying! :omg: I also purchased a bottle of Whey protein--I added it to my yogurt to give me extra protein--you can't taste it and if I remember correctly each scoop has 17 grams of Protein in it.


  15. For those of you banded in the middle of the month or beginning - have you noticed your appetite increasing and your weight loss slowing? :myscared:

    I'm on soft foods now and I've been keeping my calories to about 600-900 a day. However, my weight loss has really slowed. Just wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing...

    I have noticed that I'm able to eat more, but I've been stopping myself from doing that. I haven't had a fill yet, hopefully that will help.



    Maryum--definitely!!!!! I was banded on 5/7--and at the end of this week I started noticing my hunger was back and I found myself wanting to 'pick' at food like my old self. I had to conciously tell myself to stay OUT of the kitchen!!! I am hungry!!!!! and my weight has definitely slowed. I lost 14 pounds the first 2 weeks and I think I might have lost 3 more but that's it over 2 weeks. I see my doctor this Thursday for my month post-op and then hopefully we'll schedule a fill!!!


  16. I bought powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chocolate and vanilla Protein shakes and they are really good and pretty much filling. I mix each shake with 8 ounces of skim milk and a splenda packet and I actually thing they're pretty good! I didn't care for the strawberry sorbet but apparently it's a huge seller. Each shake has 20 grams of Protein, 4 carbs, 100 calories. As for the skim milk, I know one cup has 9.5 grams of protein and 90-110 calories but I'm not sure of the carbs.

    For my immediate post-op phase, I bought the 20 ounce bottles of Isopure Zero carb drinks--I would dilute them with a little Water to make them more palatable but each bottle contains 40 grams of protein and I made sure I had one and a half every day. (I liked them all except mango peach)

    Good Luck!


  17. I would say about 5-7 days after being discharged from the hospital. I got on the scale on day 4 after surgery and was shocked to see that I was up 10 pounds! I almost freaked. But I saw a loss every day after that--and yes, I know it's bad, but I weighed myself every day. I was down 14 pounds at my 2 week check up. I am on soft foods now and am allowed to increase as tolerated and I 'might' have lost 3 more pounds---I thought it would have been more due to eating less and exercising, but hey, I've never lost this much weight on a diet in this short of time so I'm happy!

    good luck!!!


  18. Hey all--hope all the new bandsters are recovering well! Good luck to anyone being banded today or tomorrow!!! I had my first post-op visit with my surgeon today--I've lost 13 pounds, actually 14 since my surgery date weight was 1 pound heavier than he had recorded. I get to start soft foods this week and then onto regular food as tolerate! yipee!!!! I got my Yukon Golds waiting and a can of refried beans! I also made wedding Soup last week and froze some and now I can actually eat what's in it instead of just drinking the broth! yah! I have another appointment with him in 2 weeks so I better start exercising because I'd be totally embarassed to have gained any weight during this eating phase! The bad thing--he thinks I'm having a drug reaction to either the Prilosec or Biotin I'm taking--I have a really itchy raised rash on both arms and my chest--not in Patches but little raised red dots. He told me to stop both meds to see if it gets any better. It's sooo itchy and so ugly looking!


  19. Good Luck to everyone having surgery today!!!!!

    nurselaureli--I get the hiccups, too--not nearly as bad when i was first out but I still get them!

    as for pain and the pain scale--I think when I first was banded--in the pacu--it was about an 8--but pain meds def. controlled that. Then after it was really the gas pains that got me, not the incisional pain. And it's NOTHING compared to a C-section--I had 2 sections and this, by far, is much easier than those! It was harder than my hernia repair though. And the first couple of days after when I felt like poo, I swore if I needed plastic surgery I would NOT get it done, but now that I'm feeling good, plastic surgery, if needed, is back on the table--that's how easy it is to forget! :eek:

    going for my first post-op appointment tomorrow--I'm excited! I think I've lost like 12-13 pounds so far but the weird thing is my pants still seem to fit like before so I guess I was really stuffing myself into them and now they just fit like they are supposed to! LOl!


  20. Thanks for the info Amy! I noticed you were just banded this month and I wondered how you are doing? Are you still on a liquid diet? Did you have much pain? I hope things are going well for you!!!

    I'm doing much better now--the first 3 days were hard--hurting with the gas. But now I feel much better. I'm feeling MUCH better now. I'm not taking the medifast shakes anymore but I am eating/drinking unjury shakes for the Protein. I am still on the liquid diet post-op and will be until I see the doctor on Wednesday. It's been tough I will say that! Are you banded yet?


  21. Good Luck to everyone being banded on Monday!

    Vicki--thank you for your words of encouragement!! There are times whenever that 'will I fail' thought enters my head and it's nice to receive positive support that this WILL work!


  22. The shakes and the pudding are ok--I had the dutch chocolate/strawberry and the pudding--I would add one packet of Splenda and they weren't too bad. Only 11 grams of Protein though. The pudding wasn't too bad, just don't expect it to taste like Jello pudding snacks! LOL! The oatmeal was absolutely disgusting to me--I had the maple brown sugar and the blueberry and ICK! My daughter actually asked me what smelled like vomit. The soups--I had chicken noodle and chicken rice--I did not like them too much either but it didn't matter at that point because I was starving! It's expensive--I bought 2 weeks worth and I think it was like $170 with shipping. I like the unjury shakes better--better tasting, more Protein (20g) and less carbs.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
