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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Suziecat

  1. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I went to the grocery store and picked some stuff up for here and for my sister. Went to Wendy's and got her some lunch and then went to her place. I stayed for about 45 minutes and drove home to pick Hubby up so he could go to my Doc appointment with me. Good thing I got him to go. As you can see by the pictures. Severe Tendonitis with a possible stress fracture. A cast for 2 weeks. I'm scheduled to go back the day after my surgery. They will decide then if I need to be in one any longer. Ok, I'm laughing now. That's how I'm going to handle this. He gave me a choice of green or red. Well, it is Chief's season. Go Red.
  2. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning Peeps. It's our monthly Family Breakfast morning. I love going to these things. Then I'm off to my sisters to go take care of her bills. From there I will go to the Pediatrist to see what the heck is wrong with my foot. There is no such thing a peanut butter christmas trees...... Angela, Hopefully this new opputunity for your Dad is just wan he needs. Sorry that he lost in the elections, apparently it wasn't ment to be. Have a great day.
  3. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Evil Peanut Butter Pumpkins. Yes they are. But I'm glad to say that I only had 2 of them this season. It's the rest of the crap I had to deal with. lol. We got out of work early this evening. No surgeries going on. We made several rounds and made sure everyone had what they needed and then we headed home. Not till after we ate in the cafeteria. A nice hot bowl of chili. Now my tummy is gurgling. I have a long day of lots of running around to do tomorrow. I will post when I get the chance. Kat, I'm so sorry that your Aunt is like that. But you have to remember that you are doing it for your parents and not her. I know that easier said then done, I've been in that situation. Just make sure Mom is taken care of, that's your job. Tracy, Has Macy made up a Christmas list yet? One of the local stations started playing their Christmas music the day after Halloween. I turned it on for hubby this evening. He rolled his eyes and walked away. I agree. It's too early for that. I love Christmas music, just not this early.
  4. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning. Cindy. I like your hair both ways. My younger sister has a head full of spiral curls. They go almost half way down her back. I would love to have her hair and she would give anything to trade with me. Just called and made an appointment with the podiatrist for tomorrow. Need to find out what is going on with my foot. Not a busy day for me except to work at the Hospital this evening. I had the most wildest dream last night and I really think they need to make it in to a movie. I wish I could figure out how to write it all down. Make it a good day.
  5. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    The guy who does our firewood stopped by Sunday. His truck died on him. So this Saturday, hubby and I are taking our truck out to his place and pick up the wood. I told hubby we had to do it this weekend or next, after that I'm out of commission. Very busy today. I worked and as I was leaving my Boss informed me that I was working this evening. I don't know how that happened. I checked the schedule at least 4 times and I swear my name was not there. So I go pick my sis up to take her to Wal-Mart. While there a co-worker texted me about her working tonight. I called her back and she said she was working. I told her I saw my name on the schedule. We can't figure out what is going on. Anyway she worked and I was happy. So I leave the store with my sis and take her to lunch and then home. I called my friend and then drove to meet her at Costco. We went to a consignment store that specializes in larger sizes. I actually got 2 tops in a 2X. It was a lot of fun and we were there for about 45 minutes trying things on. We went back to Costco where her car was getting tires fixed. We walked around and sampled a few things. I think we ended up spending about $35.00. It was a lot of fun. Drove home and picked hubby and we went and voted. So glad that is over with. I spent a few hours putting away all the Halloween stuff and putting out the Thanksgiving stuff. Washed my Flannel Sheets and put them on my bed. Fixed dinner for hubby and got me some yogurt. Now I'm chillin........Gonna watch the boob tube for awhile. Oh, and I think I might have a stress fracture in right foot. I guess I better call the Doc and see if I can get in. Just what I need.
  6. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat, my sister suffers with depression, or should I say that we all suffer from her depression. Seriously, we make arraingments and appointments and she ends up canceling because she is too tired. She complains all the time that she never gets to see her granddaughter. Well, they call to bring her oveer and she is too tired or not in the mood. Ok, don't be griping then. It gets real annoying with her and we have come to expect it when we have to deal with her. They called to do my pre-op this morning. She wanted to know when I coulld come in. I told her that we always did it over thephone and she told me that I would have to come in so they could do blood work. Ughhh. So a week from Thursday I go do that. They e-mailed me all the paperwork to have filled out to bring in. I'll be really glad when this one is over. 2 surgeries in one year is enough. I know I shouldn't complain, especially when there are people that have 10 to 15 surgeries in a year. At least I get to get pampered for a few days. My friend that was helping me get ready for my 5K called and wanted to know if I wanted to go walking with her again. I told her that the 5K was over with, that I didn't need to walk anymore. LOL. yeah right. So I just got back a little while ago from walking in 40 degree weather. Good thing I took some kleenex with me. The cold makes my nose run like crazy. Is Plain still tricking or treating????
  7. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning Guys. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did. Now it's back to work. I have a real light schedule this week. Yay. My neighbor brought her daughter over last night and I ended up leaving with them and walking thru the neighborhood. We had such a good time. Then we came back to my house so Bret could pass out candy. They stayed till 9pm and then headed home. Hubby had duty till we got back. Ended up having around 38 kids come by. Not bad but I still have a lot of candy left over. Guess I'll send it over to the nephews. Have a good one.
  8. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Shar, my niece and nephew lived at a lake about 150 miles from here and there was no trick or treating there. When they were about 4&5 years old, we brought them up to the city to go. The first few houses they didn't want any part of it, it scared them because they didn't know these people. By the third house they had caught on about the candy thing and then we couldn't keep up with them. They just thought that was too cool. They wore us out. I love those memories. Ashley, I'm so glad that you and your hubby were able to have a date night. How relaxing that sounded. I love those times when it's just the two of us and we can be silly and don't care. I have a pot of Ham and Beans cooking. I'll chop the onion when we get home and make the corn bread for it. It smells so good in here. Off to church and then come home and get the candy out for the little kids, yes I still have it hidden. :wink2:
  9. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN. The candy is coming out of the room soon and will be out the door then. No more in my house. Thank goodness. Busy day here today. Housework, Football, Church, Candy. Have fun everyone.
  10. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy, I kinda agree with you about taking Macy out trick or treating. I have a grandniece that is going to take after our side of the family. I told her mom that I would not be getting her Halloween candy, Christmas candy or Easter candy. That she was going to have a hard enough time when she got older, I just wasn't going to add to it. A lot of our Churches around here are doing stuff like having carnival rides and games. They also have the trunk or treat thing going so the kids won't miss out on that part. Good luck at the in-laws tomorrow. I know you will charm them. Hubby and I are home for a quiet evening.We stopped at Papa Murphy's after church and got dinner. Now it's nice and cozy for the evening. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  11. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning Peeps. I'm up and going to get ready for work here soon. I have a 3 hour shift to do and then clean the store. That way Monday morning I don't have to do it. I'll weigh here in a little bit but as of yesterday I was down 4 pounds. That's what happens when you have a stomach virus and can't eat for days. Tracy, my wish is that you have continued success. You are doing awesome. Ashley, have a gret time tonight no matter what you end up doing. Concentrate on just you and your husband and let the rest roll off. Anyone going to a party tonight? We were invited to one but are going to stay home. I guess I'm just not up to anything yet. Make it a good eating day.
  12. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey guys. I worked a full shift today and started out kind iffy. I walked over to the General store and got 2 bottles of 7up. As my shift was ending I could feel something start to move. Ok, I know. TMI-but my poor bathroom took the brunt of it, but I sure do feel a whole heck of a lot better. Whatever was in me is dead and gone now. Hubby and I went to Wal-Mart to get him a new shaver and by the time I got home I was feeling like I could eat something. Came home and warmed a can of soup. I had 2 bowls and crackers. Yup, I'm feeling good now.
  13. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I just finished eating 4 crackers and some 7up, now heading to bed. I have to work tomorrow so I'm hoping I wake up feeling a whole lot better. Night.
  14. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Debbie, I think we should Thank You for hanging with us. You are truly a blessing to this group.
  15. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey. Not doing too much better today. But I did manage to get in a take a shower. At least I smell better. Tracy, congrats on the -3lbs. How exciting.
  16. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Me and my 7up are headed back to bed. Wonder if I will sleep for 14 hours like I did last night. Hoping.
  17. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Well, so far I've had a half cup of chicken broth and it's settleing fine. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to my old self.
  18. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey guys, Thanks so much for the concern. We are all here, just not doing well. Sunday was a rest day from the walk. Boy my ankles were tender. But I bounced back fast from it. Monday morning I woke up a little quezy but did ok for the day. Then hubby called and wanted to know if I could pick him up some Flu medicine. As soon as he said that my tummy did the roll. So I came home and took care of him. Last night I crawled into bed at 9pm and slept for 14 hours. I've been in and out of bed all day long. My head is in a fog and I get dizzy real easy. My tummy is really uncomfortable and keeps rolling. I've kept down all the 7up I have been drinking. I just woke up a little while ago and hubby said my phone had been going off. Thanks for checking on me. Ok, back to bed. See ya soon when I'm feeling a little bit better..
  19. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I love random post. Keep up the good work. Tracy, Missouri beat #1 ranked Oklahoma last night. Love that college football. Beautiful day here.Took the kitties for a walk out back and then I got the male one to lay down and I covered him in leaves. Just wish I'd had my camera at the time. It was too cute.
  20. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    MIZZOU, Sorry, just had to do that. Kat, anymore news??? I hope you were able to get some sleep last night.
  21. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat, I was reading your first post and was starting to freak out. Then I got to the second one and my heart is now back in my chest and not my throat. Still very scary though. I will keep Rick in my prayers till he is home safe with you. Hugs.
  22. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Home from my very first 5K. Bo am I going to feel this one for a few days. I couldn't get over how hilly it was. Seemed like the whole time we were walking up a hill. But it's done and we didn't even take the short cut. Hope you like the pics.
  23. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy, that's a loss. Even as small as it is, if you add all those losses up you get a huge number. Keep up the good work. We all know how hard it is. Home from the gym. Today is going to be a do nothing day. Well, not quite. The neighbor and I going out for margaritas later this afternoon.
  24. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Shar, that is one of my favorites to snack on when I have a craving. It always seems to satisfy my cravings and if you eat it slow enough it stays with you. I'm home from taking sis grocery shopping. The weather is absolutely lovely here today. Nice day for a walk. But I have to go to work so no walking for me. But I'm gonna go out and enjoy what I can for a little while. We have a storm heading our way and the next 3 days will be cold and rainy. Debbie, I have a question for you if it's ok. How do you know where to put the cursor at? I got to thinking about how you would know where to click on to. Have a great day and Tracy, have strength.
  25. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning everyone. Welcome Ashley, I'm Suzanne and I live in Missouri. I've been banded since "06" and lost 200 pounds but gained back about 20 after a recent surgery. I'm back to losing again, very slowly. I hope you stay around and keep us posted on how things go. This training for the 5K is going to kill me. Yesterday we did 4 miles and then I had to work last night. So this morning I took some Aleve and will take a rest day. Tomorrow it's the gym and do my upper body exercises. I was just thinking that if Trey came up here and stalked me, I would probably come in first place in the 5K. Think it might work?????

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