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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PattyGirl66

  1. PattyGirl66

    First Post Not yet banded

    I did the same as Maddy, I found this site just about a month after a seminar about lapband weight loss surgery. I came on faithfully every day and really read a lot before I started to post. It was a straight 7 months before I was banded. I still come on often, as this is like second home to me. We all are great supporters for eachother! We keep eachother in check and we always can count on one another for moral support/motivation Welcome!!!
  2. PattyGirl66

    First NSVs

    That is sooo rewarding!! Great Job you are doing
  3. PattyGirl66

    Did Anyone Else Freak Out?!?!

    Jennygirl, It is very normal to feel nervous, if you weren't I would worry.. You will be surprised how quickly the surgery is done, I mean super fast! My surgery was not even an hour! If you have never had anesthesia before, discuss this with the anthesiologist, they can presecribe you something to calm your nerves and talk to you. You will be so glad you did this, I know I am BTW, I had a total hip replaced many years ago and was put under for over 4 hours, this was a piece of cake!!
  4. PattyGirl66

    Pass the Small Fork...

    I DO use smaller untensils when I am home only. The reason is because when I am home I am easily distracted and doing many things. This means I am not focused and can easily without intention place a bigger size portion of food in my mouth! Now, when I am out eating I noticed I am more cautious and aware of my surroundings when it comes to food. I take my time more, I enjoy my company, I place my utensils down more often, I never talk with any food in my mouth, this is why I don't need smaller utensils when out dining. However, whatever makes you feel comfortable and accountable, by all means break out the little utensils.......
  5. PattyGirl66

    Need help on foods to eat

    Hi Sassy! Breakfast: Soft scrambled eggs/egg whites (I make omlets all the time and add low fat cheeses and spinach to it). oatmeal with fresh fruit, Wheat toast with Peanut Butter, tiny wheat bagel toasted with lite cream cheese. Cottage cheese with fresh blueberries/raspberries. (get creative) Breakfast is my best meal of the day! I get very creative with my breakfast foods. With saying that, I keep to my portions (always measure), and I take small bites, and chew like a mother....... LOL. Lunch: Baby spinach leaves, grape tomatoes, 3 ounce grilled chicken breast with light balsamic vinegerette dressing, Tuna fish (canned) in water/drained add a wedge of laughing cow lite cheese, put in a toasted half of pita bread or sometimes I like to eat them with whole wheat rye triscuits, you can also eat that with carrot sticks. Dinner: 3-4 ounces of lean meats/could be chicken, turkey, ground turkey, chicken leg/thigh (no skin) 1/4 cup of veggie and 1/4 cup of a starch. Measuring is super important for success. I measure everything that goes into my mouth. Practice the habit now. Again, remember to keep your meals to no more than a cup (that 8 ounces), Measure, take very small bites, pause inbetween bites, chew chew chew..... You are going to be great at this Here is a great site I make many of my foods from that you will enjoy if you like cooking : http://www.skinnytaste.com/
  6. PattyGirl66

    Carb Cycling- An Experiment Gone Right!

  7. “Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life; don't make it wait any longer.” ~ Steve Maraboli

  8. PattyGirl66

    Doing well 5 1/2 months out but...

    Me too!! I got an appt next week! keep up the great work
  9. PattyGirl66

    Doing well 5 1/2 months out but...

    I was banded around the same time as you. I get port discomfort very little, it comes and goes. Its not painful or anything. I noticed when I am wet from the shower and I am leaning on that side to wash, I get a little discomfort. I told my surgeon about it, he checked the area and all was great! Its pretty normal, unless of course you are experienceing excruciating pain, then that would need addressing. It seems to be common. On your next visit to your surgeon, bring the subject up for peace of mind
  10. PattyGirl66

    Carb Cycling- An Experiment Gone Right!

    Doesnt' it? so glad we have another 'tool' just incase.... I am always on standby, LOLOLOL Great news Hanna
  11. PattyGirl66

    I am mad at my body today.....

    ((hugs)) rest up Floridays!!!
  12. PattyGirl66

    Knee replacement

    Hi Cyndyann, I am really concerned about the 'partial' knee replacement, only because as we get older, the more active we are, arthritis sets in, you possibly could be subjected to another surgery on that same knee. I had a total hip replaced in my very early 40's, my other hip will need to be replaced as well but I need to get this weight off to do it. I had no choice in my matter when getting the hip replaced, both my hips are degenerative, and my femur head was completely gone and the femur bone was actaully rubbing chips of bone off of my pelvis, I was really messed up. Arthritis is no joke! Can you talk to you ortho about what are the chances that you will need a total knee replaced on that same knee? talk about other alternatives, how bad is the arthritis once a partial knee is put in. If he/she says there are good chances you will knee a total knee done in your future, I would deff go with a total knee at first. Why suffer down the road, as I was told more surgeries on the same joints is the worse!! I know it even scares me today to think how long my new hip will actually last, ya know? Best of luck to you,
  13. PattyGirl66

    Happy 2013 Challenge!!

    <---needs to lose 2 more pounds to hit my mini goal of a total of -90 (remember I am pms-ing), lolol
  14. PattyGirl66

    Weight gain

    I made a delicious ground turkey with mushrooms stuffed green pepper the other day. I usually post and all, but honestly I got caught up in other things. food such as ground turkey needs to be moistened up so that not only does it taste good, but its not dry. Here is a wonderful excellent food recipe site, I have made tons of food from here and everything has come out deeeeeeeeelish and moist! http://www.skinnytaste.com/ Enjoy....
  15. PattyGirl66

    When will i feel better ?

    The pain you are experiencing is the gas they pump into you when doing the surgery. It travels throughout your body before it actually disipates. There is no cure to this in making the pain go away besides walking it out. If you were prescribed medication, take it. But walking is your best bet. Some have said gas x strips work, and a heating pad (do not put heating pad on the belly) Also, take deep breathes every so often. Everything is healing, your body, new stomache, lungs, etc. It will take a while to do so because everyone heals differently. Your expected new stomache for healing is anywhere up to 6 weeks. That all depends on how well you recover. Some take longer. Now, the best way for your body to heal is to make sure you keep hydrated, so that means a lot of siping away! You don't want to wound up dehydrated and back in the hospital, so make sure you are getting in adequate fluids, which will help you to heal a whole lot faster.. Best wishes,
  16. PattyGirl66

    Today! Today! Today!

    Yaaaa!!! sending good karma your way......
  17. PattyGirl66

    Lean cuisines

    Lean Cuisine makes the best Chicken Piccata!!! YummyO!
  18. PattyGirl66

    The waiting game

    <---- had to wait 7 months It goes by fast! Best thing I did before hand was join this site, I learned so much about the band wayyy before I was banded! Hope to see you around the threads
  19. I stayed within my limits around the holiday. yes, I had a 'little' of everything I cooked and baked. I actually lost about 4 pounds in the month of December (not to shabby). I have learned not to deprive myself, however I also have learned to 'stop', that is key! You can easily fall right back into old habits, and old habits sometimes are hard to die. I remember back then I would shove 6 Cookies in my mouth with no problem without hesitation, now the difference is I make myself stop after 2! If I feel I can't deal with that, it doesnt come in the house..... So glad you are back on track, isn't it the best feeling ever!!!
  20. Hope to see you around the threads, read and write often. It truly helps a lot! You have so many on here who are very helpful! Take care,
  21. PattyGirl66

    Here We Go!

    Sending good karma your way.....
  22. Hi Outlaw, Well, it looks like you did a great job with research on both of these weight loss surgeries. However, when it comes right down to it, it becomes truly a 'personal' choice. No one can sway you from one or the other. Remembering there are risks with any surgeries. Now, since you have scheduled surgery date for lapband surgery in 3 weeks, my guess is you have readily thought this through and decided lapband is the right choice for you? Maybe you are just getting cold feet? It happens to all of us! Personally for myself, I wanted something less invasive and god forbid if anything went wrong or my body rejected the band, I could have it removed for my safety. I knew this wasn't an option with the other surgeries. I was also really nervous about malabsorption with gastric and the sleeve, let’s face it I am not a spring chicken and I need all the nutrients/vitamins I can store in my body. Also, no matter what surgery you choose, you will have to work out it, weight gain happens on all 3! The band gives you a little more of an edge because you can always work with it to lose/maintain the weight. Have you gone through the plan with your surgeon what you will be eating like from now on moving forward with the band? If you have, then my guess is you are ready to be a bandster! Best wishes,
  23. PattyGirl66

    Grocery savings?

  24. PattyGirl66

    Grocery savings?

    I do that too CG,I buy bulk meats like chicken breast cutlets and slice them super thin and individually wrap them. Its just me and the hubby, but its super quick to grab one out of the freezer if he or I wanted to cook the chicken. And they take long to defrost either
  25. PattyGirl66

    Grocery savings?

    My food bill is a bit higher, not by much but it is because lets face the facts and its is, fresh/organic 'healthy' foods/vegtables, included LEAN cut meats are MORE expensive. Maybe its regional, where you live. I live NJ/NY and everything here is super expensive. Oh, not to mention the supplements I need to take to keep me healthier, such as Protein shakes/drinks, Biotin so all my hair don't fall out, Calcium for my bones, mult-Vitamins because lets face the facts you are not getting your 'daily' required nutrients in. (as required by my doctor to take all of these). Or maybe its because I am just old, LOL

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