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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Suziecat

  1. Laura, I know exactly what you and Mdrai are feeling right now. After losing over a hundred pounds and being able to get into sizes I haven't worn in over ten years I'm getting that skinny feeling. And I'm still huge. I have along ways to go but I'm loving what I have done so far. And here lies my problem, I feel like I'm done. I can't seem to get myself jump started again. I've dieted for over a year and a half and I'm done. I need to find my way back to losing again. And the 3 loaves of pumpkin bread I just baked isn't helping any.

    I just have to keep reminding myself that "I Want It Bad". I'm so worth it and I will keep going. I've come too far to back slide. Let's hold hands and do this together. I'm with you guys all the way.

    Gonna try my hardest this week so that on Thursday I can enjoy myself and my company. I will keep an eye on my portions but I also want to enjoy the day. Too bad Curves isn't open that day. Guess I'll just have to get out and do alot of walking.

    So glad that we got an update on Kat. Hugs to her and her family.

    Everyone have a great day. :clap2:

  2. Home from our trip and am so glad we went. We got to see Uncle George which will be our last time to see him. His health is bad and is going fast. Glad we went while he is still alive and we had the chance to talk. Husband really enjoyed it.

    Back to the grindstone. Up early and went to the grocery store. Got a 20lb turkey. Went to Curves and kicked my butt. I did some walking this week but nothing like I usually do. Now just need to watch my eating for the next week. All that good stuff is so hard to pass up.

    Hey, are we having CTC Day next Thursday?

    Everyone have a great weekend. :clap2:

  3. Kat---- I read your posted and started to cry and get the chills. Last year when I had my lap-band surgery, they woke me up before they pulled the tube out. I paniced because I thought I was choking. It was the worst experience I have ever encontoured. All I can say to you is try try try very hard not to panic. Just find someway to keep breathing with out think you are choking form no air. Maybe you can keep thinking about all the prayers that are being sent to you and that will keep your mind busy.

    Believe that all of us are there holding your hand and whispering good thoughts into your ear. Because you know if we all could we would be there. Keep good thoughts and keep us posted on your progress.

    Hugs to you and everyone have a great day. :clap2:

  4. TracyK-- That is so awesome. You must be so proud of yourself. Thanks for being an inspiration to me. I have a goal to reach for and that is to be as deligent as you.

    I have an NSV, Today we left Helena and stopped in Billings at the Harley Davidson store. Told hubby we could get him a t-shirt form there. I found a grey hooded sweat jacket and tried it on. Very snug but fit. It's a 3X. I haven't worn a 3X in about 20 years. My husband was more excited than I was. I had the lady cut the tags off and I wore it out of the store and all the way to our next hotel. Stopping in at Sturgis tomorrow, wonder what I will find there. This is so cool to be able to go into stores and wear stuff off the rack. I'll miss ordering from the catalog. Hubby's waiting for spring so he can get the Harley back out to ride.

    Driving to Sioux Falls tomorrow and will spend the night there and than the next day it should take us about 7 hours to get home. I'll be glad. I miss the comforts of home. But I have to admit that we are having an excellent time. Didn't know what to expect with traveling with my sister-in-law and her husband. We have just clicked and we've laughed and told stories an have really enjoy each other.

    Oh, forgot to mention that we had our first up closs snow for the year. Although I couldn't get hubby to stop so I could throw a snowball at him. It was really beautiful seeing everything cover. The trees were so pretty.

    Everyone have a great day, :clap2:

  5. 27 degrees here right now and it stormed like the dickens here last night. We're surrounded by snow on the mountains but just rain here in the valley. It's beautiful.

    Yesterday I ate off of the vegetable tray for dinner. I must have had about a good cup size of carrots and dip. Got back to the motel and was regretting my decision, so I ate 2 small cups of WW lemon yogurt and went to bed. TMI, cleared my system out this morning and am feeling better. Not so bloated.

    Thanks for the reminder about "Cut the Crap Day". I need to do exactly that. SIL is fixing vegetable Soup today so we are going over there and visiting.

    Everyone have a great day. :clap2:

  6. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and Greetings from Montana. It is so cold here. But what a beautiful State. Not sure I would want to live here in the winter though. I have a picture of me with the snow in the back ground but someone is going to have to tell me how to get it on here.

    Haydee, welcome home and glad to hear about your grandmother.

    Judy, I do that all the time when I see someone. I think "Lap-Band". But how do I know that they don't allready have it. Looking at me you would think the same thing and I do have a band. It's a bad habit I need to break. I have to stop judgeing people but it's just so darn easy to do.

    Got to spend sometime with Uncle George last night and I just watched my husband as he talked about his father that passed several years ago. Uncle George was telling him stories about when they were little boys. That is what has made this trip so worth it. It's a strain on us especially with taxes having to be paid here soon. But seeing Husband with his Uncle, well taxes with have to wait. We will be here for a few more days and then head home.

    Everyone have a great week and as soon as I now how to post a picture I will.


  7. All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go. (do you like my singing?)

    Just have a few more things to put in my bag, so now I'm just sitting here watching Oprah. She had the Osmonds on today. I'll get up about 3am so I can finish up and pack the car. Need to stop at Wal-Mart for a few things and then on the road. If we do 600 miles a day we should be there late Sunday night. whew, I'm tired already.

    Terri, I live in the "Shoe-Me Sate". Home of the KC Chiefs, MU Tigers and Brad Pitt. Missouri, I'm right out of the Kansas City area. I think I'm about 30 miles from Tracy.

    Everybody have a great weekend :clap2:

  8. Tracy, Good Luck with your dinner tomorrow night but I have a feeling all will go well. You are a very stong and reasonable person. But I'm gonna send a hug for you anyway.

    I missed the meeting last month also. I think it rained that day right? I was planning on going tomorrow but we found out a couple of hours ago that we are headed for Montana first thing in the morning. We got a call that my husband's Uncle has lung cancer and it's not good. So his sister and her husband are going with us and we figured we better do it before the weather turns bad up there. Hopefully we can meet at the next meeting.

    Everyone have a good weekend and I will check in when I get the chance to.

    Good Luck everyone.:clap2:

  9. Pam, That is wonderful and the responses you get are exactly why this is such a great place to come to. So much support from everyone. Thanks for being an inspiration.

    Ok, a question for you Pam. A long time ago when I was in girl scouts we took a trip to Plam Springs and stopped along the way. I'm thinking it was a little place called 1000 Palms. Is that a name of a town around there? We stopped at a place and I got a Date Shack. I still remember to this day that I really liked it alot. I don't like dates by themselves but the shake was really good. If you know what I'm talking about can you tell me if youv'e ever had one and do they still taste as good as I remember?

    Have a great day. :clap2:

  10. Just got back from Curves and they have a new stretching contraption there. I love it. It actually looks like some kind of torcher(?)chamber. It felt so good though.

    I need to get me one of those bracelets you guys talk about. Need all the help I can get. Does anyone one know how we can get some violet colored ones with CTCD printed on them? That would be a cool way to remind ourselves during the day.

    Beautiful day here today. High is supposed to get to 66. Maybe put something on the grill this evening.

    Have a great day. :clap2:

  11. Ok, I've been outed, or at least caught. I do confess that I am the one you see all the time. I have one thing to say about it. I love all of you and owe you all a debt of gratitude. You have gotten me thru alot. I come here and read all your stories and can't help but be moved and inspired by your daily struggles. Thinking I was the only one going thru it. You guys have become a part of my life and I hate when I have to wait so long to get back online to see what is going on.

    Here's my story. In April of 2006 I started looking into having the band installed. I had to go thru alot because my insurance company required it. I had to go thru the six month diet and pshyc evals and a few other things. Finally I got my date. October 19th of 2006 I entered Menorah Hospital and was greeted by the most wonderful Doctor that was put on this earth. Dr. Stephen Malley has changed my life for the better and I will always hold him in high esteem. Even though I walked into this with my eyes wide open I soon found that it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. My faith has gotten me thru alot but I just needed that little extra ummph. So the road led me to reading the post on the Doctor's website. And this my new friends (if I may call you that) is where I met an extrodinary girl. Her name is TracyinKS. She encouraged people to come to Lap-bandtalk and so here I am.

    I have often thought that I needed to join in on the conversations since a lot of them echo my own feelings and thoughts. One that was so funny was a couple of weeks ago I went to Dairy Queen and had a blizzard. The next day I started reading how everyone started to confess that they had done the same thing. Home. I found home. I even joined in on Don't do the crap days. So far it's worked today but I'm coming off of three days of not eating anyway. I've had that stomach flu crap that's going around here in the midwest.

    October 19th was my one year bandiversary and I am 119lbs lighter because of it. I lost some of that prior to being banded but Doctor Malley still considers it in his charts. I look forward to being able to chat with you guys and hope that some day I will be alble to meet Tracy in person at one of the support meetings.

    So, that is my short and sweet story. I didn't want to bore you guys too bad. Thanks for being an inspiration to me and keep up the good work.

    Your new friend Suziecat. :clap2:

  12. Congrats on getting your surgery. I noticed that they are several of you getting your surgery the same day. I didn't know any of the people who where having the surgery the same day as me but I did take my camera to the hospital and after I met the other girls we took our picture together. We e-mail each other and sometime see each other at Dr. Malley's office on our fill days. I'm so glad that I have that incommon with them. We have been able to support each other through some tuff times. Good Luck to all of you and enjoy the experience. :clap2:

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