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Everything posted by Lila21

  1. Lila21

    Cold Feet

    Hi there, I am in the same boat as you are, and I think it's really helpful to keep checking with this forum. I'm having surgery in 5 weeks and I am scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I think it's one of those things where you have to get through a lot of anxiety. Part of how I reassure myself is reading the comments of long time sleevers. These folks feel really happy with their decision, and many had great answers for the fears I've been having (read my post "Did anyone else have this fear" for the answers to my fears about removing 85% of my stomach.) Feel free to write me directly if you need a pep talk! It's just around the corner!
  2. Lila21


    Wow, congrats! Glad to hear it all went so well!!! Keep us posted on your progress!
  3. Hi Estrellita, as someone who is pre-op, I really appreciate your words. I think the message you were trying to get across is "don't expect a miracle, and DO be aware that it can be rough." I appreciate that. I am working on my food issues and exercise habits now, and I especially glad that am glad that I am after reading your post. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It sounds like you have gotten through the toughest parts and things continue to get better! Congratulations to you for getting through the worst of it, and making it through to the other side.
  4. Lila21

    disappointed and hurt

    Wow, I am so sorry to hear your news. I am sending you my best wishes hoping that somehow, some way it will work out for you. I suggest you look into the grants that Estrellita suggested. My heart goes out to you, and my fingers are crossed for you!
  5. Lila21

    Clothing while losing

    I agree about Old Navy! I've gotten amazingly cheap clothes at O.N. They have good sales around and after xmas. Maybe stock up on some different sizes while everything is on sale!
  6. Lila21

    Buyers remorse?

    Vicki, I just wanted to cheer you on! I hope you are feeling better. From all I've read on the boards, the first weeks are hard and then it gets easier! Hang in there!
  7. Lila21

    5 year history

    hey folks, I am a newbie here, and I have a question about the 5 year history. I have UHC, and they require a 5 year history for approval. Do you have to have been at the BMI rate of over 35 during that time? I lost a lot of weight (approx. 100 lbs) about 6 years ago, and gradually regained most of it over the last five years. Am I going to be penalized for this? I think my weight was something like 175 6 years ago (5 year history starts 6 years ago, go figure), and I am now at almost 300. Any idea?
  8. Lila21

    Not obese anymore!!

    Wow, what an amazing feeling! Congratulations to you!!!!
  9. Wow, thank you so much, everyone! I can't tell you how reassuring your responses were!
  10. I just got my insurance approval! It's now for real. I am still scared about losing 85% of my stomach. I'm not scared of the surgery or how I will feel. But, I am scared that I might somehow need that 85% at some point... what happens if I get stomach cancer or some other issue where I need that missing tissue? Did anyone else have this fear? I tried to research it online, but I couldn't find any data on this. I know the main risk is a leak, but since the incidence of this is pretty low, it doesn't worry me. Am I crazy to worry about this?!
  11. Lila21

    what is going ON!!!

    Oy. I still think stay the course with 800 c. per day. Give your body a chance to recalibrate.
  12. Great point, Chilo! I think I am just a little panicky because this is forever, and I don't want to get into something I haven't thought all the way through. But, that's such a great point. I am so scared of diabetes that runs in my family, and all the other issues that can come from carrying around all this extra weight.
  13. OregonDaisy, Thank you so much for clarifying this for me. It makes a lot of sense, and it's really reassuring. I know there are options like Plication (pliation?), but I don't want to something that's so untested. I'd rather do the sleeve gastrectomy, which has a longer history.
  14. Lila21

    5 year history

    Just wanted to let you know I got approved! Thank you for your supportive words!!!
  15. Lila21

    The waiting game

    I am in the same boat! I really want to do the surgery around Christmas because my company shuts down over Xmas, and it's the best time to take off work without there being a massive pile-up when I get back. All my paperwork has been submitted to the insurance company and I am now waiting anxiously to hear. The wait is making me sort of crazy!!!!
  16. Good luck, you guys!!! You are going to do great! Take deep breaths and get ready for the new you!!! Hugs!
  17. There's also a big, fat, kiss-in! Pretty cute idea, actually! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=164609923568922
  18. Lila21

    The Brain in the gut

    wow, can't wait to read it. I love this stuff! Thanks!!!
  19. I am guessing if we go to a bookstore. flip through a copy of Marie Claire (and DON'T buy), we could easily figure out who their major advertisers are. I also like the facebook boycott idea. Does anyone know how to get this started?
  20. I have to say that as much as I dislike what the author said, I think she is really troubled. And I think that the true crime here is by Marie Claire for letting someone post their self-hate so publicly, and then not retracting it. I think that what she said is foul, don't get me wrong. I truly get the sense that she posted about some of her own completely unexamined demons and that she's going to spend a lot of time unraveling this experience. She's obviously very young, her writing is trite at best, and she has a lot of growing up to do. But, the seasoned editors at MC should be ashamed of themselves, and they should have retracted it. I would love to organize a boycott. For one blogger to say what she did is a mistake (but one made by a person with serious issues--anorexia, which means her hatred for her body is so great, she is willing to starve), but to propagate that mistake by not retracting it in a magazine offered for public consumption to young, impressionable girls is unacceptable. Bottom line: promoting hate is unacceptable.
  21. Great point, and a great response! It seems like Marie Claire is working under the "no publicity is bad publicity" rule.
  22. OK, I really have to rant here. I rarely feel the need to respond to pop culture, but I found this really infuriating. Marie Claire blogger, Maura Kelly wrote a blog about how fat people should not be shown kissing on TV because they are disgusting and she doesn't want to have to see them. Here's a quote from her article: "I think I’d be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other … because I’d be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room — just like I’d find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair." Worse, Marie Claire is supporting this blogger, saying: “Maura Kelly is a very provocative blogger,” adding, “She was an anorexic herself and this is a subject she feels very strongly about.” Kelly is also reportedly “excited and moved” by the 28,000 email responses they’ve received. Here's a link to the whole disgusting, fat-hating article: http://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/dating-blog/overweight-couples-on-television#post_comment Here's the email address of the editor-in-chief: JoannaColes@hearst.com Please write her a letter and let her know this is unacceptable. Many of the comments note that if we exchanged the word "fat" for "black", "asian", or "gay", no one would put up with it. It's true. This article is shameful and filled with hate. No one should accept this garbage.
  23. Wow, congratulations to you!!!! Wonderful accomplishment!!
  24. Hi there! That is a tough dilemma, but I think you are handling it beautifully! My mother was built very differently from me (model-thin, model-tall, nordic beauty with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes). I am pretty much the polar opposite of that . And while I had some jealousy issues with her, she really made me feel loved and supported, which I think is the most important thing. She also made sure that she gave me lots of kudos for my other achievements (academic, theater, art), and helped me to feel like I was OK as I was. I think your approach of dealing with it directly is great! I wish I could have had a talk like that with my Mom when I was 13--I think it would have helped. In terms of getting healthy, I think it's really great to keep a healthy balance of foods around and prepare healthy meals. Then, it just becomes easier for her to have a healthy diet without it being a huge challenge. Also, remember that a lot of how she feels comes from society and not you. Our society emphasizes thinness and beauty on every magazine, TV show, and movie. It's hard not to feel bad if you don't fit into that very narrow definition of beauty.
  25. The editor in chief is Joanna Coles, and here's her email address: JoannaColes@hearst.com I told her that she went on a diet and lost 28,000 readers. Congratulations, Marie Claire!

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