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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Horseback Riding Lessons

    I rode much heavier and obviously many men who ride are well over 200#. A well balanced, competent rider that is heavier is easier on a horse's back than a floppy bouncy unbalanced skinny person. Take lessons, ask the instructor to assign you an appropriate horse.
  2. CowgirlJane


    @@beccaconaty87 I am glad you asked because if you found that data, likely someone else has too and were too shy to bring it up! What I will say is there are haters (fat acceptance movement for example) and sometimes the internet being what it is, those haters will write whatever they want... twisting or giving false interpetations. The best thing to do for research online, in my opinion is to read actual studies on places like medline. Or go to reputable sources like Cleveland Clinic, Mayo clinic etc. Another great resource is the ASMBS. http://asmbs.org/patients/bariatric-surgery-misconceptions Then, you may have questions or be unclear and if you want to get some feedback, it is really helpful to reference the specific study or info that you read. Of course, these are good questions for your surgeon too, but like a lot of people you start out online and then get more focused on questions that will help you choose if surgery is a good choice and if so, which one is the best choice for you. Good luck in your research!
  3. CowgirlJane

    Dr KindaFamiliar will be available to answer your questions...

    Dear Dr kinda, Do you make housecalls? Just kinda curious... Signed, You know me:)
  4. CowgirlJane

    Stop the negativity! Post something that makes you giggle.

    @ thank you for that!
  5. CowgirlJane

    Stop the negativity! Post something that makes you giggle.

    I am grateful we hit 70. We are having "juneury" - a month only Pacific Northwest peeps understand!
  6. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise why did you put those instructions - I upload photos all the time. Do you know how to download do you can put on FB? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  7. CowgirlJane

    When online dating didnt work out....

    I thought that was a good article actually. The part on being positive is hugely important. I simply would not reply to someone full of negative statements like " women always want guys with money, so if you are a gold digger just pass me up " . Well I am the furthest from a gold digger, but I woukd pass him up for being such a tool. The article did not touch on something important. Many men don't read what you wrote but answer based on looks and age. Well, I want to feel like there is some kind of compatibility. I am active and socially outgoing. ..the introvert who plays role playing games for fun is not a good match. There is someone for everyone but not everyone is a good match and I often felt guys just ignore this at times. Be genuine and if you like sky diving don't expect an agrophobic to be interested! Finally, don't get discouraged so easily. Keep it light, have fun and no expectations. ..who knows you might meet a great woman; but don't get wrapped up in one too quickly. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  8. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise, I know what you mean. I have a HOT girlfriend who is young looking and just like me she attracts unattractive, boring men. I am lucky to have found Michael but he can be difficult...but he is fit and attractive.
  9. CowgirlJane

    You Can Lead the Charge against Fat Shaming

    Good article, thanks Alex. Someone I know is revolted by fat people. I speak up, but not strongly enough, thanks for the reminder.
  10. My boyfriend eats less than I do. We share a meal or an app and he usually takes home half of his share. He likes to graze... There are lots of ways to minimize the waste. Regarding this procedure, I am grateful people have choices, but I find this appalling and I am not sure I can get behind it. It's like some kind of distopia future world...
  11. CowgirlJane

    When online dating didnt work out....

    I CLEARLY go to the wrong bars! I have been asked to dance, offered drinks (ok, one time a guy didnt even ask he just delivered a drink which I thought was pretty gutsy), asked for phone number etc... but I am in Seattle which in spite of our "liberal" reputation is actually a pretty conservative place in many regards. Yes, yes we are... I think like any traveller... they let loose a lot more when overseas. For eg. Here... an aussie guy will make small talk, dance with you, ask to buy you a drink etc. In the states, there were like.... hey, you are hot... what's your number, give me a kiss lol ... not so subtle hahaha
  12. CowgirlJane

    When online dating didnt work out....

    I have a hard time relating to this. Perhaps the ones you export are the drunken frat boys? Yes, yes we are...
  13. CowgirlJane


    I don't know your weight but I was big, BMI over 50, and I only lost 8 pounds on the 2 week prep diet. I went on to lose a total of 150 in 14 months.... Speed isn't the thing, you will do great. The thing is maintaining that loss for years.
  14. CowgirlJane

    You know what would be really fun?

    Thanks for the belly laugh. Please don't kill me, I finally found an awesome life and I know you will too! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  15. CowgirlJane

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    @@theantichick you make several good points, but as one of the "vets" I don't really see the in fighting. I suppose I miss alot of the drama...and I guess don't notice this because I don't read posts about straws, soda, and the 3 week stall. It's better that way. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  16. CowgirlJane

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I only just got it..."master baiters"... harhar Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  17. CowgirlJane

    You know what would be really fun?

    @@BigViffer "soup sandwich" ??? @@LipstickLady I dunno, with so many people using mobile devices they can't really tell much about the person anyway (no tickers, signatures, etc).... I assume people call me names based on my content and not on my "stats" or screen name.
  18. CowgirlJane

    Weight Loss Surgery for the WIN!

    It doesn't get humid here in the warm weather!
  19. I don't track calories, sorry, but I did a lot of Protein and Water and avoided alcohol, car by junk etc.
  20. CowgirlJane

    When online dating didnt work out....

    I have done online dating on and off for a few years. I had a lot of dates and one serious relationship from it. Yes, there are weirdos but my biggest problem was so many boring, inactive guys. I am a high energy, active, articulate, outgoing person and I just kept meeting people that didn't appeal to me. Also, I am early 50s....but still have a strong interest in a physical relationship and that was a problem in that relationship I mentioned. So, I took about 5-6 months off, and made a list of how I was going to meet compatible men.... I had plans of going to car shows, gun range, etc etc. I also decided I was going to way open my criteria. I could not handle POF, OKCUPID, match etc any longer - just jaded and done with it. On a whim, I did something crazy and placed a very thoughtful, detailed and blunt ad on Craigslist. I was OVERWHELMED with responses and most of them were thoughtful and good. My ad was flagged in the first 10-12 hours but I still got more responses then I could read. Most of them were like 'thank God, intelligent life does exist". I met 5 men, had ongoing dates with 2 of them for a month. It was clear early on that I really liked M, but I held off and kept things pretty "light" for that month. I met his friends, he met mine, but we didn't even kiss until weeks into this. I don't know if it will work out, but we are having a blast together and are at almost 4 months! I see him pretty much daily, he is learning to ride horses, I am learning to golf. His friends are becoming mine, I have hosted a few parties with everyone there. One of my pals is inviting his peeps to her next BBQ ETC. He is by far the best boyfriend I have ever had and we are pretty crazy about each other. Moral of the story is like everyone said, it takes time and a lot of toad kissing. Also, I think being really blunt and clear is helpful because I attracted just the energy that I wanted. There are a few things about him that would have previously caused me to not pursue things....but I said to myself " dang it, I want a boyfriend this summer so the heck with that!" I am glad I did because he has turned out to be a much better human being than I ever thought.
  21. CowgirlJane

    Options for my smoker?

    you should have posted a "food porn trigger alert" - hahaha Now I will be having fantasies about brisket...
  22. I will be 5 years post sleeve in December. It is my opinion that you will lose weight due to the quantity restriction, but you will have a hard time maintaining if you continue to eat these slider/junky food as a mainstay. Maintenance is harder than losing....
  23. CowgirlJane

    Weight Loss Surgery for the WIN!

    I get cold too. I don't have AC and am pretty happy in the 80s/90s, an opinion not shared by others!
  24. CowgirlJane

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Hey now, go easy on the horses

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
