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Spirit Fire

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Spirit Fire

  1. I learned through this process to no longer WAIST food. I don't eat what I don't have room for just because it is on the plate because I want to keep my waist in losing mode vs. gaining mode.
  2. Spirit Fire

    Not-So-Major Nsv

    Congrats! This is major and you should enjoy each and every inch you lose!
  3. Spirit Fire

    Packing For Hospital

    Having chapstick and hand lotion was crucial for me. For some reason I was dry and dehydrated, so I agree with all the other posters yet want to emphasize the sanity-saving packing hint of CHAPSTICK.
  4. Spirit Fire


    When? Where? What time? I'm not ready!!!!
  5. Halloween Challenge Starting Info: Weight before surgery: 298 Surgery date: 03/21/2012 Current weight: 199 Goal weight for competition: 184 Ultimate goal weight: 148 TODAY Weigh in on 9/8; 196 Doing well taking in more liquids!
  6. Spirit Fire

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    Well, I didn't make goal. I weighed in today at 197. HOWEVER -- I did achieve a previously unidentified goal -- I didn't freak out or start my negative self-talk when I went through a 4-week stall at the 200 lb mark. I just continued to eat right, drink my liquids, exercise and I allowed the process to happen. Am I losing as fast as I'd like - NO; am I stressed about it -- NO. I feel great and I am healthier and happier than I've been in years. I will reach my ultimate goal -- but the time line is adjustable. I've joined the Halloween Challenge, my first 5K is on 9/22, I am in Onederland and I've reached the Century Mark, and I am increasing my liquids to 1 gallon a day-- All is well this Labor Day Weekend.
  7. Weight before surgery Date of surgery Current weight Goal weight for competition Weigh in every Sat Weight before surgery: 298 Surgery date: 03/21/2012 Current weight: 199 Goal weight for competition: 184 Ultimate goal weight: 148
  8. Has anyone tried the Dreamfields Pasta? I question anything that is "too good to be true" but I have tried the Dreamfields Penne pasta and it was tasty. I could only eat about 6 pieces of pasta, but it satisfied the desire. Below are two links regarding the pasta -- FAQ and the Nutrition Panel. http://www.dreamfieldsfoods.com/pro-faqs.html http://www.dreamfieldsfoods.com/downloads/Nutrition-Facts-Teaching-Tool.pdf Please share your thoughts. Thanks!
  9. Spirit Fire

    7 Months Out With Pics

    Congratulations! You must feel like a new woman! Brag all you want . . . you have earned it and deserve it and you inspire all of us! Way to Go!!!
  10. Excited! I've reached 2 goals: 1) I am 100 lbs down 2) I am living in Onederland Could not have done it without the amazing support, encouragement and fabulous ideas and insights this forum has provided me. Thank you all!
  11. Spirit Fire

    Reached 2 Goals

    My before and after album didn't seem to post . . . let's see if the two photos come through this time. Ahhhh technology!
  12. Spirit Fire

    Before and After

  13. Spirit Fire

    hawaii 2011

    From the album: Before and After

  14. How are you doing? How did it go at the ER? Hope you are feeling better!
  15. Spirit Fire

    Deflated & Frustrated

    I also had the same worries you had at only 1-2 months out. I did not feel the "full" feeling until I was on real food at about the 3 month time frame. It took a while for the ghrelin (the hunger-stimulating peptide and hormone that is produced in the cells lining the stomach and pancreas) to flush out of my system. I don't have any negative responses to food -- I seem to be able to eat anything. However, I am 5 months out, averaging a slow but steady weightloss of 10+ lbs a month. Because of my pre-op weightloss, I am almost at the 100 lb loss mark and feel great. I am constantly surprised at how full I am after only a few bites of food. It WAS NOT like this in the beginning. I am happily pleased that my body craves nutrient-rich foods vs. the comfort foods I so enjoyed before this journey. Give yourself and your body time to adjust to this process. 3-1/2 weeks out is still VERY early int he process so please don't get discouraged. In a few months you will look back and see how far you have come and how in tune with your body that you are. You have had a wonderful weightloss thus far -- CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy it.
  16. Weight Loss Simulator: hair color, etc. and is available for both men and women. This gives a nice visual "goal". Enjoy!!!
  17. I have been away for a couple days and wanted to check in on how Patrick Curl is doing. I don't see any posts from Patrick? Any updates???
  18. Spirit Fire

    Patrick -- Updates?

    Thank you keldolbeth for the update! Patrick is truly an inspirational and motivational force. I want him, and all my forum friends, to navigate this amazing journey with increased health and success. Glad he has you to help support him. Thank you!
  19. Spirit Fire

    Sleeve Research

    All done!
  20. Spirit Fire

    Why Do We Lose Our Hair?

    I am 19 weeks out from surgery -- I started the hair loss at the 16 week mark. My hair is fine, thin and I have eczema. In preparation for the inevitable, I have taken Biotin, hair/nails Vitamins, NuHair leave in serum nightly, and used Nioxin shampoo/conditioner since about 2 months prior to surgery. I knew these wouldn't prevent the trauma reaction from surgery, but I still needed to be proactive in some way. For those with thin/fine hair -- I don't lose my hair in "clumps" or "handfuls" because my thin/fine hair doesn't know what a "clump" is. I lose my hair in strands and I see them in my comb/brush every day or feel them in my fingers when washing my hair. It seems to be focused on the crown and I actually started doing the "comb over" technique which made me SO PROUD. Last week I went to my stylist who cut my hair short and in layers and I swear my hair feels healthier and is not falling out as drastically. I HIGHLY recommend seeing a stylist soon after the hair begins to transition. This week I have enjoyed the multitude of compliments on my new hair style. It is all part of the process and I hope my hair begins to regenerate at some point, but I think I will just continue to make more frequent trips to see my hairstylist to keep the illusion that my hair is as healthy as my body is becoming.
  21. Spirit Fire

    Lovenox Injections Post-Op

    I had lovenox injections 2x day for 14 days. I had not problems with blood clots prior or post surgery, but was okay with the extra precautions.
  22. Saw this Chobani Greek Yogurt Conversion Chart for use in replacing butter, mayo, oil, etc. in recipes. I plan to try it and wanted to share with y'all.
  23. Spirit Fire

    Turkey Neck

    I am having the same problem. My friend who has a beautiful chin/throat/neck line told me that she does this simple exercise while driving or watching TV or anytime throughout the day. Simply say the vowels A-E-I-O-U but OVER emphasize them using many facial muscles. You can truly feel your neck muscles moving. I have now done this for three days and I can feel a little tug in my jaw line letting me know "something" is happening.
  24. Found this image on Pinterest and thought it summed up the benefits of weight loss quite nicely. I know most of us have faced some of these problems (sleep apnea and fatty liver for me) and it is truly wonderful that we have this tool -- The Sleeve -- to help us make our percentages better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
