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Posts posted by Suziecat

  1. So I get to the Doctors office and I have my sister and nephew in tow. They said that they would just stay out side in the car. I asked, "What, you don't wanna see what a fill is like?". So they both came in and I don't think they will ever do that again. We had the whole place in stitches. I laid down on the table and had my nephew come over so he could feel the port. The Doc showed him where it was at so he could feel. She then whips out the needle and thank goodness he was sitting in the chair by then. He dropped his head between his legs and kept saying, "omg". My sister asked him if it was the needle or the fact that he was touching his Aunt's belly. Doc was cracking up while she had that needle in me. But all was fine and Jack was able to stand up. So left there and we went to Burger King and they got lunch and I got a chocolate shake. I'm not allowed to chew anything for 48 hours.

    Good news is I'm down another 3 pounds. Doc said that I didn't look to happy about that. I was, but just hoping for a little more.

    Hilary, the only exercise I get is walking. But when I was doing other exercises before the surgery, I don't think I ever had any problems with my port. A few times when I lay in on my belly I will get a little pain in that area. Sorry I couldn't help you out.

  2. Today is judgement day...Off to the Band Doc's office for my 6 week check-up. And I don't think it's going to be a good one.

    I did real good for the first 3 weeks and then it has been a roller coaster since then. I found myself falling back into my old habits. I sure wish I knew why I would let that happen. What is it that makes me think that I'm not worth the fight. Why do I continually find myself saying it's ok to eat more or eat the wrong thing. I hate this self sabotage.

    Well hopefully I will get another fill from this but it's so good to know that with my band, I have a second, third, fourth....chance to start over. Can't do that with the sleeve or GB.

    So I will walk into that office with my head held high and face it head on. My only hope is that I have either not gained or lost or that I haven't gained too much.

    Wish me luck.

  3. Sounds like everyone is still in the same boat.

    I had a horrble saturday with my eat but had the resolve to get right back to it. Sunday was a god day and yesterday was awesome. I was so proud of myself until my friend called and we went to therapy time at our favorite mexican restuarant. We didn't eat, but we drank our weight in margarita's. The grande margarita's are about 850 calories apiece and I had 2 of them. Boy that sucked. So today we will get back to it.

    My friend was telling me that she had lost 30 pounds since march 15th. But that was going to the gym and spending hours and eating only about 500-600 calories a day. I wouldn't mind going to the gym for hours but I really don't want to exsist on so few calories. That would be tough and do terrible mind games with me. I think I would constantly be thinking of what I could eat and how much and when.

    So my appointment is this Thursday and I really don't think I'm going to show a loss. I did really good for the first 2 weeks after last fill but found myself falling back into my old habits. I'm sure I undid what I had lost in the first 2 weeks. Wish I knew why I would do something ike that to myself.

  4. On the upside. Even though I have lost a lot of weight, I still have a ways to go. But 2 summers ago my husband and I were headed to L.A. for a wedding. I decided while we were there that I would take my husband to Disneyland. I grew up in the L.A. area and I wanted him to experience some of my childhood. So we get in the park and head towards the castle. The first ride we got to I asked the ride attendent if it was ok for me to get on, she waved me on and it was a blast. Second ride I did the same thing and again they waved me on. We got to the Submarine ride and I once again asked if it was ok for me to ride. Sure, no problem. It was a little tight on that one but I made it. So I decided I wasn't asking anymore and if they felt I was too big then they could just tell me. All was good all day long and we had a blast. I wore my butt out with all the walking and rides. Next day we went to San Diego and I toured the USS.Midway. I made so many strides on that vacation. Not once did I ever have anyone say anything to me.

    Sometimes it's a cruel world, but let the other person worry about it and just live life to the fullest.

  5. I was at the grocery store one day and I had walked by the deli. There was a woman in her mid twenties that had a young son riding in the cart. He bellowed out, Look Mommy, She's so fat". I turned and walked away and the lady followed me all over the store so that she could get her son to apologize to me. I mean literally she followed me through about 6 aisles loudly asking me to stop so her son could apologize. I finally stop and let him say he was sorry and I told him it wasn't his fault, that his mother was at fault for not teaching him manners. I bet she never chases anyone again.

  6. Hubby and I got out to do our walk today and it misted on us but no pour down rains. But we made a huge stride. We changed directions and took on a hill. I had to stop twice to get up it. But I made it. I'll keep doing that for a few more days and then I will try to go down a little on the otherside. It felt good.

    Came home and made a pot of chili and then got ready to go to the dentist. It's cold here today so I thought some chili would be good. Well, we didn't get home from the dentist til almost 4pm and hubby had not eaten anything and Iall I had had was my Protein Shake this morning. So I heated the pot up and we ate. 1 bowl, I had 1 bowl. Awesome. I usually have several bowls and then another while I'm cleaning things up. Pretty proud of myself.

    Dee, welcome and feel free to offer anything you please.

  7. Hilary, I agree with you. Maybe I wasn't as ready for the band as I thought I was going to be. Even though I made some major strides in my weight loss. I honestly thought it was going to be a walk in the park. That the band did all of the work for me. But I have learned through all of it that it takes two. It takes the band to tell me that it has had enough and it takes me to make sure that I put the right foods in my mouth and follow the doctors orders of chewing right and to wait to drink.

    I actually would have prefered that they had put the band around my lips.

    So proud of you and your weight loss. What an uplift feeling that is. My doctor doesn't have me on any thing real specific as far as a diet. But she does not want me to eat Pasta. Some of the reason for that is that pasta has a lot of Water in it which makes it a slider food. Plus pasta usually has a sauce on it that is also a slider food. Other then that she didn't say anything about lowering my carbs. I do eat poatoes but I find with them is that they seem to cause a back up in my band. So I have to eat my Proteins before I can do potatoes.

  8. Last night I was laying in bed reading different post on this web page. I do a lot of reading with the hopes that I find something that will keep me motivated. I found a post that a girl had done and I didn't bookmark it. But it was to the fact that a lot of people seem to be losing their weight very fast. She was wondering what they were doing right and what she was doing wrong. Then it dawned on her that these people were listening to their bands. That maybe if she would take the effort to just listen to the band when she ate and when it told her that it had had enough food, that she would stop. What a concept, I thought to myself. Why do I push it? Do I really enjoy the uncomfortable feeling? Do I like feeling like I need to slime? Do I really enjoy all of the things my band goes through just because I wanted to get those few last bites in? What is wrong with me?

    So my expirement today is to sit and listen to my band at each meal I have today and to see if I can treat it the way I'm supposed to. I need to learn to pay more attention and to quit pushing it. I bet my band just hates me for all I have put it through.

    We did our walk this morning and I aske my husband if he had checked the radar before we left. They are calling for 100% chance of rain. We get 4 houses away and it poured down rain. He wanted to turn around and go home and I told him that he had dragged my ass out and that we were going to finish our route. That will teach him.

  9. Hilary, make those pictures a motivation for you. I know I cringe when I see myself at my prior weight and get furious with myself for letting some of the weight creep back on.

    We are getting ready to go back out for our walk today. We won't be sure if we will get a chance tomorrow as they are calling for a lot of rain here.

    Went to my nephews last night and they had dinner ready for us. They had fried fish and it was really good. I didn't each to much as she has a heavy hand with the seasoned salt. But it was all good.

    Now to get back on track after last night. And I was having such a good eating day and then fried food.

  10. Just got back from my walk. I get amazed at each time I go and how I push it just a little more each time. It may be just a block, but it's a milestone for me. And we made it home before the rain.

    Now off to take my shower and then a few errands. Sometime today I need to figure out when I will fix my Protein drink. May be what's for dinner. Let my husband eat the funeral potatoes, lol.

  11. Good Monday Morning.

    A very busy weekend for me and all I have to say is if I never see a Funeral casserole again, it will be to soon. There actually was a funeral at church saturday and I made the casserole to take. There was a little left over for a small dish, so I kept that here for us. Saturday night I baked it up to go with our grilled burgers. Then at our last class last night, there was some leftover casseroles that were for us that was supposed to have been served last month but we had a snow storm. So I go there early and put them all in the oven to get ready for our meeting. And sure enough, one of them was a funeral casserole. There was enough food for us to take home so I made a plate to bring home to hubby. We have enough casserole for the next 3 days. LOL.

    So this morning it is back to being a model bandster. I have 12 days till my next fill visit. The only thing that will be a hinderence to me is they are calling for a lot of rain this week. Kind of off and on rain showers. So I will have to watch my timing and get my walking in when I can. I bought some more fruit for my Protein drinks and I found that if I put in about 3 ice cubes, that seems to help. The major thing is for me to get moving and to keep moving.

    One thing that is bugging me and I'm not sure why they are doing it. If you are on Facebokk you may have encountered this. Why the heck are so many people posting recipes? I have seen so many that I would really like to make and then I think to myself, you don't need that. But it looks so good. Please if you are going to post them, then pick something healthy to post. LOL.

    Have a great week everyone.


  12. Welcome Kelly, this is a great group.

    Sorry about being MIA. Family and crap got in the way, All is good though. I've been out doing my walking and trying to get my strength up. Just wish I could get my head in this completely. I do good at meal times but it's the hour inbetween.

    I really have to get my head going. I start the day out good and somewhere after lunch, it takes a dive. I don't know if I just don't care or if I just enjoy sabatoging myself. But I really need to get it figured out and soon. My next appointment is the 25th.

    Tomorrow there is a funeral at our church. I signed up to set up the reception hall and get sandwiches made. I also said I would bring a casserole and you guys will never guess what I decided to make. Yup, Funeral Potatoes, LOL. My husband didn't really know the man that passed away but we saw him every sunday in church. He sat a few rows in front of us and over a little bit. We were wondering why we hadn't seen him in a little while.

    But because of that I will be missing the monthly support group meeting. Sucks.

    We are supposed to have a few days of no rain, that will really help with the walking. But the only thing is that it is bitter outside. Where the hell is spring?

    I'll check in soon. Suzanne.

  13. Well last week hubby and I talked about how much walking I had done years ago and how little, well none that I do now. I used to walk about a mile to a mile and a half everyday. But then I got a job and then I had surgeries and then I just let life get in the way of my walking. I told him that I needed to get back to a schedule. It was usually around 9am that I would grab the doggie and off we would go. So we talked about me getting started back to walking and I told him if I did, he had to also. Last friday we walked in the morning and then later in the day I went and met my friend Mary and we walk in the evening. Took the weekend off and then got back to walking today. Feeling pretty good but boy am I out of shape with my walking.

    Saturday we had a 50th wedding anniversary to go to. I had met this lady about 9 years ago when I joined WW. I sat next to her at every meeting and we quickly became friends. She was such an inspiration to me. She was at a loss of 208 pounds when I started. She kept me straight. So we went to the reception and had a good time. We didn't stay long but long enough for me to have a class of tea. I walked about with out even getting a piece of cake. So proud of myself.

    Then in class last night, one of the couples brought in stuff to make nachos with. I mean the whole works. I had done good during the day but I could not pass on the nachos. I didn't pig out but I did make a plate. And it was so good. So back to my schedule of regular eating today. Glad I got that out of my system.

    Stephanie, really glad you checked in. We are all here for each other and to inspire.

    Amy, do you have a hobby that you can turn to? I used to do a lot of hand sewing but have gotten out of that. I guess I need to find a new hobby. But I find doing that, it keeps my hands busy and my mind somewhat entertained and not thinking of food.< /p>

    OMG, did anyone watch the Ham presentation on Saturday Night Live. One of the funniest things I have seen in a long time.

  14. Anna, I think we are proof enough that anyone can start over. And I for one am excited that I have a chance to do it. Stay with us and we will try to encourage and hopefully you will be an encouragemant to us.

    So I go to fix my Protein Shake this morning and I decided to put about 3 ice cubes. What a difference it makes. I'm thinking I will have to try it more often.

    Lela, congrats on the detoxing. This is a process. But one that makes it so worth it when we see the results on the scales and how our clothes start to feel on us. Keep up the good work.

    I didn't get to go walking yesterday with my friend, so I'm going to go meet her after she gets off work. Tere is a park over by her house where her grandkids can play while we walk the trail around the play area. Makes it easy to keep and eye on the kids this way.

    Have a great day everyone.

  15. Amy, I agree about the head hunger. It does that to me also. Well, if it was good enough for you yesterday then why isn't it today. Ugh.

    That's awseome about losing the pound to a pound and a half a week. Keep that up and you will reach goal before you know it. I'm hoping that when I go see the Doc again that I will be at that same weight loss you are having. Speaking of the Doc. I need to call and get an appointment.

    When we were there last week I didn't schedule an appointment because I was expecting to go back to work. Well, it looks like I have lost my job. They haven't called since I called and told them I was off of medical leave. Oh well, guess I'll spend the summer at home soaking up some sun and then look for another job after that.

    I have lots of running around to do today and then I'm going to meet my friend Mary and go walk by the lake. Then I have a meeting to go to tonight. So looks like my day is set.

    Have a great day.

  16. Just click on my picture and it will take you to my profile. Over on the right hand side you will see, "send a message". Just click on that and then write away. At the top of the page you will see where you logout, just to the left of that you will see an envelope. That will show you if you have a message.So click on that and it will bring up the message.

    I hope that helps you out.

  17. Hi, so sorry It has taken a while for me to get to you on this. Work kind of got in my way. I would be more then willing to be your buddy. I'm 54 years old and live in the midwest. I'm not sure I will be able to answer all of your questions but would be more then willing to share stories with you and help each other out. Let me know and we can PM each other our e-mail address.


  18. I here and doing great, a little tired but doing great.

    I worked the election polls yesterday which meant I had to get up at 3:30am to be at the poll by 5am to get things set up. I'm an E-Poll Judge so I have to set up the computer and hook it to the one next to me so that we can check voters in electronically. I love doing this but it does make for a very long day. Luckliy everything ran smoothly and we closed at 7pm and were packed up and out the door before 8pm. The poll were I was at was at an elementary school close to my house. Sometimes I will have my husband go get my lunch or dinner for me. But I packed my food and took a cooler. The school did offer us to have what was leftover for lunches and a few took them up on it. It was chicken patties on a bun. Glad I brought my own.

    Monday evening we had dinner over in the church parish hall. I was a sponsor for a girl joining the church this year and they had a nice sit down dinner for our class. There was about 12 of us there and it was such a nice relaxed time. They served a tossed salad, parmesean chicken and noodles and garlic bread. I had my salad first and then we started on the main course. Between the chicken and the conversation, I was barely able to eat a 1/8 of my food. Luckliy I was able to bring it home because it was really good. Probably will be what I have for dinner tonight.

    Amy, did you get back on track after the refrigerator attack? I also have been having an issue witht the pistachio nuts. But I made a deal with myself that I can have them everyday If I promise to only have about 5-7 of them at a time and not half the bag like I would love to do. So far, we are working with each other on the 5-7 a day.

    Hilary, What are funeral potaotes? And excuse me for asking but why is you gynecologist taking care of issues that your primary doctor should be doing. I didn't know they dealt with thyroid issuses and weigh loss. But if he can do it and it is easier and cheaper to do it that way, I understand. And I'm so sorry for the boyfriend troubles. I'm sure you don't need that extra stress.

    This is such a bumpy road that we are on, but I'm glad I have you guys to help me keep straight.

  19. I just had .7put in my band last Thursday afternoon and was told that I could not chew anything till Saturday afternoon. No other restriction after that. Just for 48 hours.

    Each Doctor is different so just follow as best as you can to follow what he says. And ask if you don't understand. I asked mine if I could have fish on Friday and she asked if I could eat it without chewing. LOL.

  20. Amy, so sorry you had to work today. But maybe by doing so, it kept you away from the food and candy. I hope that day went by fast for you

    I am also in awe of the fifty miles Hilary. When I first got banded, I walked all of the time. I walked every chance I could. Never really more then 1 1/2 miles at a time. My feet just wouldn't let me. I would have walk to New York and back if I had been able to. I'm hoping to get back to some of that walking as soon as the weather staightens out and my thighs get stronger. But good for you. I'm jealous.

    Well, as far as me. I'm glad that I am in a room called starting over. Because that is what I will be doing tomorrow. I'm not sure how to put this so it sounds right. I ate without over eating but I did have a few things that were high in calories. So tomorrow is a new day to start over and get back on track. I don't have anything to do during the day but I have a dinner to go to in the evening. So it shouldn't be to hard to get back to doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

    I over did it with doing to much today and I am paying for it. I told my hubby a little while ago that I need to take it really easy tomorrow or I am going to end back up in the walker again. He looked like he was mad. I was only joking but I really am hurting alot. Ao hopefully a good night sleep and all will be well.

  21. Amy, chicken sausage?? I have never heard of that. How was the pizza?

    Angela, welcome. That is why we are here.We are starting over and we will be proof that it can be done. I'm on my way. I finally broke down and called my doc and laid it all out. So glad that I did.

    We are having Easter here at our house. The kids are coming over for an egg hunt and for dinner. This will be a good test for me and my newly filled band. Yesterday my sister and I sat and filled plastic easter eggs. We talked the whole time so we didn't graze on the candy. Plus the no chewing for 48 hours has helped out alot.

    My no chew restriction ends this afternoon about 1pm. That will be the 48 hours time line. So yesterday when my husband and I were at the store, we bought a package that had two KC Strips in it, later today we will put them on the grill. This will also be a test for me to cut smaller bites and to really chew. When we were at the docs the other day, I told her that the rule of eating no more then the size of a pencil end eraser just wasn't going to do it. I told her that I would take a bite about the size of the upper part of my pinkie. She said not to do that any more and that it should be half that size. So I will work on that this evening. Gonna see if my head and mouth will cooperate with my Band.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

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