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Spirit Fire

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Spirit Fire

  1. Spirit Fire

    5% of 1%?

    Two foundational stories: My parents exposed me to all major and most minor religions from a very young age and basically said, “So what do YOU think? What do YOU believe? What don’t YOU believe?” I have a very healthy life philosophy that evolves as I take in information, science and fact and find I don’t align myself with religion or labels. I was in a bicycle accident when I was a teen and severely damaged (shredded) my mouth, nose, lips, teeth, cheeks, eyes, etc. I went through18-months of facial and dental reconstructive surgeries. I am a bit of a, pardon the word, miracle as I healed beautifully and 99% of the public would never know that I was faceless from the ages of 13 to 15. NOW, with that said, when I was having my first Psych eval for the Sleeve Surgery, the psychiatrist explained to me in the first three minutes that he had studied to be a priest but then became an evangelical minister. He asked if I prayed and when I explained my background, he said, “Oh! I was just wanting to see if you have a support system.” Then he asked if I’d had any previous surgeries. I said, “Yes, when I lost my face.” He jumped up with excitement as though he had hit the motherload and said, “YOU LOST YOUR FAITH! This is what you need the church for.”
  2. Sorry to hear there is a delay in the delivery of your order. I have used them many times and have been very heppy with their service. I lost 50 lbs pre-op using their foods so have been ordering from bariatricchoice.com and diet direct since October 2011. Check to see if there is a tracking number so you can try to determine what is holding things up. Good Luck!
  3. I'm so excited! I had a NSV this morming when I zipped up my boots. I've always had to scrunch down my knee high boots so I could get them zipped up over my rather voluptuous calves but today . . . I zipped from ankle to knee in one smooth, unscrunched action! Yee Haw!
  4. I take Seasonale extended-cycle birth control pills. I had to go off of them one month prior to surgery and was told not to resume them until one month after surgery as yet another precautionary measure for preventing blood clots. I had my period 5 days after I stopped taking them in February, but did not have a cycle at all since then. I started taking the first of my three months of pills in mid-April. I have had no break-through bleeding or the headache I typically get a day or two before my cycle begins. I will find out in mid-July if I am back to "normal" or not. I am 50 and don't mind if I never have another period so long as I am healthy . . . but I have been curious as to why I didn't have a period.
  5. Spirit Fire

    6 Weeks Out After Surgery

    I will be six weeks tomorrow and have lost 23 lbs post-op -- most of it during the first two weeks. I lost 50 prior to surgery, averaging 10 lbs each month. I keep reminding myself when I am a bit disappointed in the numbers on the scale that I feel good, my clothes fit loose, I easily walk places without getting out of breath, and feel in control of my life. I sometimes have to remind myself that I told the surgeon that it wasn't about the "weight" as much as about being comfortable in my body and knowing I am learning now how to eat and exercise so I can eventually maintain the "comfortable body" for years to come. This forum has truly helped me stay on track and alleviates the disappointments.
  6. Spirit Fire

    Pill Organizer

    Thanks Lissa . . . that's is something I only considered when I fly. Appreciate your insights on so many of the posts!!!
  7. Spirit Fire

    Did Too Much?

    I was feeling so wonderful after my second week that the third week I decided to clean out my closet. Don't know if I pulled something but I also had pain on my right side near the incision where they removed my stomach from. I found I had to "hold" this area when I laughed, coughed, walked up and down stairs, etc. I know I overdid it and was scared that I had truly damaged myself. My doctor said to slow down and DON'T carry anything heavier than 7 lbs. It took 10 days for the pain to be gone. I'm week five and once again feel great.
  8. Spirit Fire

    Spray Tan

    I agree with Sleeve Master, Jergens makes a great product: Jergens Natural Glow Firming Moisturizer, Fair to Medium Skin Tones 7.5 Ounces and is under $8. I am VERY fair skinned (Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, Belgian, Sweedish, and Cherokee) and burn quite easily. I don't expose myself to the sun without bathing in sunscreen. This Jergens lotion goes on easily, looks natural, lasts a few days, my skin feels soft and gives my legs and arms the healthy glow I desparately need.
  9. Spirit Fire

    Pill Organizer

    Oops . . . that was a 3-day supply in my purse.
  10. Spirit Fire

    Pill Organizer

    I take a number of supplements and, as Sleeve Master idicated, some of the pill organizers aren't large enough to hold some of the vitamins. The majority of the ones I take are chewable (which somehow tend to be larger) and I found what works for me are little plastic baggies. I get them from Amazon.com 500 Poly Bag Clear Zipper Shipping Bags 3" X 4" approximately $8 for 500 bags. Now, this does not identify WHEN to take each supplement . . . this is something I just "know" and I take them throughout the day. I always have my purse with me so I keep a - day supply of filled bags in my purse at all times. I have been using the system successfully for about a year now.
  11. Spirit Fire

    Caffeine: Yes Or No?

    I was told decaf tea is okay but no decaf coffee until 3 months post-op. My doc said there is a chemical in coffee -- not the caffiene -- that inhibts the healing of the staple line. I was a non-fat latte girl two or three times a day prior to surgery -- this was my "treat" during the day. I don't have a problem switching to decaf non-fat latte on June 21st at 6:05 am (but who is counting the days) but I am an avid iced tea drinker. I am making my own now, but will probably order iced tea which will be caffinated when I go out. The concern, as I understand it, is that the caffiene can dehydrate the body so the fluids don't count toward the 64+ oz of fluid a day/
  12. Can anyone recommend a reputable consignment store where I can take the clothes I've "under-grown" in Southern California, specifically in the Orange County area? I have 10 bags of new (most still with the tags on them) 3X 26/28 clothes that I would like to sell. I gave away 21 bags of clothes for donation and it felt wonderful! Thank you! Deann
  13. Spirit Fire

    Hi Folks

    You are an inspiration to us newbies on this journey! Congratulations!
  14. My friend who had gastric bypass surgery 7 years ago told me that she stopped ordering off the "kids" menu because it just wasn't seasoned in the way adults like to eat. Also, the calorie counts can often be high since many of the foods offered are chicken fingers and pizza. She advised me to order off the "appetizer" menu AND to order only those items that would be good to take home in a doggie bag. As a non-WLS person at the time, I found it annoying to have her say, "Oh, I'll just have a bite of your food." since I wasn't in the mood to share and since I have rather particular eating habits. I promised myself that I would not do this to my friends and family. I am retraining my focus at these gatherings from the "food" to the "conversation".
  15. I am five-weeks post surgery and had my first work-related event that I couldn't ignore yesterday. It was a bbq and fortunately they offered veggie burgers and I just asked for it without a bun. I grabbed some baby carrots but could only eat one of those. I had a few people say, "Is that all you are eating?" but then the majority of people kept telling me how great I looked and it encouraged me to stay on track. I typically do A LOT of socializing and these gatherings are always around a dinner/lunch/breakfast table. I bowed out of the family Easter dinner this year, but am looking forward to lunch with my Dad next Wednesday and a birthday dinner next Sunday. What I learned during my pre-surgery weight loss was to go online to the restaurant location and do a "nutrition" check. I typically found a grilled chicken breast or scrambled egg or veggie burger or seared ahi that would give me something to order while I socialied. I learned to order a side of veggies instead of a starch (rice, pasta, potatoe). There were also some occassions when I drank my protein drink before the lunch/dinner so I wasn't starving. I am finding every day that this is a learning experience and I welcome any ideas that others may have to help when socializing around a table.
  16. My first appointment with the surgeon was October 17, 2011 and she told me she wanted me to lose 20 lbs. by January. I started my new way of eating on October 18 and never looked back. I had lost 40+ lbs by the appointment two weeks prior to my surgery date (3/21/12) so she said I didn't need to do the two week liquid diet prior to surgery. She said I did not need to lose more weight but not to gain any weight. I turned out being 50 lbs down on the day of surgery. I know that my surgeon truly takes each individual's situation into account and no two of us had the same dietary prescription prior to surgery.
  17. Spirit Fire

    March Sleever's Status Update?

    I was sleeved March 21. Weight when I started this journey in October 2011 -- 298; Weight day of surgery 248; Current weight 229. I've been true to the Diet Phases (Clear Liquids, Full Liquids, Puree, etc.) I have been walking 2-3 miles 5 days a week. A bit frustrated that I lost approximately 10 lbs each month prior to surgery and then a pound a day for the first two weeks, but only lost 5 lbs in weeks 3-4. I feel good but needed 3 solid weeks to build up my energy. I am craving salads and broccoli!
  18. Spirit Fire

    Before and AFter

    Before and After my vertical sleeve surgery

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
