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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by demmemoon

  1. Hi everyone. Thx for all the great information, I have learned a lot. Last week I attended a seminar in Fort Wayne (about 1 hour away). I have to tell you I left a bit discouraged. First of all, I found out this program is new, only since Oct 2006. Since then he has done aoubt 100 RNY and only about 12 Lapbands. Holy cow, I was hoping for some more experience than that! Also, the nurse who handles insurance said that in Indiana there is a mandatory 6 month doctor-supervised diet before being considered. I had high hopes of getting this done this summer, and 6 months seems like an eternity to me. She also said she has had people who have done the 6 month diet and their doctor didn't chart thoroughly enough and it was still denied, ugh! What a nightmare. I was thinking of self pay but she said it would be $15,000-$18,000 and that doesn't count any possible complications:eek: . I am scheduled for a different seminar in June, but I think they are also new, with few patients so far. That's the trouble living in a rural area. IF I were to consider going to another city to have the surgery done, how do you deal with follow-up, fills, etc. It sounded like the program they have there is quite intensive, with weekly support group meetings, etc. I wonder if I could attend those without actually having my surgery done by the doc there, seems a little awkward. Any thoughts?

    Thx for listening

    Have you checked out the Cincy-Dayton area or the Metro Detroit area? There are many qualified centers in both of these areas and not too far from you.

    I had mine done in Port Huron, MI and they have done well over 1500 surgeries. If you'd like more info, pm me.

  2. I was told that initial restriction from the band is a bit smaller than a 50-cent piece. I've never heard the "dime" comparison.The pictures I've seen of the partially-inflated band look larger than a dime. The Lapband® and its Placement It's clear that my surgeon is a bit more conservative than some Mexican surgeons, however. Maybe that's because he's only an hour away from me. :mad:

    If you were to take the lapband out of the package pre-surgery and measure the diameter of the band, a quarter would easily fit through it.

    Once inserted and adding in a little tissue adherence, I would say that the quarter would need force to pass through. Still bigger than a dime, but a dime would go through easily.

    I work in the OR and we do many, many lapband surgeries and have seen the size of the band in question numerous times. It is an Imed just to clarify and my hospital has the Award of Excellence.

    As far as the posted statistics on those who go to Mexico vs the US, I think the poll would be a bit skewed. My thinking is this: because there is a natural fear in going outside the US for any medical procedure (IMO) I would think these forums are populated more by those looking for answers/positive conformation of those who have gone abroad than by those that can get information and support locally. I am here because I am anal in my research. I check everything constantly and on many levels. I trust my doc but wanted to see what others have gone through. My doc is of normal weight and a male. How can he truly understand me and what I have been through?

    And the comment that US docs are upset over Mexican (or other) docs taking away their business, I highly disagree.

    Mexican docs are getting the business that US docs weren't going to get anyway. Other than WABB, I doubt there are more than a couple people that chose Mexico when they could have had the surgery here. Your choice worked for you, but most going outside the US do so because of insurance problems we have here and self pay. I would be eager to see how many would still have gone to Mexico if they had insurance carte blanc to go anywhere they wanted without paying a dime. I may be wrong, but I bet more would choose to have their surgery "in their backyard", so to speak.

    I think perhaps WABB has had to justify her choice one to many times to others and has gotten a bit defensive. If you would like me to ask my lapband surgeons their take on the Mexican doctors, I would be glad to. I bet they would give credit to those deserving and be concerned about those not meeting the approved Imed standards.

    I also think it was a cheap shot suggesting racism played into this.

    Again, most of this post is based on my observance in the OR and my opinion based on my experience. YMMV.

  3. So, I'm in a mom & pop toy store this afternoon looking for some magician type items for my 8 year old to use in a school talent show.

    The owner, about 38, comes over to help me. I tell him the items need to be easy, visible from a distance and not too expensive as I see this being a fleeting thing once the show is over.

    He takes me to an aisle that has a few card tricks and such and I tell him "nope, too small. the audience won't see what he's doing".

    Ok, he next shows me a wooden, old fashioned type set made by Melissa & Doug. Great company but the kit runs 30.00. I hem and haw and he proceeds to tell me this is a great beginner kit. And to boot....none of the tricks involve Black Magick.

    Great. Here we go.

    I say, "I know that and I am Pagan so magick is rather a part of me". He goes on to say that, you know, Black Magick is more of those Tarot cards and Crystal Balls, that kind of Witch stuff those devil worshipers use.

    Oh Great Hera!

    I left the store just shaking my head and went to pick up my kids!

    Oldest son just laughed when I told him. Funny an 8 year old can understand the difference between a magic trick and real magick!

  4. Hello Marchies!

    So, had my first fill this afternoon and it was much easier than I thought!

    I had my 5 & 8 year old boys with me and Dr. Boutt let them watch. It was so cool. Of course, one blink and they'd miss it, but they thought it was awesome!

    I went conservative for my first fill. The nurse shows a chart and you're to show where you think you are in relationship to the scale they have. I decided I was happy with my 17lb weight loss, the ability to eat without pain or puking and overall felt good. The negative I chose was that I think I still eat too much at one sitting occasionally and that I don't really "feel" restricted.

    Dr. Boutt and I decided to still get a fill (I was thinking .5cc, he went with 1cc - I guess I'm more conservative than he is!) I tend to over-think things and knew I'd drive myself nuts playing the "what if" game.

    He said I probably won't have great restriction but it should help curb portion size a bit more. Sounds good to me. I'm a slow and steady kinda girl with this.

    I also told him I don't ever want to be so restricted that I can't eat and enjoy life! He thanked me. Guess I'm the opposite of what his usual requests are.

    Anyway, it was a good thing today!

    I'm enjoying a hot cuppa coffee for dinner!:youcandothis::hungry:

  5. hey all -

    just sitting here in bandster hell and waiting for my first fill.

    i didn't realize what torture this was going to be. i'm still eating wisely (for the most part) but want the food anxiety to go away! i can't eat volumes like before but i can eat pretty much anything i want. that is a slippery slope for me so i'm just hanging on until my 1st fill on the 15th.

    oh, and for those that work at a hospital - have you noticed how much junk food there is and how they Celebrate everything with food. oy! i've never been so tempted in all my life.:tired

    p.s. i am in for such a rude awakening when i actually have to slow down to eat. i am a fast eater by habit.

  6. Not necessarily. If you really research therapy and counseling you will find that stats show verrrry little difference in the outcome of a person with therapy vs. without.

    Please site your references for this research. I'm very interested to see it.

  7. Why do we need to keep switching threads every month? I think it would be kind of nice a year from now to be able to read completely through our experiences and see how far we have come without having to travel through twelve different threads.

    Navigating a 27 page thread really isn't any different than going through a 200 page thread - you are still hitting last page.

    I like the monthly switches as it keeps it all fresh and exciting.

    As for wanting to re-read it all at one time...you can. Just keep a file with each months link and read away.

  8. I looked for you yesterday when I had my surgery and even asked if anyone knew you, but no luck. But the experience with Dr. Bhesania was fantastic and the staff there is just wonderful. I couldn't have gone to a better place,in my estimation.


    Hee hee heee!!!

    I saw you!

    What name did you use to ask for me? My real name is Deb and the only ones that would know me are those in the actual Operating Room. I think I saw you in post-op, too. I was running around there like a madwoman looking for a portable monitor for the Lapband room. The one there was on the fritz (or so they thought) and wanted a back-up.

    Anyway, glad your experience was pleasant.

  9. I totally endorse Drs. Boutt & Bhesania at Port Huron Hospital.

    They have done over 1500 Lapbands and have been awarded the Center of Excellence.

    Check out the website at http://www.porthuronhospital.org/OPage.asp?PageID=OTH000037

    They also have a great group of nurses, insurance specialists, and dieticians who work very closely with you. Oh, and they even have a law firm retained to help with any legal issues.

    I had my surgery there and have been very please. In fact, I now work there in the OR's with both doctors! :biggrin1:

    Feel free to pm me if you have any questions!

  10. Well Gals and Guys,

    I guess we are truly in bandster hell till we get a good fill.

    We have all lost, I say we can do this! Let's all support each other through this time.:clap2:

    One huge advantage we have is that it is spring, we have daylight longer, and hopefully the weather will break here in the midwest and we can walk, walk, walk.

    We are now done with matzah and chocolate bunnies, YAHOO!

    Momlambert and Dem, seems like 2/3 - 1 cup is were we kinda want to fall for food. I think this is doable, it has to be.

    Ok, I feel better.

    Good luck to everyone for a successful week of big losers.


    well, i just ate 3 oz tuna with mayo and about 1/2c cheesey potatoes. that's about the size meal i eat for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is usually coffee and yogurt. lunch is usually Soup and cottage cheese.< /p>

    i'm getting rather hungry these days. can't wait until a fill. and it sucks i see my surgeon about 4 times a week at work (also sucks when he's eating candy in front of me! :)) and can't get one sooner.

    oh well!

    i have the rest of my life to get this weight off since i've probably prolonged it by 20+ years now!

  11. Demmemoon.....Hope we get to meet tomorrow! I'll be the one telling Dr. Bhesania to "get er done!":biggrin1: :)

    I think I saw you on the board for tomorrow. What time are you scheduled?

    Are your initails CS (or maybe KS, depending how you spell it)?

    Anyway, I'll be there!


  12. Oh, man. I love me some Mother Love Bone!

    Crown of Thorns is one of my all-time favorite songs. And I love the movie "Singles" because of the music.

    Oh, and Eddie Vedder is gonna be my next husband! YUM.

    I love grunge, always will. I'm into Foo Fighters right now but may have to have a Seattle day tomorrow. :rockon:

    I just today have added a playlist to my ipod for my post-band workouts!


    Would-Alice in Chains

    Remedy-Black Crowes

    You Oughta Know-Alanis Morrisette

    Tangled Up In Blue-Bob Dylan

    Rearview Mirror-Pearl Jam

    Heartshine-Mother Love Bone



    Stoned Me-Van Morrison

    Saint In The City-Bruuuce

    Senorita-Justin Timberlake


    Chariot-Gavin DeGraw

    cool cooldown

    Almost Cut My hair -CSN&Y

    Descender-Black Crowes


    Stardog Champion-Mother Love Bone ("uh, oh yesssssss" a PERFECT workout ender)

    Jill in NY

    Former Lollapalooza, Grunge, Eddie Vedder Loving Bachelorette

    Current Mom, International Sales/Freight Forwarder, Loving wife (still a closet rocker!)

    Surgery 4/11!

    Syosset N.Y.- Dr. David Mayer


  13. two things....

    1. Mint IS good for stomach pain and digestion. Peppermint tea is great for flatuance, upset stomach and Constipation. Peppermint essential oil (theraputic grade) diluted in a carrier oil is awesome for stomach gas, cramping and flu-like symptoms. mix about 4-5 drops to a tablespoon olive oil and rub across the stomach area, focusing on your sides where the intestines form hard stools -constipation or cramping, depending on the stomach ailment. Works in about 15 minutes to relieve pain.

    2. Please don't waste good money on "miracle" type lotions and such. NOTHING will tighten skin long-term. You can use products that contain hyaluronic acid, like retinol, or certain types of Panthenols to temporarily tighten skin (think preperation H) but it's only short term. Exercise, genetics and sometimes surgery determine how supple your skin will be.

    I know this stuff because I am an aromatherapist, herbalist and formulator for my bath and body products business (I also work with chemist/formulators that work for the larger cosmetic houses). If you find a product you want info on, pm me the ingredients and I'll tell you what's there in layman terms!

    It was a week before I had a bm and I was slightly constipated but no problem. Then a few days after that my butt exploded LOL. I pooped my pants, honestly. Can't remember the last time I did that... I was sitting and watching tv and then I was sprinting to the bathroom. I cleaned the damp area of the upholstry with my turbo bot and its fine. And I took immodium and that took care of me.

    In a completely unrelated topic, I got a new microderm abrasion system. Its Water resistant so I can use it in the shower. I use it all over and I pay special attention to my breasts and my thights and my but and my upper arms and I will do my tummy once the incisions and the blisters are more healed. And its kind of funny. As I massage those areas with it I give my body a pep talk. I tell it you are young and firm and elastic. I remind my skin that it wants to shrink with me. I figure it won't hurt. And my breasts were super smooth afterward ;) And I also have some firming lotion. I also hear Vitamin E is supposed help and retinal A. I already have loose crepe like skin on my upper arms so I figure that area might be a losing battle and my nipples get closer to my waist every day, but I figure its important to try and do some damage control here.

    I'm healing pretty well. I have class this friday and I feel like I can handle work this weekend (for me it involves sitting and talking, but sitting can be difficult). I swear I have weak butt muscles or need a special pad or something because if I sit in my office chair for just a while my butt starts to hurt. If I sit too long I get knots! In my Butt! When this problem occured I do not know. But I feel its pretty funny although slightly tragic because it is rather uncomfortable. I also wanted to make sure my surgical pain was gone before I tried to work so I could focus on work and not be distracted.

    I think this comming weekend I have my women's group meeting again. I think our topic is Herbs. I'm going to bring some of my ginger altoids. I love the things. They are good for me when I go to grocery stores and get innudated with food that all looks good. They are strong flavored and I love ginger. And ginger is good for the tummy unlike mint, so they are a happy thing for me to have on my weight loss journey (I'm a huge fan of ginger in its various forms).

    I woud like to be able to take my NSAID again, but I know it is too soon. I can take my opoid, but thats stronger than I need (I have fibro) on a regular basis and I hate to build up a tolerance. But I have these stretches and stuff I am supposed to do that my podiatrist gave me for my high arches cause they hurt when I walk but the stretchs give me cramps and stuff and I'm supposed to use a NSAID or something while I do them and get used the new arch support and it really is painful adjusting but it is supposed to help more long term... we'll see. That is all that is new here. I'm just glad it is spring like outside. I need DH to make me an alter.

  14. Hey there, Marchies!

    Day 13 of band-land and all is well (and itchy!)

    I do have a question, however. When your swelling went down, did you feel like you could eat the world? I went from sips and bites to now being able to eat a full cup of Soup in one sitting! To me that feels like a binge! lol

    Also, when you are/were in the full liquid stage, did you still drink with your yogurts, Soups or cream of wheat? I do but I don't think it matters at this point. Everything is basically sliding down the band since it isn't solid.

    Ok, enough Q&A. Have a great Sunday.

    Off to the movies with dh......alone!!!!!!

  15. Hey Judy!

    I should be working in the OR the day of your surgery!

    I just started back to work after a 9 year mommy break and work on the surgical ward.

    As a matter of fact, I just sat in on my first lapband today (unless you count my surgery on the 19th but I don't remember it! :)) It was absolutely amazing to watch. Dr. Bhesania was the surgeon and today is the first time I've meet him. He seemed pretty nice and loves Aerosmith in the OR! :)

    Anyway, I hope you have a smooth time of it when you're there. I'll keep a look-out for you!

    Hey Dawnie!!!

    Good luck on your surgery tomorrow. Three weeks from today I hope to be where you are!! Let me know how things go for you when you feel like posting again..

    I'll be thinking about you tomorrow!!!


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