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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by frumpynomore

  1. I'm kind of enjoying the "no panties" look! I just had a TT so I'm not back in to panties yet and it's definately different and something I would never have done before because I wore panties to help hold in the bulges!!! Loving my VSG and cosmetic surgeries!!!

  2. I have gained weight, lost weight, gained weight and lost weight again. There have even been a few times that I lost over 50 lbs and still gained it back plus more. I'm a little over a year since my VSG and it was the BEST decision of my life! No more yoyou dieting to only gain it back. The sleeve limits the amount of food you can eat at one time which helps a lot! Unfortunately, you will still be able to "graze" throughout the day and will put weight back on if your not careful BUT it's nothing like before the VSG. I will notice I'm putting on a few pounds and then I'll stop the grazing for awhile and get back in control and my weight goes back down. I personally would never have been able to keep the weight off without the VSG. Prior to my VSG I kept asking myself the same questions that you are...I can do it myself. I have before, so why not again? and am I just being stupid and taking the "easy way out"? These statements/questions are all too common from people like you, me and members on this site. Almost all of us on here have lost weight before on our own...the problem is...keeping it off and keeping our weight under control. Yes, you definately have cold feet as most of us did. I have no regrets doing the VSG and have recommended it to many of my friends and family members. Good luck and if you need to lose the weight one more time on your own then do so but if you want to get to the end of the insanity of yoyo dieting and exercising then I recommend keeping your appointment and going through with the VSG. It's such a personal decision that nobody is going to be able to tell you one way or the other of what to do. Be honest with yourself and really evaluate what you want. Good luck on your journey!

  3. QUIT BEATING YOURSELF UP!!! A lot of us did the same thing you are doing and that's exactly why we all had the VSG! You CAN'T fix your problems on your own and that's why your getting the VSG. My opinion is...why try to fix things in the 11th hour? It makes no sense. Now, if your doc says you MUST lose weight and you MUST go on a certain diet before your operation then you absolutely should. My doc didn't mandate a certain diet until 3 days prior to surgery so trust me, I at everything I could get my hands on! So, what if I gained 10 lbs before my surgery?! The weight didn't come on overnight and it won't all come off overnight either. In other words, the weight is going to come off after your VSG so just don't sweat it for now. It would be much better for you going in to surgery with a healthy positive mind then stressed, negative and disappointed (once again) in yourself. Again, as long as you are otherwise healthy and your doc doesn't tell you that you must go on a diet or lose weight prior to surgery. Good luck!

  4. Wow - I think you have your swimsuit model tummy. It looks fantastic. You are so lucky - it looks like you escaped without stretch marks even. Very impressive.

    I just had a Tummy Tuck and thigh lift two weeks ago and have a lot of swelling. It's great to see what a difference there is in so little time. Congrats on a new you!

    Thank you It's all new! You just had a TT and thigh lift 2 weeks ago? Good for you! I think my next cosmetic surgery will be my thighs. I keep changing my mind on which surgery will be next. I can't imagine doing them at the same time. Which type of thigh lift did you have? I hope you are doing well and I wish you a speedy recovery. Please post after pictures for all of us :)

  5. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You all are all sooooo kind and inspiring! Gmanbat....OMG!...a 20 year old's stomach?!...are you married (just kidding!)? You make me feel so great! It's not easy putting pictures out there for all to judge. It's funny how hard it is to post pictures of myself AFTER weight loss and TT. Before my VSG I remember looking at pictures on here of post VSG and cosmetic surgeries and thought how I couldn't wait to be able to post pictures of myself but it's still hard. I wouldn't even have considered it if I didn't know that everyone on this site is or has had a journey of weight problems or weight surgery or cosmetic surgery just like me. Thanks again!

  6. Today is Day 47 and I still have a little swelling just above and below my incision. Most of my stomach is still VERY numb and even down my thighs a couple of inches. I wore jeans yesterday and couldn't tell how tight they were so I wore a wife beater tshirt under my top and tucked it in to prevent my jeans from rubbing the incision. You can see in the latest pics I posted that the incision is red and lumpy. The lumpiness will go away as will the redness in time. It's not perfect but it's a lot better than what my stomach use to look like. It is a little teeny tiny bit disappointing that the incision isn't perfectly straight across and that it doesn't look like the stomach of a swimsuit model on the cover of Sports Illustrated but it's o.k. I'm real and this is my life and reality isn't what we always want...I'm totally pleased with the outcome!

  7. Standing up straight pulls on the stomach muscles inside. To anyone looking at me that doesn't know I had a TT I look like I'm standing straight. I'm glad you asked the question, Butterthebean, so I could clarify. I wouldn't want anyone thinking that my actual skin is being pulled this far out from having the TT! Turning or twisting at the waist pulls too on the muscles inside. For everyone's information, I weigh exactly the same that I did before my TT. Even though, generally speaking, I know that not much weight loss happens with a TT it's still a little upsetting. To be honest, I haven't been eating well since my TT and need to get a grip again.

  8. Today is Day 43, 7 weeks out from my TT! Wow, how time flies! Seven weeks ago I dreamed, prayed and begged for the time to go by quickly so as not to have any more pain and to feel normal again! I am soooo happy I had the TT and especially the time of year I chose. I haven't had to deal with the heat or humidity which I can't imagine how uncomfortable that would have been! For the most part, I can stand up straight and look normal to everyone that doesn't know I've had a TT BUT I still can't pull my shoulders completely back and stand as straight up as possible. There is a pull in my stomach when I try to and my doc says not to push it...just let it happen naturally. All the steri strips and tape are gone from the incision now. I actually put on my first pair of jeans today with no pain on the incision. I still can't lay down flat on my back. I have to elevate my legs on one pillow or it pulls on my stomach. I still have to help myself up with my arms from a lying down position too or it pulls my stomach muscles and hurts a bit. The incision looks great though. It's a little crooked and still very lumpy and red but I know that it's going to take a good year before it's through completely healing and I'm not complaining! Perfectionism was not my goal and as far as I'm concerned my stomach IS PERFECT compared to what it was! I had a request from a fellow member to post an updated picture of my incision so I'll be doing that tonight or tomorrow. BTW: I will be having my Breast lift/new implant and thigh lift consult on April 3rd! Isn't it funny how soon we forget the pain!

  9. Hello Coops!

    Yes, I believe that 4 weeks is long enough to take off from work. I went back to work on Day 19 and although I was uncomfortable sitting and very tired I managed just fine. I put my laptop on top of a file cabinet so I could stand up most of the day at work, I took the elevator instead of the stairs to my office, and I brought my lunch to work everyday so I wouldn't have to drive anytime other than to work and back. You will just have to make some small adjustments to make your days as comfortable as possible to get through them. As you know, everybody heals at different rates and there are different levels of pain so I say 4 weeks is long enough with that caveat. The first 2 weeks are the worst but everyday you will feel a little bit better than the day before. Good luck and please keep us all posted on your TT journey!

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