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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by frumpynomore

  1. I know how excited you are! CONGRATS! The only tip I have is to stock your pantry and refrigerator with many DIFFERENT kinds of foods. There were so many things that I couldn't stand to eat or drink! My tastes changed dramatically after surgery. I lived off of homemade turkey broth that my girlfriend made for me since I couldn't find anything that I could eat or drink that tasted edible. The most important tip would be to have a Protein Drink that you like already picked out. My favorite is Syntrax Nectar and in particular the chocolate Truffle flavor. Good luck and keep us posted on your journey!

  2. CONGRATS! You're almost there! I know exactly what you mean when you say that you are excited, nervous and scared...in fact...I would venture to say that most of us on here felt very similar to the way your feeling right now prior to our surgeries. You will be just fine and keep thinking positive. Your journey to a new you is about to begin so hip hip hooray!!! Please keep us posted on your progress.

  3. Hello FAWife! I have found that certain foods make my body have a dumping syndrome reaction and I have no other symptoms either. I'm not exactly sure if maybe I've become a little lactose intolerant too because certain dairy products give me the same reaction. My dumping problem has certainly lessoned gradually over the past year, thank goodness! Everyone's body reacts differently and yours is introducing itself to you!

  4. Yes, lara0280, I've heard some horror stories too! That is FANTASTIC that you can almost stand up straight already! Wow! I am still a little bent over but I'm almost there. My doc told me not to "try" to straighten up...just let it happen naturally. Geez, as sore and tight as my stomach muscles are the doc doesn't have to worry about me pushing myself to stand up straight! ;)

    CONGRATS on your progress and keep all of us posted on the continuation of your recovery!

  5. Forgot to tell you all that the incision is all scabbed over now and my belly button is even scab free now! My doc had used the medical super glue on my belly button and everyday it was peeling more and more and drying up and falling off and now it's glue free and looks great! Only the last drain hole is yet to scab over and is still soar. There was literally no bruising anywhere on my stomach. Only had bruising from the IV. My stomach is still VERY tight and doesn't look like a normal stomach yet but I can tell that it's going to be SEXY when it's completely healed (SEXY is defined by my "perception" compared to what it use to look like)!!!!!

  6. I'm back! I can't believe that the last time I posted my recovery status was on the 14th. My apologies to anyone that was following my posts! Today is day 19 and I had to return to work today. It's a bit uncomfortable trying to sit for 8 hours but it is definately doable. I had to take a few days off from posting due to family issues. You think that once your kids are out on their own that you finally no longer have "kid" problems...WRONG! Oh well, a Mom's job is never done! I've also been in a huge slump...depression maybe...going back to work blues...I really don't know. I think it's also been because there has been no big change in my daily recovery to report. I still can't stand up straight so I'm telling everyone at work that I pulled a muscle in my back...I can't take the risk of anyone finding out about my TT....HUGE gossip circle at my work. "lara0280", I'm so glad you are finding your TT to not be so painful! Everyone's experience is sooo different. I saw a lady on Youtube and it was the day after her TT and she was walking out of the hospital standing up completely straight like nothing had ever happened! Of course, that could never be my experience as I have no luck at all! "It's all new", yes, I have a gob of advice to have ready for after surgery. I wear nothing but sweat pants that are one size too big and a cami top. Make sure the cami is a long one that comes down over your hips and then put the bindings on over the cami. It protects your skin from blistering from the bindings rubbing on your skin and your skin will be so numb that you won't feel the rubbing. No panties either as they are only a hassle when trying to go to the bathroom (sitting down is a feat in itself, let alone trying to pull down panties with drain tubes in the way!)(I had to go to the bathroom in a complete standing position for the first 3 days..not fun or attractive!). On my bedside table are my prescriptions that I picked up prior to surgery, my alarm clock so I can see the next time I can take my meds (Tylenol/painkillers in particular!), small gauze pads that you will need in order to cover the drain tube incisions once they are removed, Bacitracin to put on the gauze pads, paper tape (2 rolls) to tape on the gauze pads, scissors to cut the gauze pads, two 3-panel waist binders (I bought them prior to surgery and took them to the hospital so they would use mine and not charge me an arm and a leg to buy theirs, approx. $25 each)(you will wake up with them already on you), kotex pads to lay on top of the incision to keep the cami and binders from rubbing directly on it (doc had me stop usng the pads after 1 1/2 weeks so the incision could breath more), a stool softener (I didn't think I would need them since I have NEVER had to use any BUT I sure needed them), my daily Vitamins, a pen to log in drain measurements on a log sheet that your doc will probably give you as mine did and a notepad to keep track of what time is your next dosing for the different meds you'll be on, I keep an "EZ Reacher and Grabber" next to my bed and it is probably the BEST thing I could recommend (You will not be able to bend down to the floor easily to pick things up and shouldn't per my doc and this thing has been more helpful than anything else...you can get one from Amazon.com for under $20 and I'm still using it!), I have two small step stools (one a little taller than the other) next to my bed to help me get up and down from my bed easier (It's very painful to get up on the bed and get in to position for sleeping/resting), instead of pillows...my bf took my livingroom ottoman and removed the legs and put it up on the bed to elevate my legs...it's a perfect height and I don't have to keep messing with pillows, make sure that there is something on or next to your bed that you will be able to grab a hold of to help pull yourself up to a sitting position to get out of bed...my bed has some ornamental Iron on the headboard that has worked perfect for me to pull up with (you will not want to use your stomach muscles as they HURT more than the incision itself...to me). That about sums it up! Would I do it again...YES!

  7. Day 12 !!! No big change. I'm real sore at the areas where the drain tubes came out. The incision looks real good and I am just so pleased at how low it is. Even with all the complaining that I've been doing over the past 12 days...I've already started looking in to my next procedure. Sound crazy? Maybe...but maybe it means the TT must not have been THAT BAD afterall OR maybe it means the end justifies the means...?

  8. OMG, Kwindham! Your surgery is just around the corner! I'm sooo excited for you! You are very wise to research as much as possible to learn everything you can prior to surgery. I thought I had done alot of research but there was still so much more that I didn't know and that I've learned only through the experience. One thing I didn't do was pay attention to the DIFFERENCES in the experiences from different people. Everyone is different and every experience is going to be slanted slightly different and I was just sort of focused on the overall procedure and after effects. For instance, I had no idea that my stomach muscles were going to hurt so bad. I thought the incision was going to be the major source of pain and it doesn't hurt at all. I also ran out and bought a used recliner before surgery and had no idea that I couldn't sleep in it until my drain tubes were removed. Of course, that restriction was from my doc but it still goes to show you that everyone's experience is going to be different but the more you learn now the more you won't be surprised when or if it happens to you. I sure hope you fair better with the anesthesia this time! The last thing you are going to want to do is to use your stomach muscles!

  9. Today is day 11 and everything is moving right along. The Nurse called me yesterday to come in and have the 2nd drain tube removed! OMG! It feels great to no longer have drain tubes! The Fluid in the tubes before they were removed was an orangish yellow and very thin. The incision area still doesn't hurt. The drain tube incisions are very sore but nothing Tylenol can't handle. Since the drain tubes have been removed I was cleared to sleep in a recliner. RIGHT! I sat down in it o.k. and had some trouble pulling the arm on the side to bring up my feet because it takes some stomach muscle BUT when I tried to push down the feet to get up I absolutely couldn't!!! My boyfriend and I tried everything to get me out of the chair without a pull on my stomach. My boyfriend even tied a rope from the leg of the dresser so I could help pull myself forward but that apparently takes stomach muscles too and I just couldn't do it. So, needless to say I'm back in bed on my back again! I'll give the recliner another try in a couple of days. Very upsetting! Other than that everything is going great. The nurse said bedrest for 3 more days to help prevent a seroma since the drain tubes are no longer there to release any fluid build-up. Real tired of laying down all the time but if it keeps a seroma from forming then I'm o.k. with being on my back a few more days!

  10. You are completely right... The VSG was nothing compared to the TT! I went back to work one week after my VSG and only had to deal with eating frustrations. The TT, to me, has been very painful and uncomfortable. It's not EXTREMELY painful and I would do it again in a second but it certainly puts you down for awhile and you HAVE to have help for at least the first 3 days. Everyone is different though and you may not have as tough experience as I am. The results will be well worth our time!! Thanks to eveyone for all the encouraging words and I'm glad to hear that I'm putting out a positive energy as my posts are not to bring anybody down but they are to be just one persons personal experience with a TT in hopes to maybe answer questions that others may have that might help them make a more informed decision of getting a TT an/or to provide a realistic account of what a person may go through in recovery of a TT. Thanks for all the support!!!!!!

  11. The best advice I can give you is...do not worry. i have read on here of different incision pains and they all eventually go away. I wouldn't worry about the blurry vision either but you could call your doc and ask him to calm your nerves. The scale WILL go down. I know at several different times after surgery I and almost everyone else on here worries about the weight dropping. IT WILL as long as you are true to yourself and remain honest to your diet. That doesn't mean you have to be perfect either. Just do your best and if your diet falls off the wagon...pick yourself back up and get right back on it. Good luck on your journey!

  12. Hello everyone! I had the VSG Dec 13, 2012 and am doing great! I have Fibromyalgia, arthritis, and Hoshimoto's which has attacked my thyroid and now have Hypothyroidism. I have taken all the drugs that have been mentioned already from you all and more. Nothing ever really made me feel remarkeably better so I have chosen to take the holistic and natural path and find that for the most part I feel better. I truly believe that the VSG did most of the work. I have been mostly concerned about whether or not I'm going to gain the weight back since I have so many ailments I'm fighting against. It's been a little over a year and I'm maintaining so far. I just had a TT Jan. 3rd, 8 days ago and am doing great. Am happy to have found a group that I can relate to!

  13. You are so welcome! It helps me from going stir crazy laying on my back.22-23 hours a day! Just got back from the doc and had my right drain tube removed. It was completely painless! In fact, it was like a relief. It feels great not to have it in. Doc said not to use the maxi pads over the incision anymore. The steri strips are still on it and if they begin to peel I'm to replace the peeled part with medical paper tape. He also said my binders were not tight enough. They should be extremely tight but with no pain. I also had to buy a piece of 1" foam from Michaels craft store. Doc said to cut it about 4" wide and long enough to go from right under the breast all the way down to the crotch. Lay it there and then put the binders on. It helps make the tummy flatter and reduces the swelling by adding cushion that the binders can push down on. So day 8 is going great so far! Oh, out of all my meds so today is the first day with no pain help except for Max strength Tylenol but I really don't have any pain just somewhat uncomfortable at times. I will definately be able to go back to work om Jan. 21st!

  14. I completely agree...there are surgeons in the U.S. that are willing to do more than one procedure at a time. I am not taking any comments as argumentative at all as I have said I'm not a doc and God knows I know only my own experiences and information from the consults that I personally have had. I too don't want to misinform anyone. Thank you for clarifying as I often find myself cutting short my explanations or feelings when I'm typing it out and then once i've hit the "post" button I realize I should have explained better or made myself more clear as to what I was trying to say. I too am new to plastic surgeries and keep a very open mind to new information so all opinions and facts are welcome to me :)

  15. WOW! If epidurals do not work on you then I believe you are making a very wise decision to postpone some of the procedures! Your natural instinct of being scared is telling you something and you are smart to listen to it. HUGE WARNING flag that the doc is still willing to do all those procedures at one time with you under general anesthesia! To be under as many hours as it will take to complete all those procedures is highly dangerous and increases your risk of death exponentially! I am not a doctor and it is not my intention to scare you or talk you out of anything but just from the research I have done I feel the need to voice my concerns to you. 48 hours of labor with no pain relief??!! Wow! You were put in to a situation where you HAD to have nerves of steel just to get through it! Your second child is lucky they exist after going through the first nonworking epidural!

  16. WOOHOO! I've finally made it to Day 7! No new news. Everything is about the same as it was yesterday other than I feel like I am able to stand a little bit straighter and walk a little bit easier. Missed another medicine dose last night which means I got more sleep! I took some pics yesterday that I will post once I've recovered.

  17. I CANNOT IMAGINE HAVING ANYTHING ELSE DONE WITH THE TT!!! I know people are doing it but they must have nerves of steel and an ungodly extreme high tolerance to pain!!! At least you are not going alone! Your apparently having it done out of country because U.S. docs won't do that many procedures at one time. I'm sure you are also aware that you will not be under general anesthesia and that is how the docs out of country can keep you on the table for so long performing so many procedures at one time. I wish you all the luck and I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery and as least painful surgery as possible! I would love to see post pics!

  18. DAY6 and everything is going great! I can stand a little bit straighter and I actually slept through my 2 am med schedule which means my pain level is down and I actually got to sleep longer than the usual 3 hour interval I'm going to take a few pics today so that at the end of my recovery I will post pre, during, and post TT pics.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
