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Everything posted by Suziecat

  1. There's an airport close by. There's tons of Hotels. There an amuzement park inside the mall. You would definately get our exercise in. I drove thru that area several years ago and I remeber how big the area was and that there looked like a lot of things to do. Mall of America - Home Mystic Lake Casino Hotel: The Only Casino Hotel in Minneapolis MN Save on Bloomington Hotels – Book Minneapolis Hotels & Twin Cities Hotels Tenant Profile Underwater Adventures® Aquarium
  2. I'm Gonna be the next American Idol. :) :smash: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :w00t:
  3. How about Mall of America? SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP.
  4. :blush2: :blush2: :blush2: My stripper name is "Schimmy Sue". :blush2: :blush2: :blush2: :smile: :Banane28: :Banane28: :Banane28: :cool::Banane28: :eek:
  5. "What made Susan Lively made Peter Panec". That was our saying in High School.
  6. Question? I keep reading in all the mags with all the articles on "Diets" and one thing they seem to all have incommon is that they all recommend that you keep a journal of what you eat. Write it down. Even Weight Watchers is big on that. So, does anyone here do that? Do any of you keep a record of what you eat? Let me know your thoughts on this.
  7. Jennifer-- Bother us all you want. That is why we are here. Getting things off your chest and out of your mind is one way of making your life run smoother. We need that because we need to concentrate on our weight issues. And if yours are like mine, that's a full time job. Don't even think that we don't care. We really do. Hugs to you for a better day. :hug: :mad: :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug:
  8. I swear something is wrong with my brain. Yesterday at work I told Jill when I relieved her to "Have a great weekend". She just looked at me like I was nuts. She said you do know it's Monday. So, even though tomorrow is not an official CTCD. Do it anyway. And don't forget about the water.
  9. This is just something for you to think about but how about Tracy and I look for something here in the KC area. If you've never been here you would also be amazed. There is tons here to do And get this, we are located right smack in the middle of all of you. Give it a thought. Kisses and Hugs, Suzanne.
  10. Wow, Tracy doing exercises. Gonna mark my calendar. Just got home from my Scripture Study group and found out that one of our girls in the group had some horrible news. Her 20 month old granddaughter had died. Her father laid her down for the night and the next morning they went in to get her and she was dead. After the class I went up to her and told her "Thank You for coming". I gave her a really nice long hug. I told her I didn't know what to say to her. That I couldn't imagine what the family was going thru. She said I didn't need to say anything, that the hug was just what she needed. It's times like that when I remind myself that I don't have it so bad. I've lost people in my life but to lose a baby. That's just unimagineable. Keep this family in your prayers. Ok, Don't forget that tomorrow is CTCD. And I want to tell you all how proud I am of for doing your water intake. Keep up the good work. Hugs to all of you, Suzanne.
  11. That was one of the first things I noticed. It was in my face and especially in my neck. I actually have a neck now and you can start to see my collar bones. I have also started to notice in my thighs.
  12. Don't want to scare you guys, but I am going to post some pictures. The one where I'm in the gray sweatshirt was taken Thanksgiving day. The one in the red shirt was taken today. Actually I took it before I read the posting on wearing red. How phsycic am I? I know I still have a long ways to go but it sure is a whole lot easier with the Band.
  13. For a split second I thought Denise was posting another sonogram. I had to take a double look at that.
  14. Denise-- I was so busy looking at the haircuts that I didn't even notice you were naked as a jaybird. Are you teasing us? Love the haircuts on all of you.
  15. Kat-- So glad that your home and that Dad is doing great. Just give it time and hopefully all will be back the same. That is so cool about finding your old classmate. What were the odds? Just think of what both of you will look like when you walk into the HS reunion. The story of your Mom was a hoot. I got it right off the bat. Funny how she was thinking, well I guess she just wasn't thinking. Poor thing, she's been thru so much the last couple of weeks. Once again- glad your home.
  16. Subject: Norwegian Diet A Norwegian was terribly overweight, so his doctor put him on a diet. 'I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you should have lost at least 5 pounds. When the Norwegian returned, he shocked the Doctor by having lost nearly 25 POUNDS! 'Why, that's amazing!' the Doctor said, 'You followed my instructions?' The Norwegian nodded and said...'I'll tell you though, I taut I was gonna drop dead dat 3rd day. ' 'From hunger, you mean? 'No, yust from all dat friggin skippin'!'
  17. Today at the support meeting the nutristionlist said that we could get our water intake from drinking water with CL, tea, coffee. She preferred thatwe just get used to the taste of water but we could try putting a slice of lemon or lime in our drink. Anything that wouldn't add empty calories was fine with her.
  18. Just got up and sitting here trying to warm up. Hubby just got the fireplace going. I need to get in and take a shower. There is a support group meeting at my Doc's at 10am. and I think I'm gonna go to it. Kit-- So glad to hear from you. When I got into bed last night I realized that we hadn't heard from you and I said a prayer that all had turned out well. I understand about the speech thing. My Mom suffered from TIA's and we would occasionally have to deal with that. Good Luck to you and your whole family. And how exciting that you will be meeting a new bandster. You will good at guiding them thru the procedure and mentoring them. Make sure you send them our way. We will have a big Howdy for them. I did great at dinner last night. Didn't even get a margarita. I kept thinking how bad I wanted one but it kept popping in my head that it would just be empty calories. So I ordered my chicken taco and a side of guacamole. Took me about a half hour to eat, just kept reminding my self to take small bites and to chew, chew, chew. I seriously need to work on my water today. I didn't get as much as I should have yesterday. Everyone have a great day.
  19. Terry-- Every time you come here you "give". Just coming here is all it takes. You reassure us by being here that we are all in this together. You hang in there and keep coming back even if it's just to say Hi. Pam-- You GO Girl. See how eventually it all happens like that. One morning you wake up and youv'e lost. Keep up the good work and Hugs to you. Who's doing the "Tip of the Day" today?
  20. Pam-- I am so proud of you. Good job for going out and getting the 100 calorie junk. That's better than putting the cancer stick in your mouth. I know it was hard to do, I have had my days where I would kill for one. So, boobies to you for hanging in there and doing the right thing. Today is work day. First to the Y and than Curves than off to work. I'm meeting a group of people for dinner tonight. These are people I used to work with several years ago. Tim is leaving for a year of duty over seas and this will be my chance to see him before he leaves. I haven't seen these people since I left so I'm kind of anxious to see what they think of my weight loss. Only problem is, it's at a mexican restaurant. Yikes. I love mexican food. Already have in my head that it's going to be 1 chicken taco and that's it. Everyone have a great day and TGIF.
  21. The show I am talking about has that Carson form "Queer Eye". It shows a bunch of girls running around in bras and panties. He keeps telling them that they are going to have their picture taken nude. Yikes. Everyone tells us that they like our ceiling fan in our bedroom and I tell them that it's not really one. It's disguised. It's actually a trapeze. You should hear some of the comments. What a hoot. As far as the ice maker. I really don't have to clean clean it. It's that about every 3 months or so the tube going into the ice maker gets backed up and it freezes. So I have to take a few things out and make sure the tube is clear. It's no big deal but this is the first fridge I've ever had that does this. Got the oven clean and that was a biggy for me. Now going to try not to use it for awhile.
  22. Pam-- Stay away from the cigs. I know how it is. I quit smoking in 1987 and there are still days that I would kill for one. Not so much lately but over the years I have gotten urges. With 2 smokers in the house it's a wonder I don't start right back up. But I guess the second hand smoke is sufficeing me. TracyKS-- Sorry to hear you are having a crappy day. Try not to let food be your comfort. Maybe a diet soda or sugar free ice cream. A good nights sleep might help also. Got the rest of my housework done and got caught up on some shows I had recorded. Still raining here and we even had some snow flurries. At least tomorrow I get to get out to go to work. Get some exercise in. Didn't do too good on my water. I got enough but should have done better. Hope everyone did good on their intake. Has anyone watched that show "How to look good naked"? I'm sick of the commercials. If you've seen it is it any good? Everyone have a great evening.
  23. Nothing like a rainy day to get you to do things around the house. I cleaned the ice maker and than moved on to the oven. It was a whole lot easier to clean out this time. It's actually nice to be able to bend over into the oven and reach the back since losing weight. Got all that done and now trying to figure out what to clean next before I poop out. Getting my fluid intake this morning. Now going to put a can of Progress soup on to warm up. That a few crackers will keep me till dinner time. Everyone have a great day.
  24. Shannon-- Welcome, make yourself at home and don't be afraid to speak up. This is a great place to be. You will find lots of inspiration here. Slept in this morning. It's a good day for it, it's raining outside. Was hoping to take another walk today but doesn't look good right now. On the days that I don't get any exercise I miss it alot. I'm like a junkie. Don't forget that the "Water Patrol" is out and on duty today. Drink Drink Drink. If you can't get what is recommended for you, try to get at least 60oz. in. That's a reachable amount.
  25. Two quotes for today. * You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often and loved much. Anonymous * Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. Dr. Joyce Brothers

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