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Everything posted by Suziecat

  1. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hey, You guys forgot to remind me that yesterday was CTCD. I didn't stray real far but I could have done a whole lot better. Up early this morning to head to the Y to go swimming than off to Curves to exercise. Today is my day to give blood for my monthly check. After all of that, we are going to go drop off the peanut butter fudge I made for a cousin and than to the cemetery. Gonna clean my parents headstone and make sure that the wreath I ordered is there. Everyone have a great day and "TGIF". Hope all of you have time off for the Holiday's and are able to get some much needed rest. Jennifur-- HUGS and more HUGS to you.
  2. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Finished my training today at Curves. Next week they will give me a key to the door. I'm on my own now. January 4th. will be my first day solo. A few times while the girls are working out I have mentioned that I have lost 130 pounds, you should see the looks on their faces. It's priceless. I get a kick out of but I also tell them that it's a good incentive for them to keep working out. TracyKs- What a handsome family you have. You are a princess and I love the new pic. Did you read the list that Johnathon put on the Malley website? I've also lost a baby giraffe. Ouch. Pam- Glad you're up nad moving a little bit. I love to do crafts and I am usually taking a class somewhere to learn new things. Last year my friend Judy and I took basket weaving. We had a blast. This year we took Gourd decorating. My favorite is counted cross stitch. You should see some of the pictures I have done. Not the usual little pictures but the bigger wedding and birth announcement, antique and christmas scenes. I even took a knitting class but I need to do a lot more practicing on that. Some day I'm going to conqouer crocheting.
  3. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Haydee- I noticed the difference right away. You must be so proud of yourself. You look beautiful. Mazie- Your Mom is in my thoughts and prayers. Here's hoping all is well and she is up and about soon. Off to work today. I have 2 more days of training and than they will hand the keys to the door over to me. Yikes. Everyone have a great day.
  4. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Finished my gourd decorating. Glad I only tried to make one. It's a lot of work and I'm pooped and tired. I'm gonna try to send a pic. I hope it works out. Sorry if the pics are to big. I tried to downsize them.
  5. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I'm up and going to get ready to go swimming. Long day ahead of me but I need to get things done. Pam, I have been watching "All my Children" since about 1972. I don't remember how I got hooked on it but it's the first entery on my DVR. Even hubby knows not to disturbe me while I'm watching it. I knew we had some kinda of conection. "AMC" & Tequila. Everyone have a great day.
  6. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Long day today, started out with dr.'s appointmnet at 8:30. He kept telling me over and over that there is nothing wrong with my heart. That all the test came out great and it looks really good. They are now thinking that I just have some arthritis in my chest. I left there and went to my Weight Watchers meeting and had a great weigh-in. From there I went to pick up my sis to take her to her Dr.s appointment. Than to the grocery store to get her prescriptions and a few groceries. Had to go back to Doc's office to pick up an order I forgot and than took sis home. Came home and worked on homemade ornaments to hand out to family when they come here for Christmas eve. Than turned around and went back to sis's for pot luck dinner at her apartment building. This is a party the have each month for birthdays. Now home and watching "Clash of the choirs". Tomorrow I'm finishing up a gourd that I am decorating for my Aunt and than I am almost done with gifts. Will be glad when this is all over. I just now need to get started on my baking. Gonna settle down and get caught up on my soap I can't help it, I've been watching it since I was in Junior High. Need to take my shoes off first and put the leg rest up on the recliner. Everyone have a great evening and talk to you tomorrow.
  7. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Judy, Love the socks, Love the snow, Love the sweatshirt and Love the Angel. I showed hubby your snow pic and he's glad he didn't have to shovel that. I bought him a snow blower about 10 years ago and I had to stop him from doing everyones driveways. He was having to much fun and of course you don't think any of the neighbors would stop him. Goof ball. Made chex-mix today and wish someone would come and get it. I've eaten about a cup of it off and on and I'm stuffed. Not sure I'll be able to do dinner. Have a great evening and I'll check in tomorrow. :) :Banane11: :Banane08:
  8. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Judy-- I kind of have that same problem with thinking that I'm still a larger size. How happy you must have been to find that the top fit you. Don't forget to take a picture for us. Also, what are these little angel charms you are talking about? Kat-- Loved reading that story and tell Kinsey for us that even though we have never met or seen her, we think she is just beautiful. That was so touching for the Santa to have said those things to her. How sweet. Hubby just got the fireplace going for me. It's bitter here this morning. Right now 14 degrees. We ended up getting more snow in the afternoon. I went to lunch with the girls from work and it snowed the whole time. We I went to leave hubby caled and said he was worried. I told him I would call every ten minutes. It was a mess and there was so much traffic out. Even as awful as it was, we were still moving along at a pretty good speed. Took me about an extra 15 minutes to get home. We shoveled the driveway and laid down some salt. It was freezing out. Jane-- Stay safe in the snow you are getting. If you have to get out, just take it nice and slow. TracyKS-- How much snow did you guys end up getting? We only got about 2 and a half inches here. Everyone have a great day and I'll check in later.
  9. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    For 2 days now the weather people have been warning about a snow system coming thru. They said we would be getting 5-7 inches of snow. So you can imagine what the stores have been like. My sis & her hubby went to Wal-mart last night around 7pm and said it was way beyond packed. Now, everyone is shopped and home safe just waiting for all this snow. I would love to have that job. Just call what ever I want and it's ok. I woke up around 3am to go tinkle and thought I would look out the window. Nothing. I finally woke up at 7am and we have a light dusting of snow. We should have remembered to old rule. "If they are calling for it. We won't get it." Crazy nuts. I'm kinda glad we didn't get it. We are having our Christmas luncheon for work today. The boss is taking us to "On the Border." Love that mexican food. I'm looking forward to my chicken taco. I ate aweful yesterday. Ate everything I shouldn't have. I didn't eat alot of it, I just ate bad stuff. Finally by dinner time I was kicking my butt for it. So after frying up 2lbs. of bacon for BLT's for the family, I fixed a big bowl of salad to go with it and ate that for my dinner. I did take a few strips and broke them up on my salad. Don't have a clue what got into me yesterday. Sometimes I just feel like "I'm done". I'm done with all the dieting and all the being good and just having to watch what I eat. I've been at this for about 19 months know and I just want to be able to eat like normal people. I just want to be able to go to a restaurant and order like normal people. But I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not normal. If I was I woulnd't be where I am. I wouldn't have gained all of this weight. So I just need to keep reminding my self that it is going to be worth the wait. Incase I forgot to tell you guys today. I LOVE MY BAND. The fireplace is finally going and one of the kitties is laying in front of it. My chair is the closes to it and that's fine with me. Keeps my feetzies nice and warm. Everyone have a great day and stay safe with all this wacky weather going on.
  10. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I also do the hiccupy thing after I eat. It's weird though. It's a hiccup but now it has like a squeak with it. Hubby always gets a kick out of it. Getting ready to go swim and than off to Curves. They are calling for a big snow storm starting later tonight. So I guess I better get to the store to get some kitty food. Everyone have a great day. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I LOVE MY BAND.
  11. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Did I mention that I LOVE MY BAND? :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  12. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Laura, Love your picture. You are to cute and those jeans look great, that ornament is gorgeous. TracyKS, what a little cutie. Looks like a heart breaker to me. And you look wonderful in your pics. Worked at Curves today. My brain is on overload from all the computer work I am having to learn. Hope I retain all of it. My NSV is, last year I had bought a really nice sweatshirt jacket at the beginning of winter. At the time it just barely snapped around me. I wore it all winter and than stored it away for summer. When I went to put it on at the beginning of this winter I stuck my hands in the pockets and wrapped both arms around my front and overlapped the jacket by a huge amount. At the time when I realized what I had done, I was home by myself and didn't have anyone to show but I do remember almost being in tears. One other thing is and I think I have mentioned this before. I don't feel like people stare at me as much as they used too. I don't get that "Look at the circus lady" look anymore. Or at least I'm not noticing it. I'm feeling more comfortable about going out to places. I have also noticed that we seem to use the booths more often instead of the table and chairs. I"M LOVING MY BAND. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Did I mention that I LOVE MY BAND? LOVE IT LOVE IT. Everyone have a great evening.
  13. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hi Girls, Was up and ready and out the door this morning. Had to go for the second part of my stress test today. This was the easy part. The one where they just inject you with the heart tracer, you wait 40 minutes and then lay on the x-ray table for 15 minutes. Up and out of there and off to breakfast. When we got home, you will not believe this-- We finally got around to putting up our Christmas decorations. Yes you got that right. We are the ones who wait till 2 weeks before to put everything up. Anyway, got it all up and than cleaned. Now I'm just pooped. Trying to figure out what to have for dinner tonight. Something easy I guess. Have any of you read the article in the "ladies Home Journal"? It's from the January 2008 edition. It's titled "The New Diet Foods". One of you needs to read it and tell me if I read it right. According to the article we are supposed to eat meat and to stay away from Carbs. No bread, chips, potatoes, bagels, cereal, pretzels, crackers. Bananas? Apples? Green peas? None of that stuff. I had just read this right after I had just had a baked potato for dinner. It list good foods and bad foods. Now I more sadder. "Carbohydrates, not fat, are the cause of being overweight because eating carbs engineers your body to accumulate fat. The fewer carbs we eat, the leaner we will be." "Obesity is not caused by eating too much and certainly not by eating too much fat." (????????????????????) Now I'm more stupid. You have got to get this article and read it. I would love to see this person in person. Maybe I could explain a few things to them. Oops, just saw that the author is a guy. Gary Taubes. Go figure. Ok, one more thing before I leave. Remember I told you at Thanksgiving that my sister had given me a box of chocolates? Hershey's Pot-of-Gold to be exact. Well, I want you to know that the box is still sitting on the kitchen counter unopen. Yeah Me. It is starting to look alot more tempting. I'll be strong.
  14. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Sitting here in front of the fire trying to stay warm. Looking out at all the ice we got. Even as much as we got I think we got more rain but everything is frozen and tree branches are hanging low. As far as I know Tracy is getting it worse than we are. Did manage to get out this morning to take my sister to her Doctor's appointment. We went to breakfast and than to Hobby Lobby. Roads were all clear and no accidents around here. That's probably due to the fact that they cancelled school for most of the state today. Laura, my sister had that test done and cussed us out when she came out from having it done. She was mad that we didn't tell her what they were going to do. She did say that no matter how bad it was that she was sure glad she got it done. Do try to talk to your doctor about it. He will ease your nervousness about it. Michelle. Congrats on the SV. You Go Girl.
  15. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Just checking in. I need to go charge my laptop because we have a major ice storm headed this way. Should be in here in about an hour. Don't want to take the chance of loosing power and not having my Violets to talk to. Hubby brought in the firewood and I stopped at Trugreen and got 2 bags of salt. Even stopped and picked up some milk for "just in case". Kat- You had my heart racing when I was reading your story. That was too scary. Glad everyone is home and safe. Everyone have a great evening and I'll check in from time to time.
  16. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Oh, one more thing.. Jane-:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  17. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Kat- Any news on the guys yet? I'm still holding them in my prayers. Tracy- You don't know how sad I was to have missed you yesterday. It sounds like you had the best time though. What a great weekend you two had. I do know that commercial and can't figure out which one I would want. More or Better? Hmmmmm. They are both so cute. Just stayed in all day and did computer work for my job. Baked a few cookies for the family and watched a movie. Not much of a day. Just nice a cozy. Everyone have a great week.
  18. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Terry- I didn't see any fat girl in those pictures. I see a really beautiful lady though. Those are great pictures, wish mine looked that good. Suzanne is so sad right now.:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry I was supposed to go to our Doctor's support meeting today and I was going to finally meet Tracy there. I can't go. The weather has turned bad and there is ice everywhere. They are showing on the news that the Interstate that I would be taking is closed right where I need to get off. There are accidents all over the place. I'm not afraid to drive in snow but ice is another story. Wasn't sure if Tracy was going to check in here before she left so I decided to call her at home. She has such a sweet voice(just like her pics). I told her I would meet her next month at the meeting. Had my camera all charged and ready to go. BooHoo I'm so sad. Decided since I couldn't get out that I would get my snowman flannel sheets out and wash them and put them on the bed. Maybe that would perk me up. Maybe make some cookies later for the family. I'm so sad.
  19. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Jane- What's the sleep study for? Are you having problems now or have you had them for a long time? I know alot of people got the lap-band because the insurance companies listed it as a requisite for the surgery. I have never had a problem like that for sleeping. My problem is people waking me up. Example-hubby waking me at 1:30 to tell me I have a text message, kitties running across the bed, hubby nudging me to find out what time I want to get up. You catch the drift? Anyway, I hope all goes well with the study and they find what is going on. Good Luck.
  20. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Judy My Twin- Sorry you feel so yucky. That's the bad thing about this time of year. It's too easy to get sick. Laura, I can't believe you don't like mexican food. I'll eat it 3 meals a day if I could. Guess growing up in L.A. does that to you. Our company Christmas dinner is at "On the Border" and I can't hardly wait. Finally got all my cards addressed and stamped. Now I just have to mail them. Probably do that Monday. Looks like the weather is going to be nasty here this weekend so I'm going to stay in as much as I can. I do plan on going to meet up with TracyinKS tomorrow morning. I'll take my camera and post the pictures as soon as I can. I've already picked out my outfit for the meeting. Pamela- What's the latest on Susanne? Is she home yet. You be awfully carefull. Don't be driving if you don't need to. Have a great evening.
  21. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Pam-- I got your card today allso. That is too funny. Thanks.
  22. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Note to self. Proof read postings.
  23. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Denise- The outfit is just too cute and you look adorable weraring it. I agree, Tracy has good taste. TracyKS- I will post tomorrow morning by 9am to let you know if I am going to the support group meeting. I want to keep an eye on the weather. I hope it's ok, I'm wanting to meet you so bad. Woke up late this morning and didn't get to go to the Y. So I'm off to go to Curves here pretty soon. Than I have to go pick up meds for my older Sis and take them to her(she can't drive). And the off to the hospital to go check on my little Sis. She was admitted yesterday. She has 4 disinegrated disc in her back and is awaiting surgery. She is just having some complications from her meds right now so they admitted her. Than it's back home to finish my Christmas cards. I keep thinking aout doing some Christams candy and goodies but I keep thinking if it's here I'll jsut eat it.So I'm putting off doing any of that stuff. Maybe the week before Christams I'll do it. Don't need to tempt myself anymore than I have too. Seems everywhere I go everyone has plates of stuff for you to eat. I trying real hard to remember how I made it thru last Christmas. Thought that might help me this year. I just need to keep my hands in my pockets. Everyone have a great day.
  24. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Just recieved this in an e-mail. Too funny. Onions and Christmas Trees A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?" The father, surprised, answers , "Well, son, there are three kinds of breasts. In her 20's, a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30's to 40's, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions". "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry." This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mum, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his 20's, his willie is like an oak tree, ? Mighty and hard. In his 30's and 40's, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50's, it is like a Christmas tree". "A Christmas tree?" "Yes, dear - dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration." :laugh :laugh :laugh :laugh :laugh :laugh :laugh :laugh
  25. Suziecat

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Pam, Just read about Susanne. That is so scary.I know you must be in a panic right now. Being so far away is very hard. I will keep both of you in my prayers.

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