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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by needamulligan

  1. I was banded Nov 22, and I am exactly like you. I couldn't get over being full on a cup of yogurt now I am HUNGRY, and I have been making some pretty poor choices. I was hoping to be one of those people who never need a fill. WRONG...I need to make that next step, it's been 5 weeks time for phase 2. I know once I have a fill I will once again be satisfied on a cup of food. You have to think how swollen everything was right after surgery, now after a few weeks of healing the swelling has gone down so the restriction is much less, therefore it's time to get a fill. I know I'm not horking out but I'm not always following the rules, add holidays in there with tons of crap laying around what's an addict to do?! Don't beat yourself up, this is a journey not a race. It's a small phase of your trip and the beginning is rough. Hang in there and just know this is common from what I've seen. Listen to B-52 I totally agree and it's posts like his that make me realize this is temporary, so be kind to yourself, you are not failing, try and imagine yourself this time next year we are going to be amazing!!

  2. Tomorrow is my big day and i'm so excited. Getting ready to go to drs office for a class and then i think i will relax the rest of the day. Kinda nervous but the excitement out weighs the nervousness. Got my prescriptions filled and i'm concerned about swallowing a big pain pill. Can anyone tell me if they had problems with that...I'm wondering why he didn't prescribe liquid...hmmmmm

    I would be very concerned about swallowing a pill, make sure to take to him I had to crush all my meds. Good luck on your Band Day!!

  3. I'm day 4 post op, it's been good except for the gas pain that you're describing which is worse today. Gas x isn't helping a great deal so I'm trying benefibre. I think they Protein load you before hand to help with healing in this after surgery stage. I think it's expected we will not get more than a few hundred calories for awhile, best to stay hydrated. I have to be on Clear Liquids till after day 6 post-op then I can have shakes. Have you tried the Isopure that is clear with protein? Maybe it would be easier going down. Stay strong, we'll get through this and be in happy band land soon!

  4. Banded yesterday Nov 22nd, so far so good. it was a great experience, as far as gas pain goes so far it's been about 3-4/10 I slept a lot yesterday, today not so much been eating my broth and pedilyte freezies, not hungry although there has been a lot of food commercials on with US Thanks giving day being tomorrow lol. No regrets, my cousin flies to Toronto on Monday for her surgery on Tuesday the 29th. At least she will have a mentor.

  5. Had my operation yesterday, honestly it's not too bad, had some dry heaving with the nausea-- that, I would have to say was the worst part of it. My Hernia was a surprise, they said it is pretty common in women who've gone through childbirth, they documented it and ticked off the box" large" Hernia repair. I was surprised but glad they caught it, could explain all the acid reflux and heart burn over the last couple years. The only pains I can say I am having are from the gas (CO2).

  6. i am so happy, just heard from the doctor's office that my last appointment with my surgeon is this thursday and my pre-surgery admittance testing at the hospital is friday morning. i start my 2 week liquid diet on thursday. december 1st is just around the corner. i can't wait. can you see me smiling through the computer? i am smiling from ear to ear. i feel like a kid going to disney for the first time. i am so ready for this. i wish i did this ten years ago. but at 41, i am still young and have many many many happy years ahead of me.

    I agree Roe Roe, Dec 1st can't get here soon enough, sooooo excited!! Teresa

  7. I'm scheduled for December 1st and I'm starting to get nervous and anxious. I've never had any type of surgery before and I don't know how I will react to the anesthesia. I know there are risks with any procedure and I've decided that those risks are miniscule compared to the risks of doing nothing. This is definately a new beginning and I'm very excited to start that journey.

    I'm the same surgery date as you...nervousness seems to be a common emotion, but I am also very excited, seems everything I do I think...next year this time I will be slim, or these summer clothes i am boxing up won't even fit me next year yay!!! Teresa

  8. This is an amazing journey of self discovery. My heart is so sad, yet inspired you are able to put this place you are in into words. Also I feel hopeful because just expressing it is a huge thing, even in this somewhat anonomus forum. We all can relate to the "What if I loose the weight and and not happy" dark thoughts. There are many skinny unhappy people in the world. No matter if you have 85 pounds or 285 pounds to loose we all struggle with our demons. Loosing weight in and of itself will not make you happy. I do think that it gives you the confidence to put your toe out the door and try something you have yeaned to do ....go to the park, fish, walk the dog in a new (!!! ) place, say hello to a stranger etc. These things wll inspire you to do new things...and That my friend will lead you in the direction of " happy " .Happy is not a destination, it is a state of mind, It is a decision we make, and it becomes a habit and soon it is a part of you. The dark place becomes smaller and the heavieness receeds. Enjoy your journey the Lap Band can be a tool to get you where you want to be. Sometimes the place we wantto be is the scariest of all. Just take baby steps!

    so very true

  9. Maybe once you lose a few pounds you will want to make these acquaintances more like friends. Maybe you will have the courage to get out to the bars, dog parks, mall, book stores and strike up a conversation with someone who will turn into a great friend. No one ever meets people on their couch. Maybe you need the band to kick your but into gear and help you build more confidence to help build your circle of friends.

    Does that make sense???

    I agree, being heavy changes the way we behave, the courage we have, the love we have for our selves. Sometimes it's easy to fall into routines that we've been acting out for decades. They feel safe, there's no risk, but there comes a time when you have to ask yourself not if you'll BE happy after the band but if you're happy with who you are and your life NOW, because if you choose not to get the band or change your life everything will stay as it is. So you have to ask yourself this question... are you happy NOW? Will you be happy 5, 10 even 20 years from now if you keep everything as it is now?

    Sometimes our minds rebel when we start seeing ourselves successful in weight loss so we sabotage our efforts...maybe we don't think we deserve happiness.

    I have been in this mind set before. I'm done with it though- it took a lot of soul searching but I've finally reached my 'AH HA' moment. No one talked me into it, it's just a place I've arrived at. I took a good look at my life and realized I deserve to be happy, healthy, confident and by being heavy I avoid people- I hide or hibernate indoors, I feel miserable, I detest looking in a mirror and that is sad. I'm tired of being this unhappy and this mean to myself, I am a good person I do not need to be treated this poorly by me, enough looking in the mirror and saying such awful things about the way I look. This needs to change and the only one that can change it is me.

    I hope you continue to come to the forums, I hope you find your AH HA moment and I hope you realize you deserve happiness. We've only got this one life to live and maybe the Band is your second chance to get it right. Take care, Teresa

  10. i was a self pay patient and didnt go through all the test and therapists and things like other people. but i am going to try a few things with my money and see if it works. gonna put only bill money in the bank and leave my debit card at home also gonna get gas with cash. then going to put the rest on my grocery gift card i can buy scratch with it. i work in a grocery store. also gonna leave any cash left over at home. sorry i posted in this forum i just didnt know where else to post. maybe i could start an new thread. called something like i am not over eating anymore but the gambling is getting out of control. look for it.

    here is a link I came across, about transferring addictions http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/crossingtotransferaddictions/ I copied and pasted the group's content below from a website called obesityhelp.com, maybe check it out. One good thing is, at least you are aware you may be giving up one addiction for another, but instead of trying for a self cure, see what resources are out there, you don't have to do this alone. Teresa


    Welcome to CROSSING TO TRANSFER ADDICTIONS. This group discusses the issue of transfer addictions (also known as cross addictions) after weight loss surgery. There are millions of people who have undergone gastric bypass who are now dealing with issues of addiction transfer.

    For a number of people, giving up overeating leads to adoption of a new compulsion. Addiction transfer occurs when someone is unable or unwilling to rely on one compulsion (for us, it was food) and so switches to a new compulsion (alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, internet, porn, etc) due to not having dealt with the underlying issue behind the compulsion.

    ***Please feel free (and safe) to discuss any and all issues you have regarding Transfer Addiction.


  11. thank you for opening up to us. if you can't be totally honest on this forum, why be here? we shouldn't sugar coat things. life is not perfect and neither are we. did you mention that during your appointment for clearance with the therapist? insurance would cover that. take advantage of this opportunity. good luck. admitting the problem is half the battle.

    I find in my life over spending and over eating go hand in hand. Teresa

  12. Hang in there! Just think of your pre and post surgery diets as setting you up for success for the rest of your life. You've made the toughest decision of all, to have the surgery, now just do everything that you can to make it successful for yourself.

    I am loving love with my band, seven months, 102lb. This morning I actually jogged!

    Good luck.

    That is so cool, God to be able to run again!! Dreamy....Teresa

  13. Hello everyone!! I am so excied to start my journey for a new and healthy life :) I just completed my manditiory "meet the surgeon" seminar last night and my 1st consultation is on Dec.19 and can not get here fast enough LOL I am a mother to six beautiful children and I have a very supportive husband who is behind me 100%. I hope to "meet" some great friends on here that are going through their lapband journey and we can be a support to one another. I hope everyone has a blessed day :)

    hi there, we're close to the same start weight and we both have lots of kids and a supportive hubby!! I have 4 kids, 3 girls and a boy. My surgery is Dec 1st, need to stock up on liquid diet stuff as my pre op diet begins soon. I too am looking so forward to another chance at a happier me. Can't wait to start living a new life in a smaller shell. Teresa

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