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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TheRealMeIsHere!

  1. Also, I used to LOVE sub sandwiches!! Now I make salads that reproduce all the flavors of my favs, minus the bread and fatty condiments. Now bread just seems to take away from the flavors I want and I rarely even desire it! And, don't forget to keep that half hour window between eating & drinking, you will stay full longer
  2. @@carfeli2004 Things that help me are adapting my recipes. Cauliflower makes a great 'rice', mashed 'potatoes', cheddar 'tater'-tots, 'mac' & cheese, etc...... Spaghetti squash (my fave is with my homemade fat free cheese sauce and maybe a turkey hot dog) FF/SF Cannoli cream made with FF ricotta Lasagna made with roasted slices of zucchini and eggplant Flourless Protein pancakes with unsweetened applesauce on top Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt I even have some recipes for super decadent protein muffins, brownies and cakes. Using either Protein powder and/or Beans Quest bars and chips (did you know that if you cut up and bake a chocolate chip cookie dough one, it tastes like little chocolate chip cookies!!??, watch carefully when baking, they only take a few minutes) If you want recipes, feel free to ask, I love to share!
  3. TheRealMeIsHere!

    How to maintain

    First, see what your NUT and Dr. say. Maybe adding some healthy fats to increase calories little by little, until you find the balance what works for you. Avocado, olive oil, salmon, fresh tuna, nuts, nut butters, etc....
  4. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Muscle Building/Muscle Gain

    I agree, speak with your NUT. Weight training and getting enough Protein can help, don't know what to say beyond that. Congrats on your success!!
  5. TheRealMeIsHere!

    3 Month Post-Op and feel good,but slow losing

    It sounds like you are doing wonderfully!!! The one thing that my NUT told me was NO carbs from starchy veggies, bread, Pasta, rice, sugar, flour or potatoes. But that doesn't seem to be a problem, as you have lost a significant amount in a short time. 120 gms of Protein sounds high, is that what your NUT has told you? If your NUT recommended less, then that can save calories, you could replace the excess protein choices with non-starchy veggies. Congratulations on your success!!
  6. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Dating awkwardness

    It's something I am proud of, so mention it when weight loss or something comes up in the conversation, whether a date or an acquaintance. Proud of the weight loss Proud that I've maintained Proud of the hard work it takes and still takes Proud that I roll out of bed and immediately workout, seven days a week, with few exceptions I don't go into details, unless the person shows interest. Just a simple, "I had a sleeve gastrectomy to lose weight". Or if someone comments on how tiny I am, or maybe they feel bad about their weight, I let them know that I understand as I was almost 300 pounds and leave it there, unless they ask for more. I guess I'm more of love me or leave me type of person. At my age, I don't pussyfoot around the facts, I say things as they are in all respects. This way, I can be FULLY me and that is a VERY liberating feeling! I kind of wish I could have always had the confidence to be ME.
  7. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Back in the Game Again

    I'm with you! I want to go out, have fun and if a relationship happens so be it! I'm actually so happy being single that it would take someone amazing to become a part of my daily life. I just want more friends. Are there opportunities for group activities in your area? Cooking classes? Walking/hiking groups? book clubs? Etc...
  8. TheRealMeIsHere!

    So hungry!

    Are you getting Protein? There are protein shakes that are clear. Isopure zero carb, nectar, unjury, etc..... If you are not getting protein, you will feel hungry, heal slower, and possibly your body will go into starvation mode and lower your metabolism. I'm going to put forth 300% effort to do it all Especially the 30-40gram of protein. I really want to defuse the hunger issue so I'm going to try to get all the protein in. Thanks & hope it helps as the hunger pains mk me naughty to the pinch Are you getting protein? There are protein shakes that are clear. Isopure zero carb, Nectar, Unjury, etc..... If you are not getting protein, you will feel hungry, heal slower, and possibly your body will go into starvation mode and lower your metabolism. I'm going to put forth 300% effort to do it all Especially the 30-40gram of protein. I really want to defuse the hunger issue so I'm going to try to get all the protein in. Thanks & hope it helps as the hunger pains mk me naughty to the pinch Is 30-40 gms of protein what your NUT recommends? I know there are many different protocols. My NUT recommends 80 gms of protein
  9. TheRealMeIsHere!

    So hungry!

    if the juices that you are drinking are regular fruit juice, the high carbs may also contribute to hunger and will slow weight loss
  10. TheRealMeIsHere!

    So hungry!

    Are you getting Protein? There are Protein shakes that are clear. Isopure zero carb, nectar, unjury, etc..... If you are not getting protein, you will feel hungry, heal slower, and possibly your body will go into starvation mode and lower your metabolism.
  11. TheRealMeIsHere!

    9 months out hair loss still a concern

    Congrats on the terrific progress!! Wondering, though, are you getting all the required Protein each day? Sometimes not getting enough will exacerbate hair loss.
  12. TheRealMeIsHere!


    Don't know about the sneezing. I have severe cold intolerance that is painful. At first, thought my body had to re-regulate after losing weight. Then docs tested me and found out I have severe Raynaud's disease caused by a spine disease that I've had for many years. Things that help me are drinking/eating hot things, a small electric throw blanket (about $20.00 at Walmart) when I watch TV, layers of clothing, keeping busy and moving, an infrared heater pointed straight at me (they are economical on electric, safe, and not all that expensive anymore) I got this one, works great! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002QZ11J6?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
  13. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I'm looking for things that burn ALOT of calories, but also are productive in other ways. My metabolism is such that I need to burn alot of calories plus keep my intake low in order to maintain. Being disabled and in a poor, rural area limits opportunities. For now, what I have been doing, is work out as hard as I can throughout the morning, then keep busy/moving the rest of the day. I'm checking that volunteer site, right now, thank you!!
  14. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I am getting soooooo bored with my exercise. I workout 2x a day with recumbant stationary bike, treadmill and/or a long walk. In between, I can't find enough to do to stay busy. Instead of exercising for the sake of exercising, I would rather have enough active & busy things to do, that I could cut back on my workouts. Any ideas??
  15. TheRealMeIsHere!

    What is Your Exercise Experience Post Plastics...

    Maybe ask your surgeon. I had a TT/Panni and the surgeon told me NEVER to do abs. I joke, saying I have perma-abs, lol!
  16. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Walking Shoe

    You might want to get an evaluation with an orthopedist, to make sure that there are no problems. I ended up needing custom braces in order to stay active due to posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD)
  17. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Stomach lump

    See your doctor. I did some researching and even though it's painless, it could be an infection, abscess, hematoma, etc.....
  18. It's best to avoid pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and sugar, those things will slow or stop weight loss and cause cravings. Focus on lean/fat free Protein sources and non-starchy veggies. When you eat out, just ask that foods be prepared without added fat/oil and eat your protein and non-starchy veggies first. f you have room left, then have a bite or two of pasta/potato or bread. That way, you know you won't overdo on those things. After a while your whole relationship with food will change. At home, get creative, there are some great recipes out there. Instead of telling yourself, "I CAN'T have.........." say, "I DON'T eat......." Just that small change in your thinking, takes it from feeling deprived to feeling empowered. You will find what works for you, in time, be patient. You got this! NSV's are things like being able to do something you couldn't before, etc...
  19. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Has anyone lost 200+?

    I was sleeved January 2012 and have maintained a 170 pound loss for almost 3 years. It's all in how you follow the instructions that your nut and surgeon provide and how well you use your tool. You can do this.
  20. TheRealMeIsHere!

    Zombies Run?

    sounds like the coolest way to workout......EVER!!
  21. TheRealMeIsHere!


    I COMPLETELY understand the phobia around drains!! When I went for TT/panni, that was my biggest fear. Plus, I live alone AND pass out easily. They were not as bad or gross as I had imagined. did NOT pass out ONCE!! lol! They are a pain in the A$$, couldn't wait to get them out. Had two drains one removed at one week, the other was a tad over two weeks. The length of time they stay in, depends on the amount of drainage. You definitely don't want all that Fluid to build up inside you. You'll be fine, I hope you find them to be more bearable than you think, at this time.
  22. TheRealMeIsHere!

    day 1 post surgery

    WOW, you are doing exceptionally great!! Was getting all my fluids, by 3 -4 days post-op, only if I took my pain meds on schedule. After day 5 or 6, rarely needed the pain pills. Took 1 1/2 years until I was reaching my protein goals. Until then, my NUT didn't allow me to have ANYTHING that wasn't a high protein source. No veggies, fruits, etc.... and of course no flour, sugar, bread, Pasta, potatoes or rice. I still avoid those, as they cause cravings. May you continue to do so well, that's awesome progress!!
  23. TheRealMeIsHere!


    Just a generic chewable kids multi-vitamin. My Dr. wrote a prescription and my insurance even pays for it.
  24. TheRealMeIsHere!

    day 1 post surgery

    They want you to drink 8 cups of Water at 1 day post? At 1 day post, after the leak test, I was given a medicine cup and told to drink 1 per hour, then progress up. They left the IV in until I was able to drink enough. I had a lot of swelling, inside, so HAD to take my pain meds, on schedule, until about day 4 in order to avoid my stomach cramping up with the tiniest of sips. It DOES get easier, hang in there.
  25. OK, been doing some thinking, and I believe that I asked my previous question incorrectly. Basically, I hate down time, so if I have 10 minutes or more of lag time, with nothing to do, I get antsy. I need ideas to fill little spaces of time, between other things, besides pacing the house, lol. Active, impromptu calorie burning things. I just don't want to sit, any more than I have to, during my waking hours.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
