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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sleeved&Hopeful

  1. If you need some low carb food options, check out the http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com she even had a low carb pizza version. I mean there's some really tasty ideas. I'm not a cook so I pretty much just bake Proteins in the oven in bulk for the week and the rest of the stuff I eat is ready-to-eat like cheese, boiled eggs, tuna etc. but if I were a cook---I'd be making the stuff on her website! Good luck! Don't punish yourself! Those first couple of months are hard :-) Just try to stay on plan the best you can and maximize your weight loss window. It is never easier to lose weight than RIGHT NOW.

  2. I used some money we had saved up in our acct and some tax return money to get surgery. I did feel bad spending that money but what is more important: your health or your bills or your vacation or whatever you can (insert here)?

    Then again, if you have an approval in hand from your insurance have you talked to the new surgeon and hospital? If you are already approved, it may go FAST from consult to surgery. I would call them and tell them you already have insurance approval and after a 2 year wait, you are just READY to get surgery and want to know how long it will take? I have heard of some people having ins. approval and got through pretty fast. If it's going to take a long time, I would seriously consider Mexico if I were you! I only spent 5,200$ all in from flights and surgery and medicines and meals and hotels and everything. Don't go on price alone though. If you can afford it, there is Dr. Aceves in Mexicali or Dr. Alvarez in Piedras Negras, Mexico and they have the best reputations on here hands down and they are both around 8-9K.

  3. Diva it's wonderful to see you back! I do have you on my FB so I know a bit of what's been going on. You are an inspiration and whether you are a hardcore workout girl or not, you ARE inspirational. You are also human and these issues would make anyone upset and have issues. I am sorry you're having so many issues and I have to wonder how my labs are. I take my Vitamins daily and always have but I don't usually take "over" the recommended daily intake of anything. I just take the RDA per the ASMBS guidelines. I noticed the ASMBS guidelines were recently updated and they added 2 multis a day to VSG patients instead of just the 1 that was previously recommended. Ever since I saw that, I've started to take 2 multis a few times a week but not every day. I hate taking 2 multis because I get horribly constipated so I compromised and started taking 2 a few days a week. I'm starting to rethink that. I've always taken the RDA Calcium and B12. I got my labs done on my 1 year surgiversary last February and will probably get some done again soon since it's about to be my 2 year in just 2 weeks. The lack of instrinsic factor in our tummies really does have an affect, perhaps more than some surgeons thought in the past. This is probably why the ASMBS is adding 2 multis to the recommended Vitamin intake after VSG instead of just the 1 as in the past. I am sure they are seeing more deficiencies in VSG patients now than in the past because there is more time past since VSG was introduced. It's scary and I'm glad you and the other vets posted about that. We can't get complacent and forget to take our vites or forget to get our labs checked. Big hugs going out to you. I hope things get better for you quickly and I'm so happy to have you back! I always clicked on your threads and posts when I was a newb and will continue to.

  4. Yes, there have been people who've had the switch after the sleeve. Either for weight loss for not reaching goal OR to help with diabetes (DS has a 92-97% cure rate for diabetes I believe) OR they have it to prevent regain. I know a sleever who had the DS at goal because she was afraid to regain her weight because she was freaked out about suddenly being able to eat more and she wanted to be able to eat more calories without gaining weight. So basically she had the switch added so she could ensure that she could keep her weight off. You can eat a LOT more food with a DS than with a sleeve. I would seriously consider adding the switch if I have to if my diabetes starts coming back (it's in remission) or if I start gaining weight at a later point. I would have gotten the DS to start with but to be honest I was scared of the complications that could happen physically and financially. I was afraid to physically have complications and I was afraid to financially have to pay for the complications being I had no insurance for weight loss surgery. I chose to go with the "safer" surgery and I've done very well so far but I'm only 2 years out but I would not be afraid to have the switch added if my diabetes began to come back. I've realized I'm more afraid of the diabetes coming back than I am getting the switch added.

  5. I don't know if you are open minded enough to travel for the duodenal switch, but there is a Dr. Ungson in Mexico who performs the DS and he is wonderful. His prices are far lower than U.S. prices, he's VERY EXPERIENCED even moreso than most American surgeons, and he has a full service hospital and staff right there for you. If you can't afford the D.S in America, you might be able to afford his prices.

    On your original question I think the DS would definitely be the best surgery for someone in your condition. It offers the best weight loss stats of all the surgeries and you can eat a more "normal" diet than you can with the other surgeries. Keep doing your research and talking to people who have had the DS. You will have to take a lot of Vitamins and make sure you follow up with labs but it sounds like you are already used to doctor's visits so this will be nothing new and it is for a good cause (getting healthy). Best wishes to you!!

  6. I have to admit, I would have been very frustrated at this situation as well. She's only 2 years out and has already regained her weight back? That takes a MAJOR food addiction and perhaps a soda/milk shade addiction because of the massive restriction we as WLS patients have. At 2 years out in about 2 weeks, I would have had to work really hard at eating to gain back all my weight. I mean eating every 10-15 minutes of pure junk. Of course I bet it would have been pretty easy to gain back my weight if I were drinking milkshakes all day. I have to admit, I would have been pretty shocked like you. And I absolutely agree she should have seeked help sooner. But I think what I would have realized here is that her addiction is beyond anything I've ever encountered and her feelings of shame probably run very very deep. She very well could have been too ashamed to admit her issues in a way we could never understand. I hope she gets help and keeps coming back to group. I've heard of people regaining their weight back to starting at 5-10 years out but I've never heard of someone gaining their weight back by 2 years out.

  7. I've just got to say to feedyoureye---very inspiring what you have done. Excellent job on finding a lifestyle change (5:2) that you can sustain and has resulted in you losing your regain plus some! There is a lot to be said for never giving up. Giving up is just not an option for us formerly obese folks. It's just NOT unless we are choosing to go back to our unhealthy lifestyles and health conditions. And also to oregondaisy who has also found success with losing that pesky 15 lbs that was driving her nuts. I am so happy for you guys. The sleeve is a tool but we have to do the work. Especially when it's been a couple of years! Bravo! And to all of you guys out there struggling with regain---there is always hope. Giving up on yourself means you're letting the obesity win. What would the pre-VSG YOU say about giving up after you'd gotten healthy? I am pretty sure pre-VSG YOU would be pissed if you gave up after regaining some small amount of weight and said screw it and let it keep piling on. Pre-VSG you would probably kick your azz and say let's get it together. Never forget where you came from and remember how crappy you felt before you got surgery. Whether it was just being uncomfortable in your own skin, whether it was diabetes (cough, me), high blood pressure, joint pain, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, (insert your poison here), whether you just wanted to avoid getting sick in the future DON'T forget that feeling. You never wanna go back there. Anyway, I'm just so passionate about all of us here. We deserve some health and happiness in our lives after morbid obesity and it just requires some effort and never giving up. The sleeve helps a lot too. I never want to squander the gift I was given with VSG. After all, some people can't afford to get surgery nor will their insurance cover weight loss surgery so how big of a douche would I be to squander this gift?. I would never squander this gift ever. So anyway I'm feeling passionate as hell today! Big hugs to you sleevers out there struggling! If you're lurking, don't forget we are behind you here and you can't ever let yourself go back to where you were. Never stop fighting for your health.

  8. I have a dear friend who had the same experience with a lapband. She threw up every day even when she had the band completely unfilled. It was hell watching her become a bulimic against her will. I was shocked when she got the band unfilled and she was still throwing up. I was there when she got it unfilled and so I was beyond shocked when she was still throwing up her meals while we were out to eat and she had to find an empty cup to throw up into. I know not everyone has that experience and I am so sorry you have the same experience as my friend. She got the band out and revised to another surgery. She's doing very well now.

    I know a few people the band has worked for so I mean no disrespect to anyone banded. We all want to lose weight and be healthy no matter what tool we choose. I always hope it works for everyone but unfortunately not everyone is blessed. I wish you the very best in your revision and peace from the throwing up. I just want to recommend staying on PPI's (Prilosec, Omeprazole) after you get sleeved for at least 6 months to ensure you keep the acid reflux at bay and then try to go off of it and see if you have acid reflux still or if it's gone. I have acid reflux since being sleeved and never had it before but luckily mine is pretty mild. 1 PPI (omeprazole) a day and I don't have to worry about acid at all and I have NO issues. I hope your GERD goes away forever. Best of luck!

  9. I am sorry you had to deal with the food police on Thanksgiving. In maintenance, I allow myself two "free days" per year. That means I eat the stuffing and white potatoes and a bit of pie in addition to the Proteins, which I never eat during the year, on Thanksgiving and on Christmas as well. I would have been upset if someone made a comment about my eating on Thanksgiving. I did have a couple of times of food police when I was first newly sleeved, but NOTHING like what you have endured! It was only a couple of times when I was like 1-2 months out and I think it was more out of concern they thought my staples were going to come undone or something lol. I don't blame you one bit for speaking up! Sounds like the food police needed to be put under Internal Affairs investigation!

  10. Excellent post! I know Australia has been generally doing sleeves longer than the U.S. I met a few ladies on a forum who were sleeved in Australia in 2003. A few successful--a few not so successful and revised to either DS or bypass. Thank you for the info. I never considered the band because of its complications but I think it's great he takes care of the already banded patients who need his help. As far as stretching--I think his analogy was great. For me personally, mine hasn't stretched at all since about 7 months post op and I'm almost 2 years out. So it's been the same for well over a year.

  11. Oh wow there's nothing I can say to help you but you're not the first person I've heard to complain about this. Another lady I talked to was having problems after she had her baby and said her sleeve seemed bigger after her baby was born. She said that she felt like she had barely any restriction anymore and she couldn't keep her eating on track. She also gained 40 lbs. after her baby was born. I do know that there are some ladies who can drop the baby weight after VSG so I hope some of them can chime in. The only advice I can give is to make sure you are eating DENSE Protein first, before anything else, to keep yourself from eating too much. That should help some. And don't eat and drink at the same time or for at least 30 minutes after a meal. Good luck.

  12. Bless both of you for what you have been through! So happy he has found out exactly what was wrong and that this surgery may have saved his life and saved BOTH of yours quality of life for the future! I am so very happy to hear you both are together and making a life. You are someone who stuck by him at the worst of times. I am sure he will never forget that!That is what commitment is all about! Best wishes to both of you and to a happy and healthy life together

  13. I eat the same way as Fiddleman. I eat healthfully and mindfully. Always Protein and complex carbs at my meal times. I do NOT count calories anymore because it has been working for me. I've been eating this way for months. When I first started it, there was a bounceback as my body adjusted. It took a couple of months. I dropped back down to my range. I maintain my goal, I'm either at goal or within 3-5 lbs.lower or higher and have been maintaining in that range for a year now. After my body adjusted for the first couple of months and bounced around, it settled and I've been doing very well. It just works for me. I also use my jeans as a guide. If they feel tight at all, I make sure I cut out any "extras" that I don't need. That's what works for me too. Your mileage may vary. I also do HIIT training a few days a week. Sometimes I do ballet barre workouts, turbo jam, weight lifting videos on Youtube, or some sort of HIIT training video. If I exercise too much, I find my hunger goes nuts. I work out a few days a week for about an hour each time. My hunger does not change at all and sometimes I am not hungry after I work out. If I work out too long though, I am fighting the hunger. You can figure this out it's just going to take some patience and experimentation. Maybe go get a BMR test at one of those places that offer it. It can tell you fairly accurately what your BMR is so you know how many calories you burn at rest. Also, get a body fat test done. You may weigh more than you want, but your body fat may be perfect. You have my utmost respect for all you've done. I only had around 90-100 lbs to lose. Those who have to lose 150 plus pounds have my utmost respect and praise. Good job lady. You deserve to enjoy some peace and to enjoy your new body and life without worrying so much about the scale.< /p>

  14. Absolutely! It's time to GET REAL again. You only have to lose 25 lbs to get back down to your goal right? It could be a LOT worse. You aren't that far! You can DO it. Start logging your food again. I agree with concentrating on Protein first and then complex carbs like veggies or what have you. You can do it because you have the sleeve there to help you. Stay OUT of the cookie jar. Throw it away if you have to! Fill your house with fresh veggies, homemade lean protein like chicken and fish, and get the junk away! It's worth it. 25 lbs is totally doable hun. Congrats on the new bundle of joy

  15. I agree that it pretty much doubles in size at a year. But after that, it really doesn't change much, maybe a little bit over the years. The swelling after surgery makes it where you can only eat a tiny bit for the first few months. Then you can eat a little more at about 6 months and sometimes a little more a few months after that. I have a very small sleeve, I think it was just luck of the draw that mine is so small. I either have a naturally small stomach or my surgeon made it that way. The first few months I could only eat maybe an ounce of dense food and a couple of ounces of soft food. Now at almost 2 years post op, I can eat about 2 ounces of dense Protein like chicken, steak and I can eat about 4 ounces of soft food like cottage cheese. I have been able to eat the same amount since about 7 or 8 months post op and that is all I can eat STILL one year later. So yeah, it doesn't continue to change much in size if any at all after the first year. By the end of the first year, you should be pretty darn close to being at full capacity. I've seen a few vets on other forums mention their capacity did increase a bit between years 3-5, by maybe an ounce or less depending. I would recommend getting a surgeon who does a good, tight sleeve and takes the fundus out. Don't get a surgeon who believes in leaving a large sleeve UNLESS you have reasons for wanting a larger sleeve. I know some people would prefer that so it's up to you, just think I'd rather have the safest smallest sleeve possible. Don't be freaked out if you can eat very little at first. You will be able to slowly eat more throughout the first year and then you should be done healing most of the way. Good luck and don't be afraid. The sleeve is an excellent choice. Its worked out very well for me.

  16. Ugh so glad I didn't have to deal with this. I am a private person and that includes with almost everything with my life. No one knows anything about me unless I want them to know it. Pretty much only my family knows about VSG or about any other serious medical issue I've had. I just don't feel the need to tell people about my private business. It's ALL about YOU. If YOU feel uncomfortable, don't tell. People with more upfront and open personalities may be comfortable with it. I don't like being the subject of speculation or gossip, so I stay out of it. Then again, I work from home THANK GOD and I don't have to deal with workplace gossip. Honestly, this is YOUR journey. Do what you do deem fit. Don't do anything you feel uncomfortable with or you may regret it.

  17. My husband was only freaked out for the first month after surgery. He couldn't believe I could only eat literally two bites of food the first time we ate out. I had Soup at a restaurant when I got off mushies and it was fairly thick. I had a very small sleeve. That is all I could eat for probably 2 months is about 2 bites of any food. After a while, i could still eat little amounts but it was no longer so freakishly small after a few months. It wasn't as shocking anymore to my family because they saw I really could eat more than 2 bites of soup. My husband and family got used to it. Waiters and waitresses haven't said anything to me in months because I almost always say "I am not very hungry. I ate earlier. Can I get a to go box for my leftovers?" That doesn't present them the opportunity to ask me questions. Now I still can't eat much at all at 18 months post op but I've been eating this same amount since around 7 months post op. I can't eat more than 2.5 ounces of Protein tops. I can eat 4 ounces of cottage cheese at a sitting because it's softer. That's it. And I have to admit, I'm glad! I promise your family will get used to it. You can still go to a restaurant or eat dinner and be sleeve friendly. I order chicken or shrimp or something like that almost every time we go out and couple it with some veggies. You can find that almost everywhere except maybe at fast food joints. I've had to eat fast food a few times with my family on a road trip and simply ordered a grilled chicken sandwich or wrap and taken off the tortilla or bread. You will still be able to eat with your family and friends, just in a healthier way. They don't have to totally "get it" but they will get used to it. It just may take some time.

  18. I eat Protein first almost every time I eat. It has become a habit now and I don't even think about it! Only on occasion will I eat carbs alone. I always always always have protein with it. My goodness, I think I've only eaten carbs alone 2 or 3 times for 18 months at birthday parties. I really feel like that works very well for me in maintenance to keep my protein numbers high. Muscle mass DEFINITELY helps. I work out pretty consistently and weight training IS a part of it. Even if I'm having a "lazy day" I will still do push ups and squats and lunges and tricep dips and stuff like that.

  19. I haven't been in maintenance for YEARS and YEARS yet. The true test will come in a few years I feel. If I can make it past the 5-6 year mark and maintain, I will feel like I might be able to do it. I know as I age it is normal for a few pounds to come on. I'm okay with a little bit as I age. But 3-5 lbs. a year for the next 5 years? No way. That's not ok with me.. 10 pounds in 10-15-20 years? Okay that's acceptable for myself. Yep even men have to worry about the middle age spread. They get the "beer gut" and expanding bodies too. Women are not the only ones LOL. People just tend to focus on women's weights a lot because that is the way society is. Of course, Russell Crow and Luke Wilson put on a lot of weight and the stupid gossip magazines gave them a hard time too. That seems to happen more than it used to . I think you men have to work just as hard after VSG as women do. They have hormone imbalances and metabolic problems just like us. We just have to deal with the annoying monthlies that they don't have to and the annoying Water weight. It goes away after it's over, so it is only an annoyance really. So I honestly don't think men have it much easier. Good job to you VSG guys.

    I've been maintaining for 10 months now so I'm not far enough into it to be confident yet. I am getting more confident with my ability, but still not completely "confident". Just slowly starting to see that I "might" be able to hold on. I agree with Cheri about stress. I can eat great for months and months and then sometimes stress hits and I wonder how I will do. I had a horrible experience that I had to go through in April of this year. It was one of the worst things I've ever been through. I managed to NOT turn to food and let it become a runaway train. I did get depressed and ate a FEW things I don't normally eat, but there was one of my children's birthdays soon after so I celebrated along so they wouldn't see how sad I was. I got a little sidetracked for a few days, but that is all. I still ate my Protein first, I just had a few Snacks I normally wouldn't. Now I am a bit more confident. However, if someone I love DIES then I don't know how well I would do. I would like to think I would mourn their death through remembering good times and knowing they would not want me to let their deaths be the catalyst to me becoming unhealthy and obese again. I think that is the one thought that would keep me from going back. But I do worry. Sooo while I did lose a bit more weight after reaching goal (not intentionally) I have been maintaining a while now. I still eat Protein first for every meal, and only occasionally have a carb without protein being involved. If I'm going to eat something I don't normally eat, I'll have some beef Jerky or an ounce of chicken first, That seems to work well for me.I also can do some goodies in moderation without having to go back for more. I think I was a volume eater really. I managed to go through one of the most horrible things in my life and stay pretty much on track and do well. I also have a pair of jeans that fit perfectly and if they ever start to get tight, I go right back to cutting out anything I consider unhealthy for myself until they are loose again. :-) Works for me.

    Like LSereno I am also on Obesityhelp. Honestly, I'm on there a lot. There are some vets that are maintaining within their goal weight range (usually 3-5 lbs) for years (some of them for 5 years). So it can be done. I just noticed that they are vigilant and don't let the scale float up too much or let their pants get too tight without doing something right away. I also follow BandedWendy and AmySDMom on Youtube who are both great WLS maintainers. Wendy has the band but she has maintained her weight so well that I love her secrets. AmySDMom was sleeved 4 years ago and is maintaining her weight. She actually started having some IBS/gastroparesis type symptoms earlier this year that cause bloating but she's still keeping her weight off. She's not sure if this new issue is from the VSG or not. She is very inspiring and it's nice to see some vets do well. Good luck everyone. I hope to pop in now and then. I love the new veteran's forum.

  20. While it's true that the divorce rate is pretty high after WLS and split ups are common, there seems to be a common denominator of treatment. The fat spouse is usually comfortable for the other one because they are easier to control, easier to manipulate, and easier to feel secure with. The fat spouse suddenly becomes healthier and the other spouse is jealous and angry. This can bring out the ugly truth about a relationship. If your spouse loves you and respects you fat or thin, odds are, you will be absolutely fine. Respect and love and communication are so important. My husband loved me when he met me thin, still loved me when I was fat, and loves me now that I'm thin again. He is my rock. We are open and honest and have no jealousy or anger/controlling issues. We have actually grown closer together in the year since my surgery. I am happier to be around and that makes him happier. He doesn't have to hear me whine about my weight anymore LOL. We are just happy taking care of our kids and growing old together. I am sure your relationship will be fine.

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