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Posts posted by Dania621

  1. So I was sleeved January 2012. I've been doing really well...I've lost over 70 pounds since my surgery, but I'm currently stalling out. I'm 5'6" and weigh about 155 (I'll have the exact number tomorrow when I go for a check-up). However, I haven't budged in a while. I'm taking in about 1200 calories a day ( I track using mfp...best thing ever). Am I always perfect? No, I get hungry sometimes...i have Snacks during the day, but again, I try to keep it within my caloric goal.

    I also exercise 4-5 times a week. I run for 30-45 minutes on most days, swim once a week and do weights 4 times a week. I follow this regimen and I'm seeing skin tightening results...however, again...I'm stuck. any advice on how to break on through to the other side (sorry, i love the Doors).

    Thanks for your helps, sleevers!!

  2. I was in the hospital for two nights. I had more pain from gas than anything else. The first three days were excruciating, but after that I was fine...like, i didn't feel any pain after those three days. I was even sleeping on my tummy after four days. I wish you all the best! It'll be worth it...I wrote a post the first night I was home because I was in pain and everyone told me to chill out and once I did the pain went away. Good luck!

  3. I'm definitely trying to get more calories in. I think during the week my problem is that I don't eat anything from lunch (at 1), til after my workout when I have a Protein Shake. So, tonight I will have a Protein Bar (or half) like an hour before my workout so I can have a little extra energy.

    As for my Protein, I get between 70-90 a day. Yesterday I had 85 grams of protein. And so on and so on. I definitely only eat protein, all day long. Today, I had a little bread. It was good, but I feel a little guilty about it...even though I know I need to have some carbs, bread is NOT the answer. I have to try and incorporate more veggies and fruit. But after I eat my protein, I'm just full to the gills. No room for more. I'm sure I'll find the balance...it's just a question of time, i guess.

    Thanks for the advice, ladies. I definitely needed to hear it!

  4. OMG! My pain was so bad for the first week. Not at the surgery site, per se, but gas pain!! Try to get those pain meds, they will make you feel better. After the first week, I felt SO much better. As for the liquids, I carried around a little cup they gave me at the hospital (it only held an ounce) and I put a timer on my phone, every 15 minutes, I filled it up with Isopure Zero and drank an ounce. That's what I did all day. But I'm not going to lie and say that it was easy (especially that first week), but it'll definitely get better. Hang on!

  5. So I've been working out 5-6 days a week. I usually keep them to an hour. I'll do a class at my gym (classes are usually toning and strength classes) or I'll go swimming. I'm going to start including more weights and jogging. The problem is my energy level. I know it's because I'm not getting enough calories in, but it's really hard because I get full fast and I'm still trying to get my Water in...which is hard too because I'm still doing Protein supplements (shake and Isopure, daily). And the weekends are the worst because I forget to eat. I'm tired all the time, but I don't let that stop me from working out because I'd feel guilty. Mondays are my rest days and I still want to walk two miles at lunch today! And this whole lack of energy thing sucks because I want to step up my workouts to the next level, but I'm too tired. For example, I was swimming the other day and I got sooo tired! I'm usually able to do my 45 minutes with no problem, but I was really struggling...any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated! BTW, I take in like 600-700 calories a day. I take a multi (twice a day), Calcium, B12, b50 complex, Vitamin C, Flaxseed oil and Biotin.< /p>

  6. I had my surgery on January 23rd and I have my days where I'm absolutely exhausted and other days where I can swim laps for 45 minutes. I'm still rather low on energy. I think it has to do with my diet. I really don't get too many carbs in at all. I'm all about the Protein at the moment. I'm hoping my energy will increase...I want to start rollerblading and Spin classes.

  7. I am also five weeks post op and can relate to the same difficulties. I have become obsesse with the scale. I jump on it two twices a day and get very frustrated with the stats. Mostly I get my Proteins from drinking milk, Protein drinks make me vomit. I don't regularly excerise due to feeling fatigue often. You are doing a great job in that department. According to my doctor 800 calories a day is our goal (I cant imagine trying to get 1200 calories) and between 74-94 grams of Protein. I can only eat about 3 0z of food when I do eat. It is so hard when eating that I simply stick to Soup and baby food. I experience a lot of gas and burping which irrates me. This had been a new life style change and ever day my basic focus is Vitamins, fluids and proteins... oh and successfully not vomiting that day. Good luck

    Try to get off the scale...I swear, I try to be upbeat, but it was dragging me down. I've been getting in the same amount of protein. I can't even imagine trying to eat that much right now? I'd split my little ole sleeve!!

  8. It sounds like you're on the right track, both nutritionally and mentally.

    I had to eat between 800-900 calories a day to lose and now in maintenance I'm between 1200-1400 a day. Only you are going to know how much you can eat and still lose, so log your food and pay attention. Even the doctor and nutritionist are going off of guidelines that don't consider what works for your particular body. Some folks need more and some need less. Until you heal completely, I wouldn't worry too much in any case. Just focus on pushing liquids, staying hydrated and getting as much Protein as possible. The rest will follow.

    I'm 19 months out and eating more than one egg scrambled with cheese in a sitting is tough. I do 2-3 ounces of Protein if it's fish or chicken but if it's beef I manage even less. I don't have a lot of protein options where I live so I tend to make up the slack with protein coffee or tea in the morning. I like to see my protein levels at 90+ grams a day.

    Congrats on putting away the scale. It's hard to do. Once you get to the point where your realize that you won't see a loss every time, and that the scale is simply a tool to keep us accountable and NOT a measure of our success you'll be able to weigh daily without driving yourself nuts. Until then it just makes life a rollercoaster.

    You're doing great so far. Don't stress about the food. I didn't start really hitting my calorie/protein goals until 4-6 months out.


    I'm trying!! I did get on a scale once...but then I realized I was psyching my self out. I mean, I can weigh myself on 4 different scales and get 4 different numbers. So, I have enough crap going on in my head, I don't need that extra added pressure from the scale. Okay, so I feel like I'm doing well. My first goal isn't even a weight one, it's to be able to eat enough protein to knock out my morning Protein shake. Thanks for sharing...it really helps to see how other people are doing!

  9. Hi Dania,

    Congratulations on your success, I'm so happy to hear that you have had a smooth transition. Was curious to know what were your stats before surgery? What have been the most difficult part throughout the surgery. Where are you from and what recommendations to prepare for the day

    I'm 5'5". I started at 238 lbs. I lost about 10 before surgery and now I'm at 209. I'll find out this Wednesday if the scale's moved. My surgeon's office just called to switch appointments. It ended up working in my favor :)) I'm from New York. And the prep for surgery day? In what way? Mentally, physically? Mentally, just surround yourself with supportive people and just be positive. I had a tough couple of days after the surgery. But exactly one week after surgery, I was feeling TONS better. So keep your eye on the prize1

  10. Hello all!

    I'm just about five weeks out and I want to know how everyone was doing at this time. I seem to be getting between 600-800 calories a day. 370 calories come from my Monster Milk Lite and Isopure Zero (they're good for 65 g protein...I separate them-one in the am and other in pm). The rest comes from food. I also walk between 30-40 minutes a night. In the mornings, I do very light weights for my arms and squats and lunges for my legs...no ab work yet. I'm scared to pop a stitch, so to speak.

    I have NO idea how much weight I've lost since my last check in (209 lbs...yay!). That was on 2/16. I haven't weighed myself since because I was becoming obsessive...you know, checking it every single day and moaning when the scale didn't budge. So my next appointment with the surgeon is 3/6. I'll have a weight update then. My clothes definitely feel loose, but I don't know if I'm doing right by food. I'm supposed to be up to 1200 calories, according to the guide from my surgeon (bananas, I know). However, i can't eat two whole ounces at once without getting full really fast and feeling sick. I haven't puked at all during this process...again, I'm scared that I will harm myself. Anyway, any thoughts or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

  11. I felt the same way! i was in so much pain for the first five days that I was FREAKING out. however, by day six i was feeling much better. And now, I feel no pain. No wait, that's a lie, I feel some discomfort around my belly button when I wear jeans so I've been wearing sweatpants...lol! But I figure that will go soon. Feel better and know that it will get better. As far as pain management, I had to crush percocet with a little applesauce. And let me tell you, that helped me A LOT!

  12. I have Muscle Milk Light in the morning...it takes me about two hours to finish it. I make it with 16 oz of Water because I do NOT like anything thick or shake like. Now, it's 1:46pm and I'm having some Oikos Greek Yogurt (0 fat)...it's really sweet and I don't really like it. I can't measure at work because I don't have a scale here. But I figure I'll have three ounces. Then I drink my Isopure Zero for the rest of the day at work. When I get home, I usually have two spoonfuls of mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and chicken broth to make it soup-like. And that's my whole day. Today, I think I'm going to try some tuna fish pureed with a tsp of mayo. We'll see how that goes.

    I will not get on the scale til next week. I'm going to keep walking every day for 30 minutes (I'm going to up it to 40-50 a day) until I can go swimming and such. I hope that by next week, the scale will move favorably!!

  13. So I was sleeved on January 23rd. I've been having my Greek yogurt just fine. So I decided to try a little mashed potatoes (I hate Soup in any shape or way). And the first time was fantastic....now it's been sitting in my chest. I just feel like anything I eat/drink just fills me up immediately. I think I have no hope of ever upping my calories enough to be successful. Did any of y'all feel that way or am I just being hella impatient? Thanks!

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