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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TheRealMeIsHere!

  1. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Climbed the Volcano

    Post the photo please!!
  2. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Climbed the Volcano

    Go you!!! Best NSV........EVER!!!!
  3. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Don't want to eat

    That's why I like EAS AdvantEdge rtd, the others are all thick and gross to me. You will figure out what works for you, we all had some kind of challenge while figuring things out. It will get better/easier
  4. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Don't want to eat

    Sounds perfectly normal. That is the intent of the surgery, to learn to eat to live rather than live to eat. You will find so many more enjoyable activities! You will enjoy food again. I am a foodie so have re-created all my old, fattening favs to fit my healthier way of eating. As far as your job, that is a tough one. You need more than 8 oz. of liquid during your shift. Are you able to slip away for a second or 2 more frequently for quick sips? That could add up to more liquid intake. Try speaking with your supervisor to explain why you need to have time to sip more liquids. Slim fast shakes have more carbs/calories than my NUT recommends. My NUT recommends EAS AdvantEdge RTD shakes, nectar, Designer whey, etc.... You want a 3:1 protein:carb ratio. You will find what works for you, you are only beginning your journey.
  5. It's a good idea to wait to consume high carb foods, such as sugar, flour, Pasta, bread, potatoes, starchy veggies and rice until you lose the weight. These things cause cravings for many people and will also slow or stop weight loss. After that time, you may not even have a craving for them anymore. You could substitute healthier options such as: The Quest ones chocolate Protein powder, PB2, crushed ice and Water in a bullet A spoon of Peanut Butter with sugar free Chocolate sauce Going into major life altering surgery, you should focus on how to be successful, not on the foods you will miss. That will lead to problems for you. You need to change your relationship with food, get creative and come up with satisfying, bariatric surgery friendly alternatives.
  6. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Surgery scars

    The scars are so tiny, I didn't do anything. They are barely visible, now.
  7. TheRealMeIsHere!

    High BMI

    Mine was 50.3 now has been 21 for over 2 years
  8. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Protein Shake Questions

    The stats on that one look amazing!!
  9. Yes, definitely stay on top of the Protein, to help with healing. It might be helpful to eliminate breads, Pasta, rice, potatoes, flour and sugar. Those things can hinder weight loss and cause cravings. May you heal quickly and have this all behind you soon, so you can be stronger , healthier and happier.
  10. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Zumba - first time

    I never said I was coordinated or good at it. LOVE it anyway!! No one cares if you go left when they go right, zig when you are supposed to zag, everyone is very accepting and just there for a great time while burning calories.
  11. TheRealMeIsHere!


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  12. TheRealMeIsHere!


  13. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Zumba - first time

    I never said I was coordinated or good at it. LOVE it anyway!! No one cares if you go left when they go right, zig when you are supposed to zag, everyone is very accepting and just there for a great time while burning calories. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=JN.baQli2QOqXHo9aL3bOtf%2bw&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0/
  14. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Zumba - first time

    Maybe there is a Zumba Gold or Aqua Zumba class near you?? Or even a regular class, where the instructor is certified in Zumba Gold and can show you the modified moves. Zumba is SOOOO much fun, though, isn't it? Like a party, you forget that you are working out! https://www.zumba.com/en-US/party/classes/class-zumba-gold
  15. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Quest potato chips

    My NUT recommends lower carb & fat Snacks and higher Protein. Every NUT is different, though so check with yours
  16. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Fitness After Surgery!

    You should check with your doctor as I was told no lifting for 6 weeks. Even though the incisions on the outside are minimal, there is a large incision on your stomach that needs to heal.
  17. Yes, I do dumbbells, LOVE to put on great music and dance!! Online videos are not an option. Only internet we have is expensive, has a data cap that is VERY difficult to stay under, unused data doesn't roll over, but they charge an arm & a leg if we go over. It's just that I have A LOT of energy, can't work due to disability, have to do things for short periods or it increases my pain level. I do help a friend in her deli about 10 hours a week. I only sleep about 6 hours a day, so have A LOT of time to try and fill.
  18. Both. Mainly anything that keeps me up and moving and burning calories.
  19. I do make jewelry and a few other crafty things. Looking for things that burn calories, though
  20. Absolutely! I'm very OCD about cleaning, but it's just me to clean up after, so that runs out..............
  21. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Just starting out, sharp ankle pain after walking?

    Great job getting a workout routine started! You might want to get the ankle evaluated before continuing the treadmill. There are a multitude of things it could be, some that might need specific treatment. I, myself, have bilateral PTTD that requires me to wear custom braces. Without the braces, I would not be able to do most things, including walk, without increasing pain. With the braces, I have no pain and can do most things. Better to have it looked at and maybe prevent a serious complication, or even just find out that all is well. Good luck in your continuing efforts. As far as the WLS, did you try to appeal? Some insurance will deny on the first try, in hopes that you won't appeal. If you have any comorbidities, include them with your appeal. If no comorbidities, maybe include letters from doctors, stating how WLS would be beneficial to your health.
  22. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    No YMCA or school with a pool. There is a pool nearby, that I go to in the summer, though
  23. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Welcome to the Special Needs Forum!

    cool, thanks! Checking that site right now!
  24. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Welcome to the Special Needs Forum!

    I looked into the sierra club, not in my area. Volunteering is difficult, as there are some days that my health problems require me to be at home. Also, I help my friend in her deli, and due to the nature of her life, only knows, the morning of, if she will need me. I will be checking with local libraries for exercise videos. I am in rural, poor Sullivan County, NY and am 50 with the energy of a 20 year old, lol! Maybe it's just not possible to be physically active 18 hours a day, but I sure want to try. My medical conditions include bilateral PTTD, Severe ankylosing spondylosis in my entire spine with cervical & lumbar being the worst, torn MCL/PCL in right knee, chondromalacia patella with hypermobile kneecap in my left knee, and severe ulcerative colitis which hasn't been in remission since last November. That being said, I am in constant pain of some level, yet high energy. These things are all progressive, too. Various custom braces make it so these things hinder me little, aside from the back/neck pain. I've pretty much learned what exacerbates the pain and what doesn't.
  25. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Welcome to the Special Needs Forum!

    Painting as well as anything involving my neck, causes too much pain. can't even read a book anymore. Been working on the same book for two years, a couple pages at a time. I am on a waiting list for an apartment. Hopefully, there will be more opportunities to interact with neighbors plus places to walk to. I could walk to do my errands, killing two birds with one stone. Thinking outside the box is my specialty, just have run out of ideas, and it's alot of hours I'm trying to fill.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
