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Posts posted by MissCastro1

  1. OK, so I've had two strange changes happen to me in the last two months. I'm 6 months post op and 110lbs down and just 10 from my goal. Recently I've been tripping and falling at least twice a week - before surgery I probably fell 4 times in my entire adult life. What gives?

    The second issue is that now I sleep with my mouth open - I've never done that. It's so bad I wake up with my lips and mouth completely dry.

    Anyone else have these issues?

  2. I had my first drink 3 months post-op, but the buzz lasted only about 5 minutes. When I try to drink 2 drinks I get sick - not like alcohol sick, but my stomach will hurt and I feel awful. I drink wine on occasion but honestly, the whole reason I drank alcohol pre-surgery in the first place was to get wasted. Since that's clearly not happening now, I just don't bother drinking it. :(

  3. I've been a size 22 since I was 18...and just this weekend I wore my first pair of size 14 jeans! What an incredible feeling! I shopped at Express and the size large was too big...I've been buying shirts from the "skinny girl" stores too. It's so strange....sometimes I look in the mirror and I see the same person but clearly I'm not. Even my feet are smaller - I don't wear wide width anymore and I can actually wear heels without my feet hurting. I just had to share my excitement!! I'm only 12 lbs from hitting the 100's!!!

  4. I know I read somewhere there are certain stalls that almost everyone hits (like the three week one) so I hope someone posts that info again. I'd love to see it.

    I'm six weeks post op. I hit my three week stall, which lasted just over a week. last week I lost 7 lbs, now I'm stalling again. I hope this is not an every-other-week thing!

  5. I am 6 mth post op and I still take Syntrax nectar Protein.. google it and look for samples before you invest lots of money in it. It is not for everyone but I love it!!!!

    nectar saved me!!! I was not getting enough Protein in so I ordered samples of them on mybariatricpantry.com. I cant believe how good they are. I hate regular Protein shakes. THe consistency, taste, and lack of being able to mix well made me hate them. The nectar ones dissolve in liquid and are not thick. I mix the regular flavors like peach and lemonade with Water, and the rich flavors like chocolate truffle and strawberry mouse with milk. They are incredible and absolutely worth the price. I will never buy any other protein again!

  6. Hi All,

    I'm a week post-op, feeling much better the last couple days, but I've noticed that my memory is horrible! I use the wrong words in sentences, I cant remember the thing I was just thinking of a moment before....it's minor but a little scary. I'm chalking it up to the lack of nutrition and lack of fluids (I'm not getting the full 64 in per day), but just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else had this problem.

  7. Oh yeah. It gets much better. My stomach growled and rumbled from the time I was being wheeled from the recovery room until two weeks after my surgery. It would growl so loud that I couldn’t sleep because it wouldn’t stop. I tried some Gas-x strips that dissolve in your mouth. That helped. I also found the more I walked the better I felt. I literally spent the first two weeks after my surgery pacing the floor and sleeping 2 hours at a time.

    Before I had surgery I had made friends with a woman that had hers done way before me. She was sprawled out on the beach on day 3 talking about how easy the surgery was and how she felt like she hadn’t even had anything done. By my day 3 I told her if I were feeling better- I would kick her butt.

    I had a bit of buyer’s remorse the first few days. Honestly I struggled the first 5 weeks. I just couldn’t hit those Water and Protein goals. It does get better. It gets so much better.

    I am 21 weeks out. It has been the best decision I have ever made in my entire life. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. Hang in there- it will get better.

    I'm going through this same thing right now and have been freaking. I'm 5 days post op and the gas pain and gurgling is so awful. I have pain when I eat food - it feels like the food is displacing air in my tiny tummy and it hurts then I take another sip. This even happens with Water.< /p>

    I cried so hard yesterday and regretted what I did. It's so good to hear this will end soon. Thank you for posting this.

  8. I'm 4 days out and couldn't handle the Tomato soup/applesauce/yogurt bland foods anymore so I took advice from another poster and got hot & sour egg Soup last night. It was DELICIOUS and hit the spot. It actually made me feel normal...I know that sounds odd but I've had a hard time getting anything down and this was perfect. I picked out all the mushroom chunks, though, you don't want to eat that.

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