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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Dream4tc

  1. Dream4tc

    Anyone else backed up?

    @@James Marusek you had mentioned Haribo Sugar free Gummy Bears. I just want to warn everyone....they are effective.....but...those are also known as "H-ell Bears". Please eat those in very small amounts, or you might regret it haha!!! For laughs.....you all may want to check out the reviews on amazon about these. They are truly hysterical!!!
  2. I happen to run across this on my surgeon's website and wanted to share. This is for people who have had weight regain after bypass. It appears that this is less invasive than another revision surgery, but can reduce the size of pouch and outlet. Hopefully, we all will have ZERO problems forever and be compliant, and never have to go this route, but... it can happen and we need to know what options are out there for help if it does. Read on There is also a great animation video on the right to see how it can fix this problem. http://apolloendo.com/procedures/outlet-pouch-reduction/
  3. Spoke with my surgeon yesterday. I have friends who are 15 yr veteran GB patients and have had stretching of their pouches and stoma with regain. My surgeon has been performing the above procedure now for 3 months. I asked him a little bit more info about this so that I can share with our community forum This procedure came out 2 yrs ago and right now the data is still very small and new to determine long term sucess or failure rates. He told me that the above procedure basically helps create restriction again for stretched out pouches. I asked him if it was covered under insurance and he said it depends on the insurance. He also mentioned that the above procedure would be cheaper, less invasive, and easier option for self pay patients in lieu of having to do another revision surgery. Currently he has been performing this himself for 3 months, so still it is too early to tell for long term sucess. I will continue to check with him over the course of the year to find out more info, and will update if I hear of any more new info about this. If accessing the above link on a cell phone, the animation video will be at the bottom of the page. If accessing that link on laptop or desk computer...the animation video will be top right of page. http://apolloendo.com/procedures/outlet-pouch-reduction/
  4. Has anyone used these Biotin chews before or after bypass? If so, will they absorb? How well do they work ? I understand that it takes awhile for Biotin to get into your system. I want to prevent hair loss if possible. I have pretty thick hair ,but would like to keep it that way after bypass. I bought these at Walgreens because they were on sale and they have 5000 mcg of Biotin. They are gluten free. Below is picture of front and back with nutrition info. I tried one already. It was a pleasant berry flavor. They come 30 in a package. I paid $6.99. Looking to hear from others about what you use.
  5. Dream4tc

    October surgeries?

    That is a difficult situation. Do you have friends or neighbors, coworkers that would be willing to help. If you don't want them to know what you are having done, you don't have to tell them. Just say surgery without explanation. It's nobody's business unless you want them to know. Without knowing much about your relationship with your mom, I am not sure how much help I can be. Have you tried discussing the many weight loss efforts and options available with her? Does she know how your weight loss struggles have led you to this option? I think you should have a girls day and have a heart to heart with her and tell her how important this is to you and the positive impact this will bring to your life and everyone who loves you. Let her know that you will need her support through this and remind her that she can have some bonding time with her grand daughter. I would speak with her sooner than later, to find out if you either need to find other childcare arrangements if she won't be supportive and help, or if you will need to reschedule to December. My mom and I don't see eye to eye on everything, but she knows that I am a grown adult and will make my own choices, but she has always been supportive with my choices right or wrong. I hope that everything works out so that you don't have to wait. I can tell that are very excited, and that is awesome!!! Best wishes to you and your journey!
  6. Dream4tc

    Need advice:

    I was banded for 4 years and just actually had it removed due to uncontrollable reflux and vomiting, taking Zantac twice a day (H2 blocker), and Prilosec (proton pump inhibitor) twice a day, avoiding acidic and spicy foods, slept with 8 pillows to avoid aspirating at night, constant heartburn when I ate and when I didn't, was doing damage to my esophagus and not to mention the enamel on my teeth! I just had band removed 2 weeks ago and feel great with NO HEARTBURN for the first time in 4 years! When I spoke to my surgeon, I wanted the sleeve. For many people who haven't been previously banded, the sleeve is a great option, but for banders.....sleeve just makes the heartburn worse due to the high pressure it causes in the stomach. After much research and recommendations and explanations from my surgeon, I have chosen to do bypass. I am scared and worried about potential complications, but what scares me the worst is if I don't do bypass, I will be at higher risk for Diabetes and Heart Disease which runs in my immediate family. My Dad had a heart attack just last year and is dealing with Diabetes, and I am constantly reminding him to drink more Water, exercise more, and be more compliant. As a nurse, I have seen so many complications from Diabetes, (amputations, non healing wounds etc) and that is the scariest of them all. With bypass, that will significantly reduce my risk. Bypass has been around a very very long time and there is tons of info out there. Sleeve is permanent, once your stomach is gone.....its gone forever. Bypass is just re-routing, it can be reversible (not often done because if reversed the risks go back up and a person could get Diabetes again, heart disease, all of those disease processes that come with obesity) I don't want to keep having surgeries. I only need one My best advice is to research and keep asking questions until you feel comfortable in your final decision! The best thing is....., if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, I would have an upper hand with survival compared to many others because I could survive on just a small amount of food! haha! Best of luck to you and your decision
  7. Dream4tc


    @Sparksrn Actually if the Physician is doing this, its a violation of the Stark Law. They can get into a lot of trouble for doing this. http://starklaw.org/investment.htm
  8. Please don't be discouraged. I know it isn't easy when you don't see the progress on the scale. It can be very frustrating!! I have found that my body goes through adaptation periods especially to something new. It's been 5 weeks and your body has gotten used to what you are doing. You need to confuse it to get it going again. Have you tried different cardio to change it up? Different muscle groups? I have had stalls and when I see that the scale is hanging up, I know its time to change it up a bit. I have numerous different cardio that I do, cross country walking, biking, Zumba, treadmill, Kinect with numerous DVD workouts, numerous exercise DVD's, Hatha Yoga, swimming, occasionally canoeing, and kayaking (I live by 2 lakes and multiple rivers). I try and switch those up and rotate them often so that my body doesn't get used to the same routine, which keeps my body guessing and get it jump started. I promise that you are still transforming and most likely losing inches!!!! During stalls, focus on how clothes are fitting and also how you are tolerating longer cardio, which feels amazing when you couldn't do something the week before and the next week you can! Celebrate and focus on the NSV's (non scale victories) during stall periods. Significant weight gain doesn't happen overnight and neither does significant weight loss, although wouldn't that be awesome because it would make our journey's so much easier right? One stepping stone at a time, 1 pound at a time. Don't worry, it will happen and you are just beginning!!! Keep going you are doing great!!!
  9. Dream4tc

    Papaya enzymes

    Yes I take a chewable papaya enzyme made by Good N Natural. Love them!!
  10. Dream4tc


    @@Mulepick - sounds like you are dehydrated. Drink more. I had periods of that since last November and had the complete cardiac workup, labs, echo etc. My surgeon told me it was dehydration. I would definitely run it passed your physician just in case it might be something different. Could also be inner ear too. Hope you feel better!
  11. @@rejeannern I lost 7 pounds overnight just last week. Weight can fluctuate based on alot of different reasons including disease processes that I won't mention. As a nurse, I also see those extreme fluctuations in my patients daily, so it is possible
  12. Awesome! Have you tried higher protein shakes? Premier Protein are really tasty and have 30 grams of protein. They have chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. The best thing about protein shakes is you can alter the shakes to just about any flavor by adding extracts. So a simple vanilla protein drink can turn into a Butterscotch, caramel, Rum, or a chocolate protein drink can be Chocolate mint, coconut, etc. They have about any flavored extract that you could think about. Yummy! You just have to taste test to see what you like. Higher protein might be what you need. You can also blend them with ice and it may help keep you more full. Ugh I have a hard time with too much fat. I always tend to go over.
  13. I had lap band for 4 years, and developed prolapse then 9 months later a slip with horrible heartburn and reflux. I have had it removed, and initially wanted the sleeve but my surgeon said that a sleeve would make the reflux worse due to the high pressure a sleeve causes. Banding is a restrictive procedure and so is sleeve. He told me weight loss would be slower with sleeve going from restrictive to a restrictive. He also said sleeve would be more risky after banding and would put me at greatest risks for leaks and it would be a more complicated procedure. Plus once they remove your stomach, it is gone forever. With bypass, you can keep your stomach and it is reversible, not easily and not done often but it can be done. After doing research, I found out he was right. He told me that RNY has been performed since the 1970's and there is alot of research. He also said that I could do the sleeve and run the risk of heartburn and possible 75 pounds loss with diet compliance and exercise, and if the heartburn gets to be too much to revise to RNY......no thx, don't want heartburn, and don't want to keep having surgeries. He said I could lose about 100 more pounds with RNY and weight loss would be a bit easier with diet and exercise. I am choosing RNY and in the process of meeting insurance requirements, for bypass in late October or early November. As far as making a choice, this choice should be yours because it will be happening to your body. Do more research on both procedures. These forums are great for all opinions, but everyone is different and what may work for some, may not for others. Get 2nd or 3rd opinions, and gather as much info to help you feel comfortable in your choice. I truly wish you the best in whichever you decide.
  14. That's good! Try chewing a piece of sugar free gum or a few mints. Liquid diets are really hard. How many grams of protein are you drinking?
  15. @@jcrob that's good! Passing gas means your bowels are awake. You may have some initial hard stool, kind of like a cork preventing you to start. I have a feeling that once you get started you won't have any problems. Sometimes doctors recommend fleet enemas, dulcolax, senakot, colace, miralax and milk of mag. It just depends on what your doctor recommends. I would find out, they usually give you a few choices. I hope you get to go soon. I have been there and it is miserable feeling.
  16. Dream4tc

    Alcohol after RNY

    @dawn678. I am a nurse and actually worked for 5 years on a voluntary unit for patients who wanted to stop drugs and alcohol. I have never been judgemental with any of them. We are all human and we make choices that are good and not so good. I was inspired by many of them because they took the biggest step by admitting they had a problem. I loved working there, but my unit moved to a different hospital and I have been a nurse case manager ever since. I am by no means an expert and I am not providing medical advice, but I can tell you what I learned from my patients. Alcohol dependency is a very serious disease. Withdrawal symptoms can occur from stopping. After drinking for a period of time, a body can become dependent from the alcohol and adapts and it gets to the point where you drink just to function to avoid the withdrawal. Physical manifestations, irritability, confusion, fall risks, neuropathy, tremors, sweating, electrolyte imbalances, and abnormal cardiac rhythms. I took care of patients who were 1 bottle of wine a day to gallons of hard liquor per day. The patients who drank the heaviest would have the worst withdrawal and needed to be medically monitored with a heart monitor. Most of these patients would be treated with medication for the withdrawal for 3 days usually a benzodiazepine like Librium, or Arivan, and then started on Naltrexone, and then go to an inpatient therapy program for 21 to 30 days, or on going outpatient therapy. Inpatient is better, but outpatient can be successful if you have a good support system in place. AA is also a place to go for help. It depends on your insurance and also depends on what is available in your area. I have seen many patients be successful with treatment. It does work! If you don't have insurance, there are places that will take sliding scale, but keep in mind if you do go to any treatment facility, there will be people there that are not there for the right reasons. Don't allow anyone to distract or prevent you from getting better. The hardest part is making the call and just getting started. I truly wish you the best! You can do it!!!
  17. Have you had any problems with weakness, nausea, lightheadedness? Do you have any history of taking NSAIDS like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or any blood thinners like coumadin, plavix, xarelto? If so, it would be worrisome for a possible GI Bleed. I would call your doctor and notify them of these tarry stools.
  18. Mine was when I went to Six Flags with my spouse, (now ex-spouse, and now I am remarried), and I was at my heaviest weight of 300 back in 1999. We got ready to get on the Batman rollercoaster, and as I was trying to fit into the seat, the bars wouldn't latch because of my big stomach. I had to get off the ride. I was soooooo embarrassed and I let him go on the ride without me. I cried and was miserable the rest of the day. I was afraid to try any other ride for fear of the same embarrassment. Even though I have lost 80 pounds since then, I am still afraid of going to any rides at any amusement parks. It really was devastating to me and I realized that my weight was way out of control. So, I have been struggling all of my life to lose weight so that someday when I reach my goal weight, and before I get too old, that I can get on that ride and conquer that feeling and put it to rest finally.
  19. Are you passing any gas at all? Any bowel sounds? If the answer is no, there may be concern for a bowel obstruction. If the answer is yes. Are you walking? Are you getting in your fluids? I have tried a fleet enema after 3 days post op, but was also passing some gas and taking miralax daily. The fleet helped me and then the miralax caught up finally. Milk of mag is good, just tastes yucky. I would call your Doctor. 7 days is too long.
  20. Dream4tc


    Be aware that when you purchase any chews that they are calcium citrate. Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate Vitamins offer some great tasting chews with some really yummy flavors. I have sampled all of them and they are delicious!!! Many stores like Walmart and Walgreens offer the calcium chews but they have Calcium Carbonate which can cause your pouch to swell and cause gas, plus it doesn't absorb. Read your packages and make sure you are getting what your body needs, otherwise you are throwing money away. https://www1.bariatricadvantage.com/catalog/us-en/2/Calcium https://www.celebratevitamins.com/shop/calcium/calcet-creamy-bites.html
  21. Dream4tc

    Itching all over!

    Could be reaction to pain medications. Oxycodone can cause itching. Dry skin can also be a culprit. Try some moisturizing lotion like Gold Bond, coconut oil. Could also be a soap or laundry detergent you are using. Recall if there was anything you have changed, ate, drank, taken or used in the past month that is new (other than your surgery) possibly food allergen as well. Good idea to check with your Dr. Or go see Dermatologist. Hope it let's up soon for you!
  22. Dream4tc

    My WFL is working! WINE BE GONE.

    I am a wine conisseuer as well. I love it , ,but yes it can hinder weight loss. I treat myself to a bottle which I share with my husband once a month. During that week, I just make sure I do extra workouts to subtract the wine calories! Enjoy
  23. When I was banded, I told just my immediate family and my best friends. With my band removal, I told a few more people. With my revision to bypass....I am still trying to decide. I am a nurse and work with other nurses. My coworker who is really overweight, and has diabetes was told by her Dr. that he recommends bypass to help resolve her diabetes. She spent about 30 minutes bashing all WLS surgeries. So, I will most likely keep this revision surgery to bypass a secret until I hit goal and then let them know if they ask how.
  24. Dream4tc


    I always had a hard time with shrimp because it was so fibrous. You really have to chew well. Shrimp and Lobster would get stuck alot if I didn't chew well enough. I love Shrimp. Walmart has extra small shrimp in freezer section however it does have a lot of sodium most likely due to freezing preservative. They are really tiny when cooked, but you still need to chew well. All other fish has been great. Fresh is better!

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