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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by khundaqji

  1. hi all,

    about the the Water

    you dont drink Water while eating

    u keep the water after the food 20-30 mins

    but the reason im saying water all the time

    your body needs water for the weight loss..

    about the intensive meals

    the reason for that ,is to have a high metabolism , you need to keep your body inputting not with high amount food, but small portions this will help you to have high metabolism

    cause you dont need your body to go to starvation mode , because in this mode your body will try to save the weight and the fat ,

    so we trick the body with the input of the food ...

    ive been doing that for the past year and 4 months and it worked well with me

    of course my first stage of diet was liquid diet , but then slowly i started to form my own type of diet and it worked well

  2. hey guys sorry for not being around I had to a business trip, and just got back home yesterday

    here is my diet plan

    click here for the link

    here is my workout routine

    click herefor the link

    and here is a picture of my body progress

    i started a week ago to shape my body

    i need 8 more weeks to reach my goal

    tell me what you guys think

    ps if you guys need any extra advises please contact me thru

    my email:- khundaqji@Live.com

    or whatsapp:- +974 70107033

    or BBM:-266D5CDF

    i will available any time on any of these

    good luck to all


  3. hi guys this is my exercise plan

    remember we are not here to build muscles we are here to keep the muscles in shape and to burn the fat around it

    follow my diet plan with the workout routine

    click here for my diet plan

    day 1#

    jogging 2 hours

    gym exercise

    Chest workout very low weight and arm muscles

    day 2#

    swimming 1 hour

    gym shoulder very low weight and abs

    day 3#

    walking on stairs do as much as u can but not less than 30 mins


    Back workout very low weight and hips no weight

    day 4#


    Gym relax day

    day 5#

    jogging 2 hours

    cycling 45 mins


    legs very low weight

    day 6#

    stairs 45 mins

    gym over all body work out



    who ever feels like they almost reached their target

    contact me via email khundaqji@live.com

    and i will give you advance work out

  4. hi guys sorry for the late reply ,

    here is my diet plan what i usually eat during the week

    ofcourse you must have 5-7 meals a day

    and alot of Water

    ofcourse i use this method a day thats pure proten with little Fiber

    and a day only fibers

    do the diet routine with the work out plan

    juice drink 2 lt of water

    small meal:-

    fruit salad and water


    200 gram of chicken breast boiled with flavors and vegetables and drink lots of water

    small meal:-

    apple with 2-3 pieces of crackers and water

    before exercise:-

    grilled fish vegetables with coffee lots of water

    after exercise:-

    cocktail juice

    Day 2 #


    Green salad lots of water

    small meal:-

    2 apples with lots of water


    Grilled Vegetables Salad , Coffee lots of water

    small Meal:-

    Apple , lots of water juice

    Before Gym:

    Vegetables anything that you like but shouldn't contain Protein

    with juice

    After Gym :

    Vegetable Soup lots of Water

    Day 3#


    Chicken soup, orange juice drink 2 lt of water

    small meal:-

    1/2 banana and water


    200 gram of Grilled Fish with flavors and vegetables and drink lots of water

    small meal:-

    apple with 2-3 pieces of crackers and water

    before exercise:-

    grilled 150gm steak vegetables with coffee lots of water

    after exercise:-

    cocktail juice lots of water

    Day 4#


    fruit salad, orange juice

    small meal:-

    apple and water


    any vegetables salad and drink lots of water

    small meal:-

    2 Apple lots of water

    small meal

    fruit and lots of water


    Fish Soup

    Day 5#


    meat Soup orange juice drink 2 lt of water

    small meal:-

    fruit salad and water


    any type of fish grill small portion boiled with flavors and vegetables and drink lots of water

    small meal:-

    apple with 2-3 pieces of crackers and water

    before exercise:-

    milk and 150gm of grilled chicken Breast with coffee lots of water

    after exercise:-

    cocktail juice

    Day 6#

    Vegetable day

    Day 7#

    Relax Day with protein you can have fried main meals but remember no rice no bread no sodas no sweets

    who ever is interested in more diet plans please contact me

    i will be posting every week my diet plan for the whole week

  5. thank u all for the great comments

    it means the world to me :)

    please if any of you guys need helps or tips on food and workouts please feel free to ask

    I just passed your picture around to my whole family! Lol. N u look great. Congratulations. So what has been your workout schedule. I've been working out like crazy n barely lost 1 pound in the last couple weeks.

    haha thanks for sharing my picture,

    well ive been focusing more on walking and swimming" basically because these two things helps you to move every muscle and fat in ur body".. i do on daily bases 15 kg mixed of walking and running , just remember when your doing it keep moving your upper body left and right cause this helps the belly and keep your hand straight and move them front back for the chest and shoulders , ..and finally breath cause breathing deep helps you alot ,

    i didnt focus on gym much .. cause i wanted to lose body mass and size ,

    and finally my advice to you. dont weight your self everyday or every week.. just ones every 2 weeks is good .. keep drinking lots of liquids cause it helps you to lose fat

    i will try to start a youtube channel. i will try to guide you on food , and workouts

    Thanks for sharing your success. What a great achievement. I will also share this with my husband as I'm sure he will be inspired also. We banded together, only he doesn't do forums. Great Job!

    thanks alot .. its really good that you and your husband did it together it will motivate you both to lose weight ,

    if you need any help or any tips please feel free to ask

    i wish you all the luck and best in your journey ..

    Your hard work and perseverance paid off big time! Thank you for coming back to the site to share your success with us, it truly means the world to many many LB's.


    thanks for your comment

    im really happy that i motivated some people

    cause alot of you guys motivated me in my journey over here

  6. thank you all for the great comments

    i hope u all to achieve ur goals

    Looking great! How hard has it been to keep it off? Do u still have days where u want to just eat "bad"?

    thanks ... yes there were these days that i felt like i want to eat to eat like there is no tomorrow.... but i do try to control my self to the max

    in my diet i limit down the carbs ... i did cut out sweets rice bread sodas in early stages of the diet but now . i just give limits to everything

    XXX to a Small! Wow! That's life-altering! Good for you! You look great (down right yummy!)

    hey thank u :)

    im amazed too... cause small to me was a size unheard off lol

  7. thank you all for the great comments

    i hope u all to achieve ur goals

    Looking great! How hard has it been to keep it off? Do u still have days where u want to just eat "bad"?

    thanks ... yes there were these days that i felt like i want to eat to eat like there is no tomorrow.... but i do try to control my self to the max

    in my diet i limit down the carbs ... i did cut out sweets rice bread sodas in early stages of the diet but now . i just give limits to everything

    XXX to a Small! Wow! That's life-altering! Good for you! You look great (down right yummy!)

    hey thank u :)

    im amazed too... cause small to me was a size unheard off lol

  8. thank you all for the great comments

    i hope u all to achieve ur goals

    Looking great! How hard has it been to keep it off? Do u still have days where u want to just eat "bad"?

    thanks ... yes there were these days that i felt like i want to eat to eat like there is no tomorrow.... but i do try to control my self to the max

    in my diet i limit down the carbs ... i did cut out sweets rice bread sodas in early stages of the diet but now . i just give limits to everything

    XXX to a Small! Wow! That's life-altering! Good for you! You look great (down right yummy!)

    hey thank u :)

    im amazed too... cause small to me was a size unheard off lol

  9. hey guys sorry for not being around :(,

    it been 1 year and 2 months since my surgery day ,

    my starting weight was 147kg , and my weight now is 82kg I lost 65 kg:D...

    dropped from pant size 46 to size 32.. t-shirt size from xxxl to S..

    its a life changing I never felt so better all what it toke is time and the power of well and I did it ...

    if u guys want any help or tips on my diet and my exercise please feel free to ask .. I would be happy to help you and to be with u step by step all the way....


  10. hi all, it been 3 months exaclly since the day of the surgery

    and i have really good news

    ive lost since the pre ops 75 pounds

    so now im 253 pounds

    my target weight is 180 pounds , soo little left to my target :D

    so from the day of the surgery ive done 1 lap tighting , he tightin it down to 2cm

    here is a photo of how i used to be and how i am now

    tell me what do you guys think :D



  11. hi all,

    im new to this forum... my name is wasfi..

    so tomorrow is my surgery (my surgon name is :fawzi jadallah) my current weight is 298punds, and my goal weight is 180 pounds

    im kinda scared of the surgery,

    i have couple of questions ...

    after the surgery how does it feel? does it really hurt and soar ?

    and what are the risks of the surgery ive been talking to lots of anti lap band people, and they are freaking the hell out of me !! ...

    after the surgery how does it feel ,i've read couple of reviews of people did it and they do seem to struggle with it

    please urgent help

    thanks alot of people

    merry xmas and enjoy ur time people

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