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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by RoniB

  1. I was banded Monday the 23rd. This afternoon I got to start liquids that included milk, yogurt & applesauce. After a nap Monday, I felt like a million Monday nite, not so great yesterday, but definitely improved today. Coughing to clear my lungs is the biggest challenge, that & not having my Corgi's jump on my stomach ughhhh.

    So why depressed? For 2 nites now my daughter in law has fixed super dinners that I love and can't have. Since I live with my son & daughter in law, I have to get past this, and they have both been very supportive, but I just don't think she realizes that I got yogurt and they got taco salad! Yeah, I know they have to eat, but argggggg Generally she only cooks a couple nites a week, so 2 in a row is a bummer for me.

    So far NO nausea or vomiting. Yesterday I could not tell if I drank to fast or too much, today. I can feel when I am "topped off"

    To lift my spirits I keep thinking that I only weighed 303.6 this morning. That & only needed 1 diabetes med today! WOW!!!! A normal blood sugar! Now I have to check it before every meal instead of just in the AM. So much to remember all at once. I am using FitnessPal to keep track of my Protein and Water, which has been a BIG BIG help.

    My post op appt is the 30th when I expect to get more added to my "menu". How am I suppose to add when getting all my Protein will be a big challenge, not sure, but I KNOW I can do this!!


  2. I have researched, studied & read everything I could find for over 2 years about Lap Band knowing I should qualify for it now. Now has come and Monday the 23rd I am scheduled at the crack of dawn to be banded. Note: I am NOT a morning person.

    Why now after having the knowledge and understanding of 2 years+ work am I scared and nervous. Yes, surgery is scarey, being "put to sleep" is unnatural, but I can't help wondering if the surgery is all that's bothering me. What if this doesn't work for me? What if it does and I don't like who I become or what I look like? Not that I'm too thrilled with how I look now, believe me.

    I'm not sleeping well for the last couple nights, and I'm short tempered. Heck, I'm just plain scared!

  3. Weeeeeeee today the surgeons office called. United Health Care Medicare Complete insurance approved me. Took them 14 days. My surgery is scheduled for April 23rd!! Finally! I have been waiting 2 years for insurance to start and 4 2/3 months to get the ok from my first surgeon visit. Guess that's not too bad after 2 years lol

    I'm going to be an April Bandster!!!!!!!!!!


  4. I'm first to admit I have very little patience but since my paperwork was submitted to the insurance company I've gone off the wall! I have chest tightening/pain. I'm smoking like a chimney (even I noticed this), I'm not hungry much but still getting heartburn & indigestion(not normal for me). Is this all anxiety???? I want to scream!!!! I did pass my cardio testing 100% so I know chest pain is not a heart attack but you sure could fool me.

    I'm all alone in this even though I live with my son & daughter in law, they have their life & I stay pretty much in my room (its large & comfy so its not a problem) but I feel so alone, no one to talk to about this.

    Insurance can take 2 weeks or more to decide, I'll be a basket case by then!!!

    Has anyone gone thru this?


  5. Anyone have the Medicare Advantage Ins thru UHC/Sec Hor AARP? Were you approved or denied quickly?

    My paperwork was submitted on March 28th, so now its sit & wait after working like crazy to jump thru hoops, ummm make appts & tests. I'm anxious, nervous, & antsy. I'm not much in the way of patience for things like this. I have a BMI of nearly 60 with 4 co-mor issues, so I cant think of a thing I can get turned down on, but knowing insurance companies as I do, they will probably find a reason............sigh..........

    Could do with some good news


  6. I am a 57 yr old widow, I live with my son & daughter in law in north central Arlington (15 minutes from Cowboy Stadium). I know they will do their best at being supportive (they've already been very supportive)but they are after all 30+yrs younger than me. I don't really have any local friends or other family, so am kinda alone in all this. Anyone out there want/need a support friend, for phone, email, even to get out for an ice tea in the lovely Texas spring weather? I am NOT looking for romance, I AM looking for friends female or male, who understand what I am going thru. I expect to be banded within the next 18 - 30 days and I am getting very nervous about surgery. I've always looked at surgery as something unnatural even though I've had several, I'm always grateful not to mention amazed that I woke up! lol

    If you have an unsupportive spouse/family or you're on your own, maybe we could be there for each other.

    Hope I hear from people in my area.


  7. Ok, I am so ashamed. I bought a pint of ice cream and ate the whole thing in 1 sitting. I feel so guilty. I am getting nervous and antsy, this is my final week of requirements before paperwork is submit for final OK by insurance. I am a nervous wreck, 1 about having surgery, 2 about "can I go without the food I'm use to".

    Too, this week is my chemical stress test for pre-op, I had one several years ago and it was frightening to feel my heart trying to jump out of my chest. This may be the real cause of my anxiety now that I think about it.

    Has anyone else gone off the deep end just before having surgery or am I a poor candidate for lap band :(


  8. Well the 6 monthly visits to a dietician has been dropped to 3 and the 20 pound loss has been dropped completely! This moves my surgery from July to early April or very end of March. Time to get nervous LOL

    I waited over 2 years for this, and NOW I get scared. I'm having my psych eval on Monday and my stress test Tuesday & Wednesday. Has to be a "chemical stress test" since I can't walk enough to do the tread mill. Really dreading this. Had one 5+ years ago and it was painful and frightening, really thought I was gonna die. Chest pain from hell! Then the paperwork is sent to insurance and can take up to 2 weeks for their approval, then 2 weeks of pre-surgery liquid diet!

    I'm fixin' to be a Bander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. On Dec 18th, I met my surgeon to start my new life. 1st I have to wait (jump thru hoops) 6 months because of medicare guidelines. I have to meet with a dietician once a month for 6 months and am required to lose at least 20 pounds to show my commitment to losing weight. If I miss a dietician appt. the 6 months starts over! Believe you me, I will have to be near death to miss one. I have waited 2 years to get medicare, counting the month knowing I would qualify for this. At first the added 6 months upset and deflated me, but after meeting the dietician I am considerably happier. She has instantly cut my calories and has me recording what I eat. I guess we will be shrinking the caloriesa little as months go on to better prepare me for very little food, which when thinking about it, makes a lot of sense.

    So far I have lost 12 pounds. That 20 is gonna be a piece of cake! errr maybe that was the wrong food choice eeekkkkk

    At least I've started! weeeeeeeeeeee


  10. I have been counting the days until I have insurance that will cover WLS. The few who know are very supportive with 1 exception. My ex, he says I can't do it, can't learn to eat slower and will only end up looking old. A friend of ours had LapBand and now has lines & creases in her face. I asked her if that upset her to look older,(took me months to work up the nerve to even ask) her response: " Roni we are in our 50's we should have some lines! The fat we had kept our faces looking younger and our hearts & bodies deathly older. I did it once and I'd do it again in a NY minute!"

    Admittedly there is a lot of negative stories out there, but from what I could find, (and I have been reading up on this for 2 years) they were addressing By-Pass not Banding. Even my doctor says I NEED this. I have been ignoring my ex's comments, and in fact have not told him I have my initial Dr. Appt. Nor will I tell him when I have surgery. We are still friends, but his putting down my ideas, suggestions, etc. is one of the very reasons he is my ex.

    Do for YOU. What is best for YOU, your health and your well being. Those telling you all the "bad stuff" may just be afraid to do it themselves and are actually jealous of your personal strength.


  11. I am just starting the process, my 1st appt is 12/1. Let me tell you why I am doing this. Aside from the fact that I have had a food problem nearly all my life. My hubby was told 8 years ago he should have ANY weight loss surgery or be dead in 5 years, 2 different doctors told him this. He loved eating, I'd have to say he loved me, but am sure my cooking ability had a little something to do with it. lol (I can laugh at that now)

    My beloved hubby died just 5 years & 2 months to the day that he was told he would. I have never been so lonely and I do not want to hear the same words, although I know that they are coming.

    Now, you say you are a fast eater & love Pasta? Are we related? My 1st husband used to say I eat "wide open" (he was a racing enthusiast) God how I hated hearing that, but you know, I was always the 1st done and heading for 2nds. Wish I could tell you how many times I heard "slow down, nobodies going to take the plate away from you". Sound familiar? Next Pasta. I have joked that 1 thigh is made of pasta the other chocolate. I've been known to eat leftover pasta for breakfast!

    I have sleep apnea & type II diabetes,(plus more) both which started within the last 100 pounds (I have 200 I should lose). My hubby had both those, again, I KNOW the words are coming.

    Why have I waited? I had no insurance the last 5 years, relying on county medical help. They don't do weight loss surgery, although they would saved thousands if they did. They put out all those meds, etc. Dec 1st, I will have Medicare through Secure Horizons Medicare Advantage. I have been dreaming of this day since I was told 2 years that I would be covered on this date. 2 years! I've read these blogs, read up on doctors, ( hey I've had 2 years to read it all). I feel I'm an expert some days.

    Am I scared? Hell yes!!!! I'm afraid of surgery, afraid of complications, afraid of being thin to be totally honest. I've never been thin!! What if I don't like who I am or what I look like!?!?! All this scares me, but what scares me most of all is the words, you'll be gone in 5 years if...........................

    PS: Surely throwing up or gas pains a couple times certainly will teach me to slow down! Ok, pasta may be limited to 1/2 cup (if that) but if we're not hungry we should be fine. You might want to focus on enjoying your family & friends at get togethers rather than the food that is served. Just a thought.

    Very good luck with your choices, only you can make them, You just need to figure out WHAT you're really are scared of. Funny thing in writing this, I think I just realized the biggest thing I am afraid of, seeing someone I don't know or like in the mirror! hmmmmm something more for me to think about.

    God bless and peaceful soul searching,


  12. My doctor will be Dr Craig Ferrara. He is in the same office as Dr Smith. Dr Smith was my 1st choice since I know someone who had used him successfully, and can't say enough about him, but he doesn't take my insurance. Not sure what the location will be.

    I know eating less will bring weight loss, obviously, but I think some of us need the additional restriction that LBS affords. Otherwise we would have been thinner long ago, at least I'm hoping I'm correct for my sake. lol For me, I figure a couple times of chest pain etc will be an valuable experience to reel in some of my bad habits.

    Do you have any health issues or limitations that will benefit or possibly be eliminated by significant weight loss? I have a list!

    1. Severe sleep apnea

    2. Type II Diabetes

    3. High Blood Pressure

    4. High cholesterol

    5. My spine is degenerating, causing pain & ultimately loss of mobility. But am hoping to prolong the mobility by losing the weight. My ability to walk is already limited, severely, but I gotta hope!

    6. Very limited or inability to handle some personal tasks.

    2-5 are controlled with meds, but heck I take 7 pills a day! I did have the blood pressure problem when I was thinner, but I think that was caused by my husband at the time. So that's a "We'll See" situation.

  13. HI! I am going for my 1st consultation with the surgeon. According to my PC I should be a shoe-on for insurance approval so not worried there. Just scared in general lol

    I am in Arlington, actually 1 1/2 miles west of the Ft Worth line. I am 56, widowed and live with my son & daughter-in-law.

    Hope I hear from you.


  14. HI from North Texas, I have my initial visit with my chosen surgeon on Dec 1st. The 1st day my insurance starts. I have been looking at this for a year now, knowing I would have insurance on 12/1. I have to say I am kinda scared to think I will be giving up food, which has been my nearly only friend. I know I am looking at food all wrong, but its the truth, celebrations, disappointments, holidays, etc is was always food.

    I made this decision because my Hubby was told he should have WL Surgery or be dead in 5 years, he declined, and doctors damn near hit the timing on the money. He died of a massive stroke from uncontrolled diabetes about 2 1/2 years ago(I've gained an additional 60 lbs since then). Although I have not been told, I am NOT ready to die & feel this is my only hope. But I have to come to terms with food or actually the need for less of it. It goes without saying my food choices are not the best.

    I've been a "big girl" since childhood, and tried every imaginable diet, all working to some extent for some duration.

    I have read where some have lost 10 - 25 pounds the 1st month. Can anyone tell me the reason for the big difference? I've also seen where some have lost 85 - 180 pounds the 1st year, again, why such a big difference?

    Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You


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