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Posts posted by Rainsong

  1. Hello my fellow December Sleevers!! I was sleeved on 12/19/11 and I have lost 122lbs!!! I feel great about myself now and about life. I have competed in two triathlons and I have another one in September to Celebrate my 36th year birthday. I also have two 5Ks coming up soon. I went from being 296.8lbs to 175 and a tight size 22 to a size 6 or 8. I am hoping to lose another 25lbs and get a Tummy Tuck and a boob reduction. Sorry boys if that is tmi.

    This surgery has changed my life is so many different ways. But the most important is the knowledge that the surgery is just a tool. When people ask me how I've lost so much weight, I tell them I exercise a lot, eat well, and oh yeah I had surgery. I am also living a dream I've wanted to do since high school. I always wanted to be in the color guard of the marching band but I was always too self conscious because who wanted to be the fat girl in the tight uniform?? So now I am the instructor of the color guard!! I love it.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

  2. Well everyone I was sleeved yesterday morning and all went very well. Hardly any pain. I stopped taking morphin around 9 last night. Throughout the day the nurses had to remind me to take pain meds. I've been pretty much off all meds today. Drain is out, folly and iv are done. Swallow test went great. All and all I'm very happy with everything. I had a really bad c section and emergency surgery after the c section so this was a breeze compared to that. I know everyone is different but I still wanted to share my story with you all!


  3. It's been a long time since i've posted on this forum. But tomorrow is my big day! I report to the hospital at 9:20am. I'm thinking my surgery will be around 11ish. My husband came home from deployment on Wednesday and has been an amazing supporter! He is going to take my measurements and pictures sometime today.

    Good luck my fellow December 19th sleevers!!!


  4. I am sooo battling the same thing! I've only told my immediate family, 2 supportive friends, and one coworker (after 3 glasses of wine). I trust them all, so I'm not worried about that. I'm a teacher also, and I don't know how to tell my principal. Is saying "personal surgery" info enough if I'm going to be out for a week? I'm still praying for it to fall during winter break. I know the teachers, students, and parents will start to notice, but I don't know if I want to devulge that personal info. I feel people will judge wether I hear it or not...then on the other hand, SO WHAT, it may help someone too...


    Hi Beyonc! I'm so sorry I usually don't check this site! I haven't told my administrators what I'm having but I think they have guessed it. They have been NOTHING short of supportive. Have you gotten a date yet? Please feel me in. You can send me a private message and I'll give you my email so we can keep in touch.

    PS Anyone who has responded to this I will do the same for you guys too! Thank you for your support!


  5. Hey Rain... I'm also a teacher.. I hope to be sleeved during my Christmas break, but I won't be returning to school until Feb 1st.. I've told my admins and a few friends at work.. I was very reluctant to tell my Mom, who found out from one of my 6 sisters!!! So, I went home to MS for Thanksgiving and we all sat down after dinner and talked..

    I decided to have surgery because I'm beginning to "feel" my weight and my body is letting me know that I'm over 350 lbs!!! I hurt my back some years ago and I've managed it well until recently when a bout of pneumonia forced me to be on bed rest for some weeks...

    The one person who had a major issue was an overweight friend of mine who ranted and raved about I just needed to work out and get a plan.. I was in tears because I felt that she of all people should understand how it is to be trapped in a body that seems like it doesn't belong to you.. It's like being in prison!!! But she was so unsupportive and rude!! Later I figured out why.. she doesn't want to be the lone "fat" girl in our group.. She feels that I will change and become a snob or something...

    Anyway, i told them I was looking for approval or validation of my decision.. I wanted them to know what was going on.. And if they don't agree, that's fine.. it's my body and my life.. They know me.. I'm analytical.. i don't do anything without researching and "counting the cost"...

    I believe we will be fine!!

    My sleeve sister!! Thanks for your words and support. I understand exactly what you are going through. I suspect that some of my friendships will change because I won't be the token 'fat' person in the group any longer. I'm okay with that. I will mourn the lose of some of my friendships, but I am GETTING MY LIFE BACK!! I don't care if people think this is the easy way out anymore. I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm doing this to save my LIFE!

    I hope all goes well with your surgery. I know what time mine is on Friday afternoon. I'll be sure to let you know. Unfortunately I don't check this site as often as I check the other site I use but I will try to do that for you!


  6. Thank you so much for sharing you story with me. I really heard and took in what you said about the guilt factor. I too started to see a therapist when I made the decision to do WLS. I think your right that telling people might free me up a little.. but I'm going to do what you did and wait awhile to make sure it works. LOL Deep down in my heart I know it will. I just talked about having a balance of positive outcomes and negative outcomes with my therapist yesterday so thank you for unknowingly reinforcing something I'm trying very hard to achieve.

    How are you and your family now? My condolences about your wife. :hug:

    I would caution you about one thing though. I've dealt with some guilt about "taking the easy way out," even though in my heart I know it is not the case. I see a therapist and he did help me to see that, even though I absolutely have the right to tell or not tell whoever I like, for me, keeping the surgery a secret did add to the feeling that I had something to be ashamed of. I do find that as I tell more people I do feel freer and lest burdened about "keeping my secret."

  7. First of all sorry for all of the confusion regarding your insurance. I actually did not have to do any doctor weigh-ins. I had written up a quite extensive list of my prior weight loss efforts. At one point before I had my daughter I lost just shy of 100 lbs.

    I also agree with you about BCBS, everyone that I have spoken too in this entire process has been GREAT! I'm the type of person that if my service is bad, I'll kindly let people know and on the other hand if my service is great, I'll also let them know. I've commented to every person at BCBS how nice they have been!

    Good Luck! Let me know how things turn out.

    Well I called today to check the status and the nice lady on the phone said that it was not approved because they stated the paperwork only included 3 months of the 6 required. The lady on the phone pulled up all 38 pages and said that she saw all of it and they must have overlooked a page. Anyway, she "bumped" it back up to them saying they would see it in the morning and she would call me on my cell. So we will see tomorrow I guess. No matter how messy this gets I have to say that every time I have called BCBS, I have always spoken to the nicest people. Probably just jinxed myself:)

  8. Hi there.. I'm actually planning to write a blog or something that details my journey. But I met one on one with my surgeon on Vet's Day November 11th. Officially picked the sleeve on that date but I already had a surgery date about two weeks prior to the appointment. My insurance company received my info on Monday November 23rd and I got the approval Monday November 28th. So essentially it took four business days due to the holiday!!


    It felt like four YEARS, decades.. :Banane55:

    congrats!!!! :smile1:

    how long did you wait for your approval?

  9. Its funny how one little word can change so much, so quickly. I went from being a crazy anxious grumpy b***h waiting to hear from my insurance, to screaming and dancing for joy in a parking lot when I read my one word email from my surgeon's administrative assistant, to trying to not to cry like a baby.

    I just wanted to take the time to say the following...

    ~ I'm grateful and thankful for being given a tool that will not only change my life but quite possibly save it

    ~ I'm grateful that I'll be reaching several goals that I've always had but didn't have the courage to share with people.. (i.e. riding rollar coasters again, going kayaking with my frieinds, SHOPPING at any store I want, being able to look at myself in the mirror again, being a role model for my daughter, finding TONYA again under all my blubber) just to name a few

    ~I'm grateful and thankful for prefect strangers that I've never met. All of YOU who are reading this and totally understand just how much one little word means and who support not only me but everyone on here.

    ~I'm grateful and thankful for truly understanding the following and finally living up to it..

    God grant me the serenity

    to accept the things I cannot change;

    courage to change the things I can;

    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Labor day weekend 2011 marked a change in me that I will never forget. I felt something snap in me. I knew I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Tired of being fat and unhappy. So I started researching WLS. I went from wanting a band, to a bypass, and finally to the SLEEVE. Which I think is perfect for me!

    Happy Holidays to everyone. People who are waiting, keep up advocating for yourself. People who have had it.. I'll see you on the losers bench Monday December 19th 2011. The date of my rebirth!!!


  10. Good Evening,

    First of all let me just tell you that I am like you. When I decide to do something I don't want to wait I want it RIGHT NOW! So trust me its easy saying this then doing it. But this will happen and you've got to hold on until then. Get all of the information you possibly can for your insurance. Be you are best advocate. No one wants this more then you do, so speak up for yourself. I LOVE my surgeon but can't stand his administrative assistant. She is terrible with communication but the surgeon will email me back within an hour. When I didn't hear from his assistant for a few weeks, I didn't sit back and worry and fret about it, I took matters into my own hands and emailed both her and the surgeon and I called. Well I guess she got sick of hearing from me because she gave me my first appointment to see him one on one on a day that he wasn't supposed to see patients and the same day she gave me the appointment she gave me a surgery date AFTER she asked which date would be best because she knows I'm a music teacher and hubby is deployed and should be home soon.

    I truly believe that even if you have to wait you WILL get there and use this time to get yourself educated on the good, the bad, and the ugly on this surgery. Take the time the time to heal. I've been on blood thinners before because I had a blood clot in my lung and I know how much it sucks and how careful you have to be. But maybe try going to a pool that way you can start preparing for the surgery physically as well as emotionally. I went out and brought a bodymedia fit so I can try all of my calories and steps. I've had small goals that I want to have BEFORE the surgery so it will take my mind off the wait.

    Send me a message if you need to vent because I totally understand! Good luck and see you on the losers bench soon!


  11. Wow!! Thank you so much for your awesome comments. I really love what I do and I know I'm more of a parent to some of my kids then their own parents so I def want to be very sensitive to their needs.

    Congrats on all of your weight lose!! YOU GO GIRL! I'm really hoping that one day I'll be able to join you on the losers bench. I'll be sure to keep you posted and I'll tell my best friend just how great she is.. (I have already but it ever hurts to hear it right!?)

    I will keep you posted. Maybe we can be friends on here. I'm really new to this site and trying to get used to it still but I'll get there. I can't wait to keep talking to you, you sound pretty cool yourself!


    I love that you shared this story...I think many of us have much of this in common!! I have to say that I have not told anybody but my very close friends. It is sooo funny how people say, "Wow you look great, you have always been beautiful but you look just amazing!" I find it humorous that people feel the need to quantify a compliment. I am down 74 pounds since surgery 07/06/2011. Nobody really knows what to say, my family is very supportive and glad I did the surgery for ME!...I like you Rainsong have always been into boxing and later in life started kickboxing. That is my passion...so on top of having lost some extra weight...I have the energy and confidence to get back in the ring!!

    As far as telling your students in order to protect them from the anixiety that is the best and most protective thought any teacher could ever have!!

    I look back at pictures and cannot believe it...you will tell all and be so proud to help others!! Keep up the great outlook on life, and the love of your students!! Keep us posted!!

    Your friend that will be helping you sounds as amazing as you!!! The surgery for me was a breeze..it was the work at getting the right amount of Protein which is still work!!

  12. I'm not going to tell my administrators exactly what kind of surgery I'm getting before the surgery. I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell people after. I know this might be wrong to say, but I feel guilty taking time off from school. I love teaching and I've passionate about it. I have a feeling that every one is going to be very supportive, but until I wake up after surgery with a missing stomach I'm keeping my lips sealed!


    I am sooo battling the same thing! I've only told my immediate family, 2 supportive friends, and one coworker (after 3 glasses of wine). I trust them all, so I'm not worried about that. I'm a teacher also, and I don't know how to tell my principal. Is saying "personal surgery" info enough if I'm going to be out for a week? I'm still praying for it to fall during winter break. I know the teachers, students, and parents will start to notice, but I don't know if I want to devulge that personal info. I feel people will judge wether I hear it or not...then on the other hand, SO WHAT, it may help someone too...


  13. Dear Amanda,

    Can I just say what an inspiration you are to me! I took the time and read you blog from when you starting thinking about WLS. I think I am in a good place mentally most days. Other days I think I'm going crazy because I'm obsessed with this surgery and different forums. I'm sooooo thankful for the forums because its so nice to know that I'm not alone out there and there are other people can completely understand what I'm feeling right now. I love my best friend and she loves me, but the biggest size she prob has ever worn is a size 8!! She'll never get it! Thanks for being there for me and others and your support.



    Your story parallels my story and so many other posters on this site. From the tone of your post, it sounds like you are in a good place mentally and prepared for this adventure. I wish you all the best and look forward to supporting you in your journey. :smile1:

    Best of luck!


  14. Thank you for sharing! I completely understand what you are going through. My mother suffers from rheumatoid arthritis very badly. The heavier I've gotten the more I notice that every time I'm still for any period of time, I can't move so easily. I feel like an old women when I go to the bathroom because my knees snap crackle pop all over the place. I'm only 35!

    Anyway I hope you start feeling better soon. I'll be praying for you! Maybe we can befriend each other and keep each other updated!



    I just wanted to send you good thoughts and the best of luck with your surgery! It is all such a personal journey isn't it? I myself have only told close family members and a few friends. The vast majority don't know.

    So, I've lost about 60 pounds since this all began back on June 1st. Fifty-three pounds on my own. I then had surgery Oct 25th. And I've only lost 7 pounds since surgery. I guess I am in one of those dreaded stalls. One reason I opted for the surgery is I have rheumatoid arthritis. I was at a point where I had to do something to improve my health or I was going to end up in a wheelchair and get fatter and fatter and die. I wasn't depressed! I was being realistic!

    So, with all the stress of surgery and weight loss afterwards not as fast as I had hoped, and of course I had to be off my RA meds a month before and a month afterwards.....I have gone into a big RA flare, where just about every joint in my body hurts, bad. In the morning, I have to use a walker to get around...

    Anyway, I will see my rheumy Tuesday and they will give me a cortisone shot and this flare will pass.

    I just have to giggle a little. Because my neighbors probably think I am deathly ill since some seen my husband bring in my Mother's walker from the garage.....and seeing the weight loss I've already had...

    Oh my, I am blabbering.....

    Anyway, good luck to you.....and walk walk walk after the surgery!! But I'm sure you know that!!

  15. Tonya aka Rainsong,

    I am a teacher too! How long are you planning on taking off work?

    Hi Roxy,

    I'm going to be out one day the week before surgery (Monday December 19th) for my pre opt. I'll be off the whole week before Christmas Break then depending on how I feel, I may work a half day on Tuesday Jan 3rd. I have my post opt that afternoon.

    Good Luck!

  16. So I posted this on another forum in a thread. It felt so good writing it down that I knew I wanted to continue to tell. (I'm sure my therapist will be thrilled!)

    I'm a high school music teacher and pretty close with most of my students. I am opting not to tell my students anything, "I'm just going to disappear for a week before Christmas break" The only reason I am not yelling about this amazing tool to my students from the roof top is... At the end of Oct, one of my student's parents passed away unexpectedly from a Pulmonary Embolism (PE) from routine knee surgery. To say this was a hard experience is putting it lightly. Many of the students in all of my choirs went to the wake and even sang a song we sang last year at the funeral. At the last minute when the students' family couldn't find someone to sing the mass, I stepped in. Anyway a majority of my students are now freaked out from even the topic of surgery not to mention that most of them know I am a survivor of a PE.

    So anyway, long story short I'm keeping my lips sealed for now because I don't want to freak out any of my students. As far as my coworkers, I've told two people (one my best friend and another I'm close too) that I'm having weight loss surgery. My best friend has been amazing. She's the beautiful girl who wears a size six that had me be a bridesmaid in her wedding in the summer even though I wore a size 22 dress in it! She's stood behind me with everything. My husband is deployed right now, if he doesn't make it home before the surgery she's offered to move in with me for a week to help out with my six year old daughter. And she's helped me pick out little rewards along the way AND we have committed to taking a trip together once I reach my goal! I've also told two of my principals that I was going to have some 'personal' surgery. I really think the principal that i'm really close too figured it out but he's keeping quiet.

    I've told some parents that I'm really close too just as a heads up when I 'disappear' . I've also told some close friends about the surgery. All of them say, "You don't need it you look great!" That really annoys me when people say that. I'm tired of hearing I have a pretty face and a great heart. Over the years I've been a Yo-Yo dieter. I've dropped 90 lbs one time and 65 lbs another. I'm ashamed of what I look like right now. I'm embarrassed to go back to my gym because people there knew how hard I worked before. I was in the gym 6 days a week for HOURS. So I brought a treadmill and put it in my bedroom so I can start losing a little before I go back to the gym. I'm going back to the gym, there is nothing like lifting weights are kick boxing especially after dealing with cranky and emotional teenagers all day.

    Sorry for the rant but this is the first time I've admitted this to anyone besides my mom and best friend. I'm being very selective on who I tell before the surgery. But knowing me, I'm going to tell everyone after the first month or two. I know how ashamed I am to be at this weight. I know there are others out there who feel the same way. If I can inspire one person, I would do it in a heartbeat. If you've taken the time to read all of this thank you. It feels good being able to admit it and to put it in writing for all to see!

    God Bless!

  17. Does anyone have Anthem BCBS of CT or from another state? I'm waiting on approval and I swear I'm going to explode if I don't hear an answer soon. I know this is a common feeling for everyone, but how have/did you cope(d) with the wait?

    I think I'm going a little crazy because my hubby has been deployed for a long time and is coming home soon which will be a MAJOR adjustment, my mom is coming to spend a week with me, and I'm a music teacher with lots of concerts coming up, not to mention my most important job of being a mom to my six year old. I'm so anxious about everything that I can barely sleep at night which I know is driving ME crazy but I also know my lack of sleep must be driving my daughter and my students crazy as well. atwitsend.gif

    My surgery is set for December 19th. I'll only have to miss one week or so from school.

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