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Posts posted by lilymorg

  1. I highly recommend the doctors in Richmond BC.


    I had my sleeve done last November (Nov. 14, 2011) with Dr. Sampath.

    From my first appointment with him until my surgery date it was 5 and a half months. I do believe the wait time to get into this is about a year now.

    Its an extensive program, TONS of support...and support that will last a lifetime.

    I can't say enough good things about this program!

    AND MSP paid for it all.

    I have been going for followups every 3 months, and after a year postop it will go to every 6 months and then every year.

    I have lost 105 lbs in less then a year. Amazing results. Excellent support. Can't say enough good things about it!

  2. thanks everyone.

    Kayte - that's exactly what it feels like!

    I really don't think I am pregnant (have had some issues in that department)

    and its not really good timing for that to happen anyhow - only 4 months post op.

    I will see what happens next week I guess. It seems to have eased up...but it was a good 3 days of horrible pain. And the heating pad seemed to help, aswell as hot baths.

  3. I had VSG 4 months ago...prior to surgery I never had regular periods.

    I lost 42 lbs prior to surgery, and have now lost another 46 lbs, so 88 lbs so far all together.

    Since surgery I have had regular monthly periods (this is awesome since it has been 10 years or more since it was last regular!), but starting 3 months ago, a week or so before my period, I seem to get horribly sore nipples. Excruciating sore.

    Heating pad, and hot baths seem to help with the pain. But I was wondering if anyone has experienced this...

  4. early on I had crazy back pain...it was almost like stabbing burning pain in the lower left part of my back. I talked to the doctors, and they all said it has really nothing to do with the surgery, however the way you walk, sleep, getup & down after surgery is different then normal, so your back could be compensating....

    I took tylenol pretty steady for my back, and used the heating pad quite often. And also tried to just walk as much as I could to stretch it out, and it helped.

  5. I am 4 weeks post op, and have had NO issues at all with any food.

    I can eat a fair amount before feeling restriction. About 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup.

    I see posts all the time about people only being able to handle such small amounts of food...it worries me that I am able to handle what seems like so much, and such a short amount of time out...

    However I am getting 600-800 calories per day...and lost 20lbs in the first 2 weeks, and nothing since...

    Anyhow, I need to start planning my meals better, and would LOVE some ideas.

    What are your breakfast/lunch/dinner ideas?


    do you use a Protein drink/bar to replace a meal, or as a snack?

    If you have time, I would love to see a weekly menu for what you are eating...

    Any help is appreciated! :)

  6. I lost 42 lbs prior to surgery

    2 weeks after surgery I was down another 15 lbs.

    3 weeks after surgery I was down another 5 lbs

    Tomorrow will be 4 weeks after surgery and I am UP almost 1 lb

    So I guess this is a stall?

    and is it normal to gain during a stall???

    I know I have to do better with my Water forsure. I am getting lots of Protein. But not doing so good with the water.

    and I know I also need to get better with walking more....I have had a lot of pain, so walking too much hurts.

  7. has anyone experienced incisional hernia?

    I think I may have one....but I do not have a buldge...just often when I move or turn a certain way, cough, get up from sitting or laying down.... the area around one of my incisions hurts a lot. A tearing/burning/spasm sensation.

    I am just past 3 weeks post op. Is this something that will go away? Or should I be talking to my surgeon about this? Am I being too impatient, is this normal after surgery?

  8. Thanks so much for all the advice. I have emailed my surgeon to see if there is a list of medications not to take.

    However this morning, still taking it pretty slow, it feels much better.

    Im going to try and get some walking in...

    I hate to complain...but if its not my back hurting, its my 1 incision....can't seem to win. lol Trying to remind myself it was major surgery, and hopefully in a few months things will be all good. Focusing on the positives...I have no problems with swallowing...and able to get in my required amount of Protein & fluids. Now if I can just move easier...things would be GREAT! :)

  9. I am almost 3 weeks post op. I have been having backpain since surgery pretty much, but over the past few days, it has gotten worse.

    Im pretty sure I did it to myself by riding in a squishy car for too long of a time....

    However, my family doctor is not familiar with the sleeve and what medications are or aren't allowed.

    Ive been trying to take it easy, use tylenol & heating pad.

    I saw the surgeon a few days ago and asked him about the back pain, and he said it is not related to the surgery itself...but probably in the different way I am laying, walking, sitting etc....and that it would go away in time.

    Well I want something to help ease the pain....a muscle relaxor or anti-inflamatory or something...is this okay to take?

    Any other suggestions?

  10. I had the same thing happen to me. I went and got the extra strength Cold FX 3 day treatment...and it seemed to help. I also let my surgeon know about 4 days before surgery and he said he was not too concerned as long as my cold wasn't just starting, and that my breathing was okay. The day of surgery, I reminded the surgeon & anesthesiologist about my cold, as I was still sniffly.

    But I was fine. I had a small cough after surgery, Im not sure if that was from my cold, or from the breathing tubes...but the cough really hurt the incisions...but it only lasted a couple of days.

  11. I am 12 days post-op.

    Things are going good except for 1 incision....it has been oozing a bit, so Ive been changing the dressing on it twice a day. And my family doctor said to put polysporin on it. I see the surgeon on Monday for a 2 week followup.

    But I was looking at it today, and it looks like a tiny bit in the middle of the incision is OPEN....

    its just really small...but its forsure a little hole. Will it heal on its own?

    Its Saturday now...is this something I should be going to a walkin clinic about? Or can it wait until I see the Surgeon on Monday?

    Im quite concerned....

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