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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Dawn102611

  1. Thanks for all the kind words!! Went to the dr and no slip!!!:) I have an irritated band.. So I got unfilled and will be on liquids for 2 weeks.. I am so happy!! As for the question about being hungry no I really wasn't.. Throwing up made it easy to not want anything.. I couldn't even keep Water down last night! I have only had two fills ever and the last was in January.. Again thanks!!

  2. Sorry it took so long to get back to you! I have been busy!

    How was your post op Thanksgiving? I am getting my fill 2 days before thanksgiving so I will be on liquids... I have actually hadf a PB puke.. it was my fault I ate a pice of chicken and it got stuck... No skin allowed! So the glue was dermabong and I got hives under each incision and the itching and swelling were bad but its better now. I actually had a cold and cough the day of surgery and when I woke it was gone! My port was put well above my pant line on the left side. its between the pant line and bra line... No rubbing on anything.. I have bumped it a few times and that hurts... My moms port sticks out but nothing too bad.. As for shakes I was just using Ultra slim fast...only 10 grams though...

    I was stuck for a whole week at 19lbs and finally broke that to hit 20 lbs.. So transitioning from liquids to mushies slowed it for a bit! Cant wait to hear about your surgery!! Good luck with everything!! You are gonna love it!:D

    Thank you that is very helpful. I wonder if the burping will eventually get better for you. I am a nurse and I would be completely embarrassed when I go to assess my patients and I am burping when I can't really control that LOL. I am looking forward to brushing my teeth and showering after surgery, and of course sleeping which I haven't had much of that due to 2 new puppies lol Silly huh? lol

    I am planning on taking almost 3 weeks off due to the physical part of my job, my boss wasn't happy about that and had some issues trying to get the time off but I got it worked out through HR.

    Most of the patients I have taken care of post-op Lap-cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal laparoscopically), has the same gas pains and we make them get up and walk to help expel the gas. Most of the time they don't want to get out of bed due to the pain, but I tell them that they will feel much better if they just get up and walk.

    My husband is going to make thanksgiving dinner tomorrow since I won't get to eat it for Thanksgiving this year because I will be on full liquids and mushies around that time. He is so sweet.

    I wonder if you are feeling the stuck feeling due to the band still healing and maybe there is still some swelling? When do you go see your surgeon again?

    What kind of reaction did you get to the glue? Was it Dermabond?

    I was really worried about the Fluid thing mainly because I am a big Water drinker and my mouth gets so dry especially when I am working and in the winter time when the heat is on in the house, the dry air makes it worse.

    I am a bit worried though about coughing alot post op. I have asthma and usually anesthesia wreaks havoc on my lungs. I am planning on taking my inhaler and ask them for a breathing treatment in PACU. My pillow will be right with me too to help with splinting my incision when I cough. I go tomorrow to get my labs drawn.

    Where did they put your port? I asked my surgeon where he was going to place mine and he said he is going to place it 2 inches left of my belly button and 2 inches up from there. I just hope it isn't on my panty line or where the top of my jeans sit because that could be uncomfortable. I hear of some people getting them placed really high which some have complained about it sticking out after they lose alot of weight. If that does happen, surgeons can switch it out with a low-profile port.

    I am going to start lifting weights and do strength training as soon as my surgeon says its ok. I want to try and tone up my muscles the best I can in my arms, legs and lower abs so I can reduce the loose skin that I will have.

    What kind of Protein shake are you using?

    Sorry with all the questions, I keep thinking of things as I am typing LOL

    Hopefully your band will relax so that you can slowly advance your diet to real food. I am so excited for you!:D

  3. I did get gas x and it does help but it still is there.. not painful gas.. just gas from eating or drinking!

    Hi I am 2 + Years out, I see a lot of comments about gas! Purchase chewable Gas X prior to getting banded and chew one when you get home. Gas is only a issue for a few days but it can feel like chest pain!, Pain in between your shoulders etc, It comes from the gas they use to pump up your abdomen during the surgery.



  4. That is strange about the reflux! It must be because your nervous... I was not nervous at all..I think I was just done so I wasnt worried. I had my surgery on a Wendsday and was back to work the next Monday. I did stay home the next day though.. Too much too soon I guess...I also had a reaction to the glue on my skin that they closed the insicions with. Other than that I have had no problems. It has been fairly painless for me too.. I do have pain around my port location but thats really all. Gas wasnt as painful as I heard it would be butit is there!! I really didnt wake my self up to drink in the middle of the night and I havent really had a problem getting fluids in.. I am having a little more trouble today with getting mushie things down. It feels kinda like thers something stuck even when I eaat applesauce... So its all something new every day!:) There is a lot of burping thats for sure! Hopefully this helped! feel free to ask me anything you like!:D

    Yes, my surgery is very soon and I am starting to get a bit nervous but its an excited nervousness. I have noticed lately that my reflux has really flared up, maybe its because of the new stress of the surgery. It started the day after I found out I was approved by my insurance. How weird is that? lol My husband says its stress related. Are you back to work yet or are you still on your medical leave? Think of it this way, you will save tons of money in grocery bills but you will spend lots of money on new clothes hahaha! I guess it evens itself out LOL.

    Have you experienced any problems so far? I am more worried about the first few days with being able to get enough rest. I was told that you need to drink 1-2 ounces hourly, how am I going to get adequate sleep if I have to wake myself hourly to drink? I have 2 new puppies at home so sleep is pretty minimal anyway. Are you able to drink more than 1-2 ounces hourly? I am a big Water drinker and worried about me being thirsty from the soreness of my throat from anesthesia. I will probably eat tons of Popsicles the first few days anyways.

    Any advice on what your experience has been would be very helpful :)

  5. I think this is normal. My mom had lapband 5 years ago lost 100 lbs and when I said I was going to have the surgery her husband said "Great now your gonna get skinny and make your mom go out to look for a new man" He is still insecure about it after 5 years... As for myself my husband said " I hope your not gonna change" ... What people forget is that you are who you are fat or skinny. Your the same person... So if you were gonna leave for someone else you could have done that pre surgery... Just my expierience with that so far!! Good luck!:)

    Hello Everyone,

    I am in my 4th month of the required 6 month PCP visit. I've done the psych evaluation and start my surgeons program this December. My husband recently started changing things, such as wanting to get rid of some of his hobbies, things he's collected for so long. He bought a guitar and today he was talking about getting a motorcycle. This is not the person I married. He has been distant, not really wanting to do much, and when confronted he said "I'm changing because your going to leave me when you lose all the weight." I have tried and tried to explain to him all the pros this decision will be for the BOTH of us (we talked extensively before my decision and he was 100% supportive). Nothing is working. He is utterly terrified that when i lose the weight I will hunt down another man and leave him. I have never, and he agrees, given him a sliver of a worry that I would ever leave him or want to for that matter. I'm doing this to better my life, not change who I am. I understand how he feels because we both know people that left their spouse's after a significant weight loss, but both instances was because there was no support, motivation, or understanding on either part. We have all these....I even brought up marriage counseling for the both of us but he's in such a funk he really is zoned out.

    Does anyone have any similar instances with your spouse after/before/during being banded and could give me some advice? I'm really at a loss, and I HAVE to keep going forward with this. But should my marriage be on thin ice for it?

  6. Thank you!! I am only taking one Vitamin a day. One of the people at my surgeons told me that was enough. Most of his employees have had lapband so its nice to get real advice from people living this way! Good luck to you as well! Looks like your surgery is very soon!

    Congratulations!! 19 pounds is fantastic!!!

    I have heard that many people use the Flintstones chewables but take 2 a day instead of just 1. Are you taking 2 or 1?

    I am currently taking the One a day adult Gummy Vitamins and I have been debating on if I can continue to take those post band. They are relatively very small and I take small bites of the Vitamins to get into practice so that they will go down easy past the band. They taste great and so far I have been very compliant taking them because they taste so good!

    Best of luck to you! Congrats! Soon you will be shopping for new clothes, How fun!!!:D

  7. Thanks for all the positive feedback!:)

    For mymaxwell:

    1/2 : I am now on the mushy stage.. I was eating broth, Soups, runny cream of wheat, yogurt.. Slim fast, crystal light and Water. Occasionally I have tea or coffee sf and nf at the coffee stand.. I have added applesauce, soft boiled eggs mashed potatoes..ect..you are not allowed to drink any soda.. It can expand your pouch according to my dr..

    I take Flinstones chewable multi Vitamin and have no problems keeping it down.

    I usually eat in between 1/4 and 1/2 cup it depend on the textures...

    Occasionally I feel hungry but mostly I'm not.. I haven't had a fill yet.

    I wasn't on any special diet prior to surgery.

    I have had some pain but nothing to bad.. Mostly under the port site. There's a lot of gas after eating but that's normal I hear!!

    So I started at 291 and am currently 272. I absolutely would do it again!! It was the best choice I have ever made! Feel free to ask anything else!! Hopefully I have answered your questions!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
