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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by momee3021

  1. I can say something witty here but I will stick to the facts....

    I have been banded for almost a year.

    I have had the ride of my life just learning how to deal with my band

    Alot of pb's and general stress regarding eating too fast, too much, wrong food etc.

    I have only lost 30 lbs. Most within the 1st 2 months and I keep losing and gaining the same 10lbs for months now.

    Im in this stressful place where my head hunger rules and I need some guidance to get out of that cycle - simply clicking my heels is not working to get me where I want to be.

    I live in Canada, I am a married mom of 2 boys and I'm 41 years old.

    I paid for my band out of pocket so I really want to give this a good go.

    I want to lose another 65lbs so I can get under 200. Thats the BIG Goal.

    I am giving myself another year to get this done.

    I am honest and tell it like it is. I would be grateful for some support from someone who will stick with me and text often to check in and keep me focused and offer suggestions.

    Please message me if you up for the ride...

  2. I went with SWLC and Dr Couburn. I had a really awful experience with the Slimband salesgirl ( yup I'm calling her a sales girl) she was bad mouthing the other bands and clinics and was saying that they were lying about their stats. She was actually yelling at me. I sent an email to her and slimband saying that her sales pitch was discusting and that they should never contact me again. It all left a bad feeling so after looking at CIBO and Credit Valley also I decided that SWLC was the best fit plus Dr Coulburn has great reviews on rate your MD.

  3. I read a blog and the girl didnt tell her friend and then the friend stopped talking to her because she thought they shared everything and was hurt.

    I am ALWAYS the fat friend even when I wasnt that fat. I told my 2 closest friend and my 2 neighbours because I actually see them more than my best friends since they live next door. I told the girl I always have brunch with - since this will effect our monthly feeding frenzy and my 2 mommy friends since I see them everyday.

    I have 4 birth sisters who I have not told - I am unsure how they will react or if they will derail ( I think 2 of them secretly like being the thin ones - they'll give me the better hubby and better life because they are always the thinner ones but Im sure that will change if I borrowed cloths) and I've decided if I tell one I will have to tell all - so Im not telling right now. I told my birth mom - she's very sick and I was worried that she would live to see me thin so I told.

    I told my parents and they shockingly helped to pay for it but not my in-laws.

    I told my husband - but Im predicting he'll be useless - he never gets the food thing so I can not talk with him - it doesnt feel natural sharing this with him.

    I talked with my kids about it - they dont care that Im fat - they love me anyway but I think they are excited at the prospect of me doing more stuff with them. I dont think the little one gets it.

    I told my boss because I had to book of time and Im a really bad at lying so I thought she would assume Im lying about something else when I ask for the time off. I have asked her not to tell but Im sure she has - Im not telling anyone else so we'll see how many she tells that cant hold it in...

    Its a very personal decision - I chose the people I needed to know - people who would be supportive and for most part people I see all the time. I put alot of thought into who I was telling - I am super chatty but felt very different with this information. This is very personal and I dont want people poking in out of curiosity - I want love and support without alot of questions. I would rather share here and through blogging with people who get it - It feels safer and more at home when you dont have to explain how you got fat and why.

    My advice is do what feels right. I have stopped mid sentence and changed the information because it didnt feel right telling that person. You'll know whats right for you too.

  4. I used to be bulimic - I stopped purging when I got pregnant with my 1st child but continued to binge. I went through alot of treatment to stop purging and binging. It was too late - I had gained so much weight being free from the purging that I could never get back on track - I never knew moderation - I only know how to deal with stuffing my emotions. I continue to binge but Im so big now and so hungry my binges take alot of food to satisfy me.

    I will have my lap band put in on March 7th, 2012. I am hoping I will feel hungry and then not hungry. That only a small amount of food will satisfy me. I am so afraid to do something to the band I am hoping this PLUS therapy will help stop the binging when Im stressed out. It took a beautiful baby boy growing inside me to make me stop purging away his nutrients and now I hope the band will help me with the other part.

    Please get counselling if your bulimic - its no way to live. I did it for 15 years before I actually took control.

  5. "I weighed 165 lbs. when I was 13 and was considered a fat freak; now I can't wait to weigh 165 again."

    That hit home. Really really hard too. I was actually 11 at the time, but that number haunts me. I was a pudgy kid and my parents put me on my first diet when I was 7 or 8. I remember sneaking candy in bed when the lights were out. I think that first pudgyness when I was a kid was a genetic metabolism issue, but it became a control issue after that. I would sneak candy in bed, I would buy Snacks in school with my allowance, whatever. When I was 11 and in Jr. High my dad put me on slimfast and weighed me EVERY STINKING MORNING. I was at 165 at that time and that's why that number haunts me. I would get up to 170ish, and lie about my daily weigh in because he would hound me about what I was eating, and I didn't want to hear it. My friends weren't on diets and I didn't want to be either! This was also shortly after my parent's divorce, which didn't help matters much.

    I went to live with my mom when I was 13, and she tried to cook good meals and not keep junk in the house, but I was already "conditioned". I'd buy things at the school cafeteria, or at the market that was on the way home from school.

    I gained steadily throughout high school. I wasn't paying enough attention to notice, but my mom tells me that when I bought my first car and moved out I gained a good 40 lbs quickly. She hit the nail on the head when she said it was about control. My apartment, my car, I can do what ever I want, and what I want to do is eat a can of frosting with a spoon! At the time I had a friend who was a bit bigger than me, and I kind of always justified myself by saying that as long as I didn't get bigger than her, I was ok. So we got bigger together >.<

    So I guess that's why I'm fat. There's probably something that started from before I was 7, but I can't remember...

    Wow maybe your dad and my dad talked! LOL!!! I started the same - my weight I remember is 155lbs I thought I was such a pig - I cant wait to be 155 again. I wish someone told me and my dad that I will NEVER look like my friends who weighed 100lbs and had no boobs or hips - I was curvy - boobs before anyone so of course I would be bigger. I hid my food - I still do - Ive been in outpatient and In patient for Eating disorders - bulimia until I became pregnant with my 1st child - then binge eating without the purging after - I havnt seen the 100's since 1999. I used to say I wish I was addicted to alcohol or drugs - that way If I just didnt have any or keep it in the house I could have a real chance of stopping. I cannot get away from food - I NEED it to live but I seem to always NEED it to get though tough times too. I put too much importance on it and now its like air sometimes.

    I thank you all for sharing and am so happy to have found this website. I feel like I can tell you all anything and not be judged - I cant wait to be banded on March 7th and start a very new life with food and myself.

    I wish you all the best too!!!!

  6. I am in the decision making process and so far Dr. Colburn is winning hands down compared to the other 2 clinics I've spoken to. Now we need to meet him face to face with my hubby to get the full feel.

    All the best on your surgery - I cant wait to hear the after story.

  7. Wow Maggie,

    You are an inspiration! I am in pre decision jitter mode. I just weighed myself and have somehow gained another 12lbs. in a month of total stress. I am now 282 on a 5'3'' frame - I cant walk without pain and am losing time with my kids while they are small because I am too tired to play with them.

    I am turning 40 in February and always thought I would beat the weight by now.

    I am decided to band myself but have some questions that maybe you can help with.

    How quickly did the post surgery pain go away where I can go back to work without telling people about the surgery? I would like to keep it a secret as Im sure you have experienced that most people are preoccupied with your weight and like to talk about it even when they are not invited to. I am telling my immediate family and close friends and that is it. I was planning to take a week off - is that enough time?

    Also what kind of band do you have? Have you had any complications that required more surgery?

    Thank you for discussing slippage - I am very afraid of that.

    I think thats it for now... ANy questions to ask the surgeons before I chose where to have the procedure? Im in Canada so Insurance does not cover this and I am paying out of pocket.

    Thank you so much for opening up to all of us!!!!


  8. Hi

    I have narrowed my search down to Slimband, SWLC - DR. CHRISTOPHER S. COBOURN in Oakville and Credit Valley Clinic (maybe - This one is only on the list because the surgeons are out of Credit Valley Hospital which has a great reputation)

    I would like to hear from other people who have used any of these clinics and please give me your honest opinion of their services and also how are you doing now?

    Are you happy with the surgery result etc.? Any complications with the bands? After care?

    Anything you can tell me would be helpful.


  9. I have been on the fence about doing the surgery for years now - the money was a great excuse and the weight kept going higher and higher while we couldnt afford it . Now I have been offered the money from my family and we can afford it - they say my life is more important than paying some bills off.

    I hate surgery of any kind so I need to make very long lists and make sure all my questions are answered - I am afraid about picking the wrong clinic - the wrong band - not having done enough research. Everyone who I talk to is some how connected to the clinics - I want real answers from real bandsters not the Used car salesman approach I've been getting lately.

    I would like some honest answers about the surgery and post surgery and if it is unrealistic to want to lose 120lbs? How does this band impact your life - birthdays - dinner with friends - will I not seem normal anymore? Will I feel sick everyday? Which surgeon is better? Which band is the best? I live in Toronto Canada.

    I would like to hear from real people who have had the band put in and DO NOT work for any of the clinics doing the surgery.

    Thanks so much.

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