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Everything posted by Misstxdiva

  1. Misstxdiva


    My discharge nurse told me no submerging myself into Water i.e baths, pools, hot tubs, etc for 3-4 weeks until my stitches heal. Reduce the risk of infection. So until then I'll be doing showers only. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  2. Misstxdiva

    Pre Op Diet! Annoyed!

    I agree with jdhenin I got the Extra sugar free gum mint chocolate chip gum and it definitely hit the spot. I chewed that to curb my cravings and it really helped. First three days of the diet is the hardest, once you get past that you'll be ok. I had my surgery this past Tuesday so I'm 4 days out and my surgeon said my liver was normal size when he did the surgery! He was suprised since I was rolling in 399 pounds and was 384.4 day of surgery. I was so worried my liver hadn't shrank enough. Try to not let the commercials get to you. Take care and good luck! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. Misstxdiva

    Yeah! Im Over My Stall

    Congrats Riss1908 you look amazing! I see you working them pearls with that pink and green -Bre Delta Rho Chapter Sent from my iPhone using VST
  4. Sorry for the short post. I'm so exhausted and want to cough like no tomorrow but it hurts my tummy. Finally made it to the losers bench. Yay! Now back to sleep I go. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  5. Misstxdiva

    How Do I Let My Job Know?

    I've only been at my job for 8 months so I don't qualify for FMLA but I do for STD. I've been out a lot sick and I told my boss this surgery will help me not be out as much anymore. I also worked my butt off to be one of the top performers so they wouldn't have a reason or itch to get rid of me while I was gone. Short term disability gets you paid but doesn't protect your job. I've been out since Tuesday and hope to go back next week or so. I did however give my boss a heads up few months ago. Only 4 people on my team know why I'm getting surgery. Since you've only been there 2 months I'd have a heart to heart with your manager and let them know what's up and that you need surgery. Id send it in a email too so you have a paper trail. Last thing you want to do is head out for surgery worrying about your job. Make sure you get clear answers before you go and have a Plan B in case they have to let you go. Good luck in your journey Sent from my iPhone using VST
  6. Misstxdiva

    Ive Been Sleeved Today !

    Congrats! Welcome to the losers bench :-) Sent from my iPhone using VST
  7. This gas on the inside is driving me crazy. I've walked until I got tired and got a burp or two out but still feel blagh. I told my nurse if he could pop my belly like a balloon to let the gas out I'll love him forever lol. I hear gargling noises.... I just want get a rowdy burp out -_____- that is the only thing bothering me. That and drinking Water which I may have to stay an extra day cause I'm dehydrated :-(. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  8. I think the pre op diet depends on how heavy you are from what I've heard and read from others. Some have only 3 days others had 2 weeks. I was a big girl rolling in at 399. I stuck to my pre op diet one week out of two. EAS Carb control shake in the morning and lunch. Water And Sobe in between then turkey for dinner with salad. If i got hungry between that i'd add sugar free Jello or Protein shake.My body eventually got used to it. I cheated one day and had pizza and popcorn at night at my favorite movie dine in place but that's about it. Lost 20 pounds and it was all worth it. Was so scared my liver would be too big and my surgeon would call off the surgery. But turns out my liver shrank to normal size, my surgeon was so stunned when he operated on Tuesday 4/10. He was so proud of me and liver, I felt like a champ lol. liquid pre op is hard, no joke but you can get through it. Sometimes you have to tweak it to customize it to fit you. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  9. Misstxdiva

    Officially Sleeved!

    Pain up until now has been about a 3-6 It's not like a oh god this sucks kind of pain. It's more of a I'm uncomfortable please give me something type pain and it clears up. Im not gonna lie, first day i was like WHY?!? I was just so uncomfortable but second day my mom and nurse said i looked a lot better.Thank you everyone for the support. And liberated yes David is my night nurse, he's a talker but a very nice man. He brings me the goods when I need more lol. They are sending me home with a prescription for the elixir so I'm happy about that. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  10. Misstxdiva

    Officially Sleeved!

    Pain isn't so bad, they took me off morphine and upgraded me to the elixir which last longer. Only pain I have is the gas pain, trying to get rid of that by walking though. Other than that I'm doing ok. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  11. Congrats Lacey! You look great! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  12. Misstxdiva

    Dr. Gonzalez

    Nikki could you be more specific? I just had surgery on 4-10 with Dr. John Gonzalez at Texas Center for Weightloss in San Antonio. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  13. Feeling better....get to eat something finally. I've been eyeing this sugar free Popsicle since yesterday for my throat lol. Got a few laps of walking in, took a lot out of me but nurses say I'm being efficient so that's good. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. Misstxdiva

    Day 2 Post Op, Food

    I took nips at everything, Popsicle melted so I ate whatever was left of that. Its a unpleasant feeling of being full. I didn't even eat that much. I just crawled back into my bed and balled up lol Sent from my iPhone using VST
  15. Misstxdiva

    Officially Sleeved!

    I think I go home tomorrow or Friday. I'm not a happy camper right now. Everytime I try to sleep someone is coming in to mess with me. Then I finally fall asleep and it was time for a bath and walking. I'm so frustrated. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  16. Good luck Lilu, see you on the losers bench in a few hours!! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  17. Misstxdiva

    Sleeved - April 10, 2012

    Congrats! I was sleeved yesterday too. Hope we have a speedy recovery. Welcome to the losers bench Sent from my iPhone using VST
  18. Misstxdiva

    Officially Sleeved!

    Thank you everyone yesterday was tough. I wanted to cry. I remember going into the operating room and they put the mask on me and I just kep yelling I can't breathe!!! Then promptly spit up something then next thing I know im in the recovery bay yelling help me lol. Crazy. Got some sleep, walked, got a few coughs and burps out. My dad felt it was a good idea to bring chili cheese frites to my room to eat.... My mom gave him the ultimate death glare lol so he ate in the mini living room. Feeling better today doesn't hurt as much to get up and use the restroom like it did yesterday. I loathe the breathing treatments but it's really important I do it. I'll keep everyone posted, back to bed I go! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  19. OMG I just took half of the magnesium citrate to prep for surgery tomorrow morning and my stomach is growling kind of rowdy. Is this normal? I'm at work so it startled me and I don't want something awful to happen next LOL. Taking the second half at 4pm. Almost one step closer to surgery!
  20. Morning started off terrible.... No anti bacterial soap to shower with so of course my parents were like blah blah. Ugh, I'm tired and cranky. Throat is parched and sore. Hoping the rest of the day goes smoothly. Super nervous, enroute to the hospital. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers! See y'all on the losers bench. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  21. Misstxdiva

    Big Day Today!

    Thanks everyone, one step closer. In gown and socks.... It's setting in this is really gonna happen. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  22. Congrats! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  23. Misstxdiva

    So Excited

    Congrats! Keep up the good work, the weight you are losing is helping shrink your liver for surgery. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  24. Thanks everyone. I'm not really feeling good from this magnesium stuff :-( Sent from my iPhone using VST
  25. Misstxdiva

    Help Needed Q

    Hey Jocelyn, I haven't had surgery yet but I'll be in the same boat as you. I hope things get better for you and your transition will be smoother . My sister is coming home from the Navy and she sent me a list of places she wants to eat when she comes home and I was just like -______- did you not listen to me when I told you I was having surgery on Tuesday lol. I know that is going to be a challenge but hopefully she will understand. Hopefully your family will start to understand as well, hang in there.

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