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Capt Derel

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Capt Derel

  1. Capt Derel

    5 Months Out Today Down 47 ;)

    I had a long stall also. About 6 weeks myself, then lost 14 pounds now stalled again. But I can see my body transforming thats the brightside. So I think were in the right track.
  2. Lmao your going to be the one. After a few times you wont be anymore lol. It usually takes me an hour to finish a 16oz bottle of Water. It takes me 2 hours to finish a 17oz EAS Protein shake. I used to down bottles of water, beer, cokes, oj and vodka...now lets just say slow and steady
  3. Nothing but popsicles and water the first week. But hell thats still in my daily diets even today. Love me some SF popsicles
  4. Capt Derel

    Starting At Over 300?

    I am from the Lafayette area myself. The good thing for us is that our local seafood restaurants can grill everything they offer vs fried. A grilled seafood platter $26 bucks. But it lasts me 3 days. Not bad. I eat out all the time when home. But its always grilled seafood and only a couple bites at a time. Your gonna do good
  5. Capt Derel

    Starting At Over 300?

    Hey I am 5'9" tall. I started at 329lbs in Feb of this year. Size 42 pants and XXXL shirts. I swear to you as long as you control your diet its fool proof. I exercise a bit but nowhere near what I should. I have a weird life. Nothings on a schedule besides my work and my workout days are hit n miss because of my job. I didnt buy any new clothes up until yesterday. I am in a XL shirt which is kinda loose but the Large is a little to tight. Now as far as pants. 34waist. Thats amazing. I am the same size as when I was 20 years old. Which is 12 years ago LoL. But I do have excess skin that I am dealing with. I didnt realize that I lost that much until yesterday. Just stick to the low carb, low fat high Protein diet and you will be golden. Remember you are the only person that can make this tool work. If you cheat thats going to lead to bad habits so treat all the bad stuff like its going to kill you. Works for me. Oh yeah I am married but I get hit on alot now. So thats verification enough for me Have a good journey
  6. Capt Derel

    Once Again I Need Advice

    Chocolate huh thats interesting
  7. Capt Derel

    Once Again I Need Advice

    What did you start at and what r u at now? I was sleeved in Feb and have lost 93lbs so far but I started at 329lbs. Now as of right now I am still losing but its really slow. You are probably like me and yearn for instant gratification. Well it doesnt work like that unfortunately. Most people get around their goal around 8-12 months. So keep this in mind, we still have 8 months to go. For me I have to pay close attention to Carbs, Fats, and sodium. Carbs and sodium for weightloss and fats to prevent gall bladder attacks. But it seems like once you get closer to 200lbs the weightloss slows. Well thats what I notice from my massive reading of other peoples journeys
  8. Today is June 27th, 2012. I am at 237lbs even. LoL isnt the sleeve great. No problems yet other than the 3 gallbladder attacks. I have come to realize that they were triggered by fat consumption. I noted each time it happened and the days leading up to the attacks were considered fat loading days. 36 grams per day in a 4 consecutive stretch. As long as I stay below the 20 gram/day range I have no problems to note. Also note higher sodium levels accordingly. But flipside I feel great. I hit a NSV this morning. I am in a size 36 in Jnco pants which run small hence why they are still brand new since I0 years ago. So I am really in a size 34. I didnt realize cause all I have been doing is punching new holes in my belts. But I am down from a 3xl to an XL. I am getting hit on alot. But I love my wife most of the time. But on a side note my wife rewarded me for losing so much. She was so supportive of me purchasing my new midlife change toy cause it gives her even more incentive to lose on her own preop. Gotta love her
  9. Good job ladies. Dont worry about stalls cause its gonna come off
  10. Capt Derel

    Labor Intensive Jobs

    Not dow or basf in freeport ? I used to work for Texas Crewboats in the past and I met quite a few people from there and the Lake Jackson/ Freeport area
  11. Capt Derel

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    I agree with writergirl on the sweets issue. I wasnt even looking at your diet as to what it is you consumed but rather the amount consumed. I also figured mini meat balls was like the size of the canned ravioli kind. As far as myself I dont worry about veges at all but I do drink little small V8 cans. I try and eat as much protein as I can in the form of fish fillets, hamburger patties"lean of course" stuffed with cheese to give it some moisture lol, and any kind of seafood I can get my hands on. As far as sweets go since those bars are high in carbs I use sparingly. If I do eat one its the South beach chocolate crunch. Its lovely and high in protein in comparison with the others. I am a stocky guy to begin with so protein is a must for me.
  12. I stalled for a complete month. But when I got home people said that I lost weight from the last time I was home. So a loss in inches and my body adjusting is what was happening during the stall. I noticed muscle striations in my legs, biceps, deltoids, and chest are starting to show even at 237lbs. I am sure your going to pass your goal lol. Its only been 4 months since surgery lol
  13. Capt Derel


    Research Rimonabant HCL. It will knock your nicotine addictiin clean out of the water along with your herion, marijuana, opiate, or and drugs that interact with the CB1 receptors in the brain. Does it work? Hell yes. My wife cant even be around people who smoke any more cause it makes her sick. Shes been clean since 2006
  14. Capt Derel

    Weighing In?

    I weigh myself every morning. But I write it down also and keep track of my intake in case I need to manipulate something. But as far as being a slave lol no I am not
  15. Does it get unbearable to where you have to eat or can you switch it off? For me I just nibble off my wifes plate. I piss her off cause she sympathy eats for me. I drink protein shakes every morning. It takes me 3 hrs to drink one but thats my habit. Good luck and keep us updated
  16. Capt Derel

    Labor Intensive Jobs

    I am a Captain offshore. I dont ever see those guys on the rigs lifting anything heavy up and downstairs. Thats a safety hazard. They have multiple cranes on every drilling rig. But if your going to be a contract hand I can see where you are coming from. Heats going to wipe you out so you will need Water breaks atleast every 2 hours. I tried to push mow my yard the other day and I had to do it in stages cause it was 101 degrees here in louisiana this week. Ridiculous. But I was sweating bullets. I lost 3 lbs that day and spent 2 days putting it back in lol. Is it do able yes. Its just up to you to use stop work authority for yourself to prevent a serious accidental dehydration incident.
  17. Capt Derel

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    I agree with circa on this. Some days I can just tolerate more. Not more in one sitting. Its more throughout the day. Your diet looks like mine. So no worries there. My daily goal is 800/day. Once I hit 1200 calories but it was from vit d milk cause we ran out of my skim milj.
  18. As of today June 26, 2012 I am at 237lbs. Woohoo. I just treated myself to a new bike cause now I Dont have to wear the wide load sign on my back. Still no hunger. Everyone still trips out on me when they see me cause I am gone a month at a time. Now instead of the nickname Big D its slim lmao
  19. Capt Derel

    No (Or Low) Sugar - Low Carb Protein Bars?

    Thats the bars I eat also. All the other bars I have found are super high in carbs and calories. Not worth it when compared to atkins bars. I love the south beach chocolate bar that has like 20grams of protein. It tastes just like chocolate cake icing.
  20. Capt Derel


    Check it out. Since my last post I got off my boat on the 18th. On the 19th I lost 5 lbs. i am telling you that stress does infact inhibit weightloss. Today I am down 7 lbs since I got off. Lol its crazy
  21. Capt Derel

    Made It Thru My First Zumba Class!

    I am actually about to buy the wii game and the DVD set when I get home for my wife and I. Shes been after this for awhile now and I looked into it and I love the concept behind it. No local classes nearby for us so this is the next best step
  22. Capt Derel


    I can verify this theory that Stress does inhibit weightloss in some people. This is my 4th hitch back at work and each time my weightloss pauses. This time I started lifting weights and I have a gain this time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
