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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gyfts

  1. gyfts

    Port area problems

    Irishgirl520. You definitely need to call your surgeon. They will probably want you to come in and be checked. It may not be anything but its always better to be safe than sorry. Wishing you a good outcome. ☺
  2. My dr's plan was 1 week of clears, 1 week of full liquids, 1 week mushies/pureed, then regular food, or advance as I felt I needed too after the first week. I was eating regular food by end of week 2 without problems. I just chewed chewed chewed and was careful in types of food i ate.
  3. I was banded on 8/15 and the gas pains from the CO2 that was blown into me during surgery hurt the worse. Any type of gas pain will get better with walking. also if you have bad gas pains in your belly, try the gas x strips. you put them on your tongue and they dissolve. They work great!! Good luck to you both on your recovery, and welcome to the losers side!!
  4. I have the AP small band which holds a total of 11cc's. It should always have at least 1 cc in it. Thats for the cushions all around the inside of the band, to decrease risk of slippage and erosion. So that leaves room for 10cc's to be added over time for restriction. The large band can have a total of 14 cc's. My first fill was 2.5 on 9/17 and my 2nd fill on Nov 7th, was 1.75 cc. For now i feel great restriction, but it will probably loosen some as I lose more weight.
  5. gyfts

    Gurgling Stomach

    I have had 2 fills so far, and with both fills my stomach has gurgled. Its from the inflammation around the band and from the restriction. Are you having any problems drinking liquids? Does the noises happen all the time or just after trying to drink or eat? If you are having problems drinking, or wake up at night coughing, or feel really tight all the time, then its possible you have too much restriction. Give it another day or so, and see if it gets better. If it doesnt, call your doctor, you may need an unfill.
  6. gyfts

    First Fill horror story!

    Laura, what you experienced isnt that uncommon. Some people have difficult fills at first due to many reasons. I had a difficult fill my first time as well. I was stuck 12 times, but the PA used lidocaine to numb first, so it wasnt bad. However, she wasnt able to access the port. So I was scheduled to go to the hospital to Interventional Radiology and have the fill done under fluoro. This is done by a radiologist, under a special type of xray viewing, which shows the band, the tubing, and the port. So I will have mine done under fluoro for a while until I lose more weight. Some of the reasons for the difficulty is: 1- the port had to be sewn into deep fat tissue; 2-at first the port can move more because there is still alot of fat tissue in the belly; 3-inexperience of the dr; 4-one or both stitches holding the port in place has broken. these last 2 reasons are worse case scenarios. so just ask your doctor if you can have it done under fluoro (if your insurance will cover it of course). Or ask if someone else in the office could try, AFTER numbing you with lidocaine. It will get better, dont give up!! Good luck!!
  7. gyfts

    Minnesota Folks-Where are you?

    hi im a fellow minnesotan, i live in st. paul. I had my band placed 8/15/07 at methodist hospital by dr. wetherille. It was such an easy surgery. Congrats on taking this big step to the new you. You will be a loser before you know it. The pre op liquid diet wasnt so bad for me, i lost 14 lbs prior to surgery. Good luck to you! Kim
  8. A question for anyone who smoked prior to being banded. I know most surgeons want/require smokers to stop smoking at least 8 weeks prior to surgery. How did you stop? What tools did you use? was losing the cigarettes as hard as changing the eating habits? I am a smoker, and even though im still several months out from surgery, the thoughts of giving up my cigarettes scares me more than the food changes. I enjoy smoking, but I know I need to quit. I think what scares me most is the thought of failure. Of not being able to stop. what a horrible addiction!! Thanks for any info.
  9. gyfts

    PCP NOT Encouraging

    I went to my PCP today for a pre op check up for some eye surgery Im having next week, and mentioned to her that Im seriously considering Lap Band WLS. She asked why the band, and not bypass. I told her my reasons, she started to tell me that she hadnt read or heard of many good results from the band, just really started bashing the band. I told her that I needed this surgery if for no other reasons but to have a tool to make my self more accountable, and to help me get to a point that i havent been able to get to on my own. Now the best part, she then stated "WELL WHY NOT JUST DO IT THE OLD FASHIONED WAY, EXERCISE AND DIET". ARGHHHHHHHH :) After I had just told her i had tried every diet under the sun, and then some . Im just hoping now that I dont have to get a referral from her. Just had to vent.
  10. gyfts

    PCP NOT Encouraging

    yea thats what i kinda thought.. gaining weight has always been a big reason why i didnt like to stop smoking. cause the weight goes on REALLY fast. So i thought if i quit now, then get the lap band, that will take care of the weight, plus i will have healthier lungs so i can exercise more.
  11. gyfts

    PCP NOT Encouraging

    Just wanted to let everyone know that my PCP did, in fact, sign my recommendation letter for the lap band surgery. After I told here everything that I had learned, and read, and saw, and talked about, for months. What was so funny, was that I went to see her because Ive been having severe knee and hip pain lately. which im sure is arthritis. She agreed, and said if I would lose some weight my arthritis would probably not give me any problems. I told her that if she would sign my recommendation letter that i could lose weight. She also told me that i needed to stop smoking to have the surgery, I told her that if she would prescribe chantix for me, that i could stop smoking. I walked out of the office a winner that day! Thanks to all of you for your words of wisdome and support.
  12. congratulations on your band date!! Hope all goes well for you.
  13. :clap2: congratulations and good luck with your new journey.
  14. gyfts

    Op date

    :clap2: congrats on your new "birthday"!!
  15. gyfts

    Bewbie - banded 2/15

    Congrats on your new band!! The gas will get better after a few days. As the other posters said, walk walk walk!! and the gas x strips do help also. good luck!
  16. gyfts

    to be banded on Feb 23

    Hi Karlee-welcome to bandtalk. Hope all goes well with your surgery.
  17. gyfts

    Pre op Smokers

    Well, my PCP prescribed Chantix for me yesterday. I started it already. So I am planning on being smoke free Saturday, Feb. 25th. YAYYYYYYYYY And low and behold, my PCP recommended me for the lap band surgery. She must have had a change of heart. Kelly-congrats on your surgery. Hope all went well for you, and continues to go well. Keep us posted!
  18. gyfts

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Im with chrissy ...BAH HUMBUG on valentines. Im just wondering how do all you ladies meet so many guys? Im 46, and dont have a clue how to meet men anymore. Ive lived a sheltered life for too long!!:help: However, it is fun to read about everyone's dating lives. Im living my life through all of you, and giving myself something to dream about . :bandit
  19. gyfts

    I'm new

    congratulations on your success so far. You have accomplished alot. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
  20. gyfts

    Pre op Smokers

    Thanks yuka!! Any and all help is appreciated. Not only is it an unhealthy habit, but an expensive one too. Ive counted up the money I would save if I didnt smoke, $1200 a year!!! I could use that to take a great vacation, or to buy new clothes after Ive lost weight with my band. Plus Ill be able to breathe !!
  21. gyfts

    Singles Meet-N-Greet

    Another great thread for us singles!! I hope it takes off. I cant figure out how to post my picture though. Name~~Kim Age~~~46 Place~~ Twin Cities Minnesota Pre Lap Band
  22. gyfts

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Hi everyone! Im new to LBT, and just found this thread. What a great thread!! Im 46, by just a few days, and single. I was in a long term relationship until 18 months ago, it had lasted about 4 yrs, then my ex decided one day that he wasnt going to call anymore, wasnt going to return my phone calls, wasnt going to see me anymore, with no explanations I might add. Needless to say I was devastated. Now, Im just starting to try the dating game again, but geeessshh its difficult. I know that I have to love myself, before I can love anyone else, or expect them to love me. So thats why Im concentrating on me right now. Dating is fun, but nerve wracking at times too. Ive just decided to do the lap band, concentrate on getting me healthy physically, and i think in turn that will help with the emotional part as well. One step at a time. Congratulations to all of you and your new journeys to your weight loss and dating lives!! :clap2: :clap2:
  23. :clap2: :clap2: Way to go Sherilynn!! you have accomplished alot in your first 2 weeks. Keep up the good work! Keep us posted on your progress.
  24. gyfts

    Pre op Smokers

    ive asked my PCP to prescribe Chantix for me, Im waiting to hear back from her. Im not gonna get my hopes up that she will prescribe it though. This is the same PCP who wasnt supportive of my decision to get the lap band. Her comment to me was " why not just do it the old fashioned way, with diet and exercise?" grrrrrrr :girl_hug: :angry :angry So we will see what happens. Ive got to quit, because I know my lungs are damaged enough now that I will have breathing problems after surgery. Im getting bronchitis/pneumonia 1-2x/year now, and its all because of the smoking. Im a nurse, and you would think Id know better. Thank you for the support and encouraging words. thanks to all of you who responded. Ill keep you posted on what happens.
  25. gyfts

    Pre op Smokers

    Travelgirl- congratulations on your continuing smoke free life. It must feel great!! Im sure your lungs thank you too. Mine are begging me to quit!! (as i sit here and cough cough) . Kim

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