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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trouble

  1. I had surgery from Band to sleeve on July 27th. My doctor said anything liquid. I don't like broth either so drank crystal light, V8 juice and Protein shakes. You can't make me drink a class of crystal light now since that's all I had for a week. I only had to do the liquids for 1 week then moved to pureed for 4 to 7. then soft then reqular foods. By 2 1/2 weeks I was hungry and was already eating smooshy stuff. I'm now 6 weeks out and have been eating whatever I want for atleast 3 weeks. I have had no trouble. My doctor's office told me that everyone heals at a different rate and when you get to the point that you are hungry it's time to go to the next phase.
  2. trouble

    vitamin nausea

    I too get nauseau's when taking vitamins. I am a month out and I just quit taking them because I hate the feeling. I know I need them but if anyone finds anything else that works I'd love to know too.
  3. trouble

    Weight Gain???

    I had surgery July 27th and then didn't lose anything for 2 weeks then gained 2 lbs now have lost 3 or 4 more. I think sometimes it can be fluid, or if your not eating enough your body kind of holding on to all you eat. Just watch what you take in and make sure your not taking in liquid calories that could be putting on the weight.
  4. trouble

    Reassurance Needed

    Definately do it. I'm about a month out and was around a group of people this weekend and 2 of the guys around asked my husband if I had lost weight and said I looked good. It was awesome that others are starting to notice. I too paid for my surgery but instead of getting a surgery loan I just applied for a zero interest credit card and paid for it on there. I have 0 interest for 12 months so everything I send will go straight to the principal. If I don't get it paid off in the year at that time I'll pay it off on another 0 interest until I pay it off. It's definately worth it!
  5. trouble

    Time off work

    I think everyone is different. Just see how you feel. I was back to work in less than a week and felt fine. But I don't have to lift or anything. I actually felt great by day 3 other than being a little sore. I think each individual person is different and you will just have to wait and see how you feel.
  6. I forgot to mention to. After reading so much about the Gas being the worst I stocked up on Gas X before my surgery and I never had a problem with that either but I know the nurse said they were putting stuff in my IV for that so I don't know if that made the difference.
  7. trouble

    Popcorn safe to eat?

    I ate popcorn Sunday at a movie not thinking but I had no problem with it.
  8. My surgery was on a Tuesday and the week before I was so nervous I almost cancelled my surgery. I prayed a lot about it. Suddenly Thursday before I got this calm over me and never was nervous. Even up to them wheeling me out. When I got there they put in my IV's and everything and gave me some chill out medication and I don't remember anything until they got me back to my room. I was doing great. They approved for me to have pain medication every hour but I took it about every 3 hours. I was never in a whole lot of pain but I took it every 3 hours just to make sure I didn't hurt. I was suppose to go home the next day but my doctor had me stay an extra night just to be careful since I had my band removed and sleeve done all in one surgery. I was never in a tremendous amount of pain. I went home on Thursday and was feeling pretty much back to normal by Friday. I returned to work on Monday. On Monday I ended up having to go back to the doctor because one of my incisions was red and oozing and I ended up with a staff infection. Even with that being traumatic for me it was not a bad experience. The surgery was nothing compared to the infection which was only bad because I freaked out. I'm now 4 weeks out and I've been eating anything I want. I have no trouble eating anything. I only lost 5 lbs the week of and after surgery then stopped for about 2 1/2 weeks. Just this week I've started to lose again and have lost 2 lbs for a total of 27 lbs so far. I'm sure all will go well for you too. Good Luck on surgery day.
  9. trouble

    problems eating

    I feel like that if I eat too much or if I eat things that my body doesn't like anymore. For example most things sweet make me feel that way. But if I'm eating and eat too much I defiately feel that way.
  10. trouble


    Are you taking vitamins? Maybe it's that. I notice when my husband takes vitamins his breath stinks and when I take them mine does too. So, maybe it's the vitamins.
  11. trouble

    Just a couple of questions

    It's so funny how all the doctor's are so different. On pre op diet and all information. My doctor says 30 minutes before and an hour after. I'm going with ya'lls doctor's on this. It's so hard for me to wait 1 hour after I eat to have something to drink.
  12. I had the band and am 4 weeks into my sleeve. I would definately go with the sleeve. It's like night and day. I had lots of problems with the band and from everything I've read most band patients are having the same problems. My doctor actually told me that they will soon stop doing the band and the sleeve will be the surgery to take it's place.
  13. trouble

    One Month in Heaven!

    so tell me about the app on your iphone. I'm worried I'm eating too much also so would love to log it on my phone.
  14. trouble

    I dont know whats wrong

    My doctor never said I had to set a certain amount of weight but I just had to do a low carb diet for 2 weeks. I could have 30 carbs and 70 grams of protein a day. 30 carbs is a lot really because you can eat all the meat and cheese you want. I would eat things like tostadas with hamburger meat and cheese. I'd eat lunch meat and cheese for lunch and then save all my carbs for supper. 2 tostadas is only 26 carbs so I was less than my 30 and didn't feel like I was dieting. In the 2 weeks I lost 17 lbs. So, you might try the low carb it may work for you.
  15. trouble

    Feeling Overwhelmed

    I had the band and just converted to the sleeve. The recovery was about the same for me. I was in the hospital 2 nights but after I went home only had pain medication one time. It was a fairly easy recovery. I had surgery on Tuesday and was back to work on Monday. Actually probably could have gone on Friday. So don't let the recovery time turn you off. It has to be your decision but the sleeve is awesome for me so far. There were so many things I had to be careful with eating with the band. The first year I lost 100 lbs then my band slipped and after they fixed it It was never the same. After gaining 80 of the 100 lbs back I just had the sleeve done 3 1/2 weeks ago. With the band I ended up with 4 surgeries if you count taking it out. My insurance does not cover any of this so it got very expensive. 1st my port came off and they had to go reattach it, then my band slipped and they had to fix it and then I had it taken out when they did my sleeve. I should mention too that when I did my sleeve it was actually two surgeries (taking out the band and doing the sleeve). They said the part that made me the sorest was removing the band and port. So far from the way I felt with the band to the sleeve is totally different for the better.
  16. I guess it depends on your doctor. I didn't have to lose weight before my surgery. I only had to be on a low carb diet for 2 weeks before surgery. The point of the diet is to shrink your liver before surgery. I'm 5'3" and I was 267 before surgery and 250 surgery day. I don't see why not losing weight would make them not do the surgery. The only thing my doctor stressed was the low carb and said if I didn't do it and he got in and my liver had not shrunk he wouldn't be able to do the surgery.
  17. I've done the same thing. Haven't lost anything in over a week and actually may have gained a pound. This helps a lot to hear that others are doing the same because I too thought I was failing but your right it will just take time. I do feel my clothes a lot more loose so I think I am losing inches. Thanks everyone for giving their experience. It really helps to read what others are experiencing.
  18. I took Augmenten for 10 days for the staff infection. It doesn't look red or any different than any of my other skin it just burns gives a burning feeling when I touch it. It doesn't feel hot and it's not peeling or anything. If it didn't feel like a bad sunburn you would know nothing from the look of it. But it even hurts for my clothes to touch it.
  19. a week after surgery I ended up with an infected incision site that turned out to be staff infection. At the end of week two once the infection was about cleared up I started having this weird pain on my side between the infected wound and another incision but not directly at an incision point. I thought at first it was maybe just from wearing close again and that they were rubbing my stomach but the pain has continued. It's a weird pain. It's not like an inside pain or a soreness pain. It's feels like my skin is very very sunburned. It hurts to rub my hand across the particular area and when on a bumpy road it hurts to bounce but it's a weird hurt. It's almost like it burns. Has anyone experienced anything like this or do you think I should be worried?
  20. I am 3 1/2 weeks from surgery and have only lost 6 lbs since surgery but a total of 25 lbs with preop diet and surgery, but I think its probably because your body probably goes into starvation mode because you haven't eaten in so long. I'm thinking that you will start to lose once your body gets used to the small amounts and kicks itself out of starvation mode. I could be totally wrong but that's what I'm hoping for. I too have been discouraged so I've decided to stay away from the scale for awhile.
  21. trouble

    Federal BCBS

    I have BCBS but with State and it did not cover my surgery. They did just approve to start covering WLS but only for the actual employee not spouse or family members. I just got a zero interest credit card and paid for the surgery and hope to pay it off within the year or so.
  22. I had surgery on the same day as you, so we are at 3 weeks. I think that must be what I've feeling. It just started about 1 1/2 weeks ago with me and it feels almost like my skin is burned. It hurts when I ride on bumpy roads in my car and just basically feels like a really bad sunburn. I posted a similar question tonight and have had no response so I'm glad you posted the question. I haven't had pain meds since the day I left the hospital but I tend to have a high tolerance to pain. It's not so bad that I'm taking anything but it's very annoying. I'm also glad to see your weightloss. I've lost 25 lbs including the 17 preop but haven't lost anything in the last week so was starting to think that this wasn't going to work for me. I am already eating pretty much anything I want minus red meat. I"m scared to try that yet. I did the liquids the weeks of surgery until 7 days then did the pureed foods for the 2nd week. for the 3rd week when starting the soft foods I pretty much started eating anything because I was hungry and wanting food. Again thanks for the post because I was getting worried and thinking I should call the doctor but sounds like it's common. I was wondering if it was the nerves growing back so sounds like that may be what it is. I'm ready for it to be done though, it's very irritating.
  23. trouble


    I'm 3 weeks out and I have eaten salad and done fine with it. It was nice to be able to eat salad. I had the band before I converted to the sleeve and with the band I could not eat lettuce. So far no problems with it now.
  24. trouble

    Surgery Secrecy

    I told my parents, my husband and 4 or 5 close friends. I didn't tell anyone at work but since I was on the pre-op diet everyone just thinks I'm on a diet and that's why I'm losing. I made a point to make a big deal about being on a diet during the pre-o diet so everyone would remember I was on a diet. When people ask how I'm losing so much weight I just say I've cut back my portions which is not a lie. It's not something that I think is everyone's business and I also don't want to hear the negative comments.
  25. trouble


    I had the same problem. 4 days after surgery it was horrible. I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital it was so bad. Ill spare you the details of that awful day but I will tell you I never want that to happen again. Ever since I have been eating 3 benefiber chewables a day and it helps. My friend told me about Mirolax. I bought some but haven't used it yet. I have been 3 days with no benefiber or anything to help and haven't had any problem so maybe not a forever problem but I have everything on hand in case I feel the problem coming on again.

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