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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Violet953

  1. You know what is so funny lol...after I read your blog about what your mom said, I spent the entire night looking up youtube videos and posts about the negative effects of wls...one of which with somebody that died, and the persons family member that died is really trying hard to talk people out of getting it...a lot of the comments though were geared toward the person probably not doing what they were supposed to, and that they were a success so they don't know what they are talking about. I am getting mixed signals everywhere I turn.. My mom had gastric bypass over 10 years ago and kept her 100 pounds that she lost OFF..so obviously she is totally % FOR me getting the lap band...because she had complications, and this is safer...shes my biggest supporter..my whole family and boyfriend is. We know people too that had gastric bypass and the lap band done and it didn't work for them at all...they lost some and then gained it back..so I think for some people who aren't all in it, yeah thats exactly why it doesn't work for them...but it doesn't mean I'm not having second thoughts...because I am...even though I'm still doing every single thing I need to do...I'm just one step away...but after reading that blog I just got terrified and then reading all of the other awful things..I think it will be worth it in the long run. I see soo many people on here and all over who have had so much success with it and its changed their lives...so why wouldn't it work for me when I'm % in it, and I've already lost 30 pounds on my own?
  2. Violet953

    Having A Hard Go Of It

    20 Minutes is definitely great for you to do a day..its better than nothing! I've been trying my best to do 2 miles a day or more, and some days I slack and only do 1 but I think of it as, at least I'm getting some exercise in for the day. Do you know what I do everyday? Not the treadmill, nope! Its Leslie Sansone! I don't understand why you guys don't like her so much- you should focus on the EXERCISE and not judging the person...I take offense to that because I love her so much, she helped me loose just about 30 pounds on my own and I haven't even had the surgery yet. She's just trying to help everybody loose weight and get motivated...which is what you need. Plus..you could always listen to music instead of listening to her if you wanted to!
  3. This is making me really nervous now- I don't want to become bulimic! My mom had gastric bypass and she had a bunch of complications..including having 9 surgeries to open her esophagus I believe. Shes been doing okay for a few years, except for the fact that she has fibromayalgia now...but for a long time she would have to throw up when she got stuck so she would feel better. I would always say WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!!? This shouldn't be happening its not normal mom! It needs to be fixed...and that kept leading to her esophagus being widened. But I thought that her surgery was a lot more complicated and more severe so I wouldn't have to deal with anything like that with the Lap Band...and now I'm finding the more I read on here, that's not true!
  4. Violet953

    Approved ..... ..... ..... .....

    I have medicare. I will call them tomorrow and see what they say...but my surgeons office did tell me that they said after I'm seen by the cardiologist they will approve me..you'd think they would tell me everything that would need to be done if there is more...who knows!
  5. Hey Everyone, I've been reading old posts and saw somebody say that Medicare doesn't pay for fills...but that was in like 09 I think...Does anybody know if that has changed? And if not, do you know how much it usually costs for a fill appointment? Up until I joined this forum, embarrassing as it is I actually had no idea there were fills! I just thought my insurance would pay for the follow up appointments and I'd be all set...Also, I live in Connecticut and I'm having the surgery at the Backus Weight Loss Center. Thanks in advance. -Stephanie
  6. Violet953

    Does Medicare Pay For Lap Band Fills?

    Thanks everybody! And yes, they do take medicare. They told me that at the seminar last year. I've done everything they've told me to and I'm very close to getting my surgery!!!!!!!
  7. I'm surprised nobody has said this yet seriously... But the reason they tell you not to drink alcohol after surgery is because of the pain medication...if you drink while on the pain meds it could be a deadly combination. So, if you are done with the pain meds then by all means, drink on your birthday, but if you aren't done with the pain meds, just don't take them that day...and have fun...as you already read, people still drink after surgery, just not in excess...so it doesn't effect you calorie-wise. Oh yeah and Happy Birthday!
  8. MrsMoretti, it depends on the doctor ...because when my doctor saw I wasn't loosing weight fast enough, they told me I had to wait until I lost 50 pounds before I could get the surgery! Luckily after I lost almost 20 pounds they were ready to schedule me. They just need to see that you CAN diet and loose the weight for the surgery...because you still need to follow all of their rules after surgery..you don't just get it and loose all of the weight instantly...they just want to see that your serious. They don't want to give the lap band to somebody who's just flubbing along. And Shawna, I had to cancel one of my appointments and I had no idea that it meant I had to start ALL over! I was so upset, I had 2 months that I had to cross off, and start all over again with just 1! It was awful, I cried and cried..lol. But I have to say it went by quickly..and I'm in the 6th month now with my surgery happening in the next few weeks. And the bonus is- I lost just about 30 pounds pre surgery!
  9. Violet953

    Approved ..... ..... ..... .....

    You must be so relieved! I can't wait until I hear that news too...I have to go to a cardiologist next week and then they said they would approve me..I had to postpone it because of my insurance but I just got it back today! I am on my WAY! Makes me a little worried tho because what if they say they need something else all of a sudden after that, u know? I guess I will find out.
  10. Well I would ask your doctor but my doctors care instructions say to start walking as soon as you possibly can- granted you feel ready ...and it says that even vigorous workouts will not effect the incision. I plan to start my workouts ASAP after mine is put in!
  11. I would think yes, just don't overdo it you know? You should be okay just for that one night...especially since its before surgery.
  12. OMG- Catherine, you look SO GOOD! I read your blog a bit and totally agree with you when you said you didn't exactly "feel" as fat as you looked in the pictures....(actually you don't even look bad in that pic either) because that is how I feel! When I look at myself in the mirror and make myself look nice, I look so much better than I do in a photo. I see the picture and I'm this huge round blob and can't even understand how that's me! Did you get any loose skin? My mom had gastric bypass and pretty much had the same success you did except I think she was a little bigger before, and she got a bit of loose skin that insurance won't cover, and she can't pay to get rid of, and it makes her self conscious. Its not terrible though...she looks a lot like you do in your after photos!
  13. Thank you! I can only hope I am as successful as you were when I get my band put in..I'm 24 years old and very excited to live life as a thinner person! (not too thin, but thinner..lol)
  14. Violet953

    Protein Shakes?

    I'm doing the same thing actually although I haven't made myself one yet...lol. I just bought the Whey Protein at Wal Mart it was $15 for a huge tub of it...the brand is Body Fortress and its vanilla flavor. I'm also planning on getting the chocolate flavor too.. I plan on trying it tomorrow and if I don't like it I'm just gonna get the Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast...because I know I like those....even thought they will probably be more expensive.
  15. Well when I was thinner years ago I was a size 9 or 10...but since I've gained so much weight I am now a size 11 or 12! And my feet are SOO wide too! I feel like my feet are humongous compared to other people. Once I loose the weight I'm sure I will be back down to my normal size that I used to be...and my mom had gastric bypass and said that it will, it happened to her too!
  16. I haven't had the band yet but I'm terrified of loose skin for one. For two I've been a little freaked out about not being able to eat pasta for a very long time.. anything Italian is like my favorite foods ever...I eat it almost every single day and its what made me fat I'm sure... of course the insurance denying me is another thing I'm afraid of...but I'm sure that won't happen since I have multiple things wrong with me because of my weight, including an APAP machine for sleep apnea.
  17. Its most definately the pain killers. I used to be addicted to them after having six surgeries from age 14-19 for pylonidal cysts. I used to get itchy every single time I took them.
  18. Violet953


    What Happened to this post? I can't read it..
  19. Violet953

    Just Had Lap Band Surgery

    Hi there, have you lost any weight yet? If so, how much?
  20. Violet953

    The Cold Hard Facts

    Wow, you found another surgeon just like that? I thought there wasn't any in your area?
  21. Violet953

    Pre Lap Band Surgery Testing?

    You are lucky...I had absolutely every single test and appointment all of these people have mentioned....I've done all of it and of course they sent my paperwork in with out sending me to a cardiologist yet so they sent it back saying they won't approve until I see one...then my insurance went into a spend down..so I've been scrambling to get my insurance back so I can get to my cardiologist appointment next Wednesday.. Its been an absolute stressful nightmare. One thing after the next. I went from being afraid to see the doctor at all to going multiple times a week and its been crazy. If I get my insurance back in a couple of days I'll be able to go to my cardiologist and get my surgery date shortly after! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. ​What is a hernia? I have been tested for all kinds of things, I think they would have told me if I had one right? Do all obese people have them? I have been very nauseous lately and have been feeling terrible...do you think that's why???
  23. Also I do believe it has something to do with my salt intake.
  24. I haven't had the band yet and I have severe edema in my ankles. Its so bad...my ankles get absolutely huge so they prescribed me compression stockings and diagnosed me with "Lymphedema" Now I'm not sure if its what you have but...it has something to do with the lyph nodes in my legs. The compression stockings work well...You put them on in the morning and it keeps the swelling down all day...gradually after about 2 months time it went down to almost nothing. I also have been loosing weight, so that is probably helping too...but I was told this may or may not go away after I loose the weight...as they usually say with everything else wrong with me. (Asthma, Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure) So this is starting to make me think the same thing will happen to me too...did you have this before you lost the weight? If not, then you should def. show them to your doctor and see what they can do for you!
  25. That's really awesome Amanda! I'm so happy for you. If they love you they should support you either way!!

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