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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kthump

  1. That is certainly some of it, but my stomach and upper torso have gotten larger. :( (My calves, legs and arms are smaller, however.) It's like I'm storing fat so that I can survive a famine. Ughhhh. I just have to get beyond this. Either exercise less and eat the same, or continue to exercise a lot - and try to take in more calories. I hate to say it, but I regret working out so much / so quickly.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  2. I am close to 3 years out. I lost rapidly at first - close to 90 lbs. I have been faithfully exercising every day. I get anywhere between 15k-25k "steps" per day. Typically, I get roughly 90 "active minutes" per day - frequently more. I am quite certain that my body is in "starvation mode" - as I have actually gained about 15 pounds. :(

    I still don't feel hunger, so I tend not to eat an awful lot. I get full very quickly and I find it quite hard to get enough calories in most days. I realize that probably 50% of my problem is in my head. I am fearful of overeating - and I find it really hard to eat when I have no appetite. I do realize that I need to make some changes - as this is clearly not working to my benefit. I will try to increase my caloric intake to see if this makes a difference.

    Has anyone else made the same mistake? Did you have any luck when you increased your calories? How far out were you? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks! Kim

  3. I had mine done on a Thursday. I could easily have gone back on Tuesday. Physically, I was ready. I was in no hurry to return, though - and opted to take some "me time", instead. I think that I feared I may fall into old habits too quickly. I took 2 weeks off. I used this time to focus on making life changes. I walked and walked and walked every chance I could. I spent tons of time on Pinterest - looking for healthy, high Protein foods. I also spent lots of time on this wonderful website. I just feel that it really allowed me to get into a positive mindset for this adventure. Down 62 since surgery 1-5-12! 87 since mid October when my journey began!

  4. I was sleeved on Jan. 5th. I still experience an extreme "full feeling" - especially after I eat Proteins like chicken, eggs or jerkey. Embrace it! I have become methodical with my eating habits. I find myself eating the same foods almost daily. Kashi Go Lean, egg whites w/ ff cheddar cheese and dill, chobani w/ Kashi, Jerky, Dal, and chicken tenderloins. I still don't feel "hunger" - per se. I feel empty - and that is typically my signal to drink more Water. I have found it quite easy to get in the recommended proteins and water daily. Until recently, I was having a difficult time getting in enough calories - because I was always so full. I am doing better now, and take in about 600-700 daily. I found that the easiest way to increase calories was to add nuts or an additional Protein Shake in the PM. (The problem with nuts is that I can eat them like there's no tomorrow! I definitely have to monitor my intake with them!). I'm on my 2nd stall. The first one lasted a little over 2 weeks - and now this one has lasted about 2. Frustrating, yes.... This too, shall pass, though. I am down 38 since being sleeved, 74 since I began this journey in October. I feel better than I have in years! I am soooo glad that I decided to do this. It is definitely a wonderful tool. This is probably more info than you were looking for. I kinda get to rambling. Sorry! Best of luck to you!

  5. I have a Nordic Track. I have been doing the 40 min. 400 calorie program. It's under the calorie option, I believe. After doing it for a few weeks I have found that I needed to increase the speed / incline to be more challenging, but I still enjoy it, nonetheless. It has been really helpful in building endurance. I could barely jog for 1/4 mile without feeling like I was going to keel over before. : ( I am not signed up for any marathons, YET, but I hope to be in the near future.... I also did notice that my weight dropped more consistently when I started doing this program. I try to alternate exercise routines, too. One day I will run, and the next day I do the interval training. Best of luck to you! I hope that you enjoy this setting as much as I have!

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