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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by superluli

  1. Spanx is my best friend but with the band i find food goes down a lot slower with spanx on. just today i had them on at work, i felt my Protein Shake take a really long time to make its way down so i went to the bathroom took it off and then everything was fine.

    my friend who also has the band experiences the same thing.

  2. Hey all - sorry this is more of a question about the forums than the actual lapband...

    Did anyone else get subscribed to the RNYtalk and Verticalsleevetalk forums? I got that and I have tried searching everywhere for the unsubscribe or cancel my account or anything like that in my settings but no such luck.

    I am a little annoyed that LBT has decided to register me on my behalf!

    Any ideas how to get yourself out? I just want LBT, not interested in anything else!

  3. now that i've dipped into the upper 20ies BMI it is super slow. but i stopped weighing myself self because i hate seeing 0.25 kg weightloss. instead i am happy that i look like an average size woman and i no longer shop in the plus size department or have to go and ask for the shop's biggest size.

    i think a strict exercise plan is essential now, and no more powerwalks, need to break a sweat ( i am telling myself!)

  4. As the other poster said being banded is not a joke. What we all typed was a clarification that the band doesn't move around that way. There have been times I wasn't sure about some things when I was newly banded and reading the forums helped me immensely. Sure there is a lot of wrong info posted and some members will be kind enough to correct us. I'm grateful to those more experienced bandsters, especially when this was so new to me. So if they are weird, including myself so be it, I'm appreciative of the advice and clarifications.

    Signed, a weird one!

    The part where people correct you and give you good information is cool. But the part where people insist on telling you the same thing over and over while ignoring your previous response to the issue is the weird part. It's like people just want to say something without even listening or hearing what was just said.

  5. i really thought it just relaxes 'upwards' and then just takes it's time to slide down comfortably... But maybe that's just how i explained it to myself for my simple non-doctor mind :P

    it just takes a couple of hours to be able to drink and eat normally, my doc said it's normal. sipping on a hot beverage in the morning helps but sometimes you just want that painkiller now, especially with migraines...

  6. thanks Janner! i will ask him the next time.

    @linedancer nope, 11 months in and 4 fills. since my 3rd fill i can't eat or drink when i wake up, it eases up after a couple of hours then by 4pm it's all ok. i know that that's pretty normal for the band ecause when ur horisontal ur band sort of slides upwards and takes some time to relax down into its regular position

  7. i am losing weight really slowly too, it gets frustrating sometimes (even though it's is partly my fault) but remind urself that slow and steady wins the race and that u'll have less skin issues later ;)

    we haven't gained it over night.

    also try Protein shakes and try measuring ur metabolism, mine is super slow and i am working on jumpstarting it. i don't lose any weight on liquid diets or when i eat baby portions! the only times when i really lost weight it was with 3 well balanced meals. it takes planning and i can be very lame about that. *kick i the butt for me

  8. is when you wake up sick with a Migraine or with period cramps! you need to wait a few hours before taking pills! grrr!

    i woke up with fever and i had to take liquid children's fever medicine till i can swallow a proper pill. and i can't drink 'plenty of liquids' yet, i can only sip for the next couple of hours. and if i can't lay in bed otherwise i will never be able to eat!

    thank god it's a weekend here otherwise i'd be a hellova day!

    sorry just needed to vent, otherwise, i love my band :)

  9. i jump up and down, and dance around shaking it all up! usually works. my family thinks it's absolutely hillarious when i do it during a meal together.

    also a quick walk around the block helps, like a very quick bouncy walk as if you're trying to get away from someone.

    oh and no liquids whatsoever!

    but the best thing is prevention. take breaks even if ur not stuck, put the fork down, get up and do something and count how many times you chew, nothing gets swallowed before at the very least couting to 20.

  10. i try to stick to 1200-1400 calories a day and i give myself 2000 once in a while for fun.

    i have a google doc in which lists all the cals, fats, carbs and Protein in the things i eat and i review it every week to make sure i am doing things properly.

    i prioritize Protein, i do Protein shakes in the morning (whey protein with fruit yogurt worth 236 cals) and do a piece of chicken or fish for lunch or dinner which is about 300 cals, then the rest is up to me and my mood. i doesn't feel like a diet since i am not deprived. after that i am left with 600 calories to eat. with the band resricting my appetite and quantities i feel like i am eating enough. a meduim bakes potato, a small bowl of Pasta, or a yummy greek salad. life is good :)

    i had plateaued at a stage for a few months, and i wasn't that focused either and i realized it was mainly due to lack of protein. whatever you do, don't skip the protein.

    good luck to us all! size 14 (UK) is amazing! can't wait till size 8 :D

  11. hey nouzi!

    i am fasting too and it's my first ramadan with the band. how are you doing this year? any tips?

    i haven't lost any weight :( i thought i would lose so much. i eat ok portions for iftar ( Soup and 1/2 cup of food) and more before i sleep (1.5 to 2 cups), but even though i don't have a sweet tooth in ramadan all i do is think of and crave sweets. sugary drinks like appricot juice which is a very typical ramadan drink here. do you have those cravings? any luck with curbing them?

    how r u doing with Water? can you squeeze in enough and still eat in those little hours we have?

  12. having less appetite means serving myself 3 spoons or rice as opposed to a whole bowl, restriction/less appetite translate into the same thing. but expecting the band to tell you you've had enough food is unrealistic. it willl give you subtle signals and will be an experience. many times while adjusting to a fill i get up and start walking and feel stabbing pain in my side, then i know i ate too much, and i note that next time i should order less or serve myself less and i do. trial and error. having less appetite also helps you make much better decisions. i no longer feel that kind of hunger that makes me want to devour a turkey. it's a very subtle sign of hunger. that helps a lot with sticking to recommended serving sizes when you want to.

    imy goal is to have the yummiest things that 1200-1500 calories a day can buy me and i'll be one happy girl! that translates into a 1-2 pound weightloss a week, which is awesome. it's been 7.5 months for me, usually by that time i would have gotten bored, felt deprived or been hating my life, instead i don't even know how i lost weight! all i remember of the last months is being satisfied and happy with what i eat and having no feelings of deprivation whatsoever. and i am still pumped and ready for those 3 inches i need to lose to fit into my bridesmaid's dress in november.

    i have read success stories in both low carb and Portion Control diets both equally as impressive. at the end of the day it boils down to you deciding to eat better, once you decide the band will help you. if you don't decide to do so the band won't decide for you.

  13. but just to comfort you a little about what's next i am a very 'lazy' bandster but still there are foods you will no longer be interested in. bread for one! pizza is like a once in two weeks craving for me, rice no longer interests me. burgers, haven't wanted them for a loong time, same for Bagels. anything fried is no longer interesting. for me its the Pasta, pizza and sushi that i still eat, but now i love zuccini, veggie Soups which i never used to eat. your taste jt changed and you don't feel deprived.

    the band really helps! i love it :) i just finished 90 mins of tango followed by 60 mins of hip hop and walked briskly home in 20 min and i feel awesome!

    get 4 fills as quick as you can, that's when my band started really helping.

  14. i am typing this as i am eating a yummy pizza :)

    my doc said the same thing, eat what you like, just keep away from high sugar liquids and sweets and ice cream. i am a carb addict so that isn't a tought guideline to follow. he said to keep tightening it. i have only had 4 fills i should be getting more but it's hard to arrange appointments for me i travel a lot snd so does the doc. but slowly my intake has gone down from 25 sushi pieces to 8-10 now, from a whole pizza for lunch then a big dinner down to 3 slices and little or no dinner.

    i tried to 'diet' but felt hugely guilty after every meal and was miserable and obbsessed about weight. now i only weigh myself every 10-14 days, i forget about dieting and i stopped checking this forum because i was chastized for eating carbs. i've lost 30 pounds so far. granted that is only like a pound a week and when i checked this website i felt hugely inadequate and miserable. but what works for others doesn't work for me. i wish it did, would have probably lost double by now but i'd rather have the best of both worlds a little bit of food and a slow weightloss.

    maybe i would have felt different if i were much bigger, but i am a size 14 now which is tolerable, so i'm ok with taking it slow.

    i am not saying anyone should do that. but i think you should listen to yourself and your doctor not others. especially people on this forum. not many will respect a differing point of view. i respect the no-carb diet and respect those who do it, but it seems like it doesn't roll both ways in this forum.

  15. One hour before I was leaving for the doc I found myself able to drink, so I had a cup of Water, some bouillon and two spoons of honey. I feel SO much better.

    I decided not to go today and wait it out now that I can drink. I really don't want an unfill, i am not doing very well with my weight loss so i really need this fill to whip me into shape.

    Thanks everyone for all your inputs and help.

    Water tastes so yum :)

  16. Hey guys,

    I just had my 4th fill yesterday brining my total up to 7ccs in an 11 cc band.

    I felt a bit restriction before my fill, but after a hot drink I found I am able to eat a lot and I got hungry quickly when I ate less. So I went for a fill.

    I feel like ****, that constant stuck feeling and sipping Water and clear drinks super sloooow. I think I only drank one cup of liquids today.

    I am stressed, my car broke down and is costing me a lot to fix I am missioning around and my dad is sick. Could it just be stress? Should I wait it out and maybe this feeling will go away? Has that ever happened to anyone?

    Or should I suck it up and go get an unfill?

  17. My doctor said there is something called gastric balloon that is done for people who need to lose weight for the surgery. It's a balloon that is inserted through the mouth to the stomach then filled with saline solution keeps you feeling full but has to be removed within 6 months. It should help people lose 25-40 pounds or more even.

    I am not suggesting, but I just thought i'd share my knowledge :P

    Good luck to us all on this journey.

  18. My nutritionist has an easy meal plan: a slice of toast with a slice of cheese or a bowl of Cereal for Breakfast, fruits an yogurt for dinner. And lunch is Grilled Protein and salad or Pasta with light Tomato sauce or sushi, open quantities. I lose more when I stick to 4 days of grilled protein and salad, but if I do only two days I don't gain. You can snack on air popped popcorn or fruits or canned tuna or yogurt.

    It works!

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