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Posts posted by Suziecat

  1. Good Morning.

    Stephanie, glad you were able to pop in and give us an update. I hope your dinner went well last night. I had a fill yesterday and though I don't think I need a little unfill, I'm having a little problem getting my meds down. Some of that I think is because this is the first fill I have had in almost 15 months. And I need to let the swelling subside. I sure hope that your band will settle down and get you the restriction you need.

    Amy, I cracked up about the pistachios. Right now that is our go to snack in this house. Last night when I was heading to bed I was talking to my husband and I kept looking at the bag and thinking I could have just one. Nope. My husband would have smacked my hand. At first I kind of struggled with the thought of nothing to chew for 48 hours. But as I calm my thoughts down and really think about it, I realize there is a lot out there that I can have.

    We were so busy yesterday and by the time me we had gotten to the band doc's office it was 2pm. She asked what I had eaten. I told her that I had a doctors appointment earlier and I wasn't able to do my Protein Shake but that we had shared a small bag of beef Jerky on our way to see her. So I got the fill and to tell the truth, it took a little while before I could tell about how much of a restriction I had gotten. Our day wasn't over with, We didn't get home till about 8:30. But before we came home, we had stopped by the store to pick up a few things. I got a couple cans of toamato Soup and some ice cream. My husband said are you allowed to have that. I told him that we hadn't eaten all day and that I'm going to splurge this one time. I fixed me a small bowl that had about 3/4 cup of ice cream in it. Oh it tasted so good but by the time I had finished. I could feel it in my throat. It was such a weird feeling to have that much restriction. I just had to wait for it to melt and go thru the band.

    Drinking my hot chocolate right now. Looking forward to some mashed potatoes for lunch today

    Have a great day.

  2. Ok, home from my last doctors visit of the week. The surgeon this morning released me and now I can go back to work. I called them when I left and they said they would get back with me. Hmmmm. He did say that there might be an opening on night shift. I'll just have to wait till he calls.

    So then we heaed over the state line to go see my band doc. She was so excited to see me and even happier when I stepped on the scale. I think she had it wrong because I remember what I weighed last time. But anyway it was a five pound loss. She was really excited about it. So we sat in the room and talked about the last four weeks and what I did. She was real please with my progress. Then I told her that I wanted to be back to what I was a few years ago, where I couldn't eat bread. She asked if I was eating bread now and I told her I was. So she asked me if I wanted a fill and I told her that I felt I could really use one. So she found my port and put in .7cc's. Wow. I didn't think I would get that much. Then I had to drink half a glass of Water for her. All was well so we headed home. But before I could get out of there she said that I could not chew any food till saturday afternoon. See the tears coming down?? Yup, only liquids for the next two days. I asked if I could have fish tomorrow and she asked if I had to chew it. So no fish tomorrow.

    I'm drinking broth right now for my late lunch. I thought I had a can of Tomato Soup here but all I have is chicken noodle. So I drained the broth off of it and am sipping on it for now.

    So now my journey is really beginning.

  3. Hillary, I'm so glad that you went to the doctors. I suffered for years with allergies and my nose stopping up, running and sneezing. I would go thru boxes of kleenexs like crazy. So one day my family had had enough and made me make an appointment. I can't thank them enough. Doc gave me a cortizone shot in the butt and a prescription for flonase. I kicked myself in the butt for waiting so long to go. Oh the relief was amazing.

    Now I'm scared about going to go see my band doc today. I had a class to take in the afternoon yesterday and then I stopped by my friends. Came home and was getting a little snack when I realized that it was dinner time. I got my Protein in but I may have over done it a little with the snacking. But even if the scale shows a lower amount then 9 pounds, I'll still be happy as long as it was a loss. Keeping my fingers crossed that it is at least a five pound loss.

    And I found the site for " I failed my band" and sent her a PM to join. Haven't heard anything yet, but I haven't looked at my email yet.

    Amy, I may look up those chocolate supplements. I'm not sure I can take them but I will run it by my Doc. On one of my blood work ups, she had called and told me to not take Calcium anymore. That it was showing a high level in my system.

    And believe it or not. I'm not a big chocolate lover. I'm more of the crunchy salty person. But I'll take sweet and salty stuff.

    Have a good day and I will post after I get home from seeing the Doc.

  4. Good Morning.

    Home from going to see my primary Doc this morning. All went well. When they weighed me I'm down 9 pounds form my last visit with my Band Doc. I just hope tomorrow when I go see the Band Doc, that his scales will show the same. I hate that scales are all different but will hope it shows the same.

    I then talked to him about what the surgeon had said about he thought I needed to have the sleeve done. I explained to him about having 4 surgeries in 2 1/2 years taking a toll on me and that laying in bed recouperating and snacking was also hard on me. But that I was going to make a good commitment to using my band for what it was made for. We had a good talk and he said that he really didn't want me to have the sleeve or gastric by-pass either. He said he felt that I was in the right frame of mind for this. We also taked about the weather hindering my walking. But spring should be here soon.

    Amy, so proud of you for making it thru Taco Tuesday. That would have been really hard for me. I'm a Taco hound. I eat Taco anything. But to do what you did with the chips is amazing. I can also tear those things up. Next time I go, I will have to try what you did and see how I do.

    Hilary, I have woken up with hunger pains several times. It's weird. But I usually fight it off time it's time for Breakfast. If I eat to early then I'm starving by lunch time and then also for dinner. So it's best for me to keep to my schedule. I saw that you mentioned chaperoning to Knott's berry Farm. Holy Cow, I bet it has been over 40 years since I have been there. I bet I wouldn't recognise the place. Two years ago my husband and I made a trip to L.A. to attend a wedding. I told him since we were going and hadn't been there for almost 25 years, that I wanted him to see some of the places that I had spent my childhood at. One of the those trips was to Disneyland. So we get into the park and the first ride we get to I asked the girl if it was ok for me to ride. She shook her head yes and waved me on. I did this for the first two or three rides and then finally decided to give up asking. If they thought I was to big, they could just tell me. We got over to the submarine and I did check with them and they were , sure you can ride. And so I did. I was having the time of my life. We rode almost everything we could. We didn't ride the Matterhorn, I thought that would be to much of a strain on my back after just having my spine operated on 2 months earlier. Having lost weight never felt so good. Now to get back to losing agin and get those feelings back.

    I'm looking forward to the Mid 50 degree weather this weekend. I can get out in the yard. I love being out in our back yard and sharing it wiht my kitties. I'm like the pied piper. They follow me all over. We have a good time.

    Have a great day.


  5. So, I got out of the house this morning all by myself. I have been out before but always had someone with me. I was walking into the Hallmark store when it hit me that I was actually doing this by myself. The only concerns I had was there is still alot of snow around and when it melts I have to cross over it and it scared me thinking that there might be a little ice in it. And the curbs. I had to step up with out holding onto anyone, I didn't even take my cane. It's amazing that just 3 months ago that I could barely walk at all. Freedom sure feels go. But I knew enought to not over do it. I did two stores and then headed home. Felling good here.

  6. Hey guys, actually my appointment is Thusday afternoon to see my band doc. I have an appointment that morning to see the surgeon and be realeased to go back to work. The last three or four weeks I have had a great deal of progess in my walking. We stored the walker away a few weeks ago and now I'm ready to give up the cane. I can go down the stairs pretty good but it is the coming up that I still have a little problem with. My right leg has always been my dominate leg but since the surgery, my left leg is now the lead. So I have to keep reminding myself to use that leg. But other then that, I'm good to go.

    Now if we can only get the snow to melt and stay away till next fall, I can get some walking done outside. My husband wants me to use the treadmill but I'm having a hard time convincing him that there is a difference between the two. Besides, untill I'm one hundred percent, I don't feel comfortable getting on the treadmill. Last thing I need is to fall on it.

    Last night for dinner I had a small slice of thin crust pizza. It had a lot of veggies on it so I'm thinking that is what kept me at one slice. But later we were watching a show and my hand found it's way into the cheez-it box. I had about ten of them and then told myself to stop, don't push it anymore. It's the little things like that that keep happening that gets me back to some of my old habits. Just blindly eating and before I know it I have eaten way to much and not eating anything good for me. I really need to pay attention more to that happening.

    I don't track my calories as much as I should. I've done weight watchers for so long that I seem to go more with that. I do look up calories and Protein on things that I eat but don't have any idea of what is in it. Like if we go out to eat and I get a sandwich at a place. I will go to their website and look it up just so I can keep track a little bit on whether I should eat that again or stay away from it. And what else can I have for the rest of the day. It comes in handy in the morning if I know what I will be having for dinner so I can adjust my other meals. Not really counting calories but just knowing how not to over do it. I hope I explained that right. And I don't eat my exercise calories. Why exercise then?

    I'm so looking forward to getting to my green zone and I hope it doesn't take to many visits to do that. And I certainly hope there is no more surgeries for a very long time.

    Have a great day.

  7. I found mine when I had mentioned to the Doc that I was taking rolaids a lot at night. And that I was occasionaly waking up with reflux in my throat. He then sent me in for an upper GI. I asked if I could just live with it and he said no. That I would some night no wake up witht the reflux and that I would aspirate. So I went in for surgery. I would describe it as just about having the band surgery done. They pump you with gas and go in thru the same incisions and the band surgery. It took about 40 minutes and I went home about 2 hours later. I have never had any problems since.

    My insurance covered the whole thing.

  8. Amy, I'm so glad all is well with the band and your fill. And very happy that they seemed to have put you at ease with it. I know when I mentioned it to my Doc a few years ago. They sent me in to have an upper GI. Then into surgery to have a hiatal hernia fixed. So glad that is not your problem.

    Well, I had a salad today for lunch. I know the Doc said I shouldn't. But I just had a hankering for one. dinner I wll be back to my Protein first and then my veggies and fruit. And this morning I had my Protein Drink with a banana in it. I was in a hurry and didn't want to take time to put the Peanut Butter in with it. Next time I will make sure I put the PB in. It was yucky. And I'm really surprised that by now that I am not getting used to the flavor of the vanilla.< /p>

  9. Well, someone is plotting against me. 6 inches of snow. It sure would be nice to get outside and get so e walking done. Looks like it will have to wait for a little while.

    Amy, were you able to get some stuff done and get back on schedule? It is hard when things don't go our way. Wouldn't it be nice if we could control the weather and time. Seems like we could really get ourselves on track and stay that way.

    Four days till I see my doc again. I'm nervous to find out if I have lost any weight or not. I hope I have lost enough so that she see that I at least tried. Back before my first surgery I was at a great spot. I would really love to be back there again. Not sure how long it will take for that. I remember that I could do no bread. If we got hamburgers, I had to take the bun off. One time we wereback at my nephews for his daughters birthday party and that had hot dogs and chips. I am a hot dog hound. I grabbed me one and put mustard and onions on it and by the second bite, I was handing it over to my husband. It just sucked. But that is the restriction I hope to be back at sometime soon.

    So it's batton down the hatches and head straight into my appointment. I'm think I'm ready,,,,,I think. LOL.

  10. I actually have no idea how much is in my 10 band. I think I was up to a little over 7 and then had to go in and they took out half for a surgery I was having. Since then I have only had two fills. Next week I will ask the doc and see if they tell me.

    Hilary, when you were talking about the swamp cooler it brought back a lot of memories. I lived in the San Fernando Valley just north of L.A. till 1979. I grew up with the swamp cooler on top of our house. Now I live in the mid west and have to deal with humidity. I'm not sure which I would rather have. And now they are calling for 6 inches of snow on Saturday. The last snowfall we got was almost 10 inches. We are about done with the shoveling and snowblower. Bring on Spring.

    Amy, a third of you Soup and a few bites of mushies. That's got to feel weird but cool. And it is weird how the band affects each and everyone of us.

    It must be that the heavier you are that it is easier to lose a little faster. I have never watched Biggest Loser. But I see the commercials for it. I'm not sure I could spend 4-5 hours in a gym and then take in so few calories. My choice of exercise is walking. I would walk to N.Y. and back if I could. Well, actually if my feet and knees wold allow me to. I don't mind going to the gym but would prefer outside execising. So waiting for spring to get here and we can uncover the pool and I can get back to my laps. Everyone one knows that I am the first one in the pool and that they have to wait till I get my 40 laps in. So come on spring and summer.

  11. Whew, finally some peace and quit in my house. Now it's me time for a little bit and then clean up time. I have had my grandniece since sunday and I took her home today. I love having her here and spending time with her, but she has so much energy and I'm pooped.

    I think I did very good with my eating while she was here. She kept looking for Cookies and candy to eat and couldn't figue out why I didn't have any here. So she chose to devour my cheese sticks. lol. And she was a popcorn hound. Everytime we watched a movie, she would go put popcorn in the microwave. She is too funny and had us cracking up.

    I do have a question to ask. I've been reading a bunch of other post and evey now and then I run across some one that has lost like 140 pounds in 10 months or 105 pounds in 8 months. How are they doing that? Are they just not eating and what happens when they go in for a fill. Do they get one. I know my doc would not give me a fill if I had lost 12 pounds since my last visit. I'm jut curious as to how they loose so fast with the band.

    This morning I ran to the groery store to pick up a few things. One of those things was I bought some cottage cheese. It has 12 grams a serving of Protein in it. And I usually mix pineapple in it. But that is one of the things my doc has on the list of not to eat. But I do my best when I eat cottege cheese. I seem to lose weight faster. My appointment is next Thusday so I thought thhat I would get some and give myself a little extra push. Do you guys eat cottage cheese?

    Tonight I'm going out to dinner with my friends. There is a new burger joint that opened up and so we are going. I'm gonna look and see if they have a website first and check out what they have that I can eat. I can do a have burger right now and that is with the bun. I'm hoping that I can get my fills back to where I can't do bread. I used to have to take the Buns of and cut the pattie up and eat it that way.

  12. Amy, wishing you good luck today, but I don't think you will need it. I'm sure everything will turn out good.

    Tammy, Happy Birthday. Aren't we all frustrated with our bands. Or maybe we are frustrated with ourselves. Either way, I am so glad that I came back to this web-site and started reading a lot of post. It made me understand that I am not alone in my feelings. Must important, it made me understand that I'm responsible for my choices. And my choice is to kick myself in the butt and get myself back to using my band correctly and exercising. I hope you find inspiration in all of our stories and realize that you are not in this alone. We share your struggles.

    Yesterday was a very good day for me. I had y eating under control and we did a lot of walking. I took my niece and went looking for the bunnies on display down on the Plaza. We walked almost every street there looking for them and posing for pictures. I was pooped and slept real well last night.

    Time to go fix my Protein drink yummy, NOT. But it is helping me.

    Have a great day everyone.

  13. Oh Amy, I'm so sorry for your day. And yes I have been there alot. As I get older and arthritis sets in, I find I can predict the weather better then the local weather men. And that can make or break a day also. I find the mornings I get up and the knees don't want to do what the rest of the body does, it's easier to just give in and get a big bowl of something.

    We also started out with grey skies this morning. They said it would warm up to 48 degrees and the sun would be out in the afternoon. 6:30pm and the sun is just now starting to come out as it is setting. We decided to take our grandniece to the Plaza to go see the bunnies. Turned out we only found 7 of them. I was under the impression that there was going to be a whole lot more. But we had fun and took pictures at each bunny. I had a banana before we left and then about 12:30 we stopped at burger king to get some lunch for Abby. I passed and continued to drink my bottle of Water. We got home about an hour later and I didn't know what to have so I got 2 slices of deli ham and a cheese stick. For dinner I had the rest of my Protein. So another good day for me. The only thing that I shouldn't have had today was popcorn. We bought the movie Ice Age and popped the popcorn. I had just a little over a cup of it.

    I have a NSV. About 8 months ago I was having my check up for the dentist. He was wanting to know what was happening with my teeth. I told him that I had gotten into the habit of eating lifesavers in bed at night while I read. I like to chew on them. A tootsie pop sucker only last about a minute before I go right for the center. So while I read I go thru about 8-10 lifesavers and he told me I was to knock it off. That was about 8 months ago. The last four nights, I'm proud to say that I have gone to bed with out any life savers. It's been hard but I have made it thru so. I hope my dentist will be proud of me.

    I got a lot of walking in today and I'm feeling it this evening. Luckly my niece is busy watching a movie and I can have some time to do laundry and rest a little.

    I don't have muc on my agenda for tomorrow. Probably some more coloring in the coloring book and playing old maid. Maybe a few more movies. I really enjoy these times and love teaching her new things. But I just can't get over how an 8 ear old can wear me out so fast.

    Amy, I hope everything goes well at your appointment tomorrow and that you get a fil. My appointment is next week and I think I am ready for this to be over. But for the most part I will proabably follow up with the Protein Drinks at least five times a week. I also hope I get a fill.

    Back to the laundry now.

  14. I love this thread.

    When I'm feeling bad about choices or something I have done or not have done I come here and you all set me straight.

    Hilary, I understand your snowball yesterday, I had mine a few days ago also. But one of the good things about it is that it does make us stronger. We know that the next day we need to get back on track and to never let that happen again. Nothing like being accountable to ourselves. And some times we need that kick in the butt. Glad to hear that you got right back on track today.

    Amy, Down a pound??? awesome. A loss is so much better anytime then a gain. And you are so right about reality , It so sucks at times.

    Tonight I am fixing Hamburger Helper for the family. Not sure what I'm gonna have yet. But it will be Protein for sure. I thought about doing another protein drink but I think it might be some beef Jerky

    and some veggies.

    Tomorrow my sister and I are taking our grandniece to the Plaza to see the bunnies. They are six foot Fiber glass bunnies and they are all decorated up. So we will take her there and walk around and take pictures of her. I'm thinking I might pack some food to take incase we might get hungry. That way I can get her something to eat and I can still eat what I'm supposed to be eating. No fast food for me. Gotta keep reminding myself that I have a goal to reach.

    I'm excited about spring coming. I spend more time outside and that really helps me.

  15. Hey guys.

    Yesterday went ok, and just ok with my eating. I love me some corned beef. And it was so good. My nephew cameover and we celebrated his birthday. His 8 year old daughter was with him and so when it was cake time I had a piece of cake with her. It was really good.So other then to much corned beef and a slice of cake, I did ok on my eating.

    When my nehew showed up with his daughter, she was carrying her suitcase. Yup, Easter break and can I take her for the week. lol. So far she hasn't been to much for me but I am getting exhausted. I took her to Wal-mart and got Cereal and milk, got out without any Cookies. And then we headed to Hobby Lobby for soe stuff for a project I am doing. So proud of my self for getting out of both places with out buying a bag of robin eggs. And they were right there as we were checking out

    I fixed my Protein drink this morning and gave my grandniece a try of it. Just as I thought, she didn't care for it much either. We came home from shopping and I made her lunch and then fixed my lunch from leftover corned beef. I'm being proud of myself for passing up the stuff I should not be having and getting in my Proteins. I haven't weiged since I saw the doc, But I told my husband that I feel my pants just a smidge looser. I'm going to take what I can get on any weight loss.

    Hillary, I also have a problem with breakfast. I eat and when lunch come around I'm not hungry. So I usually skip lunch and then go straight into dinner. I've always been that way. So if I ave to eat breakfast for some reason, I'll fix a piece of toast.

    Amy, I can't wait for your appointment also. I'm excited for you. Mine is late next you. Good Luck and I hope you get a fill. My band doc won't allow us to eat cotage cheese

    I gotta go take a littet nap an get rested tor the evening. Sh has meworn out allready

  16. Well Crap. We had a 50th. anniversary party to go to today and I had a great mind set.

    Got up this morning and had my Protein drink. Started laundry, cleaned and then went in and took a shower and got ready to go. We left about 1:30 and got there. They had all kinds of food, some good and some I knew I shouldn't have. So I went over and got me a glass of Water. While standing there a guy offered me a bowl of ice cream and I politely refused. We didn't stay long, long enough to visit with my husbands family for a little bit. eaded home and neither one of us mentioned what we were going to have for lunch. Got a home around 3:30 and I changed clothes and then headed to the kitchen to fix something for us. And it was all over with. I did so great allmorning and then wiped it out the rest of the day. So I'm going to bed before put one more thing in my mouth.

    Tomorrow is a new day......Oh no. Corned beef. Give me strength.

  17. Yesterday I had to run to Walgreens to pick up a prescription. My sister asked if she could go and pick hers up also. So we are walking to the front of the store and there was a display of bags of M&M's. One caught our eye and we stopped to look at it. We thought it was M&M robin eggs but turned out to not be. Oh robin eggs are my favorite and I could eat a whole bag of them. We actually made it out without buying any Easter candy. Whew.

    We have a 50th wedding anniverary party to go to today. I already have it in my head that I will by pass the cake. Actually we probably won't stay long. It's a long drive to get there and we will want to get back home before it gets dark and colder.

    I don't weigh myself everyday. I know a lot of people do, but I'm not one of them. I would probably just give up the whole trying to lose weight if I did. It's that daily fluctuation that would drive me crazy.Yeah it would be great if it was a loss everyday, but to see it go up and down would put a damper on my spirit. So I weigh once a week or I don't weigh until I have an appointment to see the Doc. I know I'm in this to loose the weight but I know it will come off and I try not to let it take over my life. I guess I'm saying that I'm not going to let it rule my days, I'll take the losses when I get them.

    Their is s friend of mine that stresses over a .6 gain. Nope, I'm not going there. I have moe things to worry about.

    So tonight the corned beef will go into the crockpot. Which means that several times during the night, I will wake up smelling it. I don't cook cabbage, so I won't have to deal with that smell. My mouth is watering just thinking about the corned beef.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. Hilary, I'm wondering if maybe your boyfriend is one of those people that "they just don't see it". My sister told me that one time. She said yes, I see that you need to lose weight, but I just don't see it because your weight is not who you are. My husband is also the same way. Yes he wants me to lose weight and get healthy but if it never happened, he's ok with it. He loves me for who I am and not the shell. I hope I have explained that right. Maybe it could have been the lingerie you bought wasn't something that turned him on. Keep trying.

    We have the most beautiful weather here today. I have even managed to clean a few windows. It's a good cleaning day. What sucks is we can't grill out today. So instead we are going to have fish for lunch and then bean burritos for dinner.

    I tried doing the MyFitnessPal on-line last night. Maybe I just need to spend more time looking around on it. But a few things I had eaten yesterday were not on there. It just seems like it is very time consuming.

    Ok, back outside so I can soak up some sun before we get hit with cold weather again tomorrow.

  19. Hello Stephanie. Boy, I'm not sure how you do it with all of that food there. In my house we have nothing in the kitchen that I can snack on. But in the computer room where my husband spends most of his time is all the crap. chips, popcorn, Cookies candies, peanuts and whatever else he likes. He usually leaves in on the table next to the bed in there. So I asked him to move every thing but the can of peanuts and the pretzels. Those I allow myself to have while I'm watching tv with him. More power to you.

    This morning was our family Breakfast at Cracker Barrell. Anyone can show up and it's great to see all of my cousins and aunts and uncles. It's a great chance to get caught up on how eveyone is doing. So my husband and I each ordered two eggs over easy and bacon and we split an order of toast. I can do bread as long as it is toasted. But there was a glass of Water sitting in front of me and I found myself several times trying to reach for it. I finally picked it up ad plunked it down in front of my husband. It jolted him a little and he looked at me with that "What" look. I told him to keep it on his side so I didn't drink any while I was eating. Ughh, that is still my weakness.

    So later today I going to go meet my friend after she gets off work and we are going to walk by the lake. They have a really great trail there and we enjoy it. We will walk a mile and then sit on a bench for about an our and just talk. I'm going to take my cane with me and I told her I might only be able to make it to the first bench but at least I'm out and trying. My thighs are still weak a little bit. But today was the first time I went out without the cane. Well, I took it and left it i the car because I still need it for the steps.

    Amy, I looked on the internet for MyPalFitness.com and I set up an account. Hopefully in the next day or two, I will have a chance to look it over. I alreay have Loseit on my nook. But I just need to use it, whatever I decide on.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.


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