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Posts posted by Smontgomery

  1. Dawn, it will get better. I know it's hard to see that now but, it's true. Look at the posts from people a couple of months ahead of you and try to focus on what is to come. It will help you get through this tough time. Also, if you aren't taking sublingual B12, try to start taking it as soon as possible. I find that when my energy starts to dip low around 3-4 in the afternoon, the B12 really helps. Another thing that might lift your spirits is a Pinterest board with all the things you are looking forward to. Mine is called Reasons to Be Skinny and I spend time pinning clothes, shoes, and pictures of things I want to do. It gives me a little boost when I'm feeling down. :)

    A big part of this is mental and if you really work on finding ways to accentuate the positives and focus on the end goal, it will make you feel better in the short term.

    Good luck and keep coming here for support! We want you to succeed and know you can!!!

  2. As for what I'm doing, I'm trying to watch what I eat religiously. I track everything on Livestrong.com. I am in the gym for an hour of cardio every day and I work out with a personal trainer twice a week. I went off the rails because I had an accident in August and have been in a stall for 2 months but, I'm back on track and feeling so much better now. :)

  3. My surgeon says that people with the sleeve don't dump. Dumping is something that gastric bypass patients deal with when undigested food passes too quickly from the stomach to the small intestine. Symptoms include nausea, cramping and diarrhea.

    You can eat too much with your sleeve and vomit. (Sadly, I've done that once, early on) but, that is not dumping and is controlled by stopping eating when you should. It only takes once or twice with vomiting or the "slimes" to find your limit.

    When you are sleeved, the stomach does digest your food before it moves to the small intestine which is why sleevers don't have dumping syndrome.

  4. Thanks, everyone!!! Having a great time. The sad fact is that, this time last year, I couldn't fit into any of these ride seats so I pretty much just walked around, sweated like a pig, and waited for everyone else to get off their ride. Not much fun at all. Today is completely different and totally awesome! Getting sleeved is one of the best decisions I have ever made!!!! :) :) :) I feel so good! Loving life these days!!!

  5. I've been in a stall for the last 3 weeks. I was so happy to get to 199.5 that the weight loss God has decided I should stay here and enjoy it.

    Met with the NUT this week and she suggested eating the same number of calories (7-800) but breaking them into 5 meals instead of 3. She also wants me to up my Water intake. She thinks that will help me break the stall. We shall see....

    I changed gyms today and hired a personal trainer. Ass kicking is on the menu for lunch tomorrow! :) My first session is tomorrow at 11:30. Can't wait! I am hoping that a more structured approach to working out will help me break the stall.

    I have l lost 33 pounds to date. Looking to lose 65-70 more before my 40th birthday in Dec.

    Has anyone used a personal trainer and, if so, what did you like or not like?


  6. Post op is scary. Your fear is normal and healthy. :) keep reading as much as you can. I went in expecting it to be tough and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. I did get nauseous and when I did, I let my nurse know. They will give you anti-nausea medication which controls it. I did vomit once during the swallow test on day 2. That stuff was gross but, it only lasted a minute or two.

    While you are in the hospital, take the pain meds and the anti-nausea meds. There is no heroes medal for sticking it out without meds! sleep when you can and get as much rest as you can. When you aren't resting, WALK! The more you walk, the better you will feel. Walk as soon as they let you and walk often to help dissipate the gas.

    Go into that operating room knowing that you are coming out a new person, one whose old life and weight related baggage will be gone soon. The surgery and the post-op week are just the toll you are paying to cross the bridge. Focus on the outcome, be at peace with your decision, and know that this is just a means to an end and it's temporary. You will feel better in a week or two!

    I am 7 weeks out and I feel fantastic. Everyday, I lose a little more and every day I notice the changes. This is the best decision I have ever made for myself and it will be good for you too.

    Keep a positive outlook and focus on the future, it will help you get through the days that will be hard.

    Good luck! Can't wait to see you on the loser's bench!!!!!!

  7. I went into Victoria's Secret today on a whim and got measured for a bra and I was a 38 DD. Do you know what that means??? They sell bras in my size now! So, I promptly spent $134 on new bras and undies!!! LOL. Hope my husband likes them enough to not pay attention to the price tag. LOL

    I decided that when I get to goal, I'm going to LaPerla to really splurge. :)

  8. So, today I broke down and had some of my kid's Easter candy. I ate about 20 milk duds. My sleeve is very unhappy with me right now. I'm nauseous and I have the worst diarrhea. (I know, TMI!)

    I'm unhappy that I feel so crappy but, really pleased that my sleeve is doing what it is supposed to! I knew that I shouldn't eat tht candy but, I did anyway and I'm paying the price. Lesson learned, sleeve! You Win!!!

    (ps, who knew that a side affect of getting the sleeve would be becoming a little bit masochistic?) LOL

  9. The letter just said he was denied because of his recent gastric sleeve surgery. I'm annoyed. He is no longer obese, his BMI is normal, he no longer has sleep apnea and hasn't had asthma problems in the last year. Arguably, he is healthier than he has been in years. I really don't understand insurance companies at all.

  10. My husband was just denied additional life insurance through my company's spouse coverage because he had the gastric sleeve. I was denied additional insurance because of morbid obesity, I'm 3 weeks out from having surgery and now, I'm uninsurable because of my surgery???? You just can't win. We have two kids. Life Insurance is pretty important, at least until they are through college.

    It didn't occur to me that having a surgery like this would affect my ability to get life insurance. :(. This bites

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