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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MzAngel

  1. Yeah my eyelashes used to be my best assest as well, now i put heaps and heaps of mascarra and they still barley show.

    Apart from a cracker or a slice of cheese, Absolutley nothing else stays down. Even Water and coffee have a habit of coming up most times. That's why i suspect i've got a slipped band. I think it's a catch 22 thing, being over restricted (even thou the band has no fil, ) made me vomit heaps and that in turn slipped the band. Well that's my theory anyway until the Doc tells me otherwise LOL.

  2. I remember as my weight was dropping i only bought a few essential pieces but it still felt like a waste of money as i only wore them for short

    periods of time before they were way to big.

    I reakon we should start some sort of clothes swapping thing in the forums. LOL. At least that way we could all save a little more money.

  3. I hear ya on the hair falling out bit, I'm even loosing my eyelashes LOL.

    I'm sorry to hear that ur baby was ill when he born. I hope he's feeling better.

    Have u had any scans etc done to see what the problem is? Or maybe ur band is to tight? U really should check with ur Dr and see what the problem is and try to sort it out.

    I'll find out Tuesday if there's anything much that i can do before i give birth, but until then i think i'm just gonna have to keep bringing up the food/liquid/everything. Cross ur fingers for me that this can be resolved. The OBGYN's saying that if it keeps up then they might induce me earlier as the baby would probably have a better chance at nutrition on the outside. I really don't want that to happen. So i'm hopeing the problems will get sorted.

  4. Hi Trish,

    I can't believe someone who's in the same boat LOL.

    I honestly don't think it's normal that we can't get so many things down. Maybe u should get some of ur Fluid out and that might help. Ask ur Dr and see what he thinks, then again if he's anything like my one he's nod his head a little and show u the door, with none of ur questions answered. LOL

    For me I've had all the Fluid removed and food is still getting stuck.

    As you can see i'm now down 50kgs. Part of me want's to be over the moon at the results. But the other practical side of me feels like i've become a bulimic as everything i eat comes up. I wish i could rely on the cheat foods like chips and ice cream but that comes up most of the time as well.

    Can i ask u while u where pregnant did u feel like u had even more restriction?? I'm trying to figure out if the baby pushing against my stomach is making my restriction worse or not??? It's either that or i have a slipped band. I've got an appointment with a new Dr on Tuesday, so i suppose i'll have a clearer idea as to what can be done then.

  5. Susannah - I'm so sry to hear about ur port. Hopefully it won't fully flip and u won't have to much more complication with it. With regards to ur ticker - I think u should be able to click on it in anyone of ur messages and it will redirect u to website. Then u make the changes. I think u have to put a password in thou.

    Bronnie - Good luck with ur operation, hope all goes well for u.

    As for me, I spoke to my OBGYN who recommended a new Dr to me who happens to be at the same hospital. So my first appointment will be on Tuesday and I'll find out what can/cannot be done then. I was also told that if the complications persist with the lapband, then i'll probably have to be induced early. I'm getting really scared now:cry


  6. Hey Kity,

    I was worried about the same thing before my surgery LOL.

    Umm it took me about 2 weeks before my libido came back and for the first few times u just have to be careful u don't disturb the port site or strain the area.

    On another note, now that where sharing:) , once ur weight starts to drop, ur libido picks up like never before.


  7. Thanks Meredith, glad to be here. Your doing great with your weight loss as well. Keep up the good work. Any adivce i can give i'm more then happy to.

    Susannah, u took the words right out of my mouth, I was just about to post and say that i don't like fizzy drinks anymore either.

    I used to go through about 2 x 1.25 bottles a day. Now on the rare occasion that i do feel like it, one or two sips is more then enough. I wonder why we lose our taste for it??


  8. Hi All, Hi Angel. Welcome, and I am glad you found us. How is everybody going with their exercising? I have been told that I need to do 30 minutes a day. I have been walking, and doing home exercise dvd's. I can't afford to go to gym at the moment, so I was wondering it it would be good to go to a sports shop and just buy some hand weights and lift them at home?

    Anybody tried the resistance bands for the same purpose?

    Also do you think your body can tell the difference between pure Water, and water that has got a nip of diet cordial in it? I go a bit batty having to drink 8 glasses of pure water a day.:)


    The resistance bands are really good, I used them and found them to be better then the weights. Free weights can be an expensive thing. As you get used to the diffrent weights u have to buy more that are heavier. Go the resistance bands and if u feel like a change on any given day, grab some cans of baked Beans etc from the cupboard and use them. :)

    I cheated with the cordial, I think sometimes u just have to give in to the little things, to help stop u from giving in to the bigger things.


  9. Yep 47kgs down and only a few more to go. If it wasn't for me being pregnant at the moment I would so totally be over the moon, but 10 of those kilo's where lost while i've been pregnant, so that's what's got me so worried now.

    I noticed that ur goal is similar to mine in total weight loss, so good luck on the journey. Before u know it u'll be looking back on the old you and won't even recognise her anymore LOL.


  10. Hey all,

    I've already posted a few times on the site but i thought i should offically introduce myself LOL

    I'm from Sydney and was banded May 2006. I've more or less reached my goal weight, but still find this site a great support.

    Hope u all don't mind me crashing LOL


  11. Thanks Susannah for the words of support and thanks She smiles for that website. I'll definatley look further into it now and try to get a second opinion.

    Sry it took me so long to reply i just had a really hard week.


  12. Hey all,

    Just wondering if any one out their could help explain what all the abbreviations mean LOL

    As i read ppl's post's i get stuck with the meaning of all those PBing, WLS, WW and MGB just to name a few. There are heaps of abbreviations that i don't understand and i'm sure i'm not the only one. So could we start a thread with translations?

    Thanks heaps


  13. Thanks again for your warm replies.

    My story goes something like this :paranoid

    Me and my husband were banded just under a yr ago. While his road has been smooth and complication free, mine has been nothing but trouble.

    Even from the liquid stage i could feel something getting "stuck" and the Doc just put it off to me feeling the band doing it's job (even though the band was totally empty). I had a few fills done and then had to have several fills removed due to food constantly getting stuck.

    Me and my husband eat basicly the same food, he has absolutly no problems (he's even been known to eat a hamburger once in a while with no probs) everything, and i mean everything i eat comes back up even Soups and sometimes just plain old water).

    While i was willing to put up with the vomiting at first (i lost 30kg's in under 4 mths) now i'm 23 wks pregnant and the vomiting hasn't stopped. My band is totally empty and the Doc's even sucked the air out of it to make it even wider, and still i can't keep anything down. I'm still losing weight and although so far the baby's healthy, i'm worried that as i get further along the baby will start to suffer.

    The main reason i'm looking for a new Doc is due largley in part to his comment of, "have the baby then come back and we'll see what we can do." I know that i can't have most of the scan's and x-ray's while i'm pregnant, but there's got to be something that can be done.

    So yeah, that's my story. I'm one of the rare one's that the band just dosn't seem to agree with. But having said that, nothing much has been done by my Doc to correct what ever the problem is.

    Sry this post is so long


  14. Hey Kati,

    Well i'm due mid June, so not to much longer to go :clap2:

    I had these complications way before i fell pregnant, i think the pregnancy is just making it worse for me.

    Out of curiosity, what size is your band. I'm thinking that may be part of the problem. My Dr. told me that my one was smaller then my hubby's but didn't actually tell me the size. But that could explain why i'm having all the complications and he's having none.

    Hmmm, food for thought (no pun intended LOL)


  15. Hey all,

    Just putting the word out to see if any of u Aussie's can help me find a really good Sydney Doc.

    I'm having a few "communication problems" with the one that banded me, and as i'm now having lot's of problems i need to find another doc to go to.

    And help, suggestions would be much appreciated



  16. well it seems there's now 3 of us in this boat LOL. Hopefully we'll all get our answer's soon.

    I've realised that i need to see a new Dr. But i'm trying to bide my time until i give birth cause i'm assuming that nothing can really be done until then. I can't really have x-ray's and the like and operation's are out of the question.

    Also finding a good experienced doctor in Sydney, Australia is proving to be a bit of a challange.

    Dr. C, in your opinion can something be done before i give birth, or will i need to wait til after?


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