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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bugfather

  1. Anyone else have gall bladder problems after being banded? He's my story maybe it will help some of you that experience this.

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    I have a function problem with my gall bladder, I had a hydrascan with injection fraction. It's function is low, also the say I have some reflux into the stomach.


    I have had a reoccurring pain in my right shoulder blade for 20 years. For years I have gone to chiropractors, even to a physical therapist. The pain kept reoccurring.


    Over the years I slowly put on weight…

    When I was 24 I weighed 200. I am 5'9". By 26 I reach 290 and have stayed between 270 and 290 until I turned 40.


    My birthday present to myself at 40 was to go and have a lap band put in My surgery was 1-19-2007. I have lost 58 lbs. I now weigh 231. My goal is to be under 200 by the end of the year.


    About three months ago I had a severe back pain, thought I threw it out. I went to the chiropractor and my back was slightly twisted but not bad enough to be the cause of the pain. I chalked it up to poor health and an old car accident injury acting up. Meanwhile in between these severe middle back pains (attacks) I would get consistent pain under my right shoulder blade. The attacks on a scale of 1-10 reached 8-9 at times. Three vikadine didn’t even touch it.


    The attacks got worse every time and my back pain started occurring once per week, always at night. I would pass out about 3am and wake up at 8am exhausted but the pain would be gone.


    Finally my Mom figured out it might be my gall bladder. All my relatives on my Mom’s side have had theirs removed. The cat scan was negative pancrease, liver, no gall stones, after another attack I had a hydrascan. This showed poor function and reflux. I am scheduled to have it removed in a week.


    Looking back I’ve been able to track my diet before 4 of my attacks.


    First time: I ate a Protein Drink with 20 grams of fat in it, then a burger, a latte with cream. That night it kicked in gone by morning.


    Second time: Early Steak dinner, ate leftovers at 9am I was dying by midnight.


    Third: I drank three barium Fluid drinks to get ready for my CT scan, they must be high In fat the said, “banana smoothie” on them. Ate a dinner of steak that night, with a cream sauce, also had a cream latte that day.


    Fourth: Had ice cream and a coffee with cream, ate some chips, pork for dinner.

    Since my last attack I have been very careful, I feel a little pain in my right shoulder blade but it is the same tolerable amount I’ve been living with for years.


    Before my lap band I used to take serious antacids, (1 prilosec per day) Now I don’t have to take any unless I eat really spicy food. Somehow the band is preventing my reflux Thank God!!!


    My chiropractor wants to try acupuncture with electrical current (not needles) to balance my meridian.


    He said it will help sedate the pain and might help my gall bladder repair it’s function.


    Anyone else have any problems liken this?



  2. In regard to your surgery in Oregon if you dont mind would you share the name of who did your surgery and what facility ? 10,000 is reasonable.

    Did they require you to be overnight ? No

    Did you feel you were well cared for and attended to there ?

    Again - thank you for sharing.


    Dr Tersini North Bend Medical Center - North Bend, Oregon

    The care was excellent, he performs the surgery at the local hospital.

    But you wont feel like traveling for a couple of days. I stayed at a hotel for 2 nights, then went home.

  3. I thought I'd copy and post what I wrote after my first couple of weeks.

    My daily eating after being banded consisted of:

    WATER: 64 oz of Water no matter what! I've gotten up in the middle of the night when I forgot to drink what I need.

    3oz of oatmeal or cream of wheat grueled down with skim milk. I mix 15 grams of powdered vanilla Protein drink into it.

    I drink a lot of tea with splenda and skim milk in it. It really helps sooth my stomach.

    I drink 1 can of V8 per day, or blend my own cooked vege’s (carrots, green Beans, peas)

    I like Isopure, Micellar Milk, Muscle Milk, or Profecta Protein drinks and sip it throughout the day, usually get about 40 grams this way.

    My wife made me a big pot of split pea Soup and bean Soup – I Water

    down 3 oz and it really fills me up. I’ll have this usually twice a day.

    I will also have 3oz of low fat yogurt mixed with 10 grams of vanilla Protein Drink.

    I religiously take my Vitamins, chewable C’s, Calcium, and multiples. The nutritionist scared me bad about hair loss!

    For treats a sugar free popsicle

    I ate 3 oz 5x per day and I feel full. The slower I eat the fuller I feel. Stay consistant in your eating or you will get hungry.

    Hope this helps!!!

  4. I attend a support group meeting a couple of months ago. The nutritionist introduced us to STACKER 2 Protein Water. It is a 20 oz. bottle of Water with 20 GRAMS of Protein and 0 suger with only 80 calories per bottle. She said that it also goes towards your daily intake of water... I think it is much better than the Special K Water.

    We can purchase it here in Nevada at Raley's for about $1.50 each. Haven't seen it at Wal-Mart yet.

    I tried all the stackers and gave it up could choke them down anymore

  5. Hui everyone, I thought i would join this thread I haven't been staying in touch with anyone. I was banded 1-17-07 and have been real pleased with it, went from 289 to today weighing 231. It feels awesome to have 58 lbs off. I never had a fill, and it probably has slowed down my weight loss, I can eat more than I probably should, but the great part is I can't gain weight. No more 20 oz prime rib, and 5 pieces of bread with butter. Soda with refills...

    By the way I tried a couple of sips of a diet Pepsi (my former drink of choice) and I suddenly found myself wondering why a drink that made my throat burn, eyes Water, nose itch, and stomach bloat was something I couldn't give up.

    When I behave I find I loose a couple of lbs a week, I am considering getting a fill soon and pushing hard for the next three months to reach my goal of having my wieght start with a 1.. Now that's been awhile happy.gif

    My only complication has been my gall bladder. Tomorrow I go in for testing to see if it needs to come out. I've been passing gall stones and getting severe pain in my back because of it... at first I thought my back just kept going out, I have had it happen several times in the last 3 months. Agonizing pain, make a baby out of ya... Any one else experience that with their weight loss? I'd be interested to know...<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

  6. Got banded in Jan of this year been real pleased with it, went from 289 to today weighing 231. It feels awesome to have 58 lbs off. I never had a fill and it probably has slowed down my weight loss, I can eat more than I probably should, but the great part is I can't gain weight. No more 20 oz prime rib, and 5 pieces of bread with butter. Soda with refills...

    By the way I tried a couple of sips of a diet Pepsi (my former drink of choice) and I suddenly found myself wondering why a drink that made my throat burn, eyes Water, nose itch, and stomach bloat was something I couldn't give up.

    When I behave I find I loose a couple of lbs a week, I am considering getting a fill soon and pushing hard for the next three months to reach my goal of having my wieght start with a 1.. Now that's been awhile :)

    My only complication has been my gall bladder. Tomorrow I go in for testing to see if it needs to come out. I've been passing gall stones and getting severe pain in my back because of it... at first I thought my back just kept going out, I have had it happen several times in the last 3 months. Agonizing pain, make a baby out of ya... Any one else experience that with their weight loss? I'd be interested to know...

  7. When you go into Ketosis your body releases the fat into your system, you'll notice a coating on your tounge, I've found this masks tastes, I usually brush my teeth a lot

    Have you or anyone else experienced a slight loss of taste? Even my most favortie foods have tasted a bit bland over the past couple weeks.

    It's actually a blessing in disguise, but I dont know why it's happening.


  8. Never heard of anyone having one, I didn't

    Im am new to this and i am wondering if most doctors use catheter doring surgery . I think the whole thing is great but what realy scares me is the thought of that thing being put in me if any body out their has any input please help me


  9. I felt the same way but now I realize this ain't quittin' this is like hiring a personal trainer that is with you 24/7 saying "dont eat that!!!!" I was an all conference goalie, and guard in BB, and ran a 4.4 40....

    After marriage, business, and 6 kids I stopped lifting and put on 120 lbs in 10 years

    I was 289 when I got banded and just hit 242 after only 2 1/2 months. You will love it, but just remember no pain no gain!

    Well I went to the seminar last Thurs, Found out there was a cancellation and I got a surgical consult for this Mon. I understand that there is a battery of tests that I need to do prior. I am shooting for a surgery date circa mid-late June. After seeing the brother above drop 30lbs on the 4 week Optifast, I am thinking about trying to tough that out and do 4 weeks as well. Dayum! We'll see how the Mon Apt turns out. The Docs and staff seem really great. They said they shoot for an average weight loss of 1-3 lbs a week, closer to 3 if you are a guy and dedicate to exercise and watch your carbs.

    I am actually getting stoked. Insurance said it would be approved, but the Doc is out of network, so my out of pocket will be 4-6k. Heck in network would be 2-3, and these guys are around the conner from my house and have excellent follow on support. Their insurance specialist had the procedure done and has lost 100+ lbs.

    I plan to document everything, weekly photos, measurments food intake, exercise, etc. I know reading the boards I like to try to get as much info, and estimate how much I lose if i do what Bob did etc, so hopefully I can help someone out in the future.

    My goal is 189 with an eventual goal of 158 (currently 292). When is was a Jr in highschool I missed the regional wrestling tournament because I was 1/8th of a lb over 189. I had another hour to lose the weight before the final weigh-in I was running in sweats and actually ran out of steam. I was so tired. I actually felt myself QUIT and I have been fighting that demon for the past 20 years. I know i didn't make it because I was starving myself and dieting incorrectly, but I am not the type of person who quits anything! I went on to make 1st team all-state football my Sr year, played D-3 ball, graduate school, sucessfull business career, family the whole 9 yards. Complete over achiever, but I have never been able to beat that deamon of quitting on myself. It was the worst feeling of my life and I have felt inadequate and like a piece of shite ever since.

    When I finally decided to do this, I felt like a quitter as well, until I realized that if I didn't do this, I was quitting on myself and more important my family. I won't let that happen again. Screw the ego. I am going to beat this demon and get to the goal. I am just excited that something like the band is out there to help me get it done.

    Heck if MLB players could uses titanium bats to improve performance don't you think they would? I don't see Tiger Woods using persimin woods! I view the band like a new set of graphite shafts, every little yard helps!

    to be continued........................

  10. The wierdest experience for me is to not care what's for dinner.

    I was broke as a kid and made it big in business. I make good money now and my moto became, "eat whatever I want without having to care about what it cost."

    Well, it cost me 100 lbs in 8 years, glad to be banded, I ate the way I wanted the first 40 years now I'll eat like I should the next 40.

    I've lost 47 lbs in the last 2 1/2 months. I just threw out all my shorts and bought 3 pairs of 38's. Can't wait to get to my goal of under 200 should be there by the end of the summer.

  11. Hey guys,

    I've been getting alot of pain around my band after I swallow, when fluids or any food reach the band it really hurts as it goes through, has anyone else experienced this?

    I healed great and have been passing food the last 6 weeks with no problems.

    I've been banded only three months I have had no fill yet.

    Two thoughts on what is causing this.

    1) I ate a piece of really dry chicken I sipped hot Water to get it to pass but it hurt as it went through. This was 6 days ago, would that still hurt?

    2) at the same time I came down with an alergy or slight sinus infection. Could the infection cause pressure around the band?

    I going to call my DR tomorrow and see if I can speak to him.

    Any suggestions?

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  12. I've been getting alot of pain around my band after I swallow, when fluids or any food reach the band it really hurts as it goes through, has anyone else experienced this?

    I healed great and have been passing food the 6 weeks with no problems.

    I've been banded only three months I have had no fill yet.

    Two thoughts on what is causing this.

    1) I ate a piece of really dry chicken I sipped hot Water to get it to pass but it hurt as it went through. This was 6 days ago, would that still hurt?

    2) at the same time I came down with an alergy or slight sinus infection. Could the infection cause pressure around the band?

    I going to call my DR tomorrow and see if I can speak to him.

    Any suggestions?

  13. hi guys my weight was 289 when I started now I'm down to 252. I was banded Jan 19th 07. Never felt better. I haven't had a fill yet I told doc to hold off. I seem to get a good hold on my food if I don't drink after I eat. As long as I eat right I keep on loosin' 7weeks - 37 lbs!!!!!

  14. hi guys, Got banded Janb 19th 2007 down 34 lbs at week 5. ALL the pants in my closet fit 20 more and my wife will take me shopping. Never thought I'd look forward to shopping.

    I have an occassional glass of wine I haven't noticed it making a difference in my weight loss, no carbonation for me... no more reflux, I probably wont try anything carbonated again.

    I eat every three hours keeps me feeling full and I drink LOTS of sugar free crystal light lemonaide and ice tea. 80-90 oz per day. Hot tea has replaced coffee, not bad with a little splena and skim milk.

    Sugar free pudding, Jello, and popsicles have replaced Ice cream...

    So far so good!

  15. Here's some ideas of how I eat to stay feeling full

    2-20-07 Tuesday

    9am I ate 3-4oz cream of wheat with 10 Protein powder

    11:30am 8 pc Mar far chicken peeled most of bread off,

    Sipped tea all day 20oz

    Crystal light Lemonade 20oz

    1- V-8

    1 multi vit - 1 Calcium - 1 Bovine - vit E

    3:30pm Came home ate 4 rye crackers 2oz Brie cheese

    5:30pm 3 oz chicken Soup

    7:30pm 4 rye crackers 2oz Brie cheese


    9:30pm 27 gram scoop of Protein 27

    1 tbsp peanut almond butter 8

    10 oz milk 9


    Cottage cheese 3-4 oz

    Yogurt 3.5 oz

    Cottage cheese 3-4oz

    Tea 20 oz

    Tomalleys pie 5-6 oz

    2 rye crackers and brie cheese 3 oz cheese

    Lemonade 20oz

    Try filling up with cottage cheese, or brie cheese and Rye Crackers they break up and pass well, also rye is a good source of Fiber. Cream of Wheat with vanilla protein will also fill you up and it's good for you. Keep working out the higher protien willl help you loose. Stay above 90 g protein

  16. Here's how I battle hunger

    I have had no fill yet, I eat 5 -6 times per day but small amounts. If I forget I get hungry! but if I stay on track and eat every three hours I don't get hungry.

    Eat high Protein or good carbohydrate foods, like cottage cheese, pea Soup, string cheese, bean soup, low fat yogurt some times I will mix in vanilla Protein Powder to up my protein. Water them down since you are two weeks post op. anything that is thin enough to pour off your spoon is OK.

    In the evening about 8-10pm I have a chocolate Protein Shake with a 1/2 teaspoon of Adam’s natural Peanut Butter to go to sleep on.

    When I eat, it is no more than 3 oz of food, and hardly anything with high sugar in it. Also make sure you don't drink after you eat or you will wash it through the band, leave the food in there and then you will feel full for hours.

    Before eating drink a glass of water or other fluids, Make sure you drink your 64 oz of liquid per day! Crystal light lemonade and ice tea are awesome. I also Make a thermos of hot tea, and bring it to work.

    If I stay on this, I feel full and the weight just keeps dropping 4 weeks 33 lbs!!!!!

  17. I have had no fill yet, I eat 5 -6 times per day but small amounts. If I forget I get hungry! but if I stay on track and eat every three hours I don't get hungry.

    Eat high Protein or good carbohydrate foods, like cottage cheese, pea Soup, string cheese, bean Soup, low fat yogurt some times I will mix in vanilla Protein Powder to up my Protein.

    In the evening about 8-10pm I have a chocolate Protein shake with a 1/2 teaspoon of Adam’s natural Peanut Butter to go to sleep on.

    When I eat, it is no more than 3 oz of food, and hardly anything with high sugar in it. Also make sure you don't drink after you eat or you will wash it through the band, leave the food in there and then you will feel full for hours.

    Make sure you drink your 64 oz of liquid per day! Crystal light lemonade and ice tea are awesome. I also Make a thermos of hot tea, and bring it to work.

    If I stay on this, I feel full and the weight just keeps dropping 4 weeks 33 lbs!!!!!

    This is what is working for me. Good Luck!

  18. I have had no fill yet, I eat 5 -6 times per day but small amounts. If I forget I get hungry! but if I stay on track and eat every three hours I don't get hungry.

    Eat high Protein or good carbohydrate foods, like cottage cheese, pea Soup, string cheese, bean soup, low fat yogurt some times I will mix in vanilla Protein Powder to up my protein.

    In the evening about 8-10pm I have a chocolate Protein Shake with a 1/2 teaspoon of Adam’s natural Peanut Butter to go to sleep on.

    When I eat, it is no more than 3 oz of food, and hardly anything with high sugar in it. Also make sure you don't drink after you eat or you will wash it through the band, leave the food in there and then you will feel full for hours.

    Make sure you drink your 64 oz of liquid per day! Crystal light lemonade and ice tea are awesome. I also Make a thermos of hot tea, and bring it to work.

    If I stay on this, I feel full and the weight just keeps dropping 4 weeks 33 lbs!!!!!

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