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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by apreezy1

  1. Alright so Ive lost 124 pounds, Im below my goal weight, and now Ive got all this excess skin just about everywhere you can imagine,I have a huge pannus, and carry a lot of skin above the belly button too. my PcM sent me to a plastic surgeon for my initial consult last week. He was such a d-bag, he kept taking out his phone and looking at it, and wouldnt listen to a thing I had to say. I have googled and researched skin removal with tri-care until ive been blue in the face and its 50/50 about the skin removal.Quite a few forums i came across are from woman that had WLS and Tri-care approved them for a full abdominalplasty. Have any of you been dealt with this issue, and how did you go about getting it aprroved. My WLS Surgeon and my PCM both say it is medically Necssary, but the plastic surgeon didnt even want to try and get it approved.

    (btw I am going for more of the excess skin removed without the muscles being tightened from upper and lower) Also I have really bad infections on my thighs.

  2. so I had an unfill about a month ago, I was having heartburn, Migraines, dizzy spells on a daily basis so I asked my doc for him to take out half of the Fluid in my band so i went from 5 cc to 2.5cc. I stayed at 1200 calories this whole month never went over once, didnt drink any soda stayed away from junk food had more salad and chicken than ever before and guess what... I gained almost 10 pounds -_- I go back on friday and I can only imagine what he is going to say to me.. But, How was i suppose to know that everything i was going to eat would make me gain weight. * le sigh* Even though not having heartburn and dizzy spells has been wonderful. I am so ready for another fill

  3. 3 months ago I had a fill of 1cc and for 2 days i couldnt drink anything or even swallow my own spit. I had to have an emergency unfill of .5 cc's and i thought every thing would be alright. My doctor is a very hard guy to get an appointment with on the fly... But for the past 3 months Ive had the worst heartburn all the time, i dont even think i was getting more than 5 or 600 calories in during the day, and eating was becoming an issue. complete with dizzy spells and no energy. I had an appointment with him again 2 days ago and I had him take out half of the 5 cc's in my band, which puts me at 2.5 cc's now. He was upset with me for even wanting that much taken out at one time, but i needed the break for my stomach to begin "healing" from all the heartburn. Ive stuck with 1200 calorie diet since the unfill trying to get to 1200 the best i can without eating junk. but ive gained a pound and im not sure if i should cut my calories down or stay at 1200. I only say this because of the lecture my doctor gave me about "Im going to gain like 20 pounds now because of my unfill" and I dont think after all the hard work ive done the past year i can handle that kind of gain.

  4. So here i am a year and 3 months later and 115 pounds lost. Ive been thinking about asking my doctor about taking half of my Fluid out of my band. I was wondering if anyone has done this and how did you do. I think Ive learned a lot about food choices and how to control myself from making horrible choices so maybe its time to try and see if i can do it without the band 100% .

    p.s. I would really love to be able to eat a cheeseburger with bread again.. hahaha but not a whole one of course.

  5. I had my 3rd fill today putting me at 6cc's, Im not sure how much liquid my band holds. My doctor has a method of sticking the needle in the port and then making you sit up and chug Water while he fill the band, and when you almost spit water in his face he stops give you a pat on the back and send you on your way. He also did this the last time I had a fill too. so like the last time ive been not really able to keep any liquid down and i keep having to spit because i cant swallow my saliva. I talked to my doctor about this today and he said because the band makes you swell for a couple of days its normal to not be able to keep anything down until the swelling goes down and to sit tight. I there anything i should try to help this situation because im pretty misreable right now.

  6. Oh and I forgot!!!! When I first started going I did the bike for a while, and then i added weights and after that i started doing the elliptical and weights. Also The treadmill but on an incline at a fast pace. Its easy once you actually start to do it, the problem is getting into a routine.

  7. I'm sure plenty of people run into this problem all the time, Like me today. I just got from Vacation and went 3 weeks without any trips to the gym :( But today even though I feel like dragging ass Im getting up and going because I need to do it. Having a workout buddy to help with motivation is good too. Just get up and do it NO excuses :D

  8. Hey guys a quick question i need to ask...

    55 pounds down since jaunuary 3rd so 6 months out and over half of my weight is gone!!!! Sooo Excited. This past 2 weeks though I think ive hit a plateau? Still at about 1200 calories and not really been hitting the junk food to much :D ha ha But my weight loss stopped and ive been working out going to the gym.


    Do I need to up or lower my calories?

    Could my body just be trying to catch up with the weight loss? like maybe my body will be easier to tone up at this point until the weight loss starts again..

    or if any of you have any great suggestions at all would be mighty awesome.

  9. SO in my band Ive got 3 cc's, in an 8 cc band. My second fill was in April and since then I hardly eat anything, and im never ever ever even the slightest bit hungry unless I start thinking about food. I dunno it could be the green zone?

    Also a few questions.

    Im 5 months out and it seemed before this last fill I could get in 1200 calories now im barely hitting 800, is that normal? Im just not hungry and if i try to force myself to eat i get sick.

    any thoughts?

  10. So I guess this post is really just so I can get some fustration out. Maybe to just get it off my mind for the time being.

    Let me first start off by saying 44 pounds in 4 months and 19 days I was pretty happy with that up until a few weeks ago.. My daughters great aunt came down from Maryland for a family outing a few week ago, The last time I saw this women I weighed at least 290-300 pounds that was a year ago right I had my sugery at 284. So 44 pounds Ive worked my ass off to lose and she says to me " Well You dont look like youve lost any weight at all".At That Moment My whole world came crashing down around me like some crazy horror movie, and it took everything I had not to burst into a frantic hysterical outburst of tears and pity.( okay well I sorta did when I got home, But i didnt infront of her). Now Im not new to the whole its a slow weight loss, it doesnt happen over night talks. I know this, The reason I opted for lapband was because Im still young and Im hoping when I finally get to where I want to be I might not need drastic amounts of cosmetic surgery, I wanted it to be slow and steady I dont want tons of nasty hanging skin everywhere( I know it will happen anyways, but I have my fingers crossed)

    I know Im not alone, I know there are a lot of people going through this right now and maybe Im crazy or F'd Up? But the past few weeks my self esteem has bottomed out, for a while I wasnt weighing myself because when the scale didnt move I would get upset so i stopped but lately its become some crazy obsession everytime I see a scale I have to get on it. I stand in front of the mirror and just stare at myself thinking " gross" I look at my arms and stomach and almost cry. I had a fill almost a month ago and ive dropped those last 12 pound and part of me was like " hell yeah amazing job" and the other part of me just thought " oh wow is that all, not good enough" It just seems like Im picking myself apart and because I cant see a change I just get even more depressed. ( I take pictures so I mean I see the change, I just have this image burned in my brain of myself) I see the pictures I see the change but its just not registering?

    Its hard to find people to talk to about this because all of my friends and family, they dont know the first thing when it comes to something like WLS, I try to explain that its just not registering with me yet, and I get the " You're so crazy, you look amazing and you're doing so great just shut up" Its nice to hear those things, dont get me wrong but its not really what I want to hear if that makes any sense at all. Maybe Im just Broken this week.

    I attached 2 pictures one is from 4 weeks out and the other is 20 weeks out..

    * really loud scream on the inside*

    So anyone been through this, going through this, any uplifting advice?






  11. I mean it is enough.. Its enough for everyone around me to see a difference. I guess its because I havent noticed a difference. I have noticed when people tell me im losing weight how it annoys me now..lmao ( I just hope in another month or so Im all like Yay!!!! * le sigh* I guess I just need to see the difference and not everyone else

  12. So hey guys How is everyone?

    SO surgery happened on January 3rd 2012 and As of about 4 days ago Ive lost 30 pounds. I know this is a huge victory but man I feel as if its not good enough. I keep thinking to myself slow weight loss...... slow.... good.. But yeah I dont know if its my excitement or if im just feeling down on myself.. but still 30 pounds in almost 11 weeks? Any body else? How are you guys doing?

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