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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Violet953

  1. Allison- for every one of you, there are 100 other people who need to exercise to make this work...so its just not realistic to think that you can just loose the weight as you did without it. But honestly, while that is really awesome and I'm happy for you...don't you think you would have done better and toned your body the whole time if you exercised this past 8 months? That's why I think its so important...I don't want loose skin...and I really don't want to loose the weight super fast so that my body stays tight.

    I also would like to say that while yes I do enjoy exercising a lot of times...esp. after I have gotten through the first half of it, the other half is easy for me..because I feel like I'm giving up if I don't just finish it...there are plenty of other times that I don't feel like it...whether its I'm just not feelin it or my ankles are hurting me like crazy...I just force myself to do it. I don't even go to the gym! I really don't like the gym...I do mine right at home in front of my tv whenever I feel like it. I do Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone DVDs and I change it up between the 3,4, and 5 miles. I never said it was always a blast to do- but its something we SHOULD be doing.

  2. I live in Connecticut too and I'm sorry to say but there is no way to expedite this process unless you are paying for the surgery yourself. I have Husky/Medicaid too and it took me over a year to get everything together...finally had surgery on February 8th.

    The reason why it takes so long is because the surgeon himself's office had to weigh me every month for the six month requirement. I was not able to use anything from my primary ..and in fact really didn't need much from my primary for the surgery...just the pre-op physical I believe...I had to go through many many tests as you will find out..which took months to finish.

    I go to Dr. Tousignant in Norwich, CT and had my surgery at Backus hospital...I love my surgeon so much, he is really great..super nice and extremely smart..my surgery went perfectly too. But like I said, there is no way to make this go faster...you just need to find a surgeon as soon as you possibly can and get this going! The time that you will have right now until surgery, you should take to loose some weight before surgery, because that is what they will ask you to do. I was told i had to loose 50 pounds before surgery, ended up loosing 30 but since they saw I was making progress, that was all they needed.

    If you would like to talk to me, all you have to do is message me on here.

  3. I just set a routine and stick to it... I told myself i had to run 4 miles today and I didnt want to.. I made myself go to the gym.. the first 2 miles sucked.. but The last 2 went great.. I left with a great "high" I seem to workout better when i dont want to be there...

    Hey girl! That's exactly how I am too. I do Walk Away The Pounds Dvds at home and I've been making myself do 3-5 miles a night and if I go into it not wanting to...once I get that 2 miles done I know I can finish the rest...its not as bad as you think...just DO IT.

  4. To those of you who say you don't have time for exercise or you don't like to...I'm sorry but to me all I hear is excuses excuses. Yeah you may have a busy lifestyle but after getting the lapband put into your body to make a "lifestyle change" how can you do that without getting some exercise in? What is an hour out of your entire day? You have 23 hours to do everything else you need to do..and if you know you will tone your body and loose even more weight from it why wouldn't you take advantage of that? I think you guys need to step it up and quit making so many excuses...I have a life too...a job, family, boyfriend, pets, house to take care of, appts to go to in between everything else..and every single night I come home and get my exercise in. I have lymophdema in my legs and as much as it hurts to be on my feet and my ankles are so big it looks unhuman but I do not miss it...because I didn't get this lap band put in me to just sit back and watch the weight fall off...I'm working my ass off and don't understand why you can't either!!!

    Do you want to end up like the people on here who are making a post in 1 or 2 years saying they only lost 30 pounds? If not, you need to make the change now...and if you don't want to..then I really don't understand why you got the band in the first place.

  5. This is normal. The pain meds make you constipated...I think it was about 4 or 5 days for me so I called the doctor and she told me to take miralax or milk of magnesia. I chose the milk of mag cuz its sooo much cheaper and I'm really glad I did cuz just 2 doses and I was able to go ...actually I went from not going to diareah for about 2 days lol but hey at least it came out and kinda cleaned me out...WAYY better than trying to **** out a huge turd!! And trust me I've been there many times- it hurts SO bad. I have been on the toilet screaming before ready to go to the hospital...finally I got a glove and a plastic spoon and you figure out the rest. LMAO so disgusting! So take something ASAP. More than likely that is what they are gonna tell you if you call the docs.

  6. That's what happened to me too...It's very normal. I am trying my best not to eat too much, and I'm exercising like crazy...My first fill is not until the 8th and I can't wait because I have very little restriction!! You just have to fight those hunger pains, but my doctor told me to increase my calories and it would help...so that's what I did....It does help...mine pretty much went away but there are times where I get them still. It's not nearly as bad as the first couple weeks of surgery though!

  7. Hey there....I am in "bandster hell" too! But you know what I'm doing to loose right now? Exercise!!!! If I were you, I would do a lot more than just 30 minutes of exercise. Bump it up to 45 mins to an hour. I do anywhere from 45 mins to an hour and a half every day. Yes it is hard...sometimes I have to talk myself through it, but I find the more I do this, the better I feel and the more I enjoy it. I am loosing inches like crazy right now...next it will be weight, and I don't get my fill until the 8th either...right now I have no restriction....well somewhat...I can't eat as much as I used to that's for sure. But I def. want more restriction and I know that is what's gonna make the pounds melt off!

  8. Hey Meredith! I LOVE doing Walk Away The Pounds! I love Leslie! My mom got me her VHS tapes years ago and I lost 20 pounds then doing it...mind you I was a lot thinner and younger...but it still made me loose today just as good maybe even better. I think the five mile is the best because its nice and fast pace...and you can do as many miles as you want....I try my darn best to aim to do the whole five miles but sometimes I just do two or three from that one. I feel like, once I get through the first 2 miles, why not keep going and finish the rest? I think the first 2 miles are the hardest when I'm not into working out on certain days, but it gives me the motivation to keep going and do more and more...whats another 20 minutes you know? That's how I see it. I just did 2 miles of the five mile DVD tonight, I would have done more but I have an awful yeast infection right now and it was bothering me. I try to do this every single day, and feel very guilty if there is a day that I don't get it done. Plus it makes me feel good during and afterwards, makes me feel alive! I'm gonna add you as a buddy now! :)

  9. See!? I told you you'd get approved and would be banded this year! I knew it!!!!!! I'm so happy for you hun...it happened sooner than you thought huh?! And hey- you can do it- I lost almost 30 pounds before surgery exercising doing walk away the pounds DVDS. I still do it after the band. This is a great time for you to prepare and you don't have to worry about anything now, just getting ready!!! Congrats!! :) Feels great after allllll that huh?

  10. Hey girl when did you have your band put in?? Cuz I am 2 weeks out and just started exercising a couple of days ago. I would try it and see how it goes for you...you should know it if its too much.....like if it bothers your port area or something. But my surgeon did tell me that even the most vigorous of exercises will not disrupt the port site. I hope that is true...my incisions are still healing so I do hurt a little when I push too hard...but I know I will be fine once time goes on...I just really wanna get the exercise going you know? I do Walk Away The Pounds and while it is a lot milder than insanity or px90...it kicks my butt! And I keep it moving ...try my best to do 5 miles a day!

  11. I TOTALLY understand how you feel! After I started exercising (pre-band) and lost almost 30 pounds on my own, I started feeling amazing...and the sex definitely increased. My boyfriend bought me this shirt that I just felt soo sexy in. He compliments me like crazy now...and the best part is I feel great. I am getting my life back...all aspects of it. Isn't it awesome???? wub.png

  12. Ugh I was in your shoes too just a few months ago. It took me over a year to get everything done too! It sounds like you are very close though...I had many delays and played the waiting game for many months ...I was supposed to be banded in October, then November, the surgeon even said himself I would be banded in December!!! Obviously that didn't work out because of unexpected tests and insurance problems...Then finally I got the good news that my insurance approved it in January....was banded a couple of weeks ago. I too thought it would never happen because of all the problems ...but its very normal. Some people get right to their surgery, and some have to wait a freakin year that's just how it goes. I'm sorry it had to happen to you but I know you will be banded this year. Don't let them do this to you anymore- call them up and demand answers as to why they never sent it out, keeping you on pins and needles for 2 weeks for absolutely nothing. If anyone should know it should be them that this process is nerve-racking for us! They should be more on top of things and more caring as far as I'm concerned. Tell them you want to know exactly when the paperwork is sent out, so you can call your insurance company yourself until you find out the good news. Good luck and I know you will be banded very soon...please let us know when you get approved!!!! :)

  13. Hi Lou. You have made a great decision and it will change your life! I am only a week post op and I can feel my life changing already. For the better. I can't think of anymore questions other than the ones listed but I just wanted to comment about your kid being teased about your weight. Isn't that just terrible? I remember as a child in grade school, there were certain members of my class who made fun of me because my parents were fat. I would just get so angry with them because it hurt to have my parents made fun of like that, I loved them so much it didn't matter! I remember crying about it..My dad later had a talk with those kids parents because I must have told him about it...and of course as years went on I got made fun of as well because of my weight. My mom ended up getting gastric bypass and she is skinny now and doing great. Some kids can just be so cruel! Don't worry though everything will change and those bratty kids won't have nothin to say then! ;)

  14. I find it so funny how every single day there is a post like this...haven't you read any of the posts on here about not loosing until your first fill? Yes, I just had surgery a week ago and have lost 12 pounds already..but I think it has something to do with Water weight. Because before I went into surgery my ankles were HUGE and after having them up for a week, they are back to normal size again...so I really think that most of my weight loss is due to that, and I may even gain some back! I was loosing every day...but I'm on mushies now and it stopped. I know that I may gain now, and I am prepared for that...you should be too! It is a very normal thing as you will read time and time again.

  15. aw thank you guys so much!! I hope you all do really well too!!! I'm sure you will. I also forgot to mention that I had a hernia repaired too. I think that might be why I had 5 incisions? I don't know I forgot to ask...lol I always forget to ask him things when I see him but I will be seeing him next week. And I was going to return back to work yesterday but I just felt I needed a little bit longer...still just a little too sore and can't lift obviously either...but I'm going back in tomorrow!!

  16. Hey everyone! I figured I'd let every body know how I've been doing! Surgery was on Feb 8th...exactly one week ago tomorrow. I feel awesome. I saw the doctor today, and he has me on the purred stage of eating now. As far as right after surgery goes, I hardly had any gas pain...never had to use the gas x...I think its because my surgeon is so awesome really...he did an amazing job....I never got that awful shoulder pain that everybody talks about...I was in pain a little longer than I thought, and my incisions are a bit sore but they are still healing, and itchy now.

    He gave me 5 incisions all tiny except one and they are more under my boobs than on my stomach, which I love! They are going to heal up and you won't even be able to see them! I have been nauseous... and its only been the past 2 days...it was not at all after surgery. I think its because I haven't been eating as much. Or it could be cuz the fact that my whole family has been puking...but I haven't puked thankfully. I saw my surgeon today and he said the nauseous feeling is probably from not getting enough calories in...so he told me to get as much as I could in...with the purrees....which has been going great, everything has been going down fine, and I have cravings of course but its not too bad. Its going away now that I'm eating more.

    The best part- I have lost 12 POUNDS SINCE MY SURGERY DATE! 12 POUNDS IN LESS THAN A WEEK! All together before surgery- I've lost 40 POUNDS! I am sooo pleased and so is my surgeon...he is very happy with my results and I will be seeing him every week...he says I should have another 4 pounds off by next week even if I was eating 2000 calories a day which I'm not sure about...but I'm sure I will loose more than that! I'm soo happy with things right now! I was really happy to be under 300, nevermind that I weigh 289 now!!!! :D

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