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Everything posted by Lila21

  1. Pre-op diet making me want to eat one of my cats!!! :-) Kidding...

  2. Best of luck to you! I know you will do beautifully!!! I'll be thinking calm and uneventful surgery thoughts for you! Please post an update when you are able!!
  3. I don't have any words of wisdom since I am not yet sleeved, but I think Tiff's suggestion is wise, and it's true for other types of weight loss, so why not VSG? I am sorry you are going through this, but I think you are doing so well! I hope you feel less frustrated soon!
  4. One other thing I'll point out: I lost a lot of weight "the natural way" about 8 years ago (approx. 100 lbs), and many of the issues people mention above are pretty much the same between a major weight loss and WLS. You still get loose skin, you're going to pick at your food because HELLO, you have to starve yourself to stay on most diets, and your arms will still be saggy. I think the only difference is that the volume of food is going to be less, and that may be more obvious. This part, I don't have any experience with since I am pre-op. :-)
  5. Lila21

    Tell my boss?

    I told my boss, and he has been very supportive. I think it's a good idea since might end up having to take more time off if anything goes wrong, and you may not feel great right off the bat. For me, it took a lot of pressure off to know that if I had any issues, I wouldn't have to spring it on my boss that I would be taking time off, etc. I don't think your boss necessarily NEEDS to know, but if it makes you more comfortable, I'd suggest it.
  6. Lila21

    Please help I hate my protein

    You might also want to try Nectar. It's a protein drink, but it tastes more like Kool Aid. It comes in Lemonade Stand, and other fruit flavors.
  7. Thank you, PlannerGirl! My surgery is in a little over two weeks, and I'm starting to feel scared! But, I know from reading this forum that it is well worth it. But, it's always, always, always helpful to hear of someone who has an easy recovery!!!
  8. Lila21


    I agree with Tiffy. Start the low carbs. It sounds like a paperwork snafu that they might be able to fix pretty easily. I know that my insurance coordinator seemed pretty casual about fixing the paper work and resubmitting it (as though it would be something to expect), so I wouldn't give it up yet.
  9. Yes, my suggestion was going to be Zicam + EmergenC. Hope you guys feel better soon!
  10. Also, if you are looking for material, I actually often check out what people are wearing in "US Weekly" or "OK" or whatever is at the checkout at the grocery. Then you can sort of pick a celebrity whose style fits yours and see what they are wearing. Not that you would want to wear that exact outfit, etc, but it's a good way to develop an idea of what you like. After a while, you'll get a sense of what's in style that also fits your taste.
  11. Dangit! I just wrote a long reply and somehow lost it! Here's the gist of my suggestions.... :-) 1) Don't buy clothes that don't fit your lifestyle. You can still be casual (if that's your style) and dress nicely. Check out a men's episode of "What Not to Wear" for tips. 2) SHOES! Most men ignore shoes unless it's a special occasion, but you can get shoes that are casual and COMFORTABLE but still stylish. Check out Fluvag, for example. I live in a city where men and women walk all the time, so the shoes have to be comfy. But, also I live in a city full of fashionistas (both men and women). Trust me, you don't have to wear uncomfortable shoes to be stylish...but you cannot wear Nikes every day and pass the fashionista test! 3) Get your girlfriend to help you. If you don't have a girlfriend, a close woman friend (or sister) will help! Heck, if I'm in the area, I'll help! Most men I know who dress well get a lot of help from their girlfriends! Believe me, we love to shop :-)
  12. Lila21

    saying hello

    I am in the pre-op process, but I can give you some info. Regarding quitting smoking: smoking really affects your ability to heal properly. It affects your capillaries and your breathing. After surgery, you are far more susceptible to pneumonia, so you need your lungs functioning at their best .Regarding the pre-op diet, it really varies from doctor to doctor, and also how overweight you are. Some doctors prescribe two weeks of ONLY shakes, some prescribe one week. I think it really depends on the doctor's given philosophy and your particular health concerns. I have surgery on the 14th and my doc requires 2 weeks of partial liquid diet, and no food at all the day before surgery, but you need to find out what YOUR doctor prescribes.
  13. Lila21

    A successful journey so far!

    Holy WOW, Irene!!!!! I mean.... WOW, you look amazing, and in such a short time! I am getting sleeved in a little over two weeks, and this makes me so excited to start my journey! Thank you for sharing!
  14. Lila21

    Oh no, Oh no no no no no

    Globetrotter, I would bet a large chunk of money that it's water weight. A lot of the food we eat on Thanksgiving is saltier (think brined turkey, gravy, etc.) than you might normally eat. Try low sodium for a few days and see what happens. I know it's frustrating, but I don't think you are doing anything wrong, so try not to stress too much! <hugs>
  15. Lila21

    NSV, NSV, NSV for Me!

    Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! Mini-me, that's sooooo awesome! What a great story! I love how the salesperson got so excited for you, too! What a great all-around experience. I don't think I've worn a size 4 in my life! :-)
  16. Now I know who to call if my cat gets stuck in a tree!! Really great NSV, congrats!
  17. Lila21

    I'm MAJOR P.O'd HERE!!!!

    Ack, I am so sorry you are dealing with this! I agree with Tiffykins! Swift ninja kick in the arse! I think so long as you are standing up for yourself, that's what is important. We can't control our partners (much as we might *like* to :-)), but we can say what we know is true and defend ourselves, and that is what is really important! Still... maybe just *one* body part down the disposal, lol!
  18. Had a moderate Thanksgiving... moving to pre-op liquid diet next week, yikes!

  19. Wow, thanks for sharing! It's definitely one of those "a photo is worth 1,000 words moments" when you see the shot of you standing in one pant leg!!! :-) Major congratulations --I am pre-op, so every time I see someone getting to their goal, I find it so encouraging! Whoohoo!!! Yay for you!!!
  20. Lila21

    Leak 5 weeks put

    So sorry to hear this! Please lean on us for support if you need to! Rest up and know that you are through the worst of it!
  21. 23 days til sleeve and glad I am starting to change some habits NOW!

  22. You know, it's a struggle at the beginning. I have to do the same pre-op diet in a couple of weeks, and I am trying to slowly get my calories and caffeine levels down so that it's not so bad. But, I think it's harder at the beginning ALWAYS, so don't think you are failing because you are struggling now. It's just an adjustment, and it'll get a bit easier as your body realizes it's not getting any food! I am rather hungry right now on the South Beach diet, so I feel you!
  23. Amanda, that is sooooo awesome! I am a newbie, too, and I get suck a kick out of hearing all the positive stories! Thank you for sharing yours!!! <<<happy dance>>>> :-)
  24. Lila21

    An NSV worthy of a post.

    Irene, that's soooo exciting. I live on the 4th floor of an old Victorian building with no elevator. Every day it takes me FOREVER to get up the stairs as I trudge, trudge, trudge up them (and God forbid I should be carrying groceries)! It's so exciting to think I might someday be able to fly up them!!! That is one of the best NSVs, I think!!!

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