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Everything posted by TheRealMeIsHere!

  1. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Welcome to the Special Needs Forum!

    My disabilities prevent me from doing sports. I do enjoy hiking and walking, though. I am not so disabled that i would be eligible nor desire to attend a day program. Despite my disabilities, I am very fit and active within my abilities. I just have too many empty hours, that I am looking to fill. Several hours a week, I help my friend in her deli. I do get SSD and have my own car, it's just that this area offers nothing to do other than bars. I do have internet, however, it is expensive, has a data cap, unused data does not roll over but they charge a high price if I go over. Which is why I cannot look for work out videos or music online. Not even interested in dating, lol at least not from what's available here, lol!
  2. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Welcome to the Special Needs Forum!

    Since losing 160 lbs, I try to stay constantly active and moving, in order to maintain. I, also workout twice a day, seven days a week, with few exceptions, using a recumbant stationary bike, treadmill, long walks and dumbbells. Living alone, in a rural area, there are few options for things to do and or socialize, yet I hate sitting still. Being disabled, also limits my options for things to do and increases the amount of lag time that I need to fill. If anyone, in a similar situation, can give me ideas to keep busy & active and/or other workout options (that do not involve internet), I would LOVE to hear from you!
  3. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Week 4 and concerned

    Have you tried something like this? http://www.walmart.com/ip/Six-Star-Pro-Nutrition-Professional-Strength-Berry-Blast-Protein-Energy-Shot-2.5-oz/16627563 Just watch the carbs on some of them, aim for a 3:1 protein: carb ratio on any shakes & supplements. These shots are very concentrated Protein, which, like @@Licia'sjourney mentioned, will help with healing. If they are too sweet for you, dilute with Water and sip throughout the day. It will help with your energy also. Upping your liquids will help too, try sugar free Jell-o or popsicles. I hope you feel better soon.
  4. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Disabled and/or retired?

    I'm looking to connect with others that are disabled and/or retired. I have many painful & progressive conditions which make me unable to work and require several custom braces in order for me to do certain things. I do help a friend in her deli about 10 hours a week, which is great! I have VERY high energy, low metabolism, TONS of time on my hands (especially since I sleep very little, about 5-6 hours a night), limitation due to disability and living in a rural area and a desire to keep busy, on the move and burn calories. When I get bored I want to eat, which is another reason I want to stay busy and active. I walk, use a treadmill, ride a recumbant, stationary bike and use dumbbells. I work out twice a day/7 days a week. But there are ALOT of hours in between. I know few people in my area, and even fewer that can keep up with me, lol!
  5. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Disabled and/or retired?

    I have gone on that site, and even tried starting my own group. Nothing in my area, as it's a rural, poor area. Really, the only social opportunities are bars, not my scene, lol
  6. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Eating & morning exercise

    I wake up, and exercise while drinking my protein shake. Either a walk or recumbant stationary bike. Sometimes, I will drink my shake, first, then exercise while I am waiting the 30 minutes. You will find what works for you, through trial and error. Keep up the great work!
  7. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Are there any that you know of that are high energy, dance or Zumba? I've bought some that said they were, but they felt like slow motion to me. As long as I modify the arm moves, that would be a great option! I know you said you don't have good internet access, but if you can access (maybe from the library), you might check out www.collagevideo.com. It is a good site for all kinds of exercise DVD's and you are able to sort them buy all kinds of different workout types, goals, etc. Then they will have reviews and generally a brief sample of the actual video. That might help you to locate one that would suit your needs. THANK YOU so much!! Definitely checking that site
  8. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Ask Alex to create one. If there's enough interest, he will. Sent Alex a message, so we'll see if there is a need for a forum of this nature. That would be great to find others with too much time on there hands, who understand disability limitations but still want to be active!
  9. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Protein Shake Questions

    @@Bufflehead That's what I was going to recommend, the Nectar products or Isopure zero carb. Alot of people enjoy those and there are alot of flavors to choose from
  10. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    There isn't a forum, but I can create a new thread once I get home YES please!! and thank you! There must be other disabled/retired people out there, trying to stay active.
  11. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    If this is something you would consider talk to someone in your states' vocational rehabilitation office to see if this is an option. I actually went through voc rehab for my surgery. Their goal is to help people get off disability (either partially or completely) and get back to work. They told me they have nothing I can do. My pain varies day to day, and there are things I cannot do or can only do for short times, such as reading or computer work as that causes me to move my neck, which causes pain .
  12. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I do help a friend in her deli a few days a week, but that's as much as I can handle. do meet alot of great people there!
  13. TheRealMeIsHere!

    .... and the door slammed shut!

    Wow, you sure have alot on your plate. You have no health insurance? Or they denied the surgery? If they denied, you can appeal as some insurance companies will deny in hopes you won't appeal, then they saved money. Just be sure to include letters of medical necessity from doctors.
  14. TheRealMeIsHere!

    discouraged after 2nd post op doctor visit

    How disheartening. Even if he thinks that you should exercise more, he should have also complimented you on your progress, been a little encouraging. Making someone feel bad, helps nothing. Is there a support group? I find them to be very supportive, inspiring and encouraging. I too am disabled. I have ankylosing spodylosis in my ENTIRE spine, stenosis, buling discs, pinched nerves and bone spurs. That caused severe Reynaud's. I also have bilateral PTTD (posterior tibial tendon dysfunction) Torn MCL/PCL in my right knee, and chondromalacia patella in my left, due to a hyper mobile kneecap and severe ulcerative colitis, not in remission for almost a year. That being said, I have custom braces that allow me to do things that I would not be able to do without braces. Maybe a prescription for physical therapy can help give you ideas of where to start for an exercise routine that will not exacerbate your issues. They might, also, be able to let you know if bracing is for you. Keep up the great work!
  15. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I do garden, hike and walk. DVD's from a library, that's a GREAT idea, I'm sure they must have some! Being retired on permanent disability, just leaves SOOOOO much time to fill. Plus, I sleep very little, so that makes for even more time to fill, lol! Trying to find ways to fill all or most of it with active, calorie burning things. Too bad there's not a forum for retired or disabled people on here. Bet then I could find out some other options
  16. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    the only Internet available, here, through DirectTv is satellite. We DO LOVE DirectTv for the television, though. It rarely goes out except during an occasional severe thunderstom and then only for a few minutes
  17. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    It's not up to me, my sister owns the house. From all the information I can find, satellite internet is terrible anyway, a long lag time. What we have now is Verizon Home fusion, now called LTE internet installed which uses 3G/4G signals http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/lte-internet-installed/?null. They don't roll over unused data allowance, but charge a hefty price if you go over.
  18. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    A rural area in New York State
  19. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    As I've explained, the only internet option I have is expensive and has a data cap, so videos online are not an option
  20. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    @@BLERDgirl I've bought some at Walmart and they do not accept returns of opened DVDs, will check Amazon though. That would be great, if I find someone that will accept returns, if it's not right for me! Thanks
  21. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Are there any that you know of that are high energy, dance or Zumba? I've bought some that said they were, but they felt like slow motion to me. As long as I modify the arm moves, that would be a great option! you'll have to investigate that on your own. I have found what works for me through trial and error. The best advice I would give is to save your receipts. If something doesn't live up to its promise, then return. I am on disability so I have to make every penny count. How are you able to return DVD's once opened? If I buy one, open it to find it's not for me, it cannot be returned. I am also on disability and can't be buying DVD's to find out they are not for me, and be stuck with them.
  22. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Thank you! I am looking for things I CAN do, but I guess only people with the same issues and being in a VERY poor, isolated area would understand and be able to come up with ideas. I just want to be able to be on the move, on my feet, while doing something productive in between workouts. I sometimes just pace around in order to not have to sit down, sitting down makes me feel lazy. I have been dealing with the medical issues for 8-20 years, diagnosed 7 years ago, and have not let that get in my way. None of the pain meds worked, so I am ALWAYS in some degree of pain, somewhere, yet no one would know, as I push through it to continue to fight to stay at my goal weight, which I've mainatained for 3 1/2 years, and always have a smile. I'm saying this, because some of the responses, not necessarily from you, sound like I am making excuses. I am NOT that type of person, these are REAL issues.
  23. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I am waiting for an apartment to open, that will be closer to civilization. I'm sure that will make a huge difference! I love nature and being outside, but the isolation is killing me, lol!
  24. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Why entertaining? I am frustrated, alone and fighting debilitating disease and trying to not let that stop me from exercising and maintaining my 160 lb weight loss. EXACTLY why I am frustrated!
  25. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Are there any that you know of that are high energy, dance or Zumba? I've bought some that said they were, but they felt like slow motion to me. As long as I modify the arm moves, that would be a great option!

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