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Posts posted by Suziecat

  1. Years ago, my mom and I used to get up real early and go to the frenzy thing. We would go get what was on sale and then come home and go ack to bed. I really miss those times. We had fun and always ran into people we knew. I guess I'm just too old to put up with standing in line when it 15 degrees out. Matbe if I had a shopping partner it would be different. Hope all of you who went had a good time and got what you needed.

    Kat, I've been to that other web-site. I started there when I first got my band. I have no problems with switching if it would be helpful for everone else. Keep me posted if you guys move. It sure is a darn shame that Alex seems to have turned his back. Seems like maybe he needs to hire a PR person to handle all of the complaints instead of ignoring them.

    My sister came home with buckets full of food. A banana cream pie and a pecan pie. Looks like we will be having a feast tonight. I'm glad, I'm looking forward to some turkey.

  2. Tracy, so glad to hear that you had a great day. I know you were stressed over your sister, now she has to live with what she did.

    Hubby and I had a real nice sit down dinner. It's was fun to see him eat so much. Made me feel good that he enjoyed my cooking. I did pretty good with my eating and all went down just fine. But tomorrow is a new day and I'm back to the losing side again.

    No shopping for me tomorrow but I do want hubby to get me out for a little bit. Wish I could get out for a long walk. But a nice little drive will have to do.

    Hope everyone had a great day.

    Sure wish the other girls would find us. I'm missing everyone posting. Does anyone have a way of getting a hold of Deb?

  3. Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

    Right now I'm missing the fact that we won't be having turkey and all the trimmings today. But that's ok, I'm thankful to be feeling a whole lot better.

    Not much going on today here. It's bitterly cold out so I'm re-thinking going to church at 9am. The rest of the day will be football and movies.

    I hope everyone has a safe travel today and a wonderful day.

    Tracy, take our love with you today and shine like crazy.

  4. Oh Plain. I hate to see you leave. But I do understand. If it wasn't roke, why fix it. I didn't have a problem with the old version.

    I left work early tonight. Turned the lights out and locked the doors. In the 3 hours I had 3 customers, so at 5:30 I cleaned up and shut the computer down and left. I'll tell my Boss monday when I see her. She won't have a problem with it. No sense in paying someone to just sit there.

    Now it's home to a nice warm cozy house. Hubby ran the sweeper while I was gone. He knows the way to my heart. To late to start a fire so I wil just turn my blanket on and cuddle in front of the tv.

  5. Michelle, the little envelope is not under my name either. But it is under all of your names. Also if this helps out any, I save this page as a "Favorite". That way I just pull up my favorites and link it from there. It takes me right back to the last place I clicked on favorites. So occasionally I readd it to my favorites.

  6. Got the fudge made and cut up and put in a pretty tin. I'll be glad when it is out of the house later today.

    I'm a huge advocate about my band and have no qualms talking to anybody about it. When someone ask me a question, I take the time to explain it and how it works and how much I love it. Having said that, I don't go around wearing a neon sign on my head stating that I have a band. I come here because you all know how I feel about my band and what we go thru with it. I find comfort in sharing with you guys my trials and errors. But on Facebook it is a different story. More then half of the people on there don't know I have a band. If and when they find out, I will be more then willing to chat with them. But I would really appreciate it if someone would not link me to there from here. I think that is my decision and not some person that stops by and reads something and then tries to post it on FB. I do hope that they get that fixed so it is one less thing for me to worry about.

    The weather has changed her. Rain and grey skies. 45 degrees and the temps are falling. It's supposed to be in the low 20's in the morning. Kinda wish I was cooking a bird. Keep my house a little warmer. Glad that I will be having the fireplace going all day.

    Off to work, se you all this evening.

    Plain???????????? Did we lose him in all of this mess????

  7. Morning. Not much going on today. I do have to work 3 hours later this afternoon. So it will be into the shower here soon.

    Going to make a batch of Fudge later today. I should do ok with it being here. I like fudge, just not a big eater of it. It's the Chex mix that I made that will be my downfall.

    So Tracy, have you decided what you will do? Are you going to your family's for Thanksgiving? Show your sister how mature you are.

    To any one that is traveling, please be careful and have a safe trip.

    Michelle. I had a huge bone spur removed from the bottom of my foot. They broke 3 blades trying to get it cut. But I was able to walk on it after a few days. No cast but it was wrapped up tighter then a mummy. Best thing I did for my foot. No problems since. Good luck and keep us posted.

  8. Tracy, what a horrible letter to receive. Sounds like she has some issues and instead of dealing with them the right way, she chose to push it all onto you. Well, I have to tell you that you handled it in the utmost professional way. Don't let her drag you down into her little pity corrupt selfish world. Keep your head held high and show Macy how a true Child of Gods should turn the other cheek. I'm proud of you. But be aware that it doesn't look like this is overwith. Hang in there.

    Off to bed. Hope everyone had a great day.

  9. So far I'm doing pretty good at figuring this new site out. But it is still ahrd to find other threads. But that's ok, I never really stray from here anyway.

    It was real cold here today. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's then temps drop for Thanksgiving day. Just glad I don't have anywhere to go.

  10. This is crap, all those days of not being able to chat with my girls and this is the mess we get.

    I for one don't want what I say here to be on FB. Only my relatives know that I have a band. Plus I say things here about my family that I need to say. It's a release valve for me. When my family gets to me I can come here and find solice. I don't want what I say to get back. Not that I say anything bad. I would prefer they not know I talk about them.

    So far I'm doing pretty good. Not much of a appetite yet. I'm getting about 500-600 calories a day. Nothing sounds good. So I do the best I can. Hubby is on me about the Protein. I do really need to get going with that. The incisions look good. Bandages are still on and they said to leave them alone. I'm to allow them to fall off on themselves. But I can still take a shower, which is good. I do have to put a plastic bag over my foot, Doc put a new cast on it last friday. Said it should come off and stay off in 2 weeks. I'll be glad when that is over with.

    Tired right now. I worked this morning and then took my sister to her Dr.s appointment. Afterwards I took her to the grocery store. Came home and fixed a big batch of Chex mix. Tomorrow I'm going to make fudge. Younger sis and her hubby are going to friends for Thanksgiving and I told her I would make those things for her to take. That leaves hubby and I home all day by ourselves. I'm very Thankful. (see, that is why I don't want stuff from here on FB. That would hurt her feelings).

    Hope everyone is doing good. I've missed you guys so bad.

  11. Home from the foot Docs. He re-evaluated the foot and made the decision to put a cast back on it for 2 more weeks. I told him I didn't want a red cast that because my team has lost ever since I had it on. Right now my foot looks like Shrek sneezed all over. It's ogre green. I'll take a pic of it soon and post it.

    Right now I'm really tired so I'm gonna get a little something to eat and then probably take a quick little nap.

  12. Hey Shar, Good to hear from you. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get the cold licked. Bad time of year to get sick. And I like you sons name also, lol.

    Ashley, So glad you got the computer fixed without loosing anything. That happened at out work once but every night before we shut it down, we always run a back-up. Thanks goodness we do. The compuer was fried.

    I did go back to sleep for about a hour and a half. Got up and passed the biggest gas bubble. Ohhhh, I feel so much better. About 2 or 3 more of those and I feel like a new person.

    Not much going on here this weekend. They are calling for a little warm weather, should be in the sixties. But after Monday it's going to drop hard. So I might get out and take a stroll down to the corner and back. Sunday is Football day so that's all taken up.

    Wish we would hear from Kat. But I bet she is having to much fun and spending too much time kissing and hugging.

  13. 1am and I'm awake. I went to bed about 10:30 but found I could only sleep in one position. I tried even sleeping on my tummy but on my right side I kept getting a sharp twinge, same thing happened laying on my right side and on my back. So back over to my left side and there I slept for awhile. Good thing I don't have to work today.

    But I do have a Doc appointment. He wants to take the cast off of my foot and re-evaluate it. If all is ok, I go home. If not, another cast.

    Michelle. Any news on the foot. I have a bone spur on my root foot. Right on the bottom. It doesn't cause any problems so I'm leaving it alone. But about 6 years ago I had the spur from the bottom of my left foot removed. I actually styaed awake for the surgery. It turned out comical. But Doc had a tough time. He ended up breaking 3 saw blades getting it cut Glad I had it done though. It was really painful to step on. Good Luck and I hold it is a quick fix for you.

    Hi Debbie and Shar.

    Tracy, by any chance did you and Kat get to spend anytime together. I do really hope so. How's my little see-loooker doing? Poor little thing. I always hate when children are sick, especially babies. They can't tell you they don't feel good or what's wrong. They can't spit or blow things out. Just too sad to see. Hopefully some rest and Mom time is just want Macy needs to get better.

    Ok, gonna watch tv for awhile and then head back to bed. See ya all soon.

  14. Hey guys. Quick post so I can go back to bed.

    They took me an hour early into surgery which was fine with me. I was back in my room about and hour and fifteen minutes later. Woke up and my mouth was so dry and my shoulders felt like they had been kickboxing me. The nurse that that that was what a lot of people complained about. Shoulder pain and it's caused by the gas. She said to get up and get moving and it will works it's way out. We were able to leave close to 3:30pm before there was to much traffic. I fell asleep twice in the 35 minute drive. Came in and went right to bed to see if I could get comfortable Slept for about 2 hours. Now I'm drinking diet 7up and sucking on hard candy to help get my mouth back in order.

    Doc said the surgery went very well, Easy to repair and that the band looked good. Amen. I go see him on Dec. 30th. for a fill.

    Thank You so much for the thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate them and you guys.

    So glad to hear about Kat's mom, I'm sure that a big relief to Kat and now she can enjoy the grandkids a little more.

  15. Went to bed about 2 am and got up at 5. Bad night for sleep. But I'll be in bed for the next few days so I'm not worried.

    Tracy, How's Macy doing this morning? I hope she is getting a little relief and is able to get some rest. Poor thing.

    I'll text Tracy later this evening to let her know how things went.

    Anybody hear from Kat lately??

    Have a great day everyone.

  16. Well, here I sit. I need to get some sleep but it ain't coming. Don't know why. I took a benadryl a few hours ago and I feel like I could sleep but everytime I lay my head down and close my eyes all kinds of things start running thru my mind.

    Angela, so sorry about the surgery date changing. I know it's hard enough on Zach to get ready for it but a Mom is a different story. You have to mentally get ready for it and mentally get ready for Zach to deal with it. Keep your chin up and I will be keeping you guys in my prayers.

    Tracy, anything new on Macy? Is she getting enough sleep. That's the best thing she could do for herself.

    I'm still not tired :blushing:. But I'll be getting enough sleep tomorrow. I guess I'm just a little wired right now.

  17. I used to really deck my house out for Christmas, but about 7 years ago we really downsized. It actually only takes me about a 1/2 hour to put things out now. We don't even put a tree up. With it just being hubby and I, we chose not to put one up. It wouldn't have presents under it anyway. But I still have my favorites that I still like to put out. Halloween is when I really decorate.

    Clear liquids all day today. That's gonna be a toughie. I'm gonna go get my sister later and take her to the grocery store and then get her some lunch and take her home. Then tonight after midnight, nothing to drink at all. No sips of Water, :(

    The carpets are getting shampooed today and I'll be changing sheets on the beds. Don't really have any laundry so that will be nice. House will be in order and I won't have to worry about anything for a few days.

    Cold and rainy here today. Maybe I can have a fire in the fireplace this evening.

    Make it a good one.

  18. Well, I got to take about a 15 minute nap and that is just what I needed. Got busy doing some housework and finishing laundry.

    These anti-biotics seem to be taking my appetite away. I actually have no desire to eat anything. Even going thru wal-mart this morning I didn't have an urge to go to the donuts cabinet. Weird for me.

    Now it's back to work and then I'm done till next Monday.

    Did Kat take everyone with her???? Where are you guys????

  19. Home from work and getting ready to go take a little nap. I have to work the evening shift and I can't quit yawning.

    Doc called yesterday and I am now on anti-biotics. Seems I have a little bladder infection. Hmmm.

    Tracy and Angela, when are you guys getting together with Kat? Give her a big hug for me when you see her.


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