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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 2bSMALLER

  1. The lapband has to be something your READY for and It will NOT take away CRAVINGS. i hope your Dr didnt tell you that ?

    It sounds like you were not ready for the band at all.. Maybe im wrong .. But your saying your eating pizza and your going back for more? So not ready .

    From what your saying , it sounds as if your not eating the right foods.

    Are you seeing a dietician ?

    I see my dietician Often and the right amount of Protein and every thing else she has me eating and as much as im eating is keeping me full and the weight is coming off.

    Sounds like the band is doing what it should be but your not ?

    I would say get the band checked, be honest to your Dr about what your eating .. sounds like your over eating and get back in to see your dietician .. no need for another surgery .. i dont think .

    good luck and keep us posted .

  2. Just wanted to share this .

    I finally get my first FILL February 9th, whoop whoop.

    Super excited .

    Is there anything I should expect ?

    I was told only takes about 10mins total, under Xray. During a berium swallow. At the hospital. (my doctor does every thing by the books).

    Doctor said liquids only for the rest of the day, then soft foods for two days , then back to solids.

    Anything else I should know?

  3. Awwww glad I could help.

    YOU CAN DO IT !!!!

    Another thing I must say . I normally could careless what people think of me. But when i think about the ppl that know I got the LB, I keep saying to myself. "WOW, how would it look getting beriatric surgery and not losing weight". I don't want friends and family thinking like that. I KNOW real friend and family shouldn't say that to me . I know it would not be said TO me , but definitely behind my back. And to be honest. I would think the same thing if I ran into someone a yr after beriatric surgery and they don't look different ... Ummmm yeah, what up with that . Lol


    Here in New Jersey we have about 4 months or so before we start unpacking the swim suits (in my case, I call that a TARP). lol.

    I don't want to have another summer feeling like crap and being miserable. I didn't go through months of Dr's appointments, blood work and nutrition classes to have another messed up summer damn it!!

    Yuppers, saying all that over and over in my head sure kicked me in the ass.

    Every summer I'm a miserable witch because of my weight. I never do anything. I don't even enjoy going in my backyard to the pool.... You know, because the whole world is looking at me, right ?. Yeah ok , like the world is worried about me. Im the only one with the problem here. I'm the one who THINKS everyone is focused on my big butt.

    But this summer WILL be different. I wanna give the whole world a reason to look at me.

    So with that being said, I've literally started over. REALLY staying focus on the meals and measuring and eating when I should ...(2 1/2-3hrs) 6 meals a day. 3 of them are Snacks, which I drink 3 high Protein shakes a day. My 3 other meals are high Proteins and vegys. I make sure I eat the Protein part of the meal first , so if I do get full and cant finish , at least I got the protein in. (FYI, no fill yet).

    I don't exercise yet, per doctors orders. I see the surgeon on the 20th , so hopefully he will allow me to start after that visit. ... Not that I'm looking forward to it... But I am looking forward to Summer . So off to the Gym I go.

    Whoop whoop !!!!!

  5. Omg, you can NOT go by what other people experience. How do you know this person didn't follow all the doctors orders and if they over ate?

    I will tell you there's one person in here that hangs around to give bad feed back about the band because she SAYS it didn't work for her.

    If you aren't gonna follow the doctors orders and the nutritionists orders and the menu and the mouth of food they tell you to eat each month. Then don't get it.

    Just keep in mind,this is a TOOL to HELP you lose the weight. You have to work with the band for the band to work with you.

    I'm new WITH the band. But ive research over 2 yrs maybe even more before I got the band.

    December 1,2011 banded and I'm down 15lbs.

    No fills yet, and I don't have any restrictions right now. The first 6-8 weeks is about healing. Not losing weight. But I will be honest and tell you , I would have lost more , if I followed my menu to a T. And I didn't . But I'm on track now. Good luck and keep us all posted on your decision .

  6. Humming bird.... That's how it just so happened to work for you. But technically It's not made to do that. Lol When my band was placed , I did drop 13 lbs fast. But that's because I was on liquids and soft foods and 1/4 cp per serving. So the band didn't do it, my diet did lol

    The negative lady isn't getting me down at all. I actually feel sorry for her.

    But I can't understand why she WANTS to stay on here if she so angry with the Lapband. Lol

  7. Puppypaws.. Are you asking me that? lol

    if so ..no .

    My post is referring to the same lady that basically visits every post and argues with pretty much every one she speaks to.

    All she does is BASH the Band. Every thing she writes is like she's trying to scare others away. It's like she stays on this site JUST to stop ppl from getting it because of her experience. Just a very negative person.

    I personally dont care to even speak to her when she does nothing but argue. But if she wanted help and support, I would be there to help and support any one who needs it.

    What happened with your band?

  8. Joel .. Wow , your doing super . I cant weight till I start losing more . I will admit, I need to focus more. I keep getting out of my zone. ugh gets frustrating. But I have to do this. I made the choice to get the surgery, now I need to get real serious about the change.

    Congrats again, almost 100 lbs wow

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