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Everything posted by Suziecat

  1. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Michelle, good luck with the Doc. Hope you get some satisfaction from your visit. Kat, I hate when things are one sided. That happens alot around here. Seems Darrell and I do everything while the others just sit back. That's why I didn't feel guilty being gons so long. Let them do for themselves. There is a funeral tomorrow at our church so I ran to the store and bought Ham, Turkey, Angel food cake, cookies and bread to take over to church. I stopped by Wal-Greens and took my camera card in and had pics made for some of the pictures. Got all the bug juice washed off the van and vaccumed out. A few other things and now I'm back home again to relax for a little till we start mowing this evening. This morning on GMA the did an episode on Teen and young adults struggling with Obesity. One got the sleeve and one got the Band. They are both happy with their choices and would do it all over again. It was a good little story.
  2. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning girls. Back to reality this morning. At 6:30am hbby is standing next to the bed shaking me. Time to get up and hit the gym. Sometimes I just want to hate him so bad. So up I get, feed the kitties, drink my hot chocolate, get dressed and head to the gym. I walked and rode for 2 miles and then did arm exercises. Done, I'm pooped. I did really good with my eating yesterday even with it being Hubby's birthday. I have that 5K coming up in October and I really need to get geared up for it. Today is car cleaning. Might take hours. You should see all the dead bugs on the grill. We did our best to rid the world of this burden. There might even be an alien on there. Looks like we made it out of Texas in time. Looks like you guys are gonna get some heavy rains. I was really amazed at the amount of humidity was there but then I realized that you were really close to the Gulf. Sounds like you guys might be having a small get together. I would love to be a part of it. But this trip cost us a small fortune. So hubby and I decided to save up and hopefully make the trip to the North East next year. We would love to see NY City and some of those states up that way. We can also stop and see Jenn while up there. Lots of new shows starting this week. Looking forward to them. Not sure why, my DVR is loaded with stuff I still need to watch from last year. Make it a good one.
  3. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning girls. We are Home. Oh it feels so good. Missed my bed and pillow and the kitties have followed us everywhere. Darrell headed to the garage a little while ago and they got really upset, thought he was leaving again. We did make it to Muskogee with the intention of spending the night there. So we went to a really good BBQ place to get something to eat and we talked about how we were only 4 1/2 hours away from home and that we could be walking thru our front door by 8:30pm. So off we took. Darrell drove and I napped. When we got to Carthidge Mo. I took over driving. By the time we got to K.C. it was storming like crazy, helped washed some of the bug juice off the front of the van. Thank You so much Kat, Terri, Tracy and Angela. I really wished we could have spent more time with you guys, but I will take the few hours that I got. What a true treasure it was. Memories to last me forever. Michelle, when my nephew was about 7 he started playing in the football league here. The videos are so funny of those little boys. What cracked us up was that the boys would all be running down the field chasing the kid with the ball and here would come Luke, skipping along. It was too funny to see. I love those memories. Enjoy all of their games. Ok, off to the store. Today is Darrell's birthday and he wants a meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy. Besides, it's our first home cooked meal in 3 weeks. :thumbup:
  4. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    That seriously was too much fun. Darrell and I laughed so hard we had tears coming down. Tracy, It was such a pleasure to spend time with Macy. Next time I buy a lottery ticket I will call the little see-looker and ask her for the numbers. Tomorrow it's off to Muskogee, Ok. That will put us about 4 1/2 hours from home. We should get home in time to watch the Chiefs game on Sunday. It's been a great 3 weeks. I thank God for evey minute that Darrell and I got to share on this journey and I hope we have many more. But most I thank God for the chance to meet some of the most amazing people. Kat & Rick, Thank you for opening your house and your hearts and letting us be a part of it. Darrell really enjoyed meeting Rick and seeing the shop. Next time we will stay long enough to spend time so Kinsey can get to know some people from Missouri. Terri, it was such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to fit us in. I won't look at a quilt again without thinking of you. Tracy and Frank, Not sure if I can find words to say to let you know what a great time we had. Thank you for opening your home and your hearts and letting us be a small part of your lives. Macy, Thank God for you. You are too sweet for words. I hope some day you overcome your shyness :thumbup:. Angela, I wasn't sure what to expect in meeting you but whatever it was sure wasn't what we got. You are a true delight, such a great personality and I look forward to getting to know you better. Now it's back to reality. Work calls and I really need some clean laundry. 3 weeks on the road, I need a portable washer and dryer. I can't wait to see my kitties faces when we walk thru the door. The last 3 days my sister has been calling and texting me to come home. She says the house just wasn't meant for us to be gone so long.
  5. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    All's I can say is "OMG".
  6. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Geting ready to head out the door for an evening with T&A (LOL, I love it). Wish me and Darrell luck. I feel that Twang coming on.:thumbup:
  7. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Macy HAS to be there. I already missed Kinsey.
  8. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Up and trying to get my butt moving. I think I'm starting to get worn out, This has been a long trip. T&A, I'll call as I get closer. I'll let you guys figure out where to go to eat. As long as they have beer, it will be fine with us. We will be stopping at the Alamo on our way, so look for us around 5pmish. Yesterday at Carlsbad Caverns, we walked in and bought our tickets and then went and got our audio guide. At no time did anyone say anything about how strenuous the walk would be. We get outside to the trail and there is a sign that says if you have had open heart surgery, knee or hip surgery that they strongly suggest you not take the tour. That it is over a mile of steep walking. So we walk all the way down to the tour guide and she is waiting on us. There is about 8 other people. She starts out saying that if anyone has had hip or knee surgery in the last 18 months that they should not take this tour. So I tell her that I had had my spine operated on and she wanted to know when. I told he about 2 months ago. Her eyes lit up and she told me in no way should I be there. So Darrell and I walk all the way back up the hill and go inside. We go over to turn out audios in and the lady looks at us like "didn't you guys just get these"? We told her that they wouldn't let me take the tour because of the surgery. So she tells us to just take the elevator,:thumbup:. Sure would have been nice if they had explained all of this before we had made that big long ass walk down the trail and then back up. So then you get in this elevator and it takes you 75 floors down into the cave. Not for the weak person. It was a very fast trip. 1 minute to get down there. We ended up taking the short trail and that was at least an hour to get thru it. And by the time we were thru with that we were exhausted. But I have to admit that it was all worth it. What a beautiful place. Worth the hassle. Off to go dry my hair. Have a great day.
  9. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Do they serve Margarita's there????
  10. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    DAMN, Texas is BIG.
  11. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning, I need to get in and take my shower and get my butt moving. Lots to do today. Looking forward to that southern drawl. I talked to my sister last night and I guess the weather has been horrible since we left. We should have closed the pool before we left. So I'm hoping that the weather will warm up a little when we get home so we can get that done. That way no one will have to get into a really cold pool. Guess that what the nephews are for, LOL. Looking forward to seeing Tracy and Angela. Should be tomorrow evening or the next day.
  12. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    One of the Aliens found me, see what I mean. LOL.
  13. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    We finally made it here to Carlsbad. If New Mexico is this big I'm afraid to think about how big Texas is. Tracy and Angela, we are going to tour the Caverns in the morning then head out for Texas. We will drive till about 5pm and find a place to stay then the next day drive into San Antonio. We will go to the Alamo and then figure out when we will head for Houston. I wish I could narrow it down a little more for you but this is all new territory for both of us and we are enjoying the sites. I'll give you a call tomorrow night and let you know where we are staying. Kat, that is funny that Rick also noticed. I even noticed the hand gestures. We always seemed to have our arms folded at the same time or on the table at the same time. We made it thru Roswell today and I am for one very glad we are out of there. :wub: Just wasn't looking forward to an anal probe tonight in my sleep. Darrell cracked up at me the whole time we were there. It was just giving me the creeps. I get very spooked by that stuff. :eek6: No scary movies late at night for me. LOL. :alien:
  14. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Up and showered. Long drive ahead of us and we will be leaving soon. Kat and Terri, I had such a wonderful time last night. Thanks for sharing with me and Darrell. One thing I noticed is that Terri and I have the same mannerisms. We had the same remarks to stories being told. It was like an echo and I was getting a kick out of it. As much as I am enjoying my travels, I sure miss my bed and look forward to being in it soon. Jenn, hopefully some day soon I can make it your way.
  15. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Back to our motel room. Had a blast an am so glad we decided to do this. Well worth it. The guys did have a good time and I know I enjoyed myself. Pics to follow soon also. Darrell is trying to decide if we should go onto Houston, he said he's worried about Tracy and he infamous accent. He hopes he will be able to understand her without a translator. Off to bed so we can it up early in the morning. Long haul for us the next few days. Night all.
  16. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Debbie, here's me. I'm 52 years old and show every minute of this life. I'm scarred from head to toe from a very active childhood. When I was younger I was a toehead, right now only my hairdresser knows my real color. I think it's a dark blonde mixed with a lot of gray. Right now it's a light blonde with highlights. I'm 5'7'', down from 5'9. That's what age does to you. NO tattoo's and never will have one. I'm fascinated by them, just don't care to have one. Ears are pierced. Only one hole is open on each ear, the other has closed after years of not using them. I'm built like my dad and look a lot like he did. With my weight loss my shape has change a lot. Instead of being all round, I am now pear shape. Smaller on the top then the bottom. I'm not a small person as I still have a lot of weight to lose. However I not only ashamed to admit that I have lost 200 pounds but I am also proud that I have lost it. But I have a little ways to go. Then hopefully I will get some nip and tucking done here and there. Hubby would like the chest done first as he is a boob man. I'm an occasional drinker but I make it sound like I'm an everyday drinker. I usually have a drink on my birthday or holidays or special occasions. My husband and I are both retired. He left Ford Motor Co. after 30 years of service and I took early retirement from GE Transportation. We had a pool put in our backyard and practically live in it all summer long. We travel when we feel like it and are now actually on the road. My niece got married Labor Day weekend in Camarillo Cal. and we drove out there for the wedding. I visited with old high school friends and stayed with some cousins while there. We drove to San Diego and toured the USS Midway. Also we spent a day at Disneyland and had a blast. I wish the I had known before hand how close you were to us. I would have stopped by to see you. We are on our way home via Kat and Terri's and then thru to Houston to visit Tracy and Angela. Some day I hope to make it to N.Y. to visit Jenn. That's me. I enjoy life and like to experience as much as I can. Hubby is not always willing so I usually leave him home and go do things myself. Don't need all the nagging and whining going on. We have no children but I have 2 sisters that are both handicapped. My older sister is mentally handicapped and I have custody of her. She's a handful an keeps me busy. My younger sister is physically handicap, her and her husband live with us. My brother lives in the L.A. area with his wife and 3 kids. Anything else you need to know just ask. I'm willing to share.
  17. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    :drum: :party:I'm only 11 miles from Kat and Terri, can you hear :tt2: the excitment in my post?????????? :wub: :thumbup:
  18. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning girls. Gonna finish our coffee then hit the road again. Watch out Kat, we are on our way. Dinner and your place sounds good to us. We wre going to do a little sight seeing on our way. Have a great day.
  19. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    :party:Yes, WiFi again. We are here in Flagstaff. Got here about an hour ago and have been settling in. Big ball game tonight (for us Chiefs fans). But it's good to be off the road for awhile. I called Kat this morning and told her we are on our way. We should be knocking on Kat and Ricks door sometime tomorrow evening. I sure hope Terri can make it. T&A. depending on when we get away from Kat will determine when we will be in your neighborhood. You guys are lucky, we plan on spending 2 nights in your area. There's a few things we want to see while there. We had such a wonderful time so far on our trip and it was hard leaving my brother. But it was so good to see him and the family. We have a list of things we did while there that is about a mile long. I'm pooped and my feet are sore. My blisters have blisters. But it's all good. Can't wait to get home and comfortable and then I can spend time writing about our adventure. And post pics. Hello Shar. Chat with you soon.
  20. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning girls. Angela, I have a few of those shirts. But since surgery I have gained about 20 pounds. So that is my excuse. Once I get home from vacation it is back to the grind stone. Need to get back to losing again. Well, we are off to Oceanside today. Gonna go visit a cousin and spend the night with her and her family.We will also do some sightseeing. Then tomorrow it is back to my brothers for about 4 days. I hate that things are winding down but I don't have one complaint about all that we have done so far. Yes I do have one complaint. Last sunday my best friend from high school drove down to our hotel to meet with me. I haven't seen her in over 33 years. So her and her husband and her mom came and met us for brunch. We had such a lovely time and it was so good seeing them. They no sooner left and I got back to my room and realized that my camera was in my pocket. I didn't get one picture of us together. I wrote to her and told her how sad I was and she said the same thing. That she had brought hers and never thought about it. I said on my part that it was probably a good thing since I had been up till 2am drinking and had gotten up at 7am that morning and that I probably looked horrible anyways. Oh well.
  21. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    And I forgot to mention one of the most amazing things to me. I actually fit in all the rides I could not have done this several years ago. Even all the walking I have done today would have been impossible. What a great feeling.
  22. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I was going thru the pictures from today and ran across this one. I have set it as my wallpaper. We were sitting and waiting for the parade to start and I had asked a girl to take our picture. Much to my surprise as I was viewing the pic I saw what it said. It's right there between us. I hollered at Darrell to look and we were both amazed. How cool it turned out to be. Hope you guys like it.
  23. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Just got in our room and I am DOG tired. I mean really tired. We have had such a good time and I am so impressed with Darrell, he's a real trouper. He did everything from Mr. Toads Wild ride to It's a small world. He really like the Pirates of the Carribean which I thought would be his favorite. What turned out to be the best ride he went on was the won I screamed my fool head off. I was screaming and laughing at the same time. The girls in the seat behind me were cracking up. It was so much fun. It was called Thunder Mountain and it was a really wild ride. I wanted to go back. He even stayed and watched the parade with me. I'll post pick later. Too tired to download them right now. We did have one little mishap. We decided to take the train that goes all the way around the park and as we were walking up the stairs, I didn't lift my foot high enough and hit the step and I couldn't recover fast enough and down I went. I'm ok, nothing broke or skined but I am going to be really sore tomorrow. So as soon as we got back to the room I took a muscle relaxer and right before I turn in I will take a vicodin. Tomorrow is going to hurt. Tracy, you better get to feeling better and get rid of that bug before I head that way or I'm only going to meet up with Angela. Kat, my nose gets like that some times. I hate it because you can't grab a kleenex fast enough. Ok guys. I may not be able to post for awhile. I'll be staying with other people and am not sure how the internet thing will go. And when I get back to my brothers, I will have no service. So it may not be till we get back on the road. Kat, I will call you when we leave so that you know. Looks like we will be headed out Monday morning, so look for us Tuesday. I'll keep you posted on our progress. And keep Terri posted. All of you take care and I will check in when I can. Hugs to you.
  24. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey girls. Still enjoying ourselves. Not even tired of this kind of life yet. Let's see how a day at Disneyland works for us. Here is some pics. Darrell and I at Disneyland. We were taking each others picture and a lady walked by and asked if we wanted her to take a pic. She handed our camera to her husband. He did a good job. And we got the camera back, lol. The rest are of the wedding. Catie and her Dad (my brother). And on of the family. It was such a beautiful wedding and there were no problems. No ringing phones or vows that awkward (lol, Angela). Everyone had a great time and the Bride was stunning. My other niece's boyfriend drives for Dryer's ice cream. I proceeded to inform him that in order to make and keep Aunt Suzie happy was to keep her supplied in chocolate chip ice cream. Next weekend I might be very busy with a spoon. Hope you guys are doing good. Wish I had time to be on here more, that will come in a few weeks. Right now it's vacation time and soaking up everything we can. See ya soon.
  25. Suziecat

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Finally, some WiFi. Hi Debbie, welcome to the group. Darrell and I just checked-in to the Disneyland Hotel. This place is wonderful. Too much for me to read right now so I will read it later this evening while I'm resting. We are doing great and having a ball. Hope all is well with everyone and I will check in soon.

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